Alternate Electoral Maps II

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Or There's a full scale war on the Korean Peninsula. With Japan, Gaum, Okanowa, maybe even Alaska or Hawaii having a nuclear tipped missle launched towards them but falls short and breaks up or are taken out by us anti missle tech. Maybe add to that a debt default, a few government shutdowns, some terrorist attacks, trump is impeached by the house but fails just short of conviction in the senate, he refused to resign.


A rather implausible county map for a Democratic landslide in 2020. I'm not sure what causes these results, but I can only assume that "Johanson" is a modern Dixiecrat and his running mate is some ultra popular Mormon Democrat from Utah... also Trump shoots a man on 5th Avenue the weekend before the election.
2020 election

Elizabeth Warren
Karmala Harris
77.43 million votes
359 EC votes
Donald Trump
Mike Pence
63.5 million votes
Independent 1.5%
Libertarian 0.6%
Constitution 0.4%
Green 0.2%


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Or There's a full scale war on the Korean Peninsula. With Japan, Gaum, Okanowa, maybe even Alaska or Hawaii having a nuclear tipped missle launched towards them but falls short and breaks up or are taken out by us anti missle tech. Maybe add to that a debt default, a few government shutdowns, some terrorist attacks, trump is impeached by the house but fails just short of conviction in the senate, he refused to resign.
Then, Senator McMullin (MW-UT) and Governor Romney* (MW-UT) both campaign heavily for the Dems in Utah, A major sex scandal comes out against Trump hurting him with Mormons, and Trump fired future Independent Senator Jeff Sessions in November, leading to Paul LePage or Steve King becoming VP after Pence resigns because of it, Pence campaigning for Scott Bradley**, hurting Trump in really conservative states, and LePage making one or two racist remarks and Trump sticking by him. That, mixed with everything you said, and a 2008-esc economic recession leads to a massive Demslide.

*Herbert dies somehow or resigns, Romney runs in the special election with McMullin's Modern Whig tag, and wins because he's running against a REALLY conservative Republican, and Rocky Anderson or some shit.
**2020 Constitution Party Nominee
Honestly if we lose a whole us city or military base I could honestly see a coup with Mattis taking power. And any major war in Asia would inevitably produce a stock market crash not to mention panic in most of Hawaii Alaska and the west coast even if their never actually hit.
View attachment 342531 View attachment 342532 View attachment 342529 View attachment 342528 View attachment 342527 View attachment 342526 View attachment 342525 View attachment 342524 2020 election

Elizabeth Warren
Karmala Harris
77.43 million votes
359 EC votes
Donald Trump
Mike Pence
63.5 million votes
Independent 1.5%
Libertarian 0.6%
Constitution 0.4%
Green 0.2%

