Some CP victory pods that arent: Italy neutral or Cp, Germany wins Marne, Spring Offensives suceeds, US doesnt join WW1. Also preferably make the POD on the CP side or something that isnt made by an Entente change.
Austria-Hungary not stripping down its Eastern Front forces for the Battle of Asiago could be a good POD, imo. Russian victory during the Brusilov Offensive was in no small part possible because the Austro-Hungarians only left the bare minimum of troops, artillery and supplies in the East.
Let's say Hötzendorf's plan to "punish" Italy is torpedoed by Supreme Commander Archduke Friedrich and Hungarian Prime Minister Tisza István once it becomes clear that the Germans are unwilling to provide assisstance for the offensive or to reinforce the Eastern Front. Like that, the Italian Front remains unprioritised and ample reserves remain available in the East. Perhaps a smaller attack with minimal objectives (aiming at improving defensive positions) could be authorised, but nothing more.
When the Russians launch their attack against Austria-Hungary in 1916 June, they still achieve some initial successes, however the quick rush in of Austro-Hungarian reserve forces and the concentration of Austro-Hungarian artillery against the Russian main points of attack allows Austria-Hungary to avoid disaster and to minimise the loss of territory and of men. Meanwhile, the Russian suffer greater casualties yet achieve less than in OTL.
Like this, the Germans don't have to transfer units away from the Battle of Verdun, which allows them to put greater pressure on the French. That in turn might lead to diminished French contribution to the initial phases of the Battle of the Somme, making the British situation more difficult there.
In an optimal scenario, Germany captures Fort Souville in late June and eventually captures most of not all heights East and Northeast of Verdun. The French are desperate to retake the lost ground since they are stuck in an extremely vulnerable position, completely exposed to German artillery attacks. In the end, the French bleed themselves white to no avail and are eventually forced to withdraw from Verdun to the defensible Argonne Forest. The cases of mass disobediences in the French Army might begin sooner ITTL.
At the same time, the Brits have even less French support at the Somme and maybe they even have marginally more Germans to deal with compared to OTL. I don't think this would change the outcome of the battle that dramatically, but maybe the final position of the frontline could end up being slightly more favourable to the Germans.
So 1916 on the Western Front concludes with high casualties on both sides, but notably higher ones on the Entente's side. Meanwhile, the frontline shortens because of the elimination of the Verdun Salient. Both of these outcomes favour Germany, which have less manpower reserves available compared to Britain and France combined.
Back to Austria-Hungary. Avoiding OTL's disastrous losses, Austria-Hungary is in a much better shape from all possible viewpoints. Since the army's manpower is not depleted, there's less need for new call-ups, which leaves the Home Front less burdened and the economy healthier.
Another thing that helps Austria-Hungary's and the Central Powers' position is the continued neutrality of Romania. Aside from having one less foe to fight, and a shorter frontline tocdeal with, Romania was an irreplaceable supplier of oil of the Central Powers before it joined the war on the side of the Entente. Even after the CP occupation of the Romanian oil fields, the flow of oil never again reached the previous levels.
On top of this, the victory at Verdun and the continued Romanian neutrality also ensures that Falkenhayn remains the German Chief of Staff, keeping Hindy and Ludy away from power.
In the second half of October, A-H launches a counteroffensive against Russia, which reverses the Russian gains made in the previous 4 months and potentially also liberates all of East Galicia. This move not only hurts Russia, but also deters Romania from straying from neutrality or ending exports to the Central Powers.
Without the Dynamic Duo in charge, there's no Hindenburg Program, so the Turnip Winter is likely less severe (especially since foodstuff can be imported from Romania too).
Another very important thing is that there would be no need for an Operation Alberich ITTL. The elimination of the Verdun Salient already sufficiently shortens the German lines in the West while the neutrality of Romania also makes the Eastern Front shorter than OTL. Perhaps a slight correction of the lines could be done at the Somme Salient, but nothing as grandiose as IOTL.
And here comes a pretty crucial thing: With the seemingly favourable conditions on land and with Falky in charge, the supporters of USW are likely to be edged out by its opponents. This consequently pretty much guarantees the continued neutrality of the US.
Revolution soon kicks off in Russia, plunging country in turmoil (although not collapse yet), meanwhile the Brits begin to find acquiring US dollars (necessary for importing from the US) increasingly difficult. The Entente suddenly finds itself in a less than favourable situation to say the least.
The war is decided in 1917 after the coordinated all-front, all-out offensives of the Entente fail to crush the Central Powers' defences. Both the French and Russian militaries are just husks of their former selves, although the former still retains the strength and organisation to offer stiff resistance against attacks, the latter less so. Russia even loses Riga, the Estonian Islands and Rovno.
Meanwhile the Breakthrough at Caporetto is achieved ITTL as well, however the subsequent Battle of Monte Grappa is won by Austria-Hungary this time. As a result, Italian defences on the Piave have to be abandoned and the frontline finally settles on the Adige River and the Soave-Tregnano line. Britain remains the sole power (beside Japan) to have some real fighting strength left.
This setback is the one that probably breaks the Camel's back. The Entente initiates peace talks while they still hold some cards. The US, Spain and the Netherlands likely get requested to mediate. At this point, the peace initiative could probably die in its infancy due to British refusal to lift the blockade on Germany and Austria-Hungary. Alternatively, it can fail because of too extreme demands made by the Germans.
If the talks fail and the US still retains neutrality at this point, the Central Powers likely Panzerfaust Russia and Kaiserschlact France. Even if Paris doesn't fall, the Germans would be at its gates, which would put enormous pressure on the French. France, Italy and Russia either abandon Britain here and sign peace separately, or Britain agrees to peace as well (but do their utmost to maximise their leverages).
If the talks don't fail like that however, then the Central Powers attain more moderate gains thanks to US efforts to save the debt servicing ability of Entente nations.
Or idk, there are way too many things to consider to realistically guess what would happen a year past the initial POD.