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There was another country emerging, and its leadership did not realize that. When Góis Monteiro, the Generalissimo, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of War, among other titles, woke up after the attempted assassination by the Shindo Renmei, he would see his life entering its last phase. The strong man who held the largest nation in Latin America on a leash for over a decade would not live another ten years, for the time he had left he would come to realize the course he set his country towards and how little the beasts he created were loyal to him. It was always convenient for the Brazilian armed forces to believe themselves above politics, above the civilian population overall, a faith made by the influence of positivism that led to the end of the Empire and was the guiding principle of the first two presidents of the nation. In the 1920s, there were only two paths to rise up in the levels of power of the old oligarch republic: Either be formed in the São Paulo Law College or join the military. Monteiro picked the latter and joined the Military school in a time the new youth was getting violent ideas. His generation believed that the army needed to be in the command of the nation for a long period in order to eliminate the corrupt ruling class from power and allow for a more "mature" people to take up the mantle of politics, although the civilians would always be under the watchful eye of the military. That was attempted during the Brazilian regime, but by the time of the 1940 election, the Generalissimo saw that the "tutelage" would need to last for a longer time, which led to the strengthening of the repressive apparatus during the Dutra Presidency, a man not very known for intelectual capabilities who knew well just how to follow orders from above.

By the time of the Campos government (1947-1952) came in, the Generalissimo walked around with a cane, making fewer public visits and appearances, even missing the 1949 ceremony of the 19 years of the October 3rd Revolution. Outwards, politicians, businessmen and generals all showed the due respects to the Generalissimo, but the cult of personality seemed to wane with the years, his health was an open secret and there was great doubt of what would happen once he was gone. Góis pretended not to hear the whispers, even dismissing when the head of the DNSI, Filinto Müller, brought reports that many were discussing about his health. Perhaps he gained a sense of mortality after being shot through the chest by a fanatical Japanese immigrant fighting for a man halfway across the world, or perhaps because those talks were still not open challenges to his leadership. His role was becoming more passive with time, the sessions of the council were becoming rarer while the country was only speeding up, caught in a polarizing and modernizing world, with new social and political realities that were shaping the change of guard that would come in the fourth election of the "New" Republic.

October 7th was a day where a parade was held every year, and at each year it became bigger. It was the day the Integralist Action was founded, and their leader Plinio Salgado made sure to start showing strength following his visit to Rome. The Minister of Education was a very well learned man, something which was surprisingly common amongst the ranks of the Integralists, for instance, Gustavo Barroso was a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, probably the most prestigious institution in regard to the Portuguese language in the world. Others were powerful figures in the Military such as Admiral Rademaker and General Mourão Filho, and the young wing was made of several intellectuals such as Miguel Reale, a rising voice in the Juridical world of Brazil. The AIB was a movement born in the 1930s following the Revolution and the vacuum left by the end of the Oligarchy and the growth of nationalist ideals in culture since the 1922 Modern Arts exhibit, born out of thinkers in the turn of the century such as Oliveira Vianna and Alberto Torres who searched for a national identity for Brazil. While there were internal divisions, if one looked at the parades of the Greenshirts, which were more similar to a Tag das Sieges Celebration, or the speeches made by orators, many would be led to believe they were the greatest threat to Brazilian Democracy.

But it would be a stretch to call Brazil a Democracy in the first place. While Campos was not as much of a hardliner as Dutra was, the true leadership of the nation was always at the unelected Council of Ministers. The Minister of War was still the foremost leader of the country while the President was a rubber stamp, a glorified diplomat in many ways, and after Osvaldo Aranha attempted to push for reform during his term against Monteiro's de facto junta, it's powers were even more limited by the Institutional Acts, extra-judicial decrees made by the Council which could overturn the Constitution itself. Both Dutra and Campos were men who lacked charisma, a military man and a bureaucrat both placed into a symbolic position of power to parrot the decisions of the Generalissimo and pose no threat of rallying the population against the regime. Which is why the popular frustration only grew during the 1940s despite the economic prosperity, the votes, already largely fraudulent, was essentially worthless as a third of the Senators were appointed, the Supreme Court was stacked, and the Presidency was powerless against the "Fourth Power" or "Moderator Power", a name many political scientists gave by comparing the council with the position of the Emperor during the Brazilian Empire. That is a much more generous name than what the average brazilian called the Generalissimo and his puppet ministers, appointed all by him to serve for as long as he wished. As long as Monteiro himself had a strong grip in the military and State apparatus, it was unlikely that the system would have fallen as it did, but his declining health and mental state would prove once more the greatest weakness of an Autocracy: A weak leader.

