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Shared Worlds : Moderated Games

Moderated Games mostly consist of role-playing nation games where you, in theory, get to control your own nation, while negotiating and warring with those of other players.

In the past, when Moderated Games had their own subforum, there was a greater variety to the types of games played. Notable variations included Mosaic Earth, Feudal Lands, NationStates (based on the NationStates site), A Little Trip games, Earth Imperialism, and Nation Games, which inspired a number of variants, including the Small Nations Game (SNG), the Continuous Nation Game (CNG), the Technological Nation Game (TNG), and the New Interactive Nation Game (NING). Nation Games, specifically CNGs, would go on to become the predominate type of game played under the Moderated Games umbrella.

While superficially similar to Nation Games, Moderated Games have a few key differences. A Moderated Game starts with voting between a few proposals. Proposals can range from a game set in a post-apocalyptic 1970s to a fresh take on the Victorian Era. After a game is selected, players make claims, which are either accepted, rejected, or modified by the GM. Unlike most Nation Games, these are custom nations, designed by the players themselves. After acceptance, the players create “Almanacs,” providing information about their nation that includes such details as population, internal issues, and military numbers. The game proper starts a few days later.

Another major difference between Nation Games and Moderated Games is that there are no set turns. Instead, a day in real time is generally held to equal a year or six months in-game. This means Moderated Games progress faster than Nation Games. Historically, they have also lasted longer than Nation Games, though there have been some exceptions. They also tend to put more emphasis on worldbuilding, with players encouraged to write short stories or small “fluff” pieces set in their nation.

Moderators of the MG subforum

Players frequenting the MG subforum

History and culture

Nation games–that is, games in which each player is in command of a country, regardless of setting–have a long history on the forum, and have been represented by several genres.

1.) Older Nation Games

a.) "Mosaic Earth"

From its mostly uncharted infancy on the Old Board, Mosaic Earth and its spin-offs have created a niche on the board. It survived the migration to the New Board, spewing a chaos of threads during the first year of existence. By 2005, the games became more organized, and a superior bureaucracy gave birth to Mosaic Earth 7, considered by many to be the pinnacle of Shared Worlds at the time. In its wake came the well-patterned games of Late '05 and First Quarter 2006. However, the quality of the games soon started to decline, partly due to the competition presented from Feudal Lands, A Little Trip and their spin-offs. Mosaic World games, organized mainly by Ward, faired extremely poorly, with the exception of the 1st and 4th installments. The majority of the oldest ME-players abandoned the game in 2006.

b.) "Feudal Lands"

Originally an ASB thread begun by Douglas, Feudal Lands was first organized into a game by Highlander, chunkeymonkey13q, Straha, and Chingo360. Soon after its origin it was dubbed a “claim fest”, and all attempts to reform its gameplay failed. The game varried in that players were only allowed to claim nations with populations of 25 million or less, and those nations had to be from between 1938 and 1942.

  • Feudal Lands the Game (Early - Late December '05)
  • Feudal Lands II (Early - Late January '06)
  • Feudal Lands Europe (Mid February - Late April '06)
  • Feudal Lands IV (Mid - Late November '06)

2.) NING and successors

The term “Nation Game” derives from 09camaro's New Interactive Nations Game (here), created in October 2007 in the ASB forum and soon moved into Shared Worlds. It differed from Mosaic Earth in the nature of its setting: the beginning of the game was not when nations from various different timelines were suddenly thrown together, but when countries on an otherwise blank map began interacting with each other. This formula was further developed, making it explicitly post-apocalyptic, by Nations Game: After Impact and Nations Game: After the Plague. NGs quickly gained a reputation for longevity. NING won the 2008 Turtledove Award for the Superlative Shared Worlds category… much to its creator's suprise.

Throughout late 2008 and early 2009 the NGs began to fall apart, with many games lasting less than a month. In February of 2009, a new type of game was attempted; the Small Nations Game (SNG). It was, in effect, an attempt to recreate Feudal Lands under a different name. The game initially seemed popular, but by March it too had fallen apart.

