
  1. Earth 2

    Project, tryin to create an entire world history but its all fictional inthat, feel free to create your own countries and add em to the canon
  2. World Maps for Alternate History Timelines and Works on this Forum

    Inspired by the World Maps for Official/Published Alternate History Works thread, I feel an extreme urge and instinct to first and foremost look at a world map of a timeline or story so that I can even begin to like it, for me, the world maps write their stories, and not the other way around...
  3. JG Online

    The HEART Development and Core Thread

    As it stands the M-BAM is a 112.6 megapixel base map used by some people here, it was made and developed on this forum in and since December 2015, M-BAM is an abbrivation for MEGA-Big Associated Map, named by yours truly, one of the original developers of that map :) M-BAM itself is an 3 times...
  4. TheAnimationFan

    Video - The basics of editing WorldA Earth maps

    If this is considered spam then feel free to lock up the thread, but the newer users in the Shared Worlds forum who've been unable to make maps have been a growing problem in the last year or so, almost always needing the OP to draw maps for them which can slow down threads considerably. As long...
  5. I need help making an alternate geography map.

    Presently, I'm working on a rather unusual alternate geography project in which I am attempting to connect the entirety of Patagonia to Europe. Here is a rough representation of what I am trying to achieve: It's impossible for me to tell if the image overlay of Patagonia in the linked...
  6. Taco Shark's HOI4 (and other Paradox games if I play them) inspired Maps
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Inspired by @FasterThanRaito 's thread, I decided to play more HOI4 to make stories from them and post them here. However by playing I mean most of the time observing, since I am not too good at the game itself. I use my own mod for my own gameplay enhancements as well as Toolpack to strengthen...
  7. Pax Versalica - A 'peaceful' world after the Great War.

    Hello, I decided to create this thread in a similar way to Thousand-Week Reich but with a different theme: A world where the Paris Peace Conference (Versailles) unfolds differently. This will lead to a series of changes that will cause the post-war to be called Pax Versalica, the peace of...
  8. 1940 : La France continue la guerre - France Fights On

    1940 - La France continue la guerre, also known as the Fantasque Time Line, is probably one of the most ambitious alternate history projects ever created. The original work can be read (in French) at this address: It is also being translated by @Wings on...
  9. Helmuth's WW1 (base) maps

    For my alternate World War I threads, I made some maps, which I really like to do. Sometimes I get the question whether my base maps can be used for someone's own ATL. I have no problem with that, but a reference would of course be greatly appreciated! In this thread, I will post my (base) maps...
  10. Imperial Advocate

    The West (and the Rest) is Red - A Map and Wikibox Timeline
    Threadmarks: Preface

    PREFACE This is a new TL that I have in the works, which will be told by maps (Making Qbam/Mbam maps is what I crave) and wikiboxes, which is why I put my TL here. Also, I didn't feel like going through the effort to do nitty-gritty research in order for this TL to be in the post-1900s section...
  11. Land Of People: A China Without A One Child Policy
    Threadmarks: Preface

    PREFACE Let me begin this by saying I have nothing but admiration for the Chinese people. Their massive effort to pull themselves out of poverty and achieve success on the global stage is exemplary. This is merely a look at what would have happened if there were more people in China, something...
  12. Existing Planets, Stars and Solar System Maps, Basemaps and Mapmaking Resources

    I noticed that there wasn't a thread for maps based off of just existing objects. The Alternate Planets, Suns, Stars, and Solar Systems Thread is mostly OC content and the Map Threads are congested and hard to navigate. This thread will act as the main place to post alongside the latter and will...
  13. shearsforest

    Historica: The Dedicated Photos/Maps/Graphics Thread
    Threadmarks: LATIN ALPHABET

    With my Historica project now over 1000 posts in length, I decided it would be an appropriate time to create a thread for stuff related to it. This thread is dedicated to showcasing maps (not the ones from the game, more like actual in-universe maps), photos, and graphics from the Historica map...
  14. Nuclear Autumn, or "2023:Doomsday"

    So uh, here's a work in progress map of the world that I'm calling "Nuclear Autumn" because it sounds cool, missile war between most nuclear powers, UN fled to... somewhere, and this is still basically a draft. That being said, it's a draft I've let to lose interest in and plan on not dropping...
  15. An Age of Peace? – A 1966 Kaiserreich Sequel
    Threadmarks: Introduction + Map of the world

    An Age of Peace? – A 1966 Kaiserreich Sequel (Special thanks to @pattontank12 and @Historyman 14 for greatly contributing towards the ideas over the years that made this TL possible. Also, to both @Danifa94 and @comrade cat, for being such great friends to me.) Foreword: Ever since I first...
  16. CactusCartocratus

    The March of History Continues - A Futuristic Timeline

    Ok so this is a thread for my timeline called "The March of History Continues" (TMoHC), which I have already posted a bit of on reddit and deviantart. It's basically Sean McKnight's Second Reneissance mixed with predictions from Whatifalthist and with a lot of my own ideas to shape it up...
  17. Kaiphranos

    MotF 250: A World Made For Two

    MotF 250: A World Made For Two The Challenge Make a map showing the effects of a marriage or love affair. The Restrictions There are no restrictions on when the PoD of your map should be. Fantasy, sci-fi, and future maps are allowed. If you're not sure whether your idea meets the criteria...
  18. Kaiphranos

    MotF 249: The Early Bird - Voting Thread

    Four maps this time around, each featuring a technology being developed ahead of schedule! Check them out here, then vote for your favorite to win this round of Map of the Fortnight!
  19. Kaiphranos

    MotF 249: The Early Bird

    MotF 249: The Early Bird The Challenge Make a map showing the effects of a technology being invented or widely adopted earlier than in our world. The Restrictions There are no restrictions on when the PoD of your map should be. Fantasy, sci-fi, and future maps are allowed. If you're not...
  20. Kaiphranos

    MotF 248: Neither Holy, Nor Roman, Nor An Empire - Voting Thread

    Another three entries this time, each featuring a country whose name no longer quite fits! Check them out here, then vote for your favorite to win this round of Map of the Fortnight!