Map Thread XVIII

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Following the American Revolution, the establishing of the United Provinces of America was a complex, rigorous choice. It spurred debate across the meager 13 Colonies which comprised it, but eventually the establishment of an overseer in form of Monarch was decided upon. The head of such system was selected to be important statesmen John Adams, who was deduced to be a more conservative figure in the political space, as well as one who promoted the American ideals, thus making him an ideal figure for such a position as overseer. Under the watchful eye of the Adams Dynasty, the United Provinces of America had expanded to include a vast quantity of the North American continent; to deal with areas of large minorities, the creation of Princely States was made to ensure minority groups' protections (or otherwise as a method for the UPA to avoid dealing with certain state -- as per the Princely State of Colombia or the Princely State of Hispaniola, etc.). However, this momentum came to a halt in the 1850s, with the Slaver's Revolt; in response to growing concerns of the institution of slavery, pro-Republican and pro-Slavery Southerners seceded from the Union, successfully guaranteeing their independence in 1860. From their, the American Republic created the policy of the Golden Circle - to own as much of the Caribbean and Caribbean-adjacent locales. Through blood and iron, the American Republic indeed came to conquer huge swaths of the Caribbean coastline. In 1889, however, King John Q. Adams II declared war on the American Republic, and over a grueling eight-year war (called the American Reclamation), the Republic eventually capitulated. What follows was a period of radical Reconstruction, where many symbols of the Republic were demolished, slaves freed, etc.; this reconquest of land increased the drive of Manifest Destiny, as the United Provinces annexed Hispaniola and Gran Colombia by 1905. By this point, the creation of the Tripartite System had already occurred.

In the years of the Napoleonic Wars, Portugal suffered hard. By the end of the war, the monarchy saw itself deposed from their European holdings, and has to flee to Brazil; there, they silently remained in power as they kept their claims on Africa (and praying for a day when the Republican System would free its grasp on Portugal). Brazil kept an iron grip of Cisplatina and expanded its influence across the interior of Africa, a plan called the Rose Map. When the American Republic expanded its influence into South America, the pro-slavery Brazil was quick to form an alliance with the state; despite this, when the Reclamation occurred, Brazil refused to risk itself to the American War Machine, and instead pursued positive relations with the UPA - going so far as to marry off Princess Isabel to heir Prince Charles Francis Adams (ruled as King Charles II).

The Empire of Japan, forced out of exile by American merchants, became incredibly imperialistic in search of materials; to this end, they embarked on their own Manifest Destiny to conquer much of the Pacific. By and large, to this end, they were successful, even conquering the Philippines from Spain in the 1880s. As a fellow expanding powerhouse in need of material goods, the UPA was more than willing to accept Japan into their fold, creating incredibly positive and prosperous relations.

It was this Tripartite System that, through incidents and poor relations, would end up at war with the Republican System by the 1820s.

(A map I made to deal with some creative burn-out I was suffering with. I actually really like how this came out.)
And now for something completely different...

See if you can guess the PoD/the world it's set in (Hint: check the city names, every one of them so far)

Here's a little WIP I've been working for the past week or so. Try guessing the world it's based on:

Cross-posting from the main map thread:

Now introducing the penal territory of Susan-Mary: Stalin's gulags with a slight touch of Cambodian killing fields and North Korean gulags (all in 1763 1776):

At least the Gulf Coast is done (now on to the Hudson Bay and then to the Bahamas):

Cross-posting from the main thread:

Gian, respectfully, you've posted this map seven times in nine days. While obviously you're not breaking any spam rules explicitly and I'm certainly not the person responsible for policing this, other users have politely asked you before to stop repeatedly posting so many WIPs so frequently, especially in the main map thread.

This is a very nice WIP as always from you but, no offence I really don’t want to tell you of or anything, why don’t you put it on the WIP thread.

Also pls finish one of your map someday I really really love your style and I think it’s a shame so many WIP stay unfinished

My only qualm with this is that it isn't the first time it has happened. I've fairly frequently seen you post a succession of high quality albeit unfinished maps in both threads for a period before seemingly never completing the piece. It's a little frustrating to see the same piece each and every day. Furthermore, being subscribed to both WIP and the main map thread (as I imagine many users here are), the circumvention of multi-posting by cross-posting feels a little taboo.

I didn't know the proper method of breaching this conversation as I don't believe it warrants a report or any measures from the staff, but I've been aware of this behavior for more than a year by now. Obviously, you can choose to ignore me and continue to do as you please, but I felt I needed to highlight this.

You're a cartographer of great talent but I think it's a shame to see so many WIPs, so frequently, without completion. Perhaps you could stick with posting fewer pieces, exclusively in the designated WIP thread, until they're complete?

