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Greetings again readers, there will be an incoming short, and yet decisive, chapter, here are the options for what shall the chapter after it be about:

Shomer Israel - Hanukkah special, the first Proxy War
Festung Europa - Military advancements of the Reich
Vittoria del Diavolo - Post war Italy and the heavy cost of victory.
Maréchal de la Trahison - The final years of Petain and the government of France.
Dark is the Night - The escalation, stagnation, and despair of Russia between 1943-1947
Purple Hearts on the Ballot - The Thurmond government at Home during the post-war victory, the 1948 elections, and the rise of Joseph McCarthy.
Festung Europa for me though, but I also want to see Shomer Israel and Dark is the Night too.
They all sound interesting, but
Vittoria del Diavolo - Post war Italy and the heavy cost of victory or
Purple Hearts on the Ballot - The Thurmond government at Home during the post-war victory, the 1948 elections, and the rise of Joseph McCarthy.
(Mainly due to the last part)
They all sound interesting, but
Vittoria del Diavolo - Post war Italy and the heavy cost of victory or
Purple Hearts on the Ballot - The Thurmond government at Home during the post-war victory, the 1948 elections, and the rise of Joseph McCarthy.
(Mainly due to the last part)
Seconded for Purple Hearts on the Ballot, because I really wanna see what McCarthyism looks like in this timeline
Whats happening in India?
India contributed more into the war than IOTL, with the Southeast Asian campaign extending into 1946. With Atlee in charge of Britain, he wants to push for a decolonization of the Subcontinent with friendly nations still aligned into the Commonwealth. However, figures such as King Edward VIII and Tories have other opinions, as differently from OTL, there is a massive Continental power that is aiming thousands of planes and missiles at London less than 100 miles away at the channel.
India contributed more into the war than IOTL, with the Southeast Asian campaign extending into 1946. With Atlee in charge of Britain, he wants to push for a decolonization of the Subcontinent with friendly nations still aligned into the Commonwealth. However, figures such as King Edward VIII and Tories have other opinions, as differently from OTL, there is a massive Continental power that is aiming thousands of planes and missiles at London less than 100 miles away at the channel.
Well, it's not like the British really have choice.
If they don't give independence to India, then the Indians will take it...


On January 30th, 1947, as the world celebrated peace, one nation under one man prepared to end it. Fredrich Hoffman, a 39-year old veteran of the Wehrmacht, specifically the 16th Panzer division attached to the 6th army, was at his home in the city of Halberstadt, Lower Saxony. The man lived with his wife Sophie, two boys and a girl, aged 17, 14, and 9 respectively. Today was a day of national celebration, the Machtergreifung, the "seizure of power" by the NSDAP 14 years earlier, a day where he was more busy celebrating the birth of his second son, Ludwig Hoffman, to see the ceremony of the SA in Berlin. It was not a day as celebrated as the 20th of April, which was practically the main German national holiday, and yet people were at a good mood. While sometimes in the past, the neighborhood watcher of the NSDAP had to go in a few houses which did not hang up the flag, one time leading to a man receiving the visit of two SA goons in 1934, who were probably after him due to his previous membership to the SPD, today was not the case. People were more enthusiastic ever since the victory, and what German would dare to oppose Hitler? The man who, in 14 years, turned Germany from a poverty-ridden nation falling apart from internal divisions, economic collapse, and falling governments, into the sole power of Europe. It was a miracle not even Hoffman could explain, he just followed the orders as they were given, from Paris to Stalingrad, somehow it all went well. And today, as the birthday of Ludwig was being set up for the night once he and the others back from the Youth Center, it would be a historical day for Germany. Fredrich was at the living room, helping his wife by carrying over a table on where they would place the cake, and once he set it down there was a knock on the door. He walked over towards the wooden door and opened it, to his endless joy, it was the neighborhood watcher, SA-Sturmführer Hermann Wagner.

