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Points of Divergence : Popular Culture

Points of divergence pertaining to various topics and works of popular culture.

Pop-culture Timelines Core Thread - Dicussion thread that explores potential popular culture PODs, links to other discussion threads about such PODs and allows members to plug their own timelines with a primary focus on pop culture.

The Culture Club: Alternate Pop Culture - A medley of different projects, the first one being an exploration on a different history of the Flash Gordon franchise (note: other members are encouraged to contribute short ideas).

Let's broaden our minds - Cultural mini-TLs

If fads lived up to the hype !

What would you like to see in a 20th century cultural ATL ?

Motion picture (film) PODs

Earliest possible film ?

AH challenge: Tinseltown, Arizona, as an alternate Hollywood

WI No Hollywood ?

Cinema without Russian Revolution ?

Rudolph Valentino lived after 1926

Western Animation PODs

No Disney (1)

No Disney (2)

A world without Disney

Challenge: Dali's Giraffes on Horseback Salads gets made

WI: No Wizard of Oz film

Films in a Nazi victory or predominantly Fascist dictatorship world

WI: Clark Gable captured for Hitler ?

Orson Wells' Batman movie POD

Orson Wells presents "The Batman"

Challenge: Ed Wood, the master of cinema

WI Elizabeth Taylor is killed with Mike Todd in that plane crash in 1958 ? (OTL she had a persistent cold)

WI: Marilyn Monroe Lives

WI: Studios still owned theaters

Alternate big movie stars in more conservative version of the 1960s

WI both Patton and M*A*S*H* had bombed ?

WI Jean Luc Godard less influential

Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick WI ideas

Challenge: The Godfather bombs

1970s The Expendables

Star Wars PODs

Challenge: Improve George Lucas' Career

WI: Batman in Outer Space

No 66' Batman series, The Batman film released in '79 or '80

WI: David Prowse plays Superman

Superman 1978 sets off superhero movies early

Plausibility check: A DC Cinematic Universe in 1978

Star Trek PODs

WI: Walt Disney lives to 80 (1981) ?

WI: John Landis and Steven Spielberg jailed due to an OTL filming accident in the early 1980s

The End of the "Animation Age Ghetto"

Alternate fate of New World Films

WI "Back To The Future" stuck with the original concepts ?

WI: Back To The Future series without Michael J. Fox

To pull a Bruce Willis: Other comedic actors become action heroes

A Spiderman movie in the late 1980s

WI Sony did not buy Columbia Pictures Entertainment ?

WI: Indiana Jones IV Gets Made Earlier ?

WI: Return to the Planet of the Apes gets made

Sam Neill as James Bond

Earliest possible darker Batman movies and alternate Batman movies

WI: 80s Batman Comedy Film

Jack Nicholson doesn't sign on to "Batman"

TL Idea: Batman Alternate Actors/Films

Alternate 1990s film ideas

Challenge: Eddie Murphy Has a Better Career

An Alternate Disney Rennaissance

WI: Superhero Film Boom in the 90s

Who should've directed 'Watchmen' circa 1990 ?

Frank Miller's Robocop 2

WI: Tim Burton doesn't make Batman Returns

Challenge: Save Alien 3 (and the franchise)

DBWI : If William Gibson hadn't written Alien 3

More accurate dinosaurs in Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park WIs

Better Jurassic Park sequels

WI: Tim Burton as the director of Batman Forever

DBWI: Joel Schumacher Directs Batman Lives?

WI: Batman Forever, Neither Burton nor Schumacher

WI: Iron Man movie in the 90s

Challenge: James Cameron's Titanic (1997) not as huge

Paul Verhoeven adapts "The Forever War" instead of "Starship Troopers"

WI: Kevin Costner not in The Postman

Star Wars PODs

Challenge: Save the Pierce Brosnan era James Bond franchise

Challenge: Save Titan A.E.

British response to U-571

Challenge: Better (original trilogy) X-Men movies ?

WI McG's Flyby and Singer's X-Men 3 ?

Challenge: Save Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Career

Terry Gilliam directing Batman Begins...

WI Batman Begins failed at the box-office ?

DBWI: Clive Owen not playing James Bond

Chalenge: Make a stronger fourth Indiana Jones film

The Dark Knight if Heath Ledger was still alive

Challenge: Save Green Lantern

A Green Lantern movie more in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy ?

WI: Iron Man flopped ?

Challenge: Save Dragonball Evolution

WI Marvel had the X-Men and Fox had the Avengers ?

