
  1. Emperor of Panama

    France withdraws from the War of the Spanish Succession in 1709

    Originally this was going to be a thread about María Theresa being queen of Spain but plans changed and I preferred to do it from the POD from which it is inspired. By early 1709, the French state was bankrupt, while the harsh winter of 1708-1709 caused widespread famine. Desperate to end the...
  2. Rubrum

    WI: Decisive christian victory in the Battle of Sagrajas

    When Alfonso VI was crowned king of León in 1065, the Christian kingdoms of Iberia were isolated to the north of the peninsula, divided between Galicia, León, Castile, Pamplona and the small Frankish domains in Catalonia. In 1094, Afonso VI conquered Taifa (and later Kingdom) of Toledo in...
  3. What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've taken to maximize its economic, political and military potential?

    Despite its precarious position, the Emirate of Granada enjoyed considerable cultural and economic prosperity for over two centuries and the Nasrids became one of the longest-lived Muslim dynasties in Iberia. The famed Alhambra palace complex was built during its existence and the population of...
  4. Implications of a two-way Columbian exchange of diseases, with a disease from the Americas causing mass death rivaling the black plague?

    Let's do the implications of the New World having an extremely infectious disease which the natives are immune to but old-worlders aren't leading to massive population drops in the New World from Smallpox and in the Old world from the Americapox, (already discussed before in this thread ) let's...
  5. What are all the ways that Spain could've economically improved colonial South America?

    Spanish south America in its glory days was one of the biggest exporters of silver on Earth however it faced many problems especially with La Plata (modern argentina) being left quite undeveloped despite the vast farmlands, and many other problems. So what are all the ways that Spain could've...
  6. GameBawesome

    AHQ: Life in a Carlist Spain in the 19th Century?

    Carlists are supporters of a branch of the House of Bourbon, Don Carlos, Count of Molina, opposing Isabella II's claim to the throne. It was a Monarchist, Conservative and Traditional movement that opposed the growing Liberals in Spain, and favored Absolutism. They fought three wars in Spain in...
  7. AHC: Easiest way to abolish Salic Law in France.

    True Salic Law has always barred women from succession to the French throne since Philip IV (Thanks @isabella for correcting me), but there were some times female succession had been considered. Isabel Clara Eugenia of Spain was heavily championed by her father and the Catholic traditionalists...
  8. Effects of an Early Reconquista

    When talking about the Reconquista, I feel like the question "What if Al Andalus survived/What if the Reconquista failed?" is somewhat over discussed. So, I'd like to pose the question of what the history of Spain would have looked like had the Almoravid and Almohad invasions not occurred, and...
  9. Historianweebnino

    What if the Spanish colonized Australia in 1606?

    In our timeline, the Spanish sailed to Australia as well as New Guinea and briefly explored the coasts of Australia alongside the Dutch but what if they decided to colonize Australia? What would a hypothetical Spanish colony in Australia look like? Would it be like Central-South America where...
  10. Christian II on Spanish throne

    Inspired by recent discussion about early death of Charles V. So Charles and Eleanor drowned on the way to Spain, caught by very powerfull storm. Spanish throne is inherited by their brother Ferdinand, but his ATL version happens to be less healthy than OTL one. Ferdinand Habsburg dies in late...
  11. WI: Charles V dies before reaching Castille

    The POD here is a simple one. On September 19th, 1517, while traveling by sea to Castile from Burgundy to be crowned accompanied by a retinue of Burgundian counselors, the squadron found a storm which in OTL deviated it from its course, arriving at Villaviciosa instead. What if the storm was...
  12. Effects of Joanna la Beltraneja winning the War of Castilian Succession?

    Imagine that John of Portugal's wife, Eleanor of Viseu dies after their marriage and when the War of Castilian Succession starts, his father Afonso V marries him with Joanna la Beltraneja. She wins and gets crowned queen of Castile, John gets crowned king of Portugal after his father dies or...
  13. WI: The Spanish-speaking immigration to the US was actually from Spain?

    What if the major influx of Hispanics into the US in recent decades wasn't from Latin America, but instead from Spain itself? Ignoring the logistics of what may cause millions of Spaniards to leave (perhaps a messier breakup of a messier fascist regime, who knows), how would American attitudes...
  14. Philip II and Mary I's son unites the Netherlands, England and Spain

    Let's say that the Boy King Edward VI dies even earlier in 1547 instead of 1553 (given the disastrous Somerset and Northumberland Regencies, his early death may actually have been a boon to England), and without the Edwardian Reforms, the English Reformation rapidly collapses under Mary. Since...
  15. kasumigenx

    A Rajah’s rejection - A Philippines TL
    Threadmarks: Rejection of an alliance

    On May 1571, Rajah Ache of Maynila would reject an alliance with the Spanish and having the Spanish build a fort in Manila, remembering his experience with the Spanish when he fought the El Cano expedition which would cause the Spanish to be expelled in Manila at the same month with the help of...
  16. Onedotman

    Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Suppose that the Republicans won the Spanish Civil War. After the Fall of France, Germany is most likely to invade Spain, since no way they would tolerate a socialist country right next to the Vichy. Now there are two scenarios at hand: one is that the Nazis successfully take over Spain and...
  17. Spain's revolution succeeds (c18/c19)

    I'm predominantly a c20 historian of labour history, and as a result incidentally of world-systems / imperialism. But Imperialism as a world-system chains back before the 20th century, and Sharpe's Rifles' episode one inspired this thought, as the two brother fight over Spain. Spain did have a...
  18. JewishBolshevik

    What if Spain somehow won the Spanish-American War

    I think this is extremely unlikely. Since Spain has been stagnating in military power and the US has a strong military. But if they did well defensively and beat back the Americans, what would happen next?
  19. kasumigenx

    1521 – A different Magellan Expedition
    Threadmarks: Magellan Lands in the Spice Islands

    On March 21, 1521, Magellan would arrive in the Spice Islands from Guam after a long time trying to find the route to the Spice Islands and he would arrive in Ternate in 1521 and he would be proud that he was able to arrive in the Spice Islands after a long time of sailing and stopovers and they...
  20. GameBawesome

    WI: Philip II of Spain born female

    Philip II was the son of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. He was Charles V's only living legitimate son, as his father had only two living legitimate daughters, while his other sons died young (There's also John of Austria, but he was illegitimate). It was under Philip II...