soviet union

  1. Onedotman

    The USSR did not abolish "artels"

    An interesting but less well-known aspect of Soviet history are the artels (I used the Russian Wikipedia article instead of the much shorter English one) .They were worker-owned cooperatives which origins can be traced back to the tsarist era. Not just producing handicrafts, mining and logging...
  2. The Red Millennium (What if the Soviet Union won the Cold War?) (WIP)

    The Red Millennium is an alternate timeline that explores a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War through a tumultuous Trotskyist approach and the failure of American unity and lack of American economic stimulation. The United States collapses into various socialist states and the Texan...
  3. What would a successful Russian Republic look like?

    I know this kind of question has probably been done to death, but its something that I've been thinking about for a bit. The idea of a truly democratic Russia and its impact on the world fascinates me and while there are a number of ways this could be achieved, a surviving Russian Republic is...
  4. EasternRomanEmpire

    Khrushchev's reforms succeed

    Remaking this post IOTL Khrushchev was reform-minded and he genuinely wanted to make the Soviet people's life better. His time in office, known as the Khrushchev Thaw, was a period of relative relaxation of government censorship and repression with some economic reforms. However in the end his...
  5. panpiotr

    Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR
    Threadmarks: Chapter Zero: Historical Background (1917 - 5 March 1953)

    Modern revolutionary activity in the Russian Empire began with the 1825 Decembrist revolt. Although serfdom was abolished in 1861, it was done on terms unfavourable to the peasants and served to encourage revolutionaries. A parliament—the State Duma—was established in 1906 after the Russian...
  6. CountofDooku

    Soviet Union and Russian Federation

    Having this idea for a couple of months now, could a Soviet Union that is only missing the Russian SSR turned Russian Federation continue to exist? OTL the last remaining member state was Kazahkstan, but what if more stayed part of the SU? I know that could be tricky as soon as Belaus and...
  7. EasternRomanEmpire

    How could've Trotsky took power?

    After the October Revolution and during the Russian Civil War, Trotsky was de facto Lenin's second-in-command. At multiple times Lenin offered Trotsky high positions which could've given him the power inside the party to outmanoeuvre Stalin (first deputy of Sovnarkom, Vice-Chairman of the Soviet...
  8. the Imperium of Canada

    WI: Trotsky dies in 1924

    The PoD is simple, a few weeks following Lenin's own death Trotsky trips and falls down a flight of stairs. It wasn't an assassination, guy genuinely died in a random accident. -Effects on internal Soviet politics in the 1920s and 30s without Trotsky? -No Trotsky as the most prominent leftist...
  9. Japan invades a Russian Manchuria instead of a Chinese one

    Recently, reading some threads around East Asia in the 19th century, I've came across several points I find interesting, and now I would like to organize these multiple PODs to elaborate a more specific discussion Overall, the main idea is that the Japanese Invade Manchuria as usual during ww2...
  10. Operation Unthinkable goes ahead - how much longer does the war last?

    I have been looking into a number of threads about Operation Unthinkable as the idea has quite taken me, though something barely anyone seems to touch on is just how long a war between the Western allies and the Soviet Union in 1945 would last... Regardless of whether people believe it would be...
  11. WI: Kazakhstan never left the Soviet Union

    IOTL Kazakhstan was the last Soviet Republic to declare independence from the USSR. So what would happen if they simply decide to continue the legacy of the Soviet Union, but in Kazakhstan ? And maybe integrate Kyrgyzstan back as an autonomous province. How will this change Central Asia and the...
  12. Have Revolutionary France be remembered like the USSR

    This is an idea that's been floating in my head for a while. I know that they're not the same, but there were some similarities between the two, and I've seen people draw parallels between them (the terrors, degenerating into dictatorship, etc), and I was thinking of what might be necessary to...
  13. AHQ : What would be the primary consequences of an even worse Barbarossa for Nazi Germany?

    Specifically, what if the only managed to arrive to the outskirts/limits of cities such as Rivne, Vilnius, Minsk, Odessa and others but never conquer them but don't manage to "go beyond them" and take the same territory they managed to do so in our world ? What would be the consequences with the...
  14. Crisis in the Kremlin - Our 1988 USSR
    Threadmarks: Chapter Twenty Two: The Moscow Summit and Andreeva's debut (January 1988 - August 1988)

    Chapter Twenty Two: The Moscow Summit and Andreeva's debut (January 1988 - August 1988) In May 1988 a major change occurred at the one of the highest levels of Soviet politics, although with little real effect. Second General Secretary Dinmukhamed Kunaev finally left his post, following on from...
  15. PC/WI: 1996 Russian Mars Landing

    I'm not an expert on the Soviet space program so I'll keep it short and simple. Let's say that the Soviets invest more into the space program and their Mars missions, and in 1984 General Secretary Chernenko declares that in the next decade the USSR would put a man on Mars. If we assume that...
  16. The unholy Alliance
    Threadmarks: Chapter I:Introduction

    Chapter 1: Introduction When the NSDAP and Hitler came to power in 1933 in Germany everyone expected that the 3rd Reich would never ally with the Soviet Union founded in 1922 following the Russian civil war. Moscow which was isolated during The 1930s and 20s saw rapid industrialization under...
  17. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Surviving Central Powers vs USSR in the '40s-'50s

    Let's say that the USSR accepts the initial treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Where they only have to cede the area in red. Let's also say that there's no Zimmerman Telegram, and so the US doesn't enter the war in 1917. They probably would eventually, but before they do, the millions of Germans freed...
  18. kernel

    What if the Vlora Incident resulted in a war between the USSR and Albania?

    The Vlora incident occured in April of 1961 during the Albanian-Soviet split, when Albanian troops laid seige the Soviet naval base at Vlora and forced Soviets to withdraw, resulting in the casualties of numerous Soviet sailors. In response, Khrushchev enacted sanctions on Albania and ended...
  19. Development of Neoliberalism with a surviving USSR?

    (If this is in the wrong thread, I apologize, the butterflies that I'm asking about here might be less than 20 years ago, till at least the GFC, so if this more suited for Political Chat or something, is it okay if the mods can move it please? Thanks. Sorry.) If you just want to get to my...
  20. KMT_Enjoyer

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913 On an unusually warm day of winter, 1913, in a slum in northern Vienna, a lamp was dropped onto the floor by a strong wind, instantly setting fire to the wooden floor of the men’s dormitory. The window was left opened by a small time Austrian painter, too tired to...