This collapse instigated the rise of a new game type; the Fenwickian Nation Game (FNG), distinguished by the use of randomly-generated scores to represent national capabilities.

3.) The Continuous Nation Game

In August 2009, Overlord founded CNG: Rise of Empires, a “continuous nation game” putting a definitive end to the Mosaic Earth and NING tradition of a catastrophic start to the game. Instead, the countries of the game would coexist for years and years before the commencement of the traditional interaction. The name and idea have stuck: most Moderated Games since then have taken place in worlds of unified history, and have borne the “CNG:” prefix, even if they avoid playing out centuries of setup.


  • “OOC” - Out of character, often officially confined to a separate thread.
  • “IC” - In character.
  • “SECRET” - A tag for posts to indicate most players need to pretend to forget what you're saying.
  • “My country is authoritarian” - I would like to be invaded at the first opportunity.
  • “My country is democratic” - I am going to rule and make decisions as God-Emperor.
  • “My country does not have nukes” - My country will develop nuclear weapons one week after the ISOT.
  • “I claim China/India” - I claimed a country not only with 1 billion people, but also $1,000 trillion GDP created by my POD.
  • “I'm gonna make a second claim” - My plan to take over the world with only one country was thwarted by similarly-minded players.
  • “Fenpire/Fenpan” - 1. Simple terms to explain the oddity which is anything Fenwick touches. 2. After CNG: Eod of Darkness, in which Fenwick crated a Japanese superpower (Fenpan/Fenpire), the term is used to describe any nation outside of Europe which people feel is to powerful. Ex: “Your China is looking exactly like the Fenpire!”
  • “Let's give this game a chance” (uttered by moderator) - This game is dead, flee as soon as possible.
  • “Your claim/military is unreasonable/big” - Your claim/military is wrong, but I'm only saying this because I don't want you interfering with my plans for global conquest.
  • “Your population figure is too high” - Your population is wrong, but I'm only saying this so that I can conquer you easily later.
  • “The ISOT date is X” - Every nation can have the most advanced technology from that date, even though the nation is from the third world.

