How about we focus on diplomacy and espionage to lower China's interest in the Far East and Central Asia while increasing their opinion on us.
How about we focus on diplomacy and espionage to lower China's interest in the Far East and Central Asia while increasing their opinion on us.
That could be a far less costly solution and actually aid us in bringing them truely onto our side long-term, especialy when doing so beenfits them more then oppsing us.
Christero War
Our Soviet Union World Map.png

In chase of the Polish Question, most Soviet Leaders decided it was best to divide Poland up with it's neighbors, or the League of Nations for now, just so that later on the creation of a Polish Soviet Socialist Republic, PSSR, or Zapadslavia would make the Soviet Union feel even more so the a liberator, then an oppressing invader, then it would already do with the League of Nations and support by the local ethnic White Russian and Ukrainian minorities. As a result the League of Nations held elections in the Polish regions, monitored by them, winch resulted in some smaller border areas of Posen and West Prussia, as well as Danzig/ Gdansk becoming part of the German Nation, while the ethnic White Russian and Ukrainian territories of Eastern Poland became part of the Rus Soviet Federalist Socialist Union Republic’s Byelorussian and Ukrainian SSR’s. This way what remained of Poland, a far-right nationalist and anti-semitic government not only became depending on their rival and enemy government Germany for it’s import and exports, but also increasingly feared the Soviet Union because of the shared ideology and threat they viewed from them and their left-wing German government and nation state, winch was why they grew closer to France in hopes of countering a German-Russian encirclement of Poland, with a French-Polish one of Germany.

To this extent Poland also joined the Little Entente of Czechoslovakia, Romania and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavia) as an early version of their ambitious Międzymorze (Intermarum) alliance and commonwealth idea for Eastern Europe for winch they hoped to gain even further French support. Meanwhile in Mexico, the anticlerical constitution, causes the Cristero War, in winch the United States of America and the Ku Klux Klan would support the Mexican Government against the Christero Rebellion and Catholic Church supporters. Some members of the Soviet Union believed that support against the Christeros could bring about an atheist, socialist People’s Republic of Mexico and greatly help their overall anti-American and anti-Catholic Church ambitions in the Central American region, others feared a to harsh anti-Christian/ anti-Catholic stance could alienate to many people in Latin America and Southwest Europe overall from Socialism/ Communism and the Soviet Union. In Australia meanwhile the Western Australian Secession League was seen by some as a potential to internally divide and weaken a part of the British Empire. At the same months Greece ousts Theodoros Pangalos for Georgiis Kondvlis as Pavloc Kountouriotis declares the dictatorship in Greece to be over and proclaims himself to be the new president.
NOTE: To avoid your answer to be seen as spam, please write a short sentence to at leat one, or each (that you chose A, B, C, or maybe why you choose so, maybe that can even convince others to vote the same as you did). Don't want anyone of my dear readers to get reported by people assuming it's spam unnecessary because of this ;D

Christero War question:
A) Support the Mexican Government against the Christeros in hopes of forming a Mexican People’s Republic.
B) We are already to much involved in Central America and risk alienating more Catholic’s let’s stay out of this one.
C) Support a Socialist Branch of the Christeros to form a Socialist Christian Mexican Republic that way.
NOTE: To avoid your answer to be seen as spam, please write a short sentence to at leat one, or each (that you chose A, B, C, or maybe why you choose so, maybe that can even convince others to vote the same as you did). Don't want anyone of my dear readers to get reported by people assuming it's spam unnecessary because of this ;D

Christero War question:
A) Support the Mexican Government against the Christeros in hopes of forming a Mexican People’s Republic.
B) We are already to much involved in Central America and risk alienating more Catholic’s let’s stay out of this one.
C) Support a Socialist Branch of the Christeros to form a Socialist Christian Mexican Republic that way.
C if we can, or B if not.

Also given this AU/TL earleir Chinese unification, how likely would a Chinese intervention into Tiber, or Korea be?
Tibet was invaded pretty soon after Mao consolidated his hold over mainland China IOTL, so I expect there would be an expedition sent to Tibet to ensure that it has at least a compliant government without any ideas of silly things like "being independent" or "not wanting to be part of the Glorious People's Republic".

Korea...well, I think Japan might have a few words to say about that.
I think A and C should be combined as D since it would both be helpful and useful against the US.

Also given this AU/TL earleir Chinese unification, how likely would a Chinese intervention into Tiber, or Korea be?
I believe if we support China wanting Tibet through propaganda and spies, it would help keep Britain (and eventually India) from countering their integration, as for Korea... bad idea since it's still under Japan and attacking them while still rebuilding and modernizing their nation would just weaken them.
C if we can, or B if not.

Tibet was invaded pretty soon after Mao consolidated his hold over mainland China IOTL, so I expect there would be an expedition sent to Tibet to ensure that it has at least a compliant government without any ideas of silly things like "being independent" or "not wanting to be part of the Glorious People's Republic".

