"Mary Whitehouse will never accept this" : A Dr Who Production History (Inspired by Guajolote)

From Panoptican 1990
He was actually a doctor though this is about hypothetical doctors
True but in this TL the photo is of him recounting his time as Lancelot.

Innocet explains to the Doctor that she escaped from a CID interrogation facility on Gallifrey and was saved by Arthur/The Other from being killed by a Execution squad. Arthur had returned to Gallifrey to rescue the Doctor but couldn't stop the re-looming. They escaped to Earth where they knew that the Doctor would find them one day.

Leela thinks this is fantastic but the Doctor knows that the unborn child was conceived whilst inside the field. There's no certainty that it won't fade out of existence the moment it's born. Leela then asks how long a gallifryan pregnancy lasts for. Neither the Doctor or Arthur can answer that.

A few days later The Doctor and Leela are in his TARDIS researching records. The curse has in effect been broken but not on Gallifrey. Leela asks if the child could be in some way have "immunity" in a way similar to how pregnant women on Earth pass nutrients to their young?

"It's a lovely idea Leela but it's just not possible. Nutrients are organic whilst the field is non organic. For all their fault the Time-Lords never followed the route of the Daleks or the Cybermen. If only there was....EUREKA!"
The Doctor calls Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot into his TARDIS to explain his plan.

"Both our TARDIS`es are generating the displacement field which allowed for the
conception of Guinevere's child but we don't know how much time is left before the field fails. Now what I suggest is that we find a way to return to Gallifrey and reconfigure the main power complex to emit the field across the planet. Now the complex is beneath the Capital and the security there will be watertight.

There are however substations linking in to the main systems. They are normally not as tightly guarded as the main systems but seeing as when we left Gallifrey things were rather sticky and that may have changed so what I propose is that we re-materialise in a low planetary orbit underneath the tracking satellite network then transmit down to a substation and input the new field co-ordinates and hopefully this will galvanise the resistance...that is if there's any left."

Arthur replies that its a great idea but there is a problem. Right now the Doctor's TARDIS is generating about 80% of the field. If they do return to Gallifrey then his TARDIS will soon lose its power and the field will fail. Worse still his TARDIS's chameleon circuit will revert back to normal. Either way they would be vulnerable to detection from the Time-Lords. Leela adds that the Doctor's TARDIS isn't responding to his commands to take off.

The Doctor theorises that he will have to "persuade" the TARDIS to leave. Lancelot then says that the nearest substation to the Capital overlooks the Cadonflood River near the House Of Lunbarrow.

The Doctor turns to Lancelot and asks how he knows that. Lancelot realising his mistake reveals his true identity as Sub-Castellan Andred of the Gallifreyan Security Ministry. He rebelled agains the High Council and fled to Ancient Earth with The Other and Innocent.
Several Days later the preparations are ready. The Doctor and Arthur have reprogrammed the Doctor's TARDIS to create a dampening field in lieu of the displacement field. Lancelot, Guinevere and Leela are told to stay in Camelot. The night before the mission is to begin the Doctor walks round his TARDIS console and tries to "persuade it" to follow his instructions.

He also thinks back to his time with the CID and his actions which fills him with loathing. He also thinks about what he did as 'the Doctor' stopping the Daleks and Cybermen, thwarting the Master and Rani.

Names and faces appear to him, Susan, Jamie, Zoe, Jo, Sarah-Jane, Romana, Leela, Turlough, Mel, Leela, Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere. He has a moment of clarity that he has never had before. He must reconcile both sides of his nature.

As dawn breaks and following a series of tearful farewells the Doctor and Arthur set a course for Gallifrey. The TARDIS does as she's told for once and materialises in a low orbit. The Doctor and Arthur who by this time have changed their outfits for identical dark suits transmit down to the substation.

As they approach the station the Doctor looks out over the Cadonflood river at the spot where the House of Lungbarrow once stood. Arthur pulls him back to reality and they use their sonic screwdrivers to override the substation's security.

Once inside they set to work on gaining access to the network. Suddenly they are surrounded by a set of guards aiming their weapons at the duo. A voice calls out

"You idiot. You should have stayed away"

A scarred and injured figure emerges from the shadows. The Doctor gasps. The face is different but there's no denying who it is. It's Romana.

"Shooting "Birthright" was a very emotive experience. It was common knowledge that Rik, Stacy and I were going to leave after the final movie in the trilogy but it was during the making that we heard that Patrick Troughton had passed away in the USA so that period was full of meaning. That gave us an incredible amount of impetus to finish off six's era in style"

(Paul Jackson)
Endgame by Andrew Cartmel
Romana excoriates the Doctor for returning to Gallifrey. When she realises who Arthur is she tries to attack him. The Doctor intercedes and she slaps him across the face.