Diplomatically, Brazil was in the awkward position of being a country in the American hemisphere with German sympathies, something shared with states such as Paraguay, the Dominican Republic and Argentina. Francisco Campos made little effort in hiding his admiration for the Authoritarian systems in Europe, openly praising figures such as Salazar, Mussolini and even Hitler at times. The Germanophile Goes Monteiro had to intervene several times with the American diplomatic corps to ensure them that the Lawyer President would not "Kiss Mussolini on Television", although that would ironically prove not to be a hyperbole as Campos went to the funeral of King Victor Emmanuel and accompanied Mussolini after the burial, with a traditional kiss on the cheek being exchanged between the two Heads of State. Monteiro was said to have had almost an aneurysm when hearing the news and spent an hour in a phone call with President Long that same night. Luckily for the elder general, had any President other than Long been sitting on the White House, there would have been severe consequences for these gestures, but the Isolationist Long Administration was far too busy with his internal social programs to impose sanctions on Brazil. On the other hand, there was cooperation between the Reich and the "Tropical Reich", with Germany being the most important European trade partner of Brazil by far, and Brazil being the main exporter of several products such as coffee to the Reich. The Embargo imposed by the United States on the Reich had many loopholes, one of the main ones being the connection between Brazil and Portugal, with Lisbon being a convenient entry port into Europe via third parties, even exchanges between the United States and the German Reich had secret mediation by both the Brazilian and Portuguese governments, the OSS and the RSHA had many black market contacts which were used to exchange spies and even information between Festung Europa and the World.

Finally, there was the matter of the Brazilian economy, which was both a boon and a curse brought in by the Military Regime. Gois and the Military class of the 1920 "Tenentistas" that formed the Movement 3rd of October were in the forefront of an aggressive modernization policy. Industry was the key, seen as a matter of national survival, the State-Led industrialization efforts between 1930 and 1950 changed Brazil radically from an agrarian nation into a booming industrial hub that attracted investments from both Europe and America. Naturally, Agriculture and the old elites still held a strong position, but the urbanization and industrialization brought radical changes to the social structure of the Continental-sized State, especially in São Paulo, which was growing to be one of the largest manufacturing centers of Latin America, immigrants from all over the country traveling to the region to join the prosperity. But said prosperity was many times an illusion, as the government had to give large credits to the new industries, that led to a deficit that the sales of coffee alone could no longer sustain. The Debt was increasing, and in an attempt to contain that, money was printed. Inflation was rising, the government struggled to find the balance on the exchange rate and keeping it so the imports of industrial machinery did not bring the complete collapse of the economy. Either the Industrialization had to be toned down or the double-digits inflation level every year could turn into three-digits. The economy worked through the METAS plans, which translates to "goals" in Portuguese, and each Presidential term finished with one of those plans, inspired by both the Soviet Five-Year plans and the German Four-Year plan. Foreign aid was a way to contain the effects of inflation, but the Campos government was caught during the era of both Long and Hitler, two leaders who cut back on foreign aid to focus on internal projects and engaged in more Isolationist doctrines. Although in 1951 there was a better result with the Hess government attempting to expand the reach of German influence, it would prove to be too little too late to save the unpopularity of the regime. Wages did not increase fast enough, prices skyrocketed, and adding an increasingly urban population with political dissatisfaction and economical pressure was a recipe for disaster.

But was there any alternative to Integralism? Initially yes, but by the late 1940s, no. The UDN, the National Democratic Union, initially formed by Aranha as a Liberal force within the regime, was once the most powerful opposition to Monteiro and the 3rd of October movement in the country, but the crackdown which followed Aranha's challenge to the Generalissimo had essentially wiped the party of its power. With a third of the Senate handpicked, it was rare for a member of the UDN be chosen, Integralist militias did the dirty work of attacking Party offices and newspapers with the police consent, and with time the ineffectiveness of the Party led many to distance themselves from it. The Middle class in costal cities, which used to be the backbone for political liberalization, abandoned the party at greater numbers each year. The UDN and the M3O received nicknames for how they voted in Congress: One was the party of "Yes", and the other was the party of "Yes, Sir". Ironically, the Middle Class drove into the arms of the Integralists instead, many wishing to accompany the worldwide trends with the rise of Authoritarian right-wing regimes across Eurasia and the isolationist atitude of the United States. Many had followed the "German Vogue", from dressing styles to even jokes about Jews which became worryingly common in the country. All was set up for the takeover, with a weakening dictatorship, popular dissatisfaction, economical pressure, global trends, and the strength enabled to the Integralist Party.


