Austria's annexation of Bosnia, which it had previously occupied, is noted as one of the flashpoints to WW1. Russia of course (or more accurately a Russian minister) made claims of compensation regarding Bosnia. But Italy was also put out regarding this expansion, which they got nothing for.
What if Germany, had for whatever reason demanded that if Austria wanted backing in this move, they would have to reach a deal with Italy, on at least some of the Italian claims on Austria-Hungary?
Maybe German diplomats realise that the alliance is shaky with the border issues, and tries to settle them. Or maybe they just want a surer footing if it does go to war.
What would be the likely deal? Germany wants to give Italy some compensation, but they aren't going to support maximal Italian claims on Austria.
And what would be the consequence if both sides accept? Austria might feel put out, but do they really have the independent capacity to seek a new course? France is tied to Russia, and Britain isn't going to be dragged into a mutual alliance, they much prefer more one sided relations. But maybe it will limit Austria in the Balkans, as they know they don't have a blank cheque for future action.
Italy is happier, but their full claims aren't complete. But this likely gives a boost to the government of the day, and a friendlier relationship with Germany.
Russia might feel a bit more put out, since Austria is in this case, giving compensation to another power.
Finally, are there are other things that likely get tied in? Austria might demand that Germany give a little, such as a colony to Italy, a border adjustment with Austria in Poland, or maybe just financial compensation to Austria. Or Austria might want to horse-trade bits of the Ottoman's corpse, such as Albania or Libya.
What if Germany, had for whatever reason demanded that if Austria wanted backing in this move, they would have to reach a deal with Italy, on at least some of the Italian claims on Austria-Hungary?
Maybe German diplomats realise that the alliance is shaky with the border issues, and tries to settle them. Or maybe they just want a surer footing if it does go to war.
What would be the likely deal? Germany wants to give Italy some compensation, but they aren't going to support maximal Italian claims on Austria.
And what would be the consequence if both sides accept? Austria might feel put out, but do they really have the independent capacity to seek a new course? France is tied to Russia, and Britain isn't going to be dragged into a mutual alliance, they much prefer more one sided relations. But maybe it will limit Austria in the Balkans, as they know they don't have a blank cheque for future action.
Italy is happier, but their full claims aren't complete. But this likely gives a boost to the government of the day, and a friendlier relationship with Germany.
Russia might feel a bit more put out, since Austria is in this case, giving compensation to another power.
Finally, are there are other things that likely get tied in? Austria might demand that Germany give a little, such as a colony to Italy, a border adjustment with Austria in Poland, or maybe just financial compensation to Austria. Or Austria might want to horse-trade bits of the Ottoman's corpse, such as Albania or Libya.
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