Chapter 181, August 1533
Hertford Castle, Kingdom of England, August 1533

Scarlet red blood covered the right sleeve of her nightgown. The Dowager Queen of England had been coughing into it, not wanting to get the blood everywhere. Her room was dim, dark really, save for the fireplace and some candles. The curtains had all been closed by her ladies, in the hopes that the lack of light would allow her to rest in the middle of the day. It did not, and so Giovanna was utterly exhausted, her illness prevented her from getting any sleep.

It was consumption, her physician, Balthasar Guersye, had informed her. It was the same disease that had killed her husband, Henry some twenty-two years ago. Giovanna of Naples had hoped that she would not die as he had, but even she couldn’t deny that she was sicker than she ever was as an adult. The woman pondered her life, and how she would feel if this was the end. Her children had their positions and were secure in them. The letters she received from Catherine and Joanna always lightened her mood, and the visits to Charles and Anne left her elated. She had her grandchildren and knew they were all happy. It wasn’t enough though, Giovanna wanted to live to see them marry, to see them grow into adulthood. She was fifty-five and while she supposed she had a good life; this wasn’t how she wanted it to end. Giovanna was going to die alone, she was sure. One of her ladies had a note sent to Hatfield, to inform her son, but perhaps it would not make it there on time. So, the priest had given her last rites, and she had confessed her sins. Only, she hadn’t been completely honest in her confession. Giovanna had only disclosed that she had been engaged in adultery during her widowhood, and not with whom. The priest seemed surprised he told her that much, but he told her she’d likely be absolved for confessing. That had been enough for her, though she wondered if it would be enough for God... In any case, Giovanna supposed it hardly mattered, it wasn’t as if she could change God’s judgment. So, she laid back, resting her shoulders and head on the pillows, waiting. Of course, the thing people never told her was that as much as one feels they may die soon, it is not always the case. So, she lingered on, perhaps for another hour, and it was then that a figure entered the room.

It was her son, her boy, her Charles. His gaze lowered to where she laid, and he blinked in disbelief,”Mother?”

“Charles?” Giovanna gasped,”You really came?”

He took some cautious steps toward her, narrowly avoiding one of her chairs,”I left within the hour that I got the letter… I was worried I wouldn’t arrive in time.”

“You’re here and you weren’t too late. I am so happy I can see you one last time.”

He knelt by the foot of her bed and looked up at her, his brown eyes brimmed with tears, the man of twenty-four almost sounded like a little boy,”What are we going to do? What am I going to do, mother?”

“Oh, Charles. My poor boy. I do not want you to mourn me too much. I want you to remember the happy times we had as a family. I want you to continue being the perfect husband and father that you are. Anne and the children will be there for you, and you must cling to them as I have you and your sisters. Now come here and give me a hug, I am feeling a little better for seeing you.”

She wasn’t sure if that was exactly true, but she had coughed less and less since she saw her son again. The Duke of Somerset strode over to her and wrapped her arms around her, firmly grasping her sagged shoulders as he did so,”Thank you, Mother. For raising Catherine, Joanna, and I as you have. You gave us the best of childhoods, and we will never forget it. We will always love you.”

Giovanna of Naples smiled, My Charles was always such a good boy, now he has grown to be a fine man. She started coughing again, this time into her chest, and hugging her son as if doing so would keep her alive. There was an irony to it, she supposed. She held her children as they entered the world, and now her son held her as she was dying.