List of Moderated Games Games

List of launched Shared Worlds/Moderated Games games
NG Name Start date Duration Days played
NING 2007 Early October '07 - Mid February '08 121
NG: After Impact 1830(?) Late December '07 - Mid May '08 140
NG: After the Plague 1920 Early February '08 - Mid April '08 81
NG: Earth Rise 2060 Early April-Late June '08 44
Shared Worlds Tournament 1950 Late July '08 - Late August '08 40
NG: 1901 1901 Early November - Mid December '08 42
NG: 1976 2000 December '08 23
NG: Fracturing Empire 2158 Late December '08 - Early February '09 36
NG: 1919 1949 Early January '09 - Early February '09 31
NG: 2060 2060 Early February '09 - Late February '09 13
SNG: 1942 1942 Late February '09 - Early March '09 16
FNG: 1910 1950 Mid March '09 - Late March '09 17
FNG: Renaissance 2005 Early April '09 - Early May '09 34
FNG: Century of Peace 1971 Mid May '09 - Late May '09 36
FNG: Colonization 2032 Early June '09 - Mid June '09 8
FNG: Absolute Power 1750 Late June '09 - Early July '09 17
ME: Divided Earth 1958 Mid July '09 - Late July '09 17
FNG: 2035 2034 Late July, '09 - Mid August '09 19
NG: Genesis 1930 Mid August '09 - Late August '09 8
CNG: Rise of Empires 1780 Late August '09 - Late October '09 53
CNG: Imperial Victory 1600 Late October '09 - Mid January '10 84
CNG: Dark Age of Empires 900 Mid January '10 - Mid February '10 31
CNG: Requiem 1450 Late February '10 - Mid May '10 81
NG: A New Dawn 1945 Mid May '10 - Early June '10 15
TNG: 1550 1550 Mid June '10 - Late June '10 6
CNG: End of Darkness 1600 Early July '10 - Late October '10 117
CNG: Sprawl 1450 Early November '10 - Early January '11 67
NG: Entropy of Empires 1794 Mid January '11 - Late April 2011 101
CNG: New Dawn 1845 Early June '11 - Mid July '11 44
FNG: Oncoming Storm 1939 Mid July '11 - Early August '11 18
CNG: Age of War 1750 Mid August '11 - Mid September '11 33
NG: Rebirth of Nations 1905 Mid September '11 - Early January '12 45
CNG: Crescent Ascendant 1650 Early January '12 - Late February '12 48
NKFZD Collapse of Empires 1920 Early March '12 - Early May '12 63
CNG: Aspiring Empires 1550 Mid May '12 - Early July '12 55
CNG: Superpower 1945 Mid July '12 - Early September '12 52
CNG: Scramble for Glory 1880 Early September '12 - Mid November '12 67
MG: Age of Empires 500 BC Late November '12 - Early December '12 19
CNG: Viva La Revolucion 1789 Late December '12 - Early April '13 103
CNG: Fallen Idols 1658 Early April '13 - Mid Late '13 38
NG: Fall of Liberty 1977 Late April '13 - Beginning July '13 63
CNG: From Crooked Wood 1820 Early July '13 - Late July '13 17
CNG: Roaring Forward 1918 Late July '13 - Late October '13 82
CNG: Broken Mirror 1820 Late October '13 - Late April '14 183
CNG: Dawn's Early Light 4444 Early May '14 - Late June '14 50
CNG: Tripartite World 1887 Late June '14 - Mid Early August '14 44
CNG: End of History 1987 Mid August '14 - Mid September '14 25
CNG: Falling Leaves 1810 Late September '14 - Early November '14 40
CNG: Scourge of God 162BN(434AD) Mid November '14 - Early December '14 19
CNG: The Long Night 1905 Mid December '14 - NA NA

Summaries of Moderated Games

CNG: Broken Mirror The game began in 1820, in a world where there were a few geological changes, including the eastern US divided between a few islands, an African passage, and a Sri Lankan archipelago. Europe was relatively like OTL, though Paganism was quite widespread. Towards the beginning of the game, a radical Turkish republic managed to puppetize Egypt, and beat the Serbians under King Milos. TheShahs nation, Arza, a mess of feuding houses in Sri Lanka. Troyer IV took over that nation, posting many posts on “Game of Houses”. Early on, England went Fuel Lordist, so France, Scotland-Holland, and Spain went to the Conference of Reichenbach Falls, where they decided to invade England. The English held them back, though Ireland was made independent, though, ironically, it moved closer to the English, even becoming Fuel Lordist. Brazil, meanwhile, was taken over by radical communist-like people, and continued its wars against Wales that began when an aristocrat republic ruled the place. Throughout the 1800s, Arza became somewhat Socialist, more of the world went Fuel Lordist, and, in the last quarter-century, Scotland-Holland and France were defeated by Fuel Lordist Germany, England, and Ireland. Scotland then became under the control of the Popular Party, increasing its birthrate, and doubling the population in 20 years, though it was eventually defeated after they tried to acquire chemical weapons. It then was subsumed into the Brythonic Federation, which was basically a united britain. Arza continued expanding, spanning the entire Indian Ocean, even defeating Han China. France was also Papo-Fascist for a while in there. In the 1920s, Brazil, actually, the Federation of South America, collapsed, and the Maroon Republics- a former Scottish slave republic, the RSA- a Welsh Argentina, and Tir St. Iago- a Monarchist Welsh Chile. In the 1940s, another war broke out, where Germany and Russia smashed France, Romenia, Saxony, and Scandinavia, Romenia being an ERE-successor Italy. The RSA, under the Integralist Party, took over Saxon Patagonia, but was forced to withdraw after the Federation and Mexico threatened to invade. The game ended in Jul-November 1954 and as aged or b sad a a la d.

See Also

shared_worlds/moderated_games.1619238954.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/24 00:35 by rognvald

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