Table of Contents
Norwegian Timelines and Scenarios
Norway-centric TLs
- Know of any other timelines set here ? Feel free to add them !
TLs in which the country makes appearances
- Protect and Survive by Macragge1 and The Land of Sad Songs by DrakonFin - Some of the chapters briefly mention contact with the country pior to and during the aftermath of The Exchange.
- Cliveless World by Tony Jones - Norway is part of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway.
- Fight and Be Right by EdT - Its history in the latter half of the 19th century and the early 20th century is rather different here, particularly its relationship with Sweden within the personal union of the two countries.
- Iron and Longships - A Vinland TL by EvilProdigy - Makes brief appearances, since it's one of the ancestral homelands of the Scandinavian characters from that TL.
- The Chaos TL by Max Sinister - For quite some time part of Denmark, later taken by Sweden. When the country looks as if it was going Socialist, paranoid anti-Socialist Germany invades and turns the place into the satellite republic of Scandinavia. During TTL's WW1, the country still goes Socialist, joining the Socialist Block (in western Europe).
See Also
timelines/norway.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:13 by