"Herr Hoffman, Heil Hitler." The officer said and raised his arm in a disciplined salute that Hoffman returned almost mechanically. "Have you set up the government channel?" The officer asked him, although technically Hoffman outranked him, he was a decommissioned officer, retiring following the Tag das Sieges, Hoffman answered him truthfully. "I have been preparing for the birthday of my son, I did not have the time to do so, is the speech important today?" The younger counterpart to Hoffman seemed to be almost insulted at the veteran's sloppiness. He did not doubt the man's patriotism or devotion of course, although he always found the Wehrmacht men to be almost like relics, distant from the public life and engagement that the Party demanded of the members of the Volk. "Indeed it is Herr, it is the inauguration of the Volkshalle in Germania, one of the greatest feats of National Socialist Architecture. The Führer will also address the future of the Reich, you cannot lose such a historical moment. I would've gone there myself if I did not have a duty here." Wagner was young enough to be Hoffman's son, the veteran did not want to argue over this condescending tone. Instead he nodded and acquiesced to the SA's demand. "Indeed, I must've been misinformed, thank you Herr Wagner, Heil Hitler." Hoffman gave his salute to the Sturmführer and closed the door as the man left for the next house. He could've just left it that way and go back to his business, but his wife Sophie was standing right behind him, watching the entire conversation. He knew she was a true-blooded National Socialist ever since they were engaged, being a part of the National Socialist Women's League meant that she had a duty in her house. Hoffman sighed and went to turn on the TV, which was already playing the "Horst-Wessel Lied" and was followed by the German anthem as the images of the massive Volkshalle were transmitted in black and white.

In Germania, there were tens of thousands inside the massive domed building. Although Speer, main architect of the project, initially was ordered to build a 300-meter tall building, testings uncovered that the sheer weight of that construction would sink it under the mashed grounds of Germania. A less ambitious project of 120 meters was approved instead, and even then, draining systems had to be installed into the Volkshalle. The construction took three years between 1943 and 1946, with the inauguration scheduled to 1947, despite the reductions, the massive domed building was still taller than the largest competitors, such as the St. Peter's basilica, being the largest building in the world of it's kind. Today was a momentous occasion, the highest levels of the NSDAP were reunited under Speer's dome, which was said to be a Cathedral of National Socialism, and that would not be an understatement. It was all symbolized by the top of the dome, where the Reichsadler, the German "Iron Eagle" stood over a globe. Speer, who sat alongside other ministers, was quite proud of his achievement, and nobody could do anything but applaud him, knowing that this project was one of Hitler's favorites, it would not be wise for any of the Gauleiters, Reichsministers, or Members of the Inner Circle to go against the Führer's ego. The Architect of the Reich did not speak openly of course, but the project was a personal victory of his own, ever since Göring's death, all were seeking the position left by the aviator. Not the government of Prussia, as the same was dissolved with the death of the Reichsmarshall despite protest of some Wehr Generals, but to be Hitler's successor. Naturally the position fell on Hess' shoulders, as the Deputy Führer of the NSDAP, the esoteric sycophant was the official successor, but it was very well known that the man did not have the spine, capability, ambition, or influence to hold the most powerful office in the Continent.

Today, the Führer stepped into the podium to address the country, despite the age of 57, he still had the voice and charisma to address the Nation, the Continent, and the World. For six days, ever since that fateful day in the Berghof, the leader had isolated himself, from the moment he discovered that the Americans went ahead of the Germans in their own "Wunderwaffen" and created a city-destroyer bomb that he himself dismissed years earlier as pure "Jewish Physics", he went on a furious rant against his inner circle and dismissed them. Some even wondered if he would still deliver the annual speech, which he did, only arriving at the Chancellery a day before the grand ceremony. Across the ocean, President Thurmond watched the television to see the live news broadcast, the Reich did not deliver any official statements on the end of the war in the Pacific, and now he believed that today would be a turning point, summoning his cabinet at the White House to watch what the madman in Germania would speak to his minions. Erich Kempka, the Führer's Chafeur, drove his car, the Mercedes-Benz 770, to the Chancellery to pick up his boss, who entered the vehicle as they drove towards the Volkshalle past a massive crowd of onlookers from all over the Reich, security of the event being greatly tightened ever since the Iron Marshal's assassination, provided mostly by the SS-Leibstandarte "Adolf Hitler" Division. After greeting his ministers, who surrounded him like vultures, awaiting to take the first bite of the body of their leader once he died. Speer would take the stage first as being credited for projecting the building, officially delivering the Volkshalle to Hitler as a monument to National Socialism and the "Triumph of the German Volk". After Speer's short words, it was time for the main attraction, and the eyes of the world were upon the words that would officialize something President Wheeler predicted years earlier.

