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The Turtledove Awards

In February 2005, various members of the board, realizing that we have some talented writers and historians around here, discussed the creation of an award recognizing outstanding achievement by members of The result was the Turtledove Awards, which is given out each year for the best alternate history timelines and fiction posted by members of over the previous year. The winner receives a web graphic which they can use on their own websites, should they have one.

RobertP6165 took the leading role in creating the award, setting down the various award categories and the rules by which the awards would be given. Scarecrow suggested calling the award the “Turtledove” and created a prototype award graphic which was universally admired. This graphic was later modified by RobertP6165 to become the final version of the award given to winners. A new graphic has come into use since 2011, designed by Pischinovski.

For the first three years (2005-2007), RobertP6165 served as moderator of the Awards, posting the nominations threads and the polls by which members voted. In 2008, he turned over these duties to Glen.

Past Award Recipients by Year

Past Award Recipients by Category

Turtledove Award Winners by Category - Currently being reworked to contain more up-to-date information.

Turtledove Awards Media and Trivia

alternate_history/turtledove_awards.1420638297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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