Al Grito de Guerra: the Second Mexican Revolution

I read this part out-loud and slowly in order to enjoy every detail written.

As much as Bartlett was a bad hombre, he was a product of his time and ideology who genuinely believed he was doing everything for the greater good of Mexico.

His last words hit me a little bit harder than I thought it would.
Oh, Dios Mio.

Conspiracy theories are gonna pop out like a flock of doves in the Olympics opening ceremonies. Priistas are gonna cry bloody murder at the top of their lungs while most people will dance in the streets with mariachi bands playing at full blast.
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This is ironically better than Ledo's initial idea, as corrupt officials tied to the PRI will not want to be a part of the new administration. A clean start is the best start for Mexico.
Oh boy...

Bartlett, don't kill yourself you idiot! They were just going to haul you to the Ledo's going to have to make a cardboard cutout to fool the Mexican people. :(

This is ironically better than Ledo's initial idea, as corrupt officials tied to the PRI will not want to be a part of the new administration. A clean start is the best start for Mexico.

On a serious note, I agree with this. Best way going forward is to have a fully clean break from the PRI's legacy.
Holy shit. I almost cried reading that inner monologue by Bartlett. Seriously, that was incredibly sad. Probably the best writing I've encountered on this site so far!
The one thing I loved the most about the last chapter is how it showed that Bartlett was still a human being, rather than a mustache-twirling cartoon villain.
It shows how well this is written that in the span of one chapter, I went from hoping Bartlett gets the Mussolini treatment to almost feeling bad for the guy. Great work as always.