As the uncharismatic Presidency of Campos was ending, the international mood was changing, Hitler's death brought all to the precipice of war, but the rise of Hess would bring along the hopes of a possible reconciliation thanks to his rhetoric. Inaugurated in 1947, the Lawyer President was set to pass the torch on January 1st, 1952, to his successor, and contrary to the smooth 1946 election, this one proved far more divisive behind the scenes. Monteiro's will was imposed by placing Francisco as the candidate for both the M3O and the AIB in their fragile coalition, but now Salgado wanted to have a return for his decisive support over a decade earlier, visiting the elder Generalissimo during a trip to his Home State of Alagoas, the two discussed over making Plinio the candidate of a joint ticket, a proposal initially agreed by Monteiro only for him to retract himself two months later by announcing a candidate that honored the oldest Brazilian tradition of Nepotism. Ismar de Gois Monteiro, brother of the Generalissimo, was named candidate in what can only be described as the greatest political act of suicide of the age. The M3O was running another uncharismatic military man, and this time Gois was not even attempting to hide his intentions by running a candidate pulled from nowhere out of pure nepotism, in fact Ismar himself was unaware he was chosen as candidate for a week as he was in a trip to Portugal at the time. Salgado was furious, the middle class was furious, the Integralists were furious, the people was outraged, and even high-ranking members of the military believed the Generalissimo was truly going senile.

Truth is that the Strong man who held control of the country for almost 20 years was dying, his health had not been the same since being shot by a Japanese fanatic during an inspection. He worried about the longevity of his family and the military itself in charge of Brazilian politics, true to his doctrine he believed a continued period of military tutelage was necessary before the Army could step down from politics. Ismar was supposed to take his place after death, but he terribly miscalculated his own moves and influence, the military was not united in following his orders and much less inclined in following his inept sibling. Mourão Filho, who was the head of the Integralist movement within the armed forces, remained silent about his loyalties, but he was already in contact with Salgado and the Integralist-sympathizing fleet under Rademaker. Rio de Janeiro was a very vulnerable city to costal attacks, as shown by the naval mutinies in the 1890s and 1910, but first the "Green Rooster" would push for a more democratic way to take over. He launched himself as candidate of the AIB, officially breaking the coalition, while the UDN saw the opportunity to try to run a candidate of their own, Air Force Brigadier General Eduardo Gomes, but few were on the same delusion, the fight here was between Ismar and Salgado, or more Precisely between the Generalissimo and the Integralists.

Salgado ran an energetic campaign that consumed the Party resources in an all-or-nothing move, with not-so-secret support from foreign entities that included Rome. The Integralists rallied with the costal middle class, regional dissident elites, powerful industrials and even the Catholic church for his candidacy. Ismar lacked the charisma and knowledge of his opponent but was making up for it by having the state apparatus as support for him, especially amongst the poor who were still loyal to the Generalissimo. But the fact the voting system in Brazil restricted suffrage on the illiterate ended up supporting Salgado. November 15th would come and Salgado prepared a move to prevent an expected fraud, he knew the Generalissimo would play his tricks in the ballots, as such he rallied the Integralists and the people in Rio while the votes were counted, a massive show of popular support that ended with a march across the State of Guanabara by tens of thousands of Greenshirts and sympathizers, and that is where his Ministry of Education showed results: A Decade of control of the curriculum and leadership of colleges would end up with the young generation of the Brazilian elite and middle classes marching with the green shirts and the Sigma armband, shouting "Anauê" with arms raised, a move which was inspired by the March on Rome by Mussolini almost 30 years earlier. At that moment, the Generalissimo backed down and the electoral results showed a 47% vote for Salgado, followed by 33% of Ismar and 20% for Gomes. The crowd erupted in celebration as many believed this was the moment Brazil would change for the better, but the President of the Council knew better, he spoke with his inner circle that same night and commented on Salgado's election: "Let him have it, it makes no difference, we will survive just as we survived before. Let the Green Rooster have his party, if he tries to act up, we will serve him for supper!"