I don't want to derail the thread too much with this, but I'm interested in a roundtable with other cartography users here. Should there be any conventions on WIP posting? We did set up a thread to avoid this spam posting in the first place. Or, am I being too intrusive on the harmless posting behavior of other users? If the conversation evolves maybe it can warrant a thread in Non-Political Chat to reach an unofficial consensus. Until then, I hope no offense is caused by this post Gian, like I said, you're enormously good at what you do, but personally I find the quantity of your map posts exceeding the value of their quality.


Gian, respectfully, you've posted this map seven times in nine days. While obviously you're not breaking any spam rules explicitly and I'm certainly not the person responsible for policing this, other users have politely asked you before to stop repeatedly posting so many WIPs so frequently, especially in the main map thread.

My only qualm with this is that it isn't the first time it has happened. I've fairly frequently seen you post a succession of high quality albeit unfinished maps in both threads for a period before seemingly never completing the piece. It's a little frustrating to see the same piece each and every day. Furthermore, being subscribed to both WIP and the main map thread (as I imagine many users here are), the circumvention of multi-posting by cross-posting feels a little taboo.

I didn't know the proper method of breaching this conversation as I don't believe it warrants a report or any measures from the staff, but I've been aware of this behavior for more than a year by now. Obviously, you can choose to ignore me and continue to do as you please, but I felt I needed to highlight this.

You're a cartographer of great talent but I think it's a shame to see so many WIPs, so frequently, without completion. Perhaps you could stick with posting fewer pieces, exclusively in the designated WIP thread, until they're complete?

I don't want to derail the thread too much with this, but I'm interested in a roundtable with other cartography users here. Should there be any conventions on WIP posting? We did set up a thread to avoid this spam posting in the first place. Or, am I being too intrusive on the harmless posting behavior of other users? If the conversation evolves maybe it can warrant a thread in Non-Political Chat to reach an unofficial consensus. Until then, I hope no offense is caused by this post Gian, like I said, you're enormously good at what you do, but personally I find the quantity of your map posts exceeding the value of their quality.

I don't mind. I guess I just wanted to post some updates because things can change on a whim (like my Mexico map, which got corrupted and I had to start over from scratch).
Yeah they use something called the CFA Franc
Speaking of which, Chad and Niger should be separate. Former French Central Africa (with Guian Bissaue and Togo) former French French Central Africa (and Cameroon) each have a separate currency. Though apparently the value between the two is currently the same. Still, considering the areas meat in deserts, I am imagining they don't circulate too freely between each other. I would also suggest removing the disputed border areas the Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, etc have to make things clearly, and as they are not relevant to the map. And does this show the Hong Kong Dollar? Macau also have their own currency.
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If you have good memory you'll probably remember a map similar to this one. That's because it's from the same TL, but I re-worked the whole map, giving it a more aesthetic approach and all that, but it's essentially the same map and I feel I'm plagiarising myself and cheating on the people who liked the first map. Welp.


10/10 ideal division of Northern Ireland, also great map! The borders are really well drawn, the colors look good, and I really like the outline of the sea.
10/10 ideal division of Northern Ireland, also great map! The borders are really well drawn, the colors look good, and I really like the outline of the sea.
I half wonder if it would be consideredtrollish to say I feel the best would be Ulaid to be Scottish. Or perhaps just all of the places here. Really though, I can't help but feel these borders would be showing the Protestant majority areas in Ulster, but before those from the rest of the island poured in. I also am rather.... Well, let's just say there is a reason the Channel Islands should not be French. Namely, roughly a thousand years divergence. @Drex, could you link to where you originally posted the map, be it on this thread or in the WIP thread. I imagine people had a lot of comments and questions for you back then and I am curious as to what responses you came up with. I can also just imagine how many changes you made to Brazil between the maps. I am quiet surprised Nicuargua is making those claims on Costa Rica and not on Honduras. And why the Czechs give the Germans such a huge area of autonomy. Gerrymandering works so much better, though perhaps they are rooting on the Germans not uniting.
Been going back and forth on this all morning and I'm still genuinely unsure whether this is technically a shitpost or not.

The Kingdom of Rohan in the reign of Theoden, 769


  • POD is the services of Hengist and Horsa being secured by Syagrius against the Franks, rather than by Vortigern against the Picts.
  • The Saxon and Alan mercenaries hired by the Roman successor state of Soissons manage to halt the Frankish incursion into northern Gaul and are granted the right to settle in Armorica: over the next century or so, a bizarre hybrid nomadic Saxon/Alan culture centred around horsemanship and Arian Christianity arises, which eventually breaks free of the overlordship of Soissons and overruns the remaining areas under Romano-Gallic control.
  • The ensuing Kingdom of Rohan (taking its name from the locality in Armorica where the Kingship is situated) is able to conquer much of Aquitania for a time, but is gradually pushed back towards its heartland by the Emirate of Cordoba in the late seventh and early eighth centuries.
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