austria hungary

  1. Gott erhalte Karl den Kasier! A Central Powers Victory Graphic TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    The year is 1920. The Central Powers have swept over the European continent and dicatated terms to the Entente despite losing most of their colonies. Though it seems that few remain to challenge the German hegemony over the Continent, new powers and new challenges rise up out of the ashes of the...
  2. Charles de Baulle

    What if the Hungarian Soviet Republic survived?

    Ok, i know this probably isn't that realistic, as they were basically encircled by their enemies. But lets say, possibly, that the soviet union actually tries to help them. What exactly would happen if they survived through 1919?
  3. Charles de Baulle

    Could Austria-Hungary have survived Post-ww1?

    If we assume that if the Austro-Hungarian Empire wasn't split apart at the end of WW1, whether that's because they win, or if they aren't split up by the Treaty of Trianon, was there anything they could've done to survive past WW1?
  4. Challenge: Complete muslim-majority Bosnia (more than 80%) by 1900

    In OTL, the muslims of Bosnia (according to Austrian census) comprised only about 32.25% of the entire population of the territory in 1910, surprising since in modern it has increased to 51%. However, the challenge presented to you is, have Bosnia, with no POD earlier than 1848 become a majority...
  5. Basileus_Komnenos

    Impact of a Restored Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Dynastic Rule on WW2.

    During the Interwar Years, there were quite a number of attempts to restore the Habsburgs to their thrones in either/both Austria and Hungary. In the 20's Blessed Karl I of Austria and IV of Hungary personally tried to take over Hungary in the 20's. In the 30's Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss took...
  6. Goddamn

    Charles I is truly Blessed-Successful Sixtus affäre

    What if Charles I and Sixtus could plan with the Entente for an Austrian White Peace? Would Austria become Neutral or invade Germany? How would this affect the relations between Vienna and berlin? How does this affect the future of Europe?
  7. Proposed WW1 war aims/wargoals mapped out by me

    Hello there Mapnerds, This thread is for the discussion of my maps and the underlying information/people it involves. Essentially what I do is I go into online archives and read WW1 proposals made by Germans and map them out for your enjoyment and information. The people I include range from...
  8. Can Austria-Hungary survive defeat in WWI?

    I wonder if there is any way for A-H to survive as a dual monarchy after the defeat of the CP, especially Germany. Possible ATL I’ve considered: - Romania staying neutral - More sucessful Caporetto offensive knocking out Italy (white peace) in 1917 - Then separate peace with the entente in...
  9. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Surviving Central Powers vs USSR in the '40s-'50s

    Let's say that the USSR accepts the initial treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Where they only have to cede the area in red. Let's also say that there's no Zimmerman Telegram, and so the US doesn't enter the war in 1917. They probably would eventually, but before they do, the millions of Germans freed...
  10. Zisheng_Zhang

    If the July Crisis Never Escalates/Franz Ferdinand Never dies, What is the Fate of the Balkans and Ottoman Empire?

    If WW1 never occurs, what is the fate of the Balkans? Perhaps the tensions will last until a later conflict similar to the Great War, or will the Ottomans find themselves in another Balkans War?
  11. PC: (Russian) February & (German) November Revolutions spiral into civil war?

    Before someone mentions it, I know that both of these revolutions did eventually spiral into civil war, Russia's with dual power and eventually Red October, and Germany's quasi-civil war with constant Communist uprisings, military coups, and general strikes for the first couple years after WWI...
  12. LadyPerfidia

    What if Franz Joseph I married his first love, Anna of Prussia? Empress Anna of Austria ATL?

    What would have happen if Franz Joseph (aka Empress Sisi's husband) was able to marry the first woman he loved before sisi, Princess Anna of Prussia (Otl Landgravine of Hesse)? Story goes he wanted to marry her but she was already engaged to Prince Fredrick of Hesse-Kassel (the widower of Grand...
  13. Survival for Austria-Hungary?

    Hey everyone, I wanted to know if you have any ideas to help me with an alternative history project I have in mind and have already written some things about. I plan to create a scenario where World War I ends in a stalemate around early 1916 (but I'm open to other dates as well). My main goal...
  14. AH Challenge: June 29, 1914 - Prevent WWI

    The assassination of Archduke Frank Ferdinand, heir to Austria-Hungary at the hands of the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip was the spark that kicked off the most ruinous war to date. While many geopolitical factors were already in motion, and to some degree, unavoidable, to lead the great...
  15. maru.777

    CP victory pods

    Some CP victory pods that arent: Italy neutral or Cp, Germany wins Marne, Spring Offensives suceeds, US doesnt join WW1. Also preferably make the POD on the CP side or something that isnt made by an Entente change.
  16. maru.777

    Falkenhayn's Spring Offensive

    If Germany won lets say Verdun, Falkenhayn never gets sacked and there is no Hindenburg programm and an early B-L by the Soviets. Italy was knocked out of the war by Caporetto. How would the spring offensive be planned in this situation.
  17. maru.777

    Brusilov Offensive fails with POD on the Austro German side

    Basically is there any way the offensive fails with a pod on the Austro German side?
  18. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Bavaria United Germany?

    Original Artist is unknown user deleted their reddit account long time ago. How different would the 19th Century be? What would be the attitude towards this in the German states?
  19. PoD in July of 1914 that averts WW1

    I'm currently working on a alternate history timeline (mostly through drawing it) where the July crisis results in an isolated Austro-Serbian war. After skimming through this forum for a few hours, I've found many good posts about interesting consequences that could come from such a scenario. I...
  20. Germany strong arms Austria-Hungary into compensating Italy for Bosnia

    Austria's annexation of Bosnia, which it had previously occupied, is noted as one of the flashpoints to WW1. Russia of course (or more accurately a Russian minister) made claims of compensation regarding Bosnia. But Italy was also put out regarding this expansion, which they got nothing for...