A week after Salgado was inaugurated, on the 11th of January 1952, the Generalissimo would die during a heart surgery after years complaining of growing chest pains. The new President would not waste that opportunity as he knew very well what would happen next. As a week of mourning was declared, the Council had lost its head, and the almighty position of Minister of War was vacant. The Council could not choose that chair, only a decision by the heads of each one of the three branches of the armed forces could do so. Rademaker, head of the Navy, was already a committed Integralist, Gomes was a dissident from Monteiro's clique and head of the Air Force, who mysteriously decided to remain neutral. That is when an internal squabble engulfed the Army over the succession, something never clarified by the Generalissimo. While the Country mourned and a funeral to the "Commander of the Revolution" was held, Mourão Filho became the new head of the Brazilian Army following a shadow war that included the infamous air crash that killed General Ismar de Gois Monteiro on the 14th while coming from Alagoas to the Capital. The head of the army and the head of the navy already were under the control of Salgado, who chose the next Minister of War and President of the Council, General Olímpio Mourão Filho. His first order? A call for a Constitutional convention, which was oddly well organized considering how rushed it was, with the power to choose a third of the composition being abused to stack the odds even more towards an Integralist Supermajority. In what was named the "Leap Year Constitution" or "Constituição do Ano Bissexto", the Brazilian Integral State was founded on the 29th of February. Salgado now enjoyed all the power he could wish for as a new form of "Integral Democracy" was imposed. The people watched, some cheering, some dreading, some just nervous of what was going to happen. After years building up, Fascism has come to Latin America, in a matter of weeks it turned the largest and State of the Southern Hemisphere into a foothold, beginning what was nicknamed as "Tropical Fascism", possibly the most disastrous foreign legacy of the Long Administration. Now all nations turned their eyes as the "Envy of the New World" became the first Integralist State in History.
My apologies for taking so long for this update, which I admit was a shorter chapter, I have had to deal with matters in college which include tests and assignments where I was delayed.


It's kinda complicate to imagine the situation of Brazil inside this world. On one hand, Brazil has the tendency to align with the Eurasian hegemon to avoid being dominated by the US. On our cold war, this was prevented due to the fact that anti-communism was too strong in Brazilian society.

In this world, due to Nazi Germany being right-wing, there's no such reservation, and the alignment of Brazil towards Berlin seems certain. Nonetheless, the core element of the Nazi Empire, racial superiority, makes it the polar opposite of the way the Brazilian nation is built. Brazil is a miscegenated nation, while Germany idolises racial purity.

Regardless of the way the Integralists try to frame it, the truth is that the very existence of Nazi Germany and it's ideology is detrimental to the self-esteem and internal peace of the Brazilian nation. The Mongrel Syndrome is going to hit much harder ITTL.
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It's kinda complicate to imagine the situation of Brazil inside this world. On one hand, Brazil has the tendency to align with the Eurasian hegemon to avoid being dominated by the US. On our cold war, this was prevented due to the fact that anti-communism was too strong in Brazilian society.

In this world, due to Nazi Germany being right-wing, there's no such reservation, and the alignment of Brazil towards Berlin seems certain. Nonetheless, the core element of the Nazi Empire, racial superiority, makes it the polar opposite of the way the Brazilian nation is built. Brazil is a miscegenated nation, while Germany idolises racial purity.
Which is also the opposite of what the Integralists preach, not like the US government sees that difference very well.
More than a bit terrifying. From the standpoint of people who want democracy, a sloppy and corrupt military despotism is always more desirable than a more rationalized, ideological fascism. The former is easier to eventually overthrow...

Well done chapter. ^^


There are not words as satisfying to say to some men than "I told you so". The one who says it is named a prophet by many, someone who said words that were called insane years before only to be proven right in an atmosphere of fear. Perhaps the fear spread to the American people at the height of the "Grey Scare" or "Brown Scare", depending on who you ask, was shared by all except by the one who stroke them the most, the one who told America in 1952 "I told you so". That man was Joseph Raymond McCarthy, the greatest enemy of Huey Long and the man who was the most vocal voice in the Senate Republican opposition to his programs and policies. At first, after the war, McCarthy was not a well-known entity in the political scene, he was an unknown senator who won only thanks to his war record, for serving under General MacArthur during the Hawaii campaign and being the commander of the Marines during the Japanese attack on the Wheeler Air Force Base in Honolulu after his superior was killed. If not for the timely arrival of General Patton's armored brigade, the Japanese forces would have annihilated the Marines, and many saw the newly elected Senator as an American hero, part of the "Purple Hearts" generation of politicians who were elected during MacArthur's campaign. However, at first people were not particularly enthusiastic by the man, who did not provide anything new in the political environment, he was not a firebrand speaker or a relentless fighter for some grand cause in Congress, probably he would just have a single term in the Senate, retire back to his home state and write a book while living off a pension.

