cold war

  1. (Poll) What if the Syrian coup of 1961 fails and it remains in the United Arab Republic? What next?

    What if the 1961 Syrian coup of 1961 fails and it remains in the United Arab Republic? (This happens in this timeline called Socialism with a human face: How will Nasser and Egypt respond to this? Will Egypt...
  2. What if the Chinese Civil war ended with China being partitioned along the Yangtze River?

    What if the Kuomintang were able to halt the Communists in the later half of the Chinese civil war with the war ending with China being partitioned along the Yangtze River with Communist China being run from Beijing and KMT China being run from Chongqing? Would would South China (Kuromintang...
  3. AltoRegnant

    WI: FDR's Plan for Indochina Was Implemented?

    According to the Tampa Bay Times, and Monroe News, FDR intended for French Indochina, including the modern country of vietnam, to be turned into a UN trusteeship and given independence. Now, obviously this never happened, and the colony was forcibly returned to France, leading to Vietnam...
  4. Infinite Energy: The Fusion Power Revolution
    Threadmarks: Introduction / Chapter 1: The Fusion Breakthrough

    Introduction: The Dawn of a New Era The year was 1954, a time when the world stood on the brink of immense change. In a modest laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey, Dr. Lyman Spitzer and his team of physicists achieved a monumental breakthrough that would forever alter the course of human...
  5. The 1960 coup in South Vietnam succeeds?

    Prior to his overthrow and death in November 1963, the closest longtime South Vietnamese dictator Ngo Dinh Diem came to losing power was on November 11 1960, when troops dissatisfied with his increasingly corrupt and autocratic rule trapped him in the old Independence Palace. They failed...
  6. What if there is no Non-Aligned movement?

    Basically, I was wondering what it would take to prevent the creation of the Non-Aligned movement? Would it only require removing someone like Tito, or would it need a much more far-reaching POD? What would the effects of this be on the wider Cold War world? Would this result in even more of the...
  7. Nulligon

    Better When Worse: Borghese's Italy
    Threadmarks: 1

    Foreword The Years of Lead were a difficult period for Italy, one of turmoil, uncertainity, and instability. Ask any Italian who has lived through that time and they'll perfectly recall the fear and tension people were constantly forced in. Bombings, shootouts, thefts and homicides...
  8. Sanity options for Communist Cuba post-Cuban Missile Crisis

    My knowledge on the communist state built after the Cuban Revolution is quite limited, but apparently Cuba tried to chart its own way early on even under the Soviet aegis and only joined the Comecon in 1972 after failed crops. In trying to export revolutions of national liberation, its foreign...
  9. Carlos Alberto Madrazo, president of Mexico?

    Carlos Alberto Madrazo Becerra was a Mexican politician who served as governor of Tabasco from 1959 until 1965. Following the end of his governorship, Mexican president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz appointed him to the presidency of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which was, at the time, the...
  10. Brazil avoids parliamentarianism in 1961?

    The administration of João Goulart (also known as Jango), which would be Brazil's last democratically elected one for more than two decades, was engulfed in turmoil from the get go. Jânio Quadros' resignation kicked off a crisis that nearly led to a civil war, and Goulart only took office thanks...
  11. PC: The Kashmir issue is settled in the 1950s?

    I did some cursory reading on Wikipedia about the Kashmir dispute, and apparently the idea of organizing a plebiscite under UN supervision was raised by both India and Pakistan as a possible solution to the dispute. However, one side or the other rejected it on various occasions for this or that...

    AHC: No One Wins the Cold War

    We have TLs where the Soviet Union still collapses (earlier or later), and we have TLs where it’s the United States that collapses/falls from grace instead. But what about if both superpowers collapsed and no one won the Cold War? By that I mean that not only do both superpowers loose all...
  13. Can West and East Pakistan stay together, or at least split amicably?

    During the first few decades of its exitence, Pakistan was made up of two very different halves: the west, dominated by Urdu, Punjabi and Sindhi speakers, and the east, which is now modern day Bangladesh, which was (and still is) almost completely dominated by Bengalis. These regions, besides...
  14. Brky2020

    TLIAD: Protect and Survive: WE'RE ALL OUT OF TIME

    This is a day-by-day glimpse at the major events in professional wrestling in the United States and Canada in the Protect and Survive universe for February 1984. I gathered much of my information from IRL results from the DragonKingKarl's 1984-1985 Pro Wrestling Omnibus, by Karl Stern and from...
  15. Morarji Desai becomes prime minister of India in 1966?

    Following the unexpected death of Indian prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri in January 1966, the two strongest candidates to succeed him were Indira Gandhi, daughter of the late Jawaharlal Nehru, and Morarji Desai, who served in a variety of administrative posts from the 1930s onward. It was a...
  16. PC: the United Party wins the 1953 election in South Africa?

    I've had a sudden interest in mid 20th century South Africa lately, so I've been doing some research on the topic, focused mostly on looking for PODs that may lead to an earlier end of apartheid. Naturally, this involves getting the National Party out of power sooner (or, better yet, stopping...
  17. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla returns to the presidency of Colombia in 1970?

    One of the most common (and nefarious) types of political figures in Latin America during its independent history was that of the military dictator, who, besides using various unlawful methods to remain in power (to put it mildly) and being incredibly corrupt in most cases, was often subordinate...
  18. South Africa WI: the United Party returns to power in 1961?

    After their (frankly ridiculous) loss in the 1948 election, the United Party of South Africa would never again regain its former prominence. Instead, the number of seats it held in parliament shrank further and further as the years went by, while the National Party consolidated its grip on power...
  19. Onedotman

    Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Suppose that the Republicans won the Spanish Civil War. After the Fall of France, Germany is most likely to invade Spain, since no way they would tolerate a socialist country right next to the Vichy. Now there are two scenarios at hand: one is that the Nazis successfully take over Spain and...
  20. The Red Millennium (What if the Soviet Union won the Cold War?) (WIP)

    The Red Millennium is an alternate timeline that explores a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War through a tumultuous Trotskyist approach and the failure of American unity and lack of American economic stimulation. The United States collapses into various socialist states and the Texan...