This map is actually fairly plausible, at least compared to what I was expecting. I think Utah actually goes D here though, based on the county breakdown. Also you forgot to give Warren some counties that Obama won in 2012.
I though that people would be so fed up with trump that even most Mormons would go blue after feeling bad for not just picking one non trump candidate in 2016, I imagine that McMullin and Romney openly call for mormans to vote for Warren. I think Utah might actually get up to 40% Dem in this situation. And I wanted some variety for varieties sake so I didn't give all the Obama wins to Warren. But she dose much better in the south and with Appalachian votes though obviously still losing massively in those areas, I could see the over all republican turn out falling quite a bit as trump is basicly just a land duck with a gridlocked senate 80% of the time at 52-48 and a dem house at 232. Also I saw in this timeline not a apocalypse but trump never gets to even 41%+ approval again it's basicly 2017 all the way through no obanacare repeal, no wall, no massive infustructre bill, just endless gridlock like 2015-2016 on end. Every time a deal is struck is just pisses off the Left and the right. DACA is very narrowly passed as offical law but trump vetos it in an act to ensure his conservative base and the statues quo continues. By mid 2019 a mild ressesion is on its way mostly due to a second tech bubble and the markets have lost faith in the government. Unemployment right before Iowa is at 6.6% and at 7.3% after the conventions. Muller charges Manifort, Page, and Flynn all with illegal activity and purgree. Jared is convicted of purgree as well but is saved by trump from any real legal recourse. By late 2019 trump is again calling for the end of the legislative filibuster which McConnell blatantly breaks from the president and reminds him of the system is such so to force compromise and that they are coequal branches. Trump openly calls for McConnell to be primaried or retire, along with Collins who dose actually retire his approval rating on Iowa Caucus day is at a pathetic 33% falling to a dreadful 29% at the convention, where he not only speaks hill of the late John McCain, but calls all those who supported Kasich trators to the party and the nation. On Election Day his approval ratings are at an average of 27% with only 19% strongly approving of him and a whooping 62% strongly disapproving. Some polls showed Warren wining by 13-16 points ... the writing was on the walls...
The Seventh Party System: Part XXV
Part I - Metropotamia
Part II - Alta California
Part III - North Carolina
Part IV - New Jersey
Part V - Adams
Part VI - Alabama
Part VII - Rhode Island
Part VIII - Sequoyah
Part IX - Assenisipia
Part X - East Florida
Part XI - Tennessee
Part XII - Kansas
Part XIII - Dakota
Part XIV - Arizona
Part XV - Delaware
Part XVI - Oregon
Part XVII - Ozark
Part XVIII - New Hampshire
Part XIX - Western Connecticut
Part XX - New York
Part XXI - Santo Domingo
Part XXII - South Carolina
Part XXIII - Baja California
Part XXIV - Chersonesus

The Canal Zone territory was the first of five territories which were given self governance, gaining its own legislature in 1954 in order to ward off any brewing communist rebellions. However in the case of this territory following the successful overthrow of the Somoza monarchy by communist revolutionaries in 1981 a rebellion was inevitable.

The territory was first established in 1904 when Nicaragua refused to sell the lands necessary for the US to build a canal. And after 9 long years which saw thousands of Nicaraguan POWs die as they were forced to dig the canal the greatest engineering marvel the world had ever seen was finally completed. However in order to protect the canal the two neighboring countries of Nicaragua and Costa Rica had to be put firmly under the American sphere of influence. While Costa Rica initially resented this influence, leading to four Costa Rican revolts in as many decades, they grew to welcome this protection after the success of communist revolutionaries in 1952 turned Gran Colombia into a belligerent communist nation on its southern border. The story in Nicaragua, however, would be much different.

In 1933, during the height of the First Great Depression the Nicaraguan people went through a revanchist phase as they thought their issues of poverty could be solved if the US let them have part of the profits from the Nicaraguan Canal. When the US refused, saying that they rightfully conquered the land during the 3rd Banana War, the people of Nicaragua declared war on the US, swarming the territory with arms alleged supplied by the Empire of Japan. However the tide of battle soon turned as US reinforcements from Santo Domingo and Baja California invaded the nation of Nicaragua on both coasts leading to a swift end of the 18th Banana War. Following the end of this Banana War the US decided that they were done with continuing the facade of democracy in Nicaragua, letting Tacho Somoza, son of a wealthy Nicaraguan planter, declare a monarchy.

Under the rule of the Somoza dynasty the Nicaragua continued to suffer as its resources were looted by American companies and its people routinely imprisoned for rebellious sentiment. International historians estimate that over the course of 48 years the Somoza dynasty lead to the deaths of over 280,000 Nicaraguans and even official American sources acknowledge how the Great Purge of "suspected fascist sympathizers" during the 1940s caused the deaths of over 45,000. As such, when a succession crises arose between Lilita Somoza, Tacho's daughter, and Rene Somoza, Tacho's illegitimate son, democratic rebels took advantage of the chaos to seize the capital and murder both Somozas, leading to the proclamation of the Free Republic of Nicaragua. While the coup was initially condemned by most international powers, the subsequent elections were found to be free and democratic, and the republic enjoyed the protection of the European Union, who the US accused of funding the democratic rebels.