But McCarthy found his purpose when looking around the world, especially at the Middle East where Israel, the Arabs, and Syrians were locked in conflict with one another. He came into contact with influential figures and political commentators at the time who spoke of a so-called "Domino Theory". The idea that Fascism was like a tide, which would sweep from country after country until America itself was engulfed by it. Not only did he absorb that, but after the Black Case affair in 1946, there was a common rumor spread afterwards that President Hull was, in fact, innocent of any coverup, that the Bubonic plague outbreak in San Diego was a result of a sabotage made by the German RSHA to blame the Japanese and intensify the American conflict with Japan. Cordell Hull, according to this theory, was an innocent victim, an old man who could not handle the pressure of a scandal and that led to his death, some even claiming President Thurmond was involved in the affair to try to make his predecessor resign. Either way, the time seemed to be healing the memory of the former President as the effects of a growing paranoia in American society, from both the left and the right sectors, on the dangers of fascism, or more specifically of Nazism. Not only that, but Anti-Communism also continued alive in America, and it would only spike up due to two factors: The American expedition in Russia and the Long Presidency.

In the case of the former, General Patton and his soldiers would participate in the March across Siberia, facing the forces of the weakened Red Army and Stalin's apparatus. Entire ghost towns were found, but upon further investigation those were not cities at all, but rather they were prisoner camps. When Novosibirsk fell, and later the Red Army generals surrendered to Tsar Andrei, the files of the old NKVD were opened, uncovering a massive purge that happened in the Soviet Union during the late 1930s, something military analysts quickly named as the main responsible for the Soviet performance against the Reich. Not only that, the discovery of the full extension of the so-called Holodomor, a deliberate hunger that was exacerbated by the Stalinist regime on the region of the Ukraine and Kuban, showed the full horrors of a brutal totalitarian regime that vindicated the voices of Anti-Communism in America. McCarthy himself would expose several cases together with Patton during the campaign trail to spread the fears of the Soviet Regime. While usually that would be minor compared to the much more threatening Third Reich, the victory of Mao Zedong in China with Long's infamous passiveness towards it would add to the labor unrest in America during the Thurmond Administration to spread the fear of a Communist ressurgence.

As for the Longist Presidency, no doubt McCarthy's favorite target, there was a whole spectrum of flavors which the Wisconsin Senator could use to attack. McCarthy equalled Long's populism with a "Cripto-Fascist" thought, claiming once that he was "Worse than Hitler because at least Hitler did not hide how twisted and megalomaniacal he was". No doubt, Huey Long was perhaps one of the most Authoritarian Presidents in America when it comes to his style of ruling. He did not like dissidents within his ranks, reason why he grew more and more suspicious of his Vice-President James Roosevelt, he demanded a growing level of sycophancy from his cabinet, and sometimes his trips to Louisiana were compared to Hitler's travels to Bavaria with his own "Inner Circle of Evil". Long was a man who was paranoid ever since his failed Impeachment as Governor of Louisiana, making of a liberal use of the FBI to blackmail members of Congress and even Governors who challenged his bills. He also used the State apparatus to destroy the Klan, which was a very powerful organization during the Thurmond Administration, not out of sympathy for the Black or Catholic population, but in an effort to break the control of the "Dixiecrat" wing of the Democratic Party over much of the Midwest. His policies also included the Nationalization of the Federal Reserve into a State-Controlled "Bank of America" under his Secretary of Treasure James A. Noe, where the President could choose at will the President of the Bank, something Long used for his own purposes alongside his friend, Secretary Noe, with suspicions of Insider trading and even manipulation of the Interest rates. Despite all of that, Long was no doubt one of the most charismatic and personally appealing figures to ever step into the White House, a man who could rally the crowds like no other, a worthy successor of men such as Andrew Jackson and William Jennings Bryan, a populist in the Southern way who was beloved by the American poor and the farmers. In fact, McCarthy's opposition to Long was not very popular in his own State due to the hold the President had over the rural population, which almost led to his defeat in 1950. Long's redistributionist policies, extremely progressive taxation programs and his apparent desire for a welfare State while challenging the largest industries and corporations in America was already enough to make McCarthy call him a communist in more than one occasion in the Senate.

