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Spreading of the Swine Flu to Madagascar bill


Amidst a flurry of bills submitted to Parliament was this, which would address the then-current global outbreak of Swine Flu and relations.


This bill was proposed to the Lower House of Parliament by MP Susano (FFF) on April 27, 2009.

Proposed Text of Legislation


WHEREAS it seems likely that the Swine Flu will hit Earth hard nd might dveelop into a pandemic and

WHEREAS we know from the game Pandemic 2 that Madagascar always comes out of pandemics scotch free and

WHEREAS we find this mightily annoying, we

THEREFORE conclude this bill to rectify this situation:

I. An Armed Forces commando team shall spread the swine flu everywhere in Madgascar, particularily schools and hospitals before they close down.

II. The Imperial Republic of shall diplomatically condemn and renounce, in the name of free trade and traffic, all actions of the Republic of Madagascar attempting to close down ports and airports on the island.

III. The government shall financially sponsor the tourism industry of Madagascar, and especially tourism to Madagascar


Voting this bill began on April 27, 2009 and ended on May 4, 2009.

Voting Record:

Aye Nay Abstained No Vote
Susano (FFF) Kidblast (YSP)
09camaro (E) Ran Exilis (E)
TheDarkServant (FFBF) Haggis (E)
Deputy Prime Minister maverick (E) Gladi (E)
Demosthenes (E)
LordInsane (E)
Keenir (E)
Nekromans (YSP)
VulcanTrekkie45 (YSP)
Pkmatrix (YSP)
Steffen (FFF)
4 0 0 11

Unable to meet the passage requirements set out in either Article I or Article II Section 2 of the Legislative Procedures Act, this bill failed to pass. Politics

2008 - 2009 Legislation