Korea...well, I think Japan might have a few words to say about that.
Remember there is a rather large Korean minority in the southern provinces of Manchuria, together with Korean Rebels and Independence fighters retreated to the region, China might recruit some forces out of their pool for a not so direct/ open approach to get the Japanese out of there trough a Korean Uprising.
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Also given this AU/TL earleir Chinese unification, how likely would a Chinese intervention into Tiber, or Korea be?
I think Tibet is much more likely, as any intervention in Korea will mean war with Japan, which would be most likely a repeat of 1894. However I dont think that Tibet would be that easy target beacuse of UK. British India is separated from USSR and China by Afghanistan and Tibet, so Britain may be willing to protect independence of both states from 2 communist/socialist giants of China and USSR.

Don't see much opportunity for the USSR here, and the USA would get really twitchy at us playing around in Mexico.
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NOTE: To avoid your answer to be seen as spam, please write a short sentence to at leat one, or each (that you chose A, B, C, or maybe why you choose so, maybe that can even convince others to vote the same as you did). Don't want anyone of my dear readers to get reported by people assuming it's spam unnecessary because of this ;D
A) The current government of Mexico is one of the most progressive active today with a clear intention of uplifting Mexico's poor & working class.

I can see an intervention in Tibet relatively soon. Korea represents a potential war with Japan which is a step too far.
Comrades I support a combination of B and delayed C, just focus elsewhere in the Americas however if possible try to and save a nucleus of Mexican socialists for future use and have them cut their teeth in Central America.

This idea make for a couple reasons one Catholicism is one of the largest faiths in both the world and quite powerful in both the nations surrounding the USSR and our homeland. Permanently poisoning the well is something we should avoid for the future of the party specially given our recent actions. Two it will likely wreck our relations with America, both one of our greatest trade partners but also a key inspiration and support for industrialization of the nation.

Three and perhaps most importantly I very much doubt any party or group we back will keep power in Mexico for long and likely lead to the image of communism being weak in Mexico and that's something to be avoided. The USA when they notice our support will do what they did with the French and start ''losing'' tons of military' equipment that ends up in the hands of our proxies rivals plus given this period of Mexico I doubt any party we back has the discipline, support and ability to keep power if they take it.

However that being said encouraging socialists to flee to Central or South America benefits us, it allows us to test and influence our Mexican proxy into what we want than accepting whatever baggage they have, two it keeps their support still around as it won't be butchered in the civil war and three it allows them to gain experience and knowledge of how to govern as a revolutionary group and more importantly experience against US forces.
Comrades I support a combination of B and delayed C, just focus elsewhere in the Americas however if possible try to and save a nucleus of Mexican socialists for future use and have them cut their teeth in Central America.

This idea make for a couple reasons one Catholicism is one of the largest faiths in both the world and quite powerful in both the nations surrounding the USSR and our homeland. Permanently poisoning the well is something we should avoid for the future of the party specially given our recent actions. Two it will likely wreck our relations with America, both one of our greatest trade partners but also a key inspiration and support for industrialization of the nation.

Three and perhaps most importantly I very much doubt any party or group we back will keep power in Mexico for long and likely lead to the image of communism being weak in Mexico and that's something to be avoided. The USA when they notice our support will do what they did with the French and start ''losing'' tons of military' equipment that ends up in the hands of our proxies rivals plus given this period of Mexico I doubt any party we back has the discipline, support and ability to keep power if they take it.

However that being said encouraging socialists to flee to Central or South America benefits us, it allows us to test and influence our Mexican proxy into what we want than accepting whatever baggage they have, two it keeps their support still around as it won't be butchered in the civil war and three it allows them to gain experience and knowledge of how to govern as a revolutionary group and more importantly experience against US forces.

I like it!
152 million before, now with additional 1,2 million White Russian and 3,2 million Ukrainian, so 156 to 157 million in total.
Nice, as for the future taking into account all of the changes: better agriculture, economy, healthcare, no stalinist madness i can see USSR population to be between 190-200M by 1940. Same for China, without Civil War, and with much better living conditions than OTL China's population may rise quickly, maybe even reaching 600M in 1940, but who knows
A) It's more likely to get us something we would find common ground with. Most Catholics don't like the USSR on principle of us being socialist.
C, if possible. Supporting the same side as the Americans and their far-right racist group would give us a bad name back home. By supporting the Catholics, we could also continue destorying the image of Socialism as godless and anti-religious. This could also help us better integrate the Catholic West Slavs, when we get there.
Getting involved in Mexico should, like our other foreign efforts, consist entirely of supplies and advisors, no actual volunteers, as that would make our involvement too obvious (at least, not enough to seem suspicious... perhaps we could "motivate" a few citizens to help the Christeros. After all, surely some Catholics believing in our cause would go fight for them).
Or B. Mexico is very hard to get to, especially after the war, where the Americans are sure to "lose" supplies and keep the war ongoing. If the government wins, we must bring the Mexican socialists down to Central America, but if the Cristeros win, we will have to ship them even more supplies and deal with the Americans.
Overall, I think we should invest some into helping the Cristeros, but not too much, as if they win, it will be a nightmare to deal with the remaining guerillas. If they lose, we ourselves "lose equipment" and have our arms shipments to other countries "hijacked by reactionary terrorists".
It truly depends on how feasible actually establishing a socialist Catholic state in Mexico with the Cristeros is, as well as keeping the new government stable.
Edit: accidentally posted halfway through oop
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