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Welcome to the wiki for the Discussion Board. If you're new to the genre of alternate history, please see the Alternate History FAQ, the Wikipedia article on the subject, and the Alternate History section of our wiki.

Login account / Getting started

If you're a first time user of the wiki and would like to meaningfully contribute to its contents, please see this advice on setting up a wiki account. If you have trouble searching for things on the discussion board or the wiki, please read this. If you want to discuss the wiki's current contents, seek advice on editing the wiki, and so on, please read this first. Thank you.

Main Wiki Sections

ALTERNATE HISTORY: General alternate history pages. Learn the basics of this speculative fiction genre here.

TIMELINES AND SCENARIOS: Alternate history scenarios on the wiki itself.

STORIES: Index of stories and other non-timeline fiction pieces written by AH.commers.

PODs: A collection of Points of Divergence that can help you create Alternate History works.

RESOURCES: Lists of links to websites and online resources that can help you create Alternate History works.

SHARED WORLDS: Shared worlds (alternate history play-by-post games) and information about them.

OFF TOPIC: Pages for the off-topic sections of the discussion board. Etiquette, board culture, silliness.


AH ON THE WEB: Links and guides to alternate history on the internet.

A Brief Guide to Basic Linking and Editing

Please create new pages under the proper namespace (like using folders on a computer) to keep things organized.

Example: If you are working at the article “Flocculencio” in the namespace “offtopic”, and want to link to the TL “Anglo-Dutch Empire” in the namespace “timelines”, you have to make it like that: [[timelines:Anglo-Dutch Empire]], not just [[Anglo-Dutch Empire]]. And if you want to make a backlink in that article, it has to be [[offtopic:Flocculencio]], not just [[Flocculencio]].

Note: Namespaces are necessary for links between pages in different namespaces, but not strictly between pages in the same namespace. So, [[Anglo-Dutch Empire]] is OK as a link from the “Timelines and Scenarios” page, and [[Flocculencio]] is fine if you put that link into the page “Member List”.

If you wish to put a link under a different name to the article title, put the article title first, then a hash (#) or a horizontal dividing line (|) and then the name you want it to appear under.

Example: Let's say you want to put the sentence, “Jared has worked extensively on (link) DoD”. Because the article is called “Decades of Darkness” and not DoD, you need to word the link as: [[timelines:Decades of Darkness#DoD]] or [[timelines:Decades of Darkness|DoD]]. It will then appear as “DoD”.

To learn more on how to create and edit Wiki pages, see the Editing Help. We're also currently developing a Manual of Style section, but you'll still have to wait a bit until we bring it into a spiffy enough condition.

Discussing Wiki Articles

Like on all good wikis, each page/article on this wiki has an adjoined discussion page, where wiki editors can express their questions, thoughts on the article, etc. The only rule in these discussions is to be civil and always sign your edits and contributions (using the automated wiki user sign button), in order to help other users keep track of major changes. Note that, unlike on Wikipedia, you don't have to comment on every single edit and contribution you make to the main wiki article. In addition to discussing the wiki's articles directly, you can always ask for wiki-related help and advice in the Help and Rules Forum, particularly in the dedicated Wiki Discussion Thread. (The wiki originally had its own separate forum, but this was merged in December 2013 with the Help and Feedback forum - now the Help and Rules forum - due to low average traffic.)

start.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/08 16:39 by petike

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