Table of Contents

Points of Divergence : The Napoleonic Wars

Points of divergence concerning the conquests of Napoleonic France and the counter-wars of its adversaries during the 1800s and 1810s.

Below is an overview of points of divergence concerning these military conflicts.

Napoleonic Wars developments

Could Napoleon's Continental System have worked ?

Challenge: Napoleonic-British alliance

Napoleon adopts Robert Fulton's steamship ?

Challenge: Napoleonic version of Operation Sealion

Napoleon gets his 6 hours window and attempts landfall with 200 000 troops in Britain

WI Napoleon doesn't invade Spain ?

Longbows in the Peninsular Campaign

Why did Napoleon attack Moscow ?

How could the French win at Trafalgar and what would the long-term consequences be ?

WI: Horatio Nelson is not killed at the Battle of Trafalgar

British Military Strategy in the Napoleonic Wars

WI: Napoleon captures Alexander at Leipzig

Wellington replaced by different commander at Waterloo

Blücher totally smashed at Ligny. Does Wellington give battle ?

How could Napoleon win at Waterloo ?

Various Napoleonic PODs

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Effects of Napoleonic Wars on specific countries/regions

The evolution of a Napoleonic Britain

Napoleonic Victory and German Nationalism

No Peninsular War, what does Napoleon do instead ?

Effects of no Peninsular War on Latin American Wars for Independence ?

WI Napoleon didn't send troops to Haiti

Plausibility check: Napoleon creating a united Italy ?

Napoleonic partition of the Ottoman Empire

If Napoleon won, would 1848 still happen ?

Would lesser use of the optical telegraph in the Napoleonic Wars affect the development of information technology ?

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

Napoleonic Wars outcomes

Is a Napoleonic victory plausible ?

What are the chances of a global Napoleonic empire ?

Post 1812 Napoleonic Victory? Only if the British lose in Spain and Napoleon wins at Leipzig

Ramifications of a Napoleonic victory

Challenge: Most likely map after Napoleonic victory

Ruminations of a more succesful Napoleon - Don't take it at face value, but it's an interesting discussion.

Plausibility check: Alternate Congress of Vienna

Territorial consolidation at the Congress of Vienna

WI: Polish-Saxon Crisis escalates

Who would get France's island territories after the Napoleonic Wars ?

Denmark's colonies go to Sweden along with Norway following the Napoleonic Wars

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also

Points of Divergence : Napoleon Bonaparte - PODs about the (in)famous Corsican himself.

Points of Divergence : Napoleonic dynasties - PODs about royal families or viceroys that originated under the Napoleonic regimes/empire.

French Points of Divergence - General French points of divergence.

Points of Divergence : House of Bourbon - PODs about France's House of Bourbon, including their ATL fates during and after the Napoleonic era.

Points of Divergence : War of 1812 - PODs on the War of 1812, taking place in North America during the latter half of the Napoleonic Wars.

Wars and Battles PODs Main Directory

Points of Divergence Main Directory