"You stupid, arrogant fool. You have no idea what you've done. The information you sent through the
planetary communications network, that call to arms you sent from heaven knows where. You've turned Gallifrey into a hellhole. Families have been ripped apart, houses destroyed, The western continent declared independence and Rassilon used temporal disintegrators. 5 million are dead, every piece of land is aflame. The Capital is under martial law. Food, drink, medicines all rationed, the looms are gone, our scientific outpost on Segana 5 has been wiped out by pirates. All because of your self-righteousness"

The Doctor snaps back:

"Answer me this. If I'm such an idiot, if I'm so self righteous then why, why out of all the people on Gallifrey, why is it you that telling me this, why is it you that located me?

Romana answers

"It was because I knew that you'd come back. You say you hate Gallifrey Doctor but deep, deep down you know you can't escape it. You have saved this planet twice already when you could have just stayed away. Yes, what the CID did was utterly wrong and you would have been justified in never returning but in a way Gallifrey means just as much to you as Earth. Don't try to deny it. And its because Gallifrey means so much to you that I know you've got a plan, I know that you have a trick up your sleeve. I hope its a good one because we are teetering on the edge of destruction.
A few hours later and the TARDIS has landed in the substation. Arthur is discussing the situation with the rebels whilst on board the Doctor and Romana are in telepathic conference. The Doctor explains about Camelot whilst Romana tells her story...

When the Doctor revealed the truth about the CID and the curse Gallifey went mad. Villages and towns erupted in rage, The first set of guards that were sent in were either killed or joined the rebellion. Romana raced to her own TARDIS to escape and find a safe planet. She was shot by a gaurd and taken to an interrogation chamber.

Rassilon demanded that she tell him the truth but she refused. In the end she was attached to a mind probe. The damage to her brain was so severe that it led to a semi-abortive regeneration. Somehow she was rescued and taken to safety. The medical treatment she received was enough to trigger a second regeneration but the scars are still there...
Back at Camelot Andred is deeply worried. The power levels of Arthur's TARDIS are at a critical level and despite his efforts to deactivate non-critical systems he knows that it's a matter of when not if the field fails and they are visible to attack. Leela races into the room to tell Andred that Guinevere has gone into labour.

Back on Gallifrey Arthur is resting when he feels a strong psychic impulse. He goes to tell the Doctor and Romana which leads them to speed up their plans...
Cables are run from the TARDIS to the sub-station computer and a pulse is sent which knocks it offline. Quickly disconnecting the cables the Doctor sets co-ordinates to the communications centre. The TARDIS lands surprising the few guards which are quickly subdued by the rebels.

The Doctor and Leela link cables again between the TARDIS and the communications computer sending information into the main network. Suddenly the computer goes down and a slew of guards enter the room taking the Doctor and his team hostage.

A figure enters his face familiar but dominated by evil. It's Rassilon.

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I been watching the 86 "Return to Treasure Island" with Brian Blessed as Long John Silver .
He a great actor .
Love the idea that he appeared as Rassilon .
BRIAN BLESSED as Rassilon? There will be no scenery left after this chewing!
He not that bad .
Yes He chewing the scenery in Flash Gordon .
But he great in as the Emperor Augustus in I Claudius and good in the Kenneth Branagh's Henry the 5th. (He plays a minor role so he does not appear enough)
Why can't some one do Henry the 4th Part One and cast Blessed as Falstaff ? That would be perfect and that the role he was born to play.
The Doctor's team are taking to the council chamber. Rasillon says that he knew the Doctor would return and try and save Gallifrey but this time he would fail.He explains.

"Like that idiot Borusa I have
sought immortality but unlike him I have succeeded"

The Doctor responds

"Borusa was an idiot but then so are you. I told him and I will tell you that immortality is impossible even for a time-lord. We only have 13 regenerations and that is it. Our genetic material is too fragile to be re-loomed. You should know that"

Borusa smiles

"Oh my dear Doctor you are so naive. I have bypassed that"

"How, how in the name of all of creation have you achieved immortality? What have you done that Borusa and all those before him failed to do?

Rasillion presses a button and an image appears on a large screen behind him. On the screen is a large obelisk. Rasillion asks the Doctor if he recognises it.

"Of course I do. It's the Eye Of Harmony or to be precise its the nucleus of a black hole. You were responsible for harnessing its power. Surely that alone gives you immortality of a sort"

Rasillon responds

"A sort. A SORT! What it immortality in legends and in stories. What is immortality if one can't physically enjoy it. I have looped my genetic pattern into the eye itself giving me permanent regenerations"

The Doctor is aghast.