"My German countrymen, members of the German People's Community. Today is a day of triumph, the triumph of a people against it's enemy. 14 years ago, President Hidenburg summoned me, and by the will of the people and nation, by the will of all those who hoped for better days, who desired to bring the honor that the nation truly deserved, I was made Reich Chancellor within the framework of Democracy. For years I have worked into reorganizing the country, the criminals of November tried to stop the march of National Socialism in vain, conspiracies within were defeated by brave heroes in our frontlines that safeguarded the future of the nascent Reich. I extended my hand in peace to the nations of Europe, especially towards Britain, and yet the hand that you give to such perfidious snakes are bitten. The French were approached as friends, but all we received was a slap to the face, the stubbornness of the Entente politicians, controlled by the same Judeo-Capitalist cabal that controlled Britain, led us to war, a war where our enemies seeked to dismantle the Reich in a thousand pieces, but all that they did was ensure that the Reich will stand for a thousand years!

The Jew is the eternal enemy of the Reich, of National Socialism, for the fact that we are the only ones capable of seeing through their lies, the Revolution we did was one to correct the course of the Reich, we directed it away from evolving into a degenerate beast into what we are today, the greatest Empire the world has ever seen. As the Judeo-Bolsheviks crumble in the east, and the Judeo-Capitalists cower in the west, the prophecy I have given to the Reichstag was fulfilled, as the Jew brought war to Europe, I can say that Europe shall now become free of Jews!

But we remain vigilant as we always have, our triumph must not blind us to the scheming of our enemies, across the Channel, the Perfidious Albion still remains. I still offer them to turn from their path and join our European Brotherhood in peace, and their politicians still reject the offer under the orders of Zion's elders. But across the seas, I once more say that our greatest enemy is, the American land, which once grew thanks to the vigor of the Anglo-Germanic man, has long lost it's strength, ruled instead by internationalist forces, by the Jewish bankers of New York, the corrupt politicians in Washington, and the hypocrites that preach peace while creating weapons of untold destruction, who preach self-determination but continuously deny the right of the European peoples, of the Germanic people, to rule itself. I tell you children of Germany, that the only self-determination that Mr. Atlee and Mr. Thurmond seek to impose is the determination of their own nations to dictate the others, and if we were to rest on our deserved laurels and lower our weapons today, tomorrow the German nation would be no more, and the sacrifices of our heroic countrymen would be in vain as we would be fragmented and weakened in a far worse way than even Versailles.

Coexistence with America, Friendship with America, that can only be given the moment their threats cease, otherwise the Reich will continue to strengthen itself. I do not want a war any more than I wanted in 1939, but if forced upon us, with the same vigor that led us to Paris and Moscow, that shattered the Old Order and placed a New Order, that liberated millions from the bonds of Zionism, we shall stand proud until the Final Victory! Germany has never been stronger, prouder, richer, or united as it is now, and I am certain that a thousand years of Glory awaits for us. Our will has Triumphed, triumphed against the Bolsheviks, against the Jews, against the criminals who betrayed our nation, and shall triumph every challenge that comes in our way, for no people in the world can compare to ours. Glory to Germany, Glory to the Reich, Glory to the New Order. And may the Divine Providence continue to guide our people. Deutschland! Sieg Heil!" [1]

[1] The speech as a whole was longer, lasting about an hour, but the main parts of this sermon were included in this chapter.

The crowds from all across the Reich erupted in cheers, with millions of arms raising the salute, from children to the elderly. Hitler achieved what he wanted, making a grand show of strength against the United States and Great Britain, although most of the realistic minds were skeptical over the chance of coexistence no matter what. He did not mention the Atomic bomb directly, although there was the mention of "weapons of untold destruction" and claiming that Reich would "strengthen itself". The reactions to the speech were of wariness, the celebrations over Victory day, the initial euphoria brought by Japan's defeat, suffered a shocking reminder that a much greater and dangerous enemy still held control over "The old continent". In Washington, President Thurmond knew there was still much to be done, already calling for a Press Conference and to draft an answer to the Reich, with Atlee already preparing his speech to the House of Commons next session. And from his home, Friedrich Hoffman watched the speech with some uneasiness, while his wife seemed thrilled by the Führer's words, he faked a look of satisfaction while a sense of dread built inside of him. He saw first hand the horrors of the war, especially in the East, they were unbelievably lucky although nobody in the Wehrmacht would admit that, and he feared that if war restarted, his sons would hold the rifle this time, and this time he might have to bury their corpses.

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He saw first hand the horrors of the war, especially in the East, they were unbelievably lucky although nobody in the Wehrmacht would admit that, and he feared that if war restarted, his sons would hold the rifle this time, and this time he might have to bury their corpses.
Good to see not everyone has wool pulled over their eyes

Good chapter


A very wonderful update.

A feel a great disturbance in the force... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I feel something terrible has happened.

I hope the Eastern Europeans survive this shit.