But none of that made Joe McCarthy be the perfect Republican ticket for the Presidency yet, his speeches in the Senate did make him quite visual in the opposition against Long, but his tirades on the danger of a "Gray and a Red wave" crashing America from both oceans, were considered paranoia by the majority until the events in 1952 completely vindicated him as a prophet. The average American would never be able to answer the difference of Integralism and Nazism, despite the fact they were both radically opposed when it came to matters such as Local autonomy, religion and race. That is why when Brazil was taken over by Salgado after his victory and the Generalissimo's death, there was widespread horror once the "Linz Pakt" had suddenly taken half of South America to itself. Once Mao defeated the Nationalists in China, the "Red Wave" was also at the ready, and the fact Long's government was still clinging to Secretary Wheeler's unpopular isolationist policies have shown to many Americans, especially in the right-wing, that McCarthy was nothing short of a prophet, a man who spent years shouting about the coming of a danger that was being materialized before their eyes, and now to them he was the only way out. A man who would rally the reaction, to bring America back to the world stage and crash the waves before they came. A man who would go on a Holy Crusade of Liberty both inside and outside of the country, recovering the nation from years of inertia to face the dangers in Germania, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Beijing, Hollywood and anywhere else it could be coming from. The dangerous policies of Long's populism would be reversed, breaking the cage to let the Eagle fly once more. To millions of Americans, the Hero of Wheeler was the solution.


As for President Long? He was still much more popular amongst the American poor, his welfare policies helped to redistribute wealth while also weaking large American companies, which depending on who you ask is either a blessing or a curse. There was no doubt he would be candidate for Reelection, perhaps even for more than just two terms, and indeed he had a large Amount of support within both parties thanks to the 1950 Congress elections, but the problem is that he clashed constantly with both the Northern Liberals and the Southern Democrats within the Party. Some considered it arrogance, others saw it as a ploy to take control of the Party, others yet saw it as a fight against the elitist Democrat Caucus. The Democratic Party once lost an election which would have been an easy victory in 1932, the Republicans did the same in 1912, and even in 1892 there was a split that allowed Cleveland's victory. It seemed like the Third-Party tradition was going to rise once again in the same 20-year cicle, because Huey and the Democratic Establishment were going to war with one another.

The final straw was not the takeover of Integralists in Brazil, although that did further cause disputes within the cabinet between Secretary Wheeler and Vice-President Roosevelt, but rather it came from Long himself in May. A popular rally was made when the President visited Saint Louis, few know why he said the words he did, indeed it was shocking even to members of his cabinet. In a speech, Long compared both the Democratic and Republican establishment to two fraudulent bottles of medicine which came from the same tree but were said to be different. He denounced members of the Democratic Party who were siding with the "Wall Street Elite", the same one that was overwhelmingly siding with McCarthy, which also gave the Republican candidate the largest electoral budget in American history up to that moment. The fallout of that fateful speech was a split in Congress as the Progressive Republicans, dissatisfied with the radical right-wing turn of their Party ever since MacArthur which only became stronger with the launching of the McCarthy-Patton ticket, broke ranks. The Progressive democrats, many of them being part of a younger generation which was elected in 1948 and 1950, including most of the Representatives of the so-called "lower clergy" of the Party, would also turn on the Party Caucus after Vice-President James Roosevelt announced officially his electoral bid. But it was not just the progressives who sided with Long, supporters of Isolationism, including the big name of Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, protested on the hawkish turn of both parties on a nation still scarred by the brutal Pacific War. Joining them were also populist figures, members of smaller parties such as the former Farmer-Labor Party, and "Longist" allies in the Congress. The "Great Dissent" would see Huey's biggest gamble and perhaps the greatest challenge to the Historical Two-Party system ever formed: The Populist Party.

For the first time, it was a Third Party that was ahead in the polls, the Populists, which quickly gained the nickname "Kingfish Party". Huey was confident in his victory, he was popular as a speaker, his policies won over much of the American poor. However, his arrogance and overreliance on the popular vote was working against him, while men such as Roosevelt and McCarthy were better political articulators. The Democratic Party denounced the splintering, running James as their candidate with the support of the local party machines from both North and South. The Republicans saw the division working in their favor, but it was undeniable that Long's popular appeal and the Republican dissidents caused a great harm on the victory prospects. But essentially the race would be defined in the fight between Long and McCarthy, with Roosevelt being a more distant third place. After all, James did not have much to offer in his platform that was not already shown in Long's credentials, the President had a tight grip on his base. The progressive programs were already linked to Long in the popular mind, thanks in no small part to McCarthy's own speeches. Meanwhile the Anti-Isolationist platform was already a part of McCarthy's agenda, and the fact George S. Patton was his vice-President just emphasized it more. Patton was an all-American hero, the man who broke the Japanese from Honolulu to Saitama, the man who took Nagano and the Imperial fortress, the man who led the American troops to crush the tyrannical Stalinist regime and fought head on against the German Collaborators in Russia.