However in the Canal Zone more radical rebels, under the name of the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion, saw this as their moment to strike and bombed several US bases in Bluefields. While the US military attempted to flush out the rebels just like they had the Cagoulards in Santo Domingo, the FSL simply retreated across the border into Nicaragua, a democratic nation under the protection of the European Union. As a result, the US could only attack FSL members located in the territory itself, and the misidentifying of innocent peasants for rebels lead to the deaths of thousands. While the US urged the EU to pressure Nicaragua into eradicating the Sandinistas, the EU refused to do, urging the US to follow their example of entering into detente with Gran Colombia and its communist satellites.

But the US, being as anti-communist as ever, continued to refuse to enter into negotiations with the FSL rebels until the Republicans came into power in 2004. Having campaigned on a platform of peace in the Middle East, they knew that continuing the fight against the FSL would seem hypocritical of them, so they reached the Good Sunday agreement with the rebels, agreeing to let them function as a political party in the Canal Zone territory in return for a cessation of hostilities.

Nevertheless, the majority of politics was still dominated by the left of center National Union party as is the case in most territories. However following the deaths of 19 innocent protesters who were "accidentally" run over by a tank outside the US army base in Bluefields the FSL saw a surge in support with a majority of Mestizos supporting the FSL for the first time in history. Combined with support from the Partido Civico and Ecological Native Alliance this lead to the first non-National Union party government in Canal Zone history. Being the only organized territory with a non-National Union government besides Bioko, the Canal Zone has just entered into unknown territory.

Also worthy of note is the existence of the Canal Zone's tricameral legislature, consisting of a proportional house, a racial senate, and a semi-elected council which represents various special interest groups. Originally present in 4 out of the 5 organized territories after Seward and Bioko abolished their houses and the Virgin Islands abolished their senate the Canal Zone is the only remaining territory with a tricameral legislature. While control of the governor's manor requires two of the three houses mainly specific issues are required to be passed by their specific body of the legislature. For instance budget issues must always pass the House, racial equality measures must pass the Senate, and any bills which relate to national security or native reservations must pass the Council. As such, while the FSL makes no effort to express their disdain of the US military their plans to reduce the number troops present in the territories will have to wait.

Frente Sandinista de Liberacion - Originally a ragtag group of communist insurgents they have transformed themselves into a peaceful socialist party, while still officially espousing the gospel of Marxism-Leninism-Guevarism. Finding most of their popular support among Mestizo Nicaraguan their recent surge in support saw them even win a Negro seat in the Senate. With a communist governor now sitting in Bluefields the National Congress has become divided among those who believe that self government for the territories should be revoked entirely, those who wish to ban the FSL again, and those who think that breaking the Good Sunday agreement might not be a good idea as it would inevitably lead to open war in the Canal Zone once again.
Partido Civico - A center left party for Afro-Nicaraguans they are often forgotten and left behind by society and despite not agreeing with the FSL on many issues still decided to vote them into government over the corrupt National Unionists.
Ecological Native Alliance - The party of non-Miskito natives who are often screwed over by the National Union building on their tribal lands, they also have disagreements with the FSL's dreams of a communist canal but decided that they were better than keeping the status quo.

National Union - A left of center, laborist, and anti-communist party formed by FDR in 1932 the National Union party continued to survive and thrive in the territories even after the parties demise elsewhere. Officially running in the National Congress as the "Reformed National Union party" it is for all intents and purposes still the same party with the same left wing economics and right wing social policies. In the territory of Canal Zone specifically they enjoy the most support among whites and zambos, with the zambos being almost entirely descendants of the Miskito tribe and African maroons. With the Miskito tribe being the only tribe to have been rewarded financially for the selling of their lands to the Canal, most of its members and descendants continue to enjoy middle class status in the territory that is otherwise full of poverty. And while the National Union party is going into panic mode over losing the governorship, the fact that they still control one of the three legislative houses gives them a good position to retake government if the FSL government loses its supply partners.
Missionary - The Missionary party is the only right wing party which exists in the territory and was originally founded to represent the interests of devout Christian missionaries. Over time they have become a marginalized group and now enjoy little support outside of some devout whites in Bluefields.

Here's a map of if every county that voted democrat at least once since 2000 up until 2012 voted democrat in 2016 (borrowed from ToixStory). What do y'all think the state map would look like?

