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Alternate History Media

This page serves as a collection of threads posted in the discussion board that specialize as places for gathering various visual works (or short-form written works) created by AH.commers. The threads listed on this page might include the likes of alternate flags of countries, alternate propaganda posters, photoshopped photos representing events or personalities from alternate timelines, etc.

Most of these threads originated in the “Alternate History Books and Media Forum” and the “Alternate History Writer's Forum”. However, as of the 1st of August 2013, they received their very own little forum. This was done in part to help prevent clutter on the now neighbouring forums they originated in, since has grown quite a bit over the years and artwork threads have become a lot more common on the board than they once used to be.

Alternate national symbols

Alternate culture, society and politics

Photos from Alternate Worlds (closed and archived)

Photos from Alternate Worlds II (ongoing)

Alternate World Propaganda

Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

Things that look like alternate history, but aren't I (closed and archived)

Things that look like alternate history, but aren't II (closed and archived)

Things that look like alternate history but aren't III (ongoing)

If Fads Lived Up To The Hype!!!

Photos from Featherston's Confederacy (TL 191)

Wonders of the Worlds: Architectural marvels and oddities from other timelines

Alternate or unbuilt classical architecture

Famous quotations that never were

Alternate History Quotes

Signs & Logos Thread

Alternate Societies and Cultures

ATL national and regional stereotypes

Alternate Historical Myths

Alternate Food & Drink Thread

Books from Alternate Worlds

Album covers from an alternate universe

Alternate Fashion

Alternate Aesthetics and Culture Thread

Challenge: Create a completely new sport

Alternate History: Football (Soccer) Shirts/Kits

Alternate car registration plates thread

Alternate Highway Signs Thread

Alternate Headlines

Alternate Movie Studio Logos

List of TV networks from ATL countries I

List of TV networks from ATL countries II

Commercials from Alternate Timelines

Crosstime radio scanner reports

Ruritanian countries in existing fiction

List Political Parties of Alternate Countries

Alternate political party logos

Alternate Parliaments Thread

Alternate Presidential/Royal Palaces and Parliament Buildings

List alternate PMs or Presidents

Artwork Challenges

Alternate terminologies and etymologies

Alternate technology and military

Alternate maps

A Map Thread - AKA “Map Thread I” (now closed and archived)

Map Thread II (now closed and archived)

Map Thread III (now closed and archived)

Map Thread IV (now closed and archived)

Map Thread V (now closed and archived)

Map Thread VI (now closed and archived)

Map Thread VII (now closed and archived)

Map Thread VIII (now closed and archived)

Map Thread IX (now closed and archived)

Map Thread X (now closed and archived)

Map Thread XI (now closed and archived)

Map Thread XII (now closed and archived)

Map Thread XIII (now closed and archived)

Map Thread XIV (currently in use)

Election Map Thread

Alternate American Electoral Maps

Request Maps/Flags Here

Map Challenges

Maps and Flags

Other fun stuff

See Also

Tools for Creating Illustrated AH Content - Software, websites and open source graphics that can help you with creating visual alternate history media.

Useful Resources For Writing Alternate History - Wiki section (and namespace) containing useful resource articles for brainstorming, researching, convincingly worlbuilding and writing allohistorical settings.

alternate_history/alternate_history_media.1547743553.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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