Impact on MCU if Marvel acquired X-men film rights

Challenge: Make The Dark Knight Rises as bad as Batman and Robin

Challenge: Make the 2014 Godzilla movie better

Turning infamous flops into succesful hits or blockbusters Core Thread

WI: Certain movies not made

DBWI: The Worst Sequels Ever Made

Challenge: Some of your favorite films premade into classics

A Very British Filmography (American works remade in a UK context)

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Television broadcasting PODs

Challenge: Kill television (as a broadcast medium)

WI : Delayed massive use of television

Alternate histories of TV shows

Different Actors starring in TV shows

Challenge: Make bad TV shows good

Challenge: Alternate US TV networks

WI the DuMont television network had survived ?

CBC adopted the state-based suppertime bulletins from their Aussie counterparts

List of TV networks from ATL countries I

List of TV networks from ATL countries II

Doctor Who PODs

Challenge: Make Lost in Space good

Gene Roddenberry's "Firefly"

Star Trek PODs

WI No Batman (1966-68) series ?

WI: 1960s Batman not cancelled

WI: Serious Batman TV Show in the 1960s

Challenge: Darkest 1960s Batman TV series possible

Battlestar Galactica PODs

WI no Action for Children’s Television ?

Better 1980s cartoons

Star Trek PODs

Challenge: Save the variety show TV genre

Challenge: Soap opera about the space programme

What if both Patton and M*A*S*H* had bombed ?

WI: Japanese Batman show in the 70s

The End of the "Animation Age Ghetto"

Doctor Who PODs

Alternate Series of Blackadder

WI No Simpsons

WI The Simpsons flops

What if FR3 was privatized, instead of TF1?

DBWI: What if "Empire of Dying Suns" (BBC-TV) never aired ?

WI: Tim Burton's "Batman" Series?

WI: Disney's Superheroes

You are given control of the BBC

Buffy the Vampire Slayer starts seven years earlier

The NHK as the sole national broadcaster of Japan for many years

The ABC retained its monopoly on Australian television

WI Mexico's Imevisión remained a public broadcaster

DBWI: WI "Plymouth" (ABC-TV) never aired ?

Challenge: Kill reality television

1990s Live Action Batman TV Show Casting

Steampunk movie or TV show with a mid 1990s POD

The West Wing PODs

Harry Potter and the Small Screen

WI Seth MacFarlane hadn't missed Flight 11 and died during 9/11 ?

Challenge: Keep Firefly flying

WI Firefly was an NBC Show ?

WI the Sci-Fi Channel saved "Firefly"

Battlestar Galactica PODs

Doctor Who PODs

Challenge: Save the History Channel

WI: The Big Bang Theory picked up on its first pilot ?

A feel good DBWI: The Final season of Firefly !

Episodes of a successful Firefly ?

Popculture WI: The BBC making a better Robin Hood series in the 2000s and/or 2010s

DBWI: A retrospective on the TV series The Difference Engine

Inception: The TV Series

An ideal modern Batman TV series

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Radio broadcasting PODs

Theatre PODs

AH musicals

Star Wars : The Musical

A musical world

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Comic book PODs

Board games and tabletop gaming PODs

Videogaming and Internet culture PODs

Various combined popcultural PODs

Harry Potter

Tolkien's legendarium (LOTR, Silmarillion, etc.)

The Trojan Cycle survives

WI Robin Hood actually existed ?

Science Fiction genre PODs

WI no sucessful fantasy genre ?

WI: Fantasy genre not based on Norse mythology ?

Effects of a failed Operation Sealion on British popular culture ?

Alternative pop culture in the 2000s

Alternate Subcultures

Music & Youth/Pop Culture in a "No-9/11 World"

American culture with no 9/11

Pop culture icons not dead before their time

What would you like to see in a 20th century cultural ATL ?

Analogues of the Western genre in alternate timelines ?

Plausibility check: Spy Craze without James Bond ?

WI: Frank Herbert never writes Dune

Books and TV shows effect on history

The cultural effects of Robert F. Kennedy getting elected for US president in 1968

WI: George Orwell lives until 1993

WI: Laserdisc doesn't have a bad launch

Cyberpunk without the influence of Blade Runner

21st century popular culture in a Nazi victory timeline ?

WI: Blue skin seen as fashionable

Challenge: Make Halloween a regional holiday in the US

Alternate endings for films, TV series, books and other works

If modern day films were ISOTed to 1936, which would leave the biggest impression ?

Challenge: Make hard sci-fi popular

Challenge: Keep Canada from being dominated by US and/or UK pop-culture

Challenge: Dragon fad in popculture

WI Tekumel becomes mainstream ?

Challenge: Alternate fictional detectives

Alternate Private Eye Prime Ministerial Parodies

Challenge: Video Game movies become as big as Comic Book movies

The Butterfly Effect and Popular Culture (various small popculture PODs)

DBWI: The Worst Sequels Ever Made

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also

pods/popular_culture.1580794309.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 00:31 by eofpi

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