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Here's a map of if every county that voted democrat at least once since 2000 up until 2012 voted democrat in 2016 (borrowed from ToixStory). What do y'all think the state map would look like?
Here's my best guess:

I'm not at all sure about many of these. Particularly Georgia, but I think that the suburbanites who voted for Hillary Clinton and the rural folks who voted for Gore together might be enough to swing it.
Here's my best guess:

I'm not at all sure about many of these. Particularly Georgia, but I think that the suburbanites who voted for Hillary Clinton and the rural folks who voted for Gore together might be enough to swing it.
I would flip Missouri but not Georgia.

2024 Presidential Election
President Elizabeth Warren
Vice President Karmala Harris
473 ECV
92,258,206 Votes

Republican Ticket
Texas Senator Ted Cruz
Former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin
( replaced Tennessee Govonor Marsha Blackwell September 4rth after leaked emails and financial records show that she illegally selling off her congressional seat after becoming govonor, she is later put on trial in mid 2025 in addition to taking illegal campaign contributions from Turkish and Italian financial companies)
Also Cruz openly calls President Warren a bitch during the First Debate. Cruz '24 is known by later historians as the second 1964. Cruz calls for the privatization of Social Security Medicare and Medicaid and the VA. He goes as far as to support the repeal of the 17nth Amendment and the privatization of the Mail service along with selling off most of our national parks. He's a conservative Christian libertarian nightmare and honestly no one ever though he had any charm, he made Clinton look down right grovey. He also wanted to end the Dream Act which had been passed in 2023 and was being phased in over a 10 year period. His support among self described republicans was an astonishingly low 65%. Leading to Warren pulling a Regean 1980 and taking as much as 13% of the Republicans vote while Baker took nearly 26%.
Warren's victory is all but assured so the DNC pours 250 million dollars into the down ballot races leading to an unprecedented four consecutive democratic congressional Victories and the House end up with 280 Democrats with 9 Caucusing Independents and 3 Greens. A super majority in the house of 292 of the unified Left, while in the House 62 Democrats and 3 Caucusing independent and 1 Green take the senate in 2025. The American Left is ar its strongest point in history although most of its members are still rather centerist along the lines of Obama 2008 then Sanders 2016 but progressives bills fly though and are actually pushed centerward enough that the Supreme Court which is at 5 to 4 in terms of liberals vs conservative upholds most new laws. Warren nominates her first SCOTUS nominee in early 2025 replacing Alto with progressive
Maura Healey who is confirmed 79 to 23 ( Purteo Ricco becomes a US state in 2024 offical so the senate grows from 100 to 102.)
55 ECV
62,590,189 votes

Independent Republican Ticket
Former Massachusetts Govonor
Charlie Baker
Former Illinois Govonor Bruce Raucner
12 ECV all faithless Electors
3 in Oklahoma
2 in Tennessee
2 in Alabama
1 in Arkansas
1 In Kentucky
2 in Louisiana
1 in West Virginia
6,229,659 Votes

2028 Presidential Election

Democratic Presidential Ticket
Vice President Karmala Harris
Utah 6nth District Congresswoman
Jackie Biskupski (elected in 2022)
273 ECV
80,580,067 Votes

Republican Ticket
Former Texas Governor Greg Abbott
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
265 ECV


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Great work, as always!
just an idea: The grand finale should be the national House and Senate.

Thanks for the support! And that was my plan too, as right now I still have yet to think up the party systems of most of the unfinished states so it's going to be impossible for me start working on the national legislature until I'm done most of the states.

could you please if there is one provide a link to a timeline or fuller explanation of your world? I love your stuff but I'm a little confused.

Well this series doesn't really have any formalized timeline, and the best timeline I have is my personal collection of notes on compiled from all the different states. But the general idea of this world is that US is more expansionist and the rest of the world is more multipolar with various power blocs such as the European Union, the East Asian Prosperity Sphere, the Arab League, etc. Also the most important and relevant historic event to know about this timeline is the Conservative Revolution of 1972, when conservatives all across America united together as one to take down the incumbent National Union party and subsequently transformed America into a more parliamentary democracy with proportional representation and a heavy emphasis on multiparty politics.
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