The woman wanted to hold on, to live, but the coughing, the blood, and now the pain in Giovanna’s chest was too much, too much…
Oh no… Rest in peace Giovanna. At least you’re up there with Henry again, and you definitely did your duty in England. At least Charles made it there in the end. I wonder how Henry will deal with his stepmother dying
Oh no… Rest in peace Giovanna. At least you’re up there with Henry again, and you definitely did your duty in England. At least Charles made it there in the end. I wonder how Henry will deal with his stepmother dying
It's an end to a life that has had its ups and downs, but Giovanna's final decade was a happy one. She had her peace, and now she gets to join Henry and little John, I suspect that she knew this would come at some point, even if she wished she were a little older. Charles did, though this would be quite the blow to him and his half-brother, even if Henry's relationship with Giovanna is a bit more complicated. Thank you very much for your interest!
Chapter 182, September 1533
St James's Palace, Kingdom of England, September 1533

Funerals were always something that disturbed Eleanor of Austria. Of course, as Queen, she had not attended the Dowager Queen’s funeral, but it still made her wary. Maybe it was the reminder of her mortality. Regardless, the gathering afterward had been rather less subdued than one would think. Or perhaps that wasn’t quite true. After all, Giovanna of Naples was a woman whom practically everyone knew and who many loved and admired, so there were many there. The Queen of England wasn’t sure how she felt about her. In some ways, she had frustrated her, such as her protection of that whore, Mary Boleyn, but in other times she had helped her. She had convinced Henry to try and be better to her, so Eleanor supposed she had to feel a little grateful for her. Her eyes flickered across the hall, where she saw Henry leave with his two bastard Dukes, his hand on Jasper’s shoulder. No doubt they were going to the drawing room to discuss some private matter. The woman furrowed her brow, and turned to her eldest son,”Henry, why don’t you go speak with your cousin, Margarery?”

Her son nodded slowly,”If you say so, mother.”

Her touch lingered on his and she whispered,“Ever my perfect Prince.”

The Duchess of Richmond had been chief mourner at the Dowager Queen’s funeral, small surprise given that the woman had been like a mother to her. As a result, she held a position of some importance at the gathering. As casual conversation flowed through the space, the Prince of Wales dipped his head down slightly, a gesture which Margarery returned, albeit deeper.

Eleanor soon found she had other matters to attend to, chiefly by the sight of a richly attired man swooping down in a bow before her. She had to admit he was handsome enough. Brown hair, a styled beard, hawkish eyes and a powerful build made him so.

“Sire?” The Queen asked.

The man rose back up, stiff in posture,”Forgive me, Your Majesty. I have something to discuss if you would do me the honor. I am Henry Somerset, the Earl of Worcester.”

Eleanor peered over to her son. He had managed to make Margarery smile, the boy would be fine on his own for a while.

“Right, that’s who you are. I’ve seen you attend court before, but I haven’t had a chance to speak to you. Well, what is it that you wanted to discuss, Lord Henry?”

“In Cumbria there is an Abbey that has been run badly. Furness Abbey, the Abbot there has surrendered it to His Majesty, and it is due to receive new leadership. As part of the reform there, much of its lands are to be confiscated…”

The Queen of England licked her lips at the money to be made. Of the power this decision could give her,”How very interesting. I presume that you have come to me because His Majesty has yet to determine who will receive the lands?”

The Earl’s reply was the one she had hoped for,“Yes. Would Her Majesty like them for herself?”

“No, actually. But I do have someone else in mind. William Fitzwilliam.”

“His Majesty’s treasurer? It is a sound idea, but why him?”

“You strike me as an intelligent man, Lord Henry. Think about it. Fitzwilliam’s highest office will not be Treasurer of the Household. He’s a competent man, and we know Wolsey will not live forever. Imagine if he rises higher. Think of what it would be to have him friendly to us, Lord Henry…”

The Earl of Worcester grunted,”Aye, Your Majesty. It would be to our benefit.”

“I am pleased that you agree, Lord Henry. I believe that this will be the start of a most productive alliance.”

The man bowed once more as she dismissed him, and Eleanor wondered about who she should talk to next. A moment passed before she made up her mind, Ah, The Duchess of Clarence is here too, I can make use of this.

Indeed, The Duchess of Clarence was there, and loitered by a window. She wasn’t talking to anyone, perhaps not surprising given that Jasper and John had left the room.

Eleanor approached her with a thin smile,”Have you heard what they are saying?”

