Table of Contents The Series The Series was a weekly episodic series that followed the misadventures of the crew that made up the Multiverse Exploration Ship, as they traveled from one alternate universe to another. Captained by Doctor What, the nemesis to the and its crew were the Fallen. The's main rival was the CF.Net and its crew, commanded by Ward.
The The Series universe was created by Psychomeltdown and has been additionally expanded by the numerous writers and contributers over the last four years. Writers who have written three or more episodes are denoted as “Writer Chimps”, which, obscurely, is a much coveted and competed for title.
By the beginning of the fifth season, the Series has produced 118 episodes and has “outlasted” many real-life science fiction shows in terms of longevity and material.
There was also a spin-off series, The Next Generation, initiated by Jord839. A sequel to both the original series and the spinoff, Enterprise, is currently in the works, helmed by FDW as showrunner.
The Multiverse Exploration Ships (MES) and
In the beginning, the ship was a captured prize by the Human Unity, which at the time was in a desperate war against an invading, Multiverse-spanning empire controlled by Neanderthals. The, along with its sister ships the Alterverse and the, were refitted with weapons and crewed by the remnants of the Human Unity Space Fleet, under the command of Admiral Ward who also commanded the ship.
After the war against the Neanderthals, the,, and Alterverse were used to patrol and ensure that there was never a recurrence of the devastating invasion their planet had suffered. During this period, there came a new threat, the Devourer of Worlds, a deadly machine/creature that crossed from universe to universe, destroying planets for purposes unknown.
The ships along with the majority of the Human Unity Space Fleet attacked the creature, only to be nearly completely annihilated. The tattered remains of the Human Fleet regathered, the survivors making hasty repairs and reorganizing their ranks. With its commanding crew dead Lt. What, a science officer, was put in charge of commanding the by Admiral Ward. The Human Fleet re-attacked the Devourer and was once again shredded by the creature's power. Lt. Bruno What, his ship battered and remaining crew dead, saw the battle as lost and with some difficulty ordered the ship into a blind shift, fleeing from the battle, this act sparking Admiral Ward's undying hatred for what he perceived as Dr. What's cowardice in the face of an attack.
Ward and the managed to survive the fight, but the Alterverse was destroyed.
Doctor What currently commands the ship, though upon his in-series temporary death, command transfered to Grey Wolf. Command was also given to Landshark/IronYuppie when Dr. What and Grey Wolf left the ship. Currently Doctor What is in command of the ship once again.
Crew members of the MES AH.COM
Current crew
- Captain- Doctor What
- Second-in-Command- Grey Wolf
- Third-in-Command- Landshark
- Chief Pilot/Ships Operations- GBW
- Security Chief- Matt
- Security Goon/Sheepist Priest - DMA
- Security Goon/Engineering Crew - Michael
- Public Relations/ Security Goon - IronYuppie
- Ensign/Standard Bearer - Othniel
- Ship's Computer/Historian - Leo Caesius
- Communications - Kit
- Engineering Chief - Dave Howery
- Engineering Crew - Psychomeltdown
- Teleportation Tube Operator/Engineering Crew - G.Bone
- Ship's Doctor - Torqumada
- Ship's Chemist - Thande
- Quartermaster - Hendryk
- General Lay-about - Flocculencio
- Cabin Boy - Luakel
Crew that left
Crew members of the MES CF.NET
Current crew
- Captain - Ward
- Second - Grimm Reaper
- Third/Assault Captain - Midgard
- Communications/Ships Operations - Faeelin
- Chief Pilot - Scarecrow
- Assault Goon - Romulus Augustulus
- Assault Goon – Bulgaroktonos
- Genetic Weapons Specialist - DarkSlavik
- Weapons Officer - DominusNovus
- Chief Engineer – kilngirl
- Engineering/Teleporters - fortyseven
Crew that left
- Goon - DraconisNoir (deceased in-series)
- Public Relations - N-reD (deceased in-series)
- Pilot/Navigator - DuQuense (deceased in-series)
- “Morale” Officer - Justin Green (deceased in-series)
- “Chief Engineer” - Gedca (deceased in-series)
- “Engineering Crew” - FederationX (deceased in-series)
- “Third in Command” - MerryPrankster (deceased in-series)
More information on the CF.Net crew can be found on its dedicated page.
Recurring Characters
- Mike Collins - Greatest of the Fallen.
- Fallen - corrupted beings, always causing trouble to the MES crews on their journeys throughout the multiverse.
- Keira Knightley - an artificially created copy of the famous actress who ended up on the, as Dave Howery's girlfriend.
- Mosquito - Arrived one day seeking nectar, thanks to a teleporter accident. Currently still somewhere on the ship.
Episode List
The Series Bible
Writer Chimps
Writer Chimp: A title given to those brave souls who have given up time, a social life, free sex, and a life to write episodes of the Series.
List of Writer Chimps
Doctor What - 26 episodes (co-writer) - 10 episodes
Psychomeltdown - 22 episodes
Dave Howery - 22 episodes (co-writer) - 4 episodes
Thande - 18 episodes (co-writer) - 7 episodes
MerryPrankster - 10 episodes (co-writer) - 3 episodes
Michael - 5 episodes and Halloween Special (co-writer) - 2 episodes
Chris - 2 episodes
Ian the Admin - 3 episodes
Flocculencio - 3 episodes (co-writer 2 episode)
GBW - 2 episodes and Halloween Special
Leo Caesius - 2 episodes
Leej - 2 episodes
Diamond - 1 episode
Romulus Augustulus - 1 episode
Luakel - 1 episode
Mayhem - Halloween Special
G.Bone - 1 episode
sunsurf - 2 episodes
Analytical Engine - 3 episodes
Zyzzyva - 2 episodes
Resources for Chimps
Spinoffs and Sequels
1.) The CF.Net Miniseries
Technically a part of season two's story arc, but viewed as something separate.
Counterfactual I “THE FIRST STRIKE” - Psychomeltdown - link
Counterfactual II “HOMECOMING” - Psychomeltdown - link
Counterfactual III “BATTLES” - Psychomeltdown - link
2.) The Next Generation (2009-2010) The Next Generation - Short-lived (May 2009 - June 2010) spinoff of The Series.
3.) Unrealised Revival Proposal (2011)
New Series (As Yet Untitled) - The main pre-production discussion thread of this failed revival attempt. Dead for years, project cancelled and eventually superceded by Enterprise.
4.) Enterprise (2015-present) Enterprise - A new series, a successor to both The Series and The Next Generation.
Trivia and media
See Also
Operation Death's Head: Let's get The Series on TV Tropes
Want to be in The Series ? Don't want to be in The Series ? - Oooold thread where people could ask for cameos in episodes.
If The Series was a TV series, who should play you ? - Another oooold thread.