The campaign trail of 1952 was marked for its lack of civility and political correctness, especially in the rallies led by McCarthy, although Long also slandered his enemies as "Puppets of Wall Street". Fear was the theme, the fear of the adversary. McCarthy would be a hawk that would destroy all of Long's popular reforms and plunge America into a world war. Long was a Cryptic mix of Socialism and Fascism who would take over the nation as the next dictator by declaring himself President-for-Life, dismantling the structure of the long-standing traditions of America. Roosevelt was an elitist who represented the corrupt upper powers of the two parties. Fear and hatred were on new heights, especially as other themes were involved, such as the Unpopular "Prohibition" policies. The 18th amendment survived despite several odds against it, first by the support of groups from the Temperance League to even the Klan, the compromises of the Wheeler Administration with the Southern Democrats prevented several proposals to repeal the act from being passed, and finally the World War rationing and anti-Germanic sentiment gave a short-time revival of hostility against Beer. While sale and production were banned, consumption was not, and according to the FBI reports to President Long in 1952, the consumption of alcohol in the United States dropped to less than a fifth of the original pre-Prohibition levels. However, organized crime and ilegal production of moonshine skyrocketed at the same period, only being reduced during the war and the Thurmond Administration when the government intensified the crackdown. Needlessly to say, the policy was unpopular, neither of the two main candidates seemed determined to face it head on, as McCarthy did not wish to risk his support in the right-wing of the American public, many who were associating Beer and Wine as "Fascist" drinks at the height of the Grey Scare. But Long did show signs that he would be willing to call for a new constitutional amendment to revoke the Article. Either way, Prohibition ceased to be as central in the public debate as it used to be in the 1930s, and both sides of the spectrum had greater priorities to settle at first.

Television was still a more restricted item in the United States, although Long's policies did allow for a greater purchasing power for the lower strata of society, it was still a number around 20%, nowhere near the level it would get by the end of the decade, but still far greater than the meager 7% in the 1948 election. McCarthy challenged Long to a televised debate in September 1952, a challenge accepted by the incumbent, who saw that as an opportunity to appease the fears of the middle and upper classes in the Urban centers. Roosevelt would later appear in a televised interview, but no doubt all the audiences were watching the first Televised Presidential Debate in History. It was an era of experimenting and for a people who always wanted to see something new, seeing the faces of their candidates from home was a novelty unlike any other. The debate itself was not particularly enthusiastic, the two candidates mostly stuck to their usual rhetoric while struggling with the rules of this new type of show that would repeat itself in every election afterwards. By the end of it, McCarthy and Long returned to their campaigns, while Roosevelt had his solo interview where he condemned the "deplorable state of American politics", the lack of "decency and common sense" among the two candidates who were both men who did not seem to have a particularly good taste for the Democratic Process. Overall, it was expected that Long would have a win, being the first Third Party candidate to break the Republican-Democrat Party system, only for the Suez War to erupt, giving McCarthy a full round of ammunition to shoot at the government's inanition while "The Fascist Arab Legions hold one of the most important waterways of the world and the Holy city of Jerusalem as hostages".

November came and nails ran out, nobody would come out satisfied by the results as, for the first time since 1824, a Presidential contingent election began in the United States. Long won by the popular vote by plurality, however both him and McCarthy failed in winning with the majority of the Electoral votes. Southern States such as South and North Carolina, alongside Georgia and Virginia, mobilized their local political machines thanks to the defection of several prominent politicians including former President Thurmond, in favor for the Democratic Party. The Senate would choose between Long and McCarthy's choices of Vice-President: Estes Kefauver and George S. Patton. Kefauver was a populist politician from Tennessee, a man who allied with the Wheeler administration and pushed heavily towards economic reforms, only to be disappointed by the Former President's constraints within the unstable alliance of the Party and the Southerners. The Senator would be elected alongside the wave of Longist politicians in 1948 and became one of the staunchest supporters of Long's push against Monopolies and big companies, a fact which made him adored by many of the new "Longists" and one of the most prominent names to defect to the "Kingfish Party". Not wishing to have another VP who was at complete odds on so many more controversial matters, especially one he grew to despise as a saboteur from Wall Street, Long chose Kefauver in his ticket during a time he was leading a Senate investigation against Monopolies all over the nation. On the other hand, there was George Patton, a name who was popular, who held the votes of the "Purple Hearts", the veterans of the Pacific War, and was no doubt one of the most hawkish figures in American politics. However, Patton was not a politician, he was a military man very similar to MacArthur, and his racially charged declarations were an open secret that the McCarthy campaign attempted to minimize. The vote came down about who the Senate Democrats would vote for, and if the backers of the McCarthy campaign could afford the cost to make so many Senators ignore Patton's flaws. Ultimately, in a tight vote, Patton was elected as Vice-President of the United States.