Agnes looked across to her, blinking,“Who is saying what, Your Majesty?”

Eleanor clucked her tongue,”Oh dear. Well, I am afraid there are rumors, surely false, nasty ones…”

“Rumors of what?”

The Queen titled her head, eyes wide“You really haven’t heard, have you? They say that your husband was in the company of… oh, the company of disreputable women…”

The Duchess shook, her footing unsteady,“Who?”

“Elizabeth Amadas. I believe she is one of your ladies. The Baroness Sandys saw him give her some jewels. A lover’s gift, surely, and she kissed him soon after…”

Agnes Willoughby sighed,“What do I do?”

Her voice lowered to a whisper,“You needn’t do anything. In fact, you mustn’t show that you know. I will get rid of that whore for you.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Dare I ask how?”

“No.” Eleanor answered,”It is best that you not know. Both for sake of secrecy and your own conscience.”

The Duchess of Clarence turned away, grimacing,”Very well. You will have my gratitude.”

A wolfish grin split Eleanor’s face,“Good. You’d do well to remember how I’ve helped you…”

Sitting on her bed, Eleanor watched the King of England inch closer to her. His movements were slow, lumbering ones. He had drunk a fair amount of wine, but as a large man he was not too badly affected by it. Clearly not, as otherwise he’d not be in her chambers.

His expression was an inscrutable one, and it troubled Eleanor. The Queen prided herself on reading her husband, but in this moment, it eluded her.

“Henry?” She asked.

“Forgive me dear, I was just thinking of the past… “

“I can imagine so. What about?”

“I was talking to Anthony Wingfield. He was a good friend of the Dowager Queen. He told me that she missed Joanna terribly in her final months. I wonder if I made the right decision in sending her to France?”

Eleanor gripped Henry’s back, and titled her head,”You did what you had to do to secure peace. King Francis will not be a threat for some years, and Giovanna’s grandchildren will be Princes of France. There is no use in might-have-beens. We have always shaped the world in our favor, and must continue to do so, Henry.”

She let her hands glide further down, satisfied to feel Henry gently lean into her.

Their lips met in a kiss. It was not the hungry kind that usually preceded such things, but she could tell he needed refuge in her. A refuge that Eleanor was happy to provide.
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I hope Furness Abbey was indeed being run badly and it’s not a play to just steal their land. Ditto for all the other abbeys. I’d really like more of them to survive.

Eleanor really has learned how to play the game hasn’t she?
Okay, so what has Elizabeth Armadas done to deserve Eleanor's enmity? Or is this aimed at the Duchess?
So Eleanor doesn't exactly have too much of a problem with the Duchess, even though she resents the existence of her husband. so it's definitely towards Amadas. A lot of it is that she reminds her of Henry's affairs early in her marriage, and so she's going to go after her in part because of that.
Some power play is going will be interesting to see how it ends.
Definitely, this has a purpose besides simple malice. The exact goal isn't quite clear yet, but Eleanor wants Agnes indebted to her for reasons we will see at a later date...
I hope Furness Abbey was indeed being run badly and it’s not a play to just steal their land. Ditto for all the other abbeys. I’d really like more of them to survive.

Eleanor really has learned how to play the game hasn’t she?s
It was run by a semi-corrupt administration, but stealing the land was a factor. Still, the majority of the abbeys will survive here at least, continuing to provide necessary services.

Yes, Eleanor certainly has, it's how she's survived and now thrives...
So Eleanor doesn't exactly have too much of a problem with the Duchess, even though she resents the existence of her husband. so it's definitely towards Amadas. A lot of it is that she reminds her of Henry's affairs early in her marriage, and so she's going to go after her in part because of that.

Definitely, this has a purpose besides simple malice. The exact goal isn't quite clear yet, but Eleanor wants Agnes indebted to her for reasons we will see at a later date...
Sooner or later ITTL historian will uncover evidence she was listening to Sicko Mode on Spotify when she hatched these plans.