Then it came time for the dreaded Presidential election, and there were few times in history where the House of Representatives was so chaotic. "Kingfishers", as Long's supporters were called, were branded as traitors by both parties, the Republicans were called "War Hawks", and the Democrats were named "Thurmond's bootlickers". The delegations voted according to their States, rather than absolute numbers, and Long had the advantage, with 23 States already voting for him, followed by McCarthy's 19 States finishing with Roosevelt's humble 6 states: Five Southern States and his Home State of New York. Everything seemed to be leading to a Longist Victory as it seemed, all he needed was for two States to flip to his side, and for that he reached out for other Southern States, such as Georgia and Florida. Meanwhile, Roosevelt and McCarthy would begin a long series of negotiations on the days before the Election, which would be held in an open section differently from previous contingent elections. It seemed like a 23-25 result would be achieved as the Democratic Party and the Republican Party both agreed to stop Huey Long's second term, however that was not the case as a crucial defection came on the day of the voting. The aging Senator Robert Taft, probably one of the most outspoken of the Old School Isolationists, held a meeting with Governor Frank Lausche on the Christmas Eve of 1952. Few know of what was debated that night, but when the election came, the Ohio delegation surprisingly voted for Huey Long to the shock of all. The 24-24 tie would lead to a Second Ballot on the 13th of January, just a week later, giving more time for the shady political deals to spread all over the House. Unfortunately for McCarthy, Long was far better at these games, the Louisiana Kingfish had dealt with that type of politics ever since the 1920s when he replaced the local political machine of his State for his own, and over a decade in the Senate gave him time to know how Washington worked far better than McCarthy and his humble 4 years. That is when McCarthy's campaign finally came to give the Final blow as Senator Millard Tydings, a man who once led the committee to investigate McCarthy's allegations of "Crypto-Fascists and Communists in the Federal Government", had the chance to strike against McCarthy after he almost lost his Senate seat due to the Senator's attacks. Tydings made a large campaign within the Maryland Delegation, and by a tight margin of 25-23, Huey Long was re-elected as President of the United States of America.


(Electoral College Result)


(Contingent Election Result)

The 1952-53 Presidential election was the largest electoral upset in American History ever since Lincoln's Victory, if not more. A Third Party led by an Incumbent President and made up by a Big Tent of supporters was able to defeat the two greatest political forces in the country, including McCarthy's campaign, the most well-funded political campaign up until that moment. The Republicans had elected their own Vice-President, which led to Huey being now stuck with a man far more opposed to his ideals than Roosevelt ever was. The upset was a shock all over the world, in Britain many felt that this would mean four more years of abandonment, while others believed Long might finally become more sensible after seeing how his Isolationist policies almost led to his defeat. The Economy was still going strong, however, and the people celebrated with cheers to the victory of the Kingfish, while others dreaded that America was walking into further decay. McCarthy denounced Long's victory, although he recognized his own defeat, he vowed to continue fighting for the American people and it's values in Congress. Furthermore, the Longist wave continued, and the APP would strike several victories of their own in Congress, which led to Long having a rather sizeable base from which he could draw support to his agenda, reducing the need for compromises. Several new politicians would arise in this occasion, many of which would leave their own mark on American History. But for now, it seemed like the country was headed towards Four more years of Longism... maybe even more.
Nice chapter, Huey Long is President once again. I actually thought McCarthy might win the election, I wonder how the Populist Party will affect politics with the two-party system broken. While we see a new paradigm with three mainline political parties and either party helping the other win elections with backroom deals? Can't wait for the next chapter.
Nice chapter, Huey Long is President once again. I actually thought McCarthy might win the election, I wonder how the Populist Party will affect politics with the two-party system broken. While we see a new paradigm with three mainline political parties and either party helping the other win elections with backroom deals? Can't wait for the next chapter.
Don’t forget having the most dysfunctional POTUS-VPOTUS dynamic since Adams and Jefferson!
Ugh. The last thing the world needs right now is another 4 years of Long. I mean, I supoort his general economic leaning, but right now, no, no isolationism need apply. Freaking ass.

Excellent chapter, as always.
Ugh. The last thing the world needs right now is another 4 years of Long. I mean, I supoort his general economic leaning, but right now, no, no isolationism need apply. Freaking ass.

Excellent chapter, as always.
#4MoreYears, #AllDayLongHueyLong, #DownWithTheTwoParties.