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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a quick little update on the status of the timeline.

First thing is first, there's going to be a dramatic drop in the amount of content over the next two months or so. As I have alluded to several times on discord, and I think a few times on here, I bought a house! It's closer to where I work so in the long run I'll have even more time to spend on the timeline! (I work 45 hours a week, and my commute right now is 1 hour each way, this move cuts it down to 25 min!! :closedeyesmile:) But this added caveat comes with getting rid of the old place, updating the new place (and believe me, it looks like it was last renovated when President Eisenhower left office), and then moving everything over and getting settled. Obviously this is gunna take some time. I know I have yet to finish the precinct map, and I truly hope I'll have the energy to continue to release the maps in the coming week or so, but no promises. If I find I do have some spare time and the energy, I'll work on something for the TL, but otherwise I won't be doing anything that can't be done in my 1 hour lunch break. Feel free to ask text questions here though! I can still respond to those fairly easily :extremelyhappy:

I hope everyone can understand! I have tons of stuff cooking up for the TL, my notebook is as full as ever! Thank you to all those who have supported me and continue to support me <3

On a side note, I will be doing the final Senate numbers tomorrow at lunch, so expect that update!

Long Island: 445
Connecticut: 770
Plymouth: 382
Rhode Island: 298
Massachusetts Bay: 1,775
Adirondack: 572
Vermont: 284
New Hampshire: 326
Maine: 509
New Brunswick: 365
Nova Scotia: 273
Prince Edward Island: 87

She has (had) an underwhelming career as a Federal Senator from Adirondack.
We will always support you, every single one of us.
Incoming 52nd New England Ministry
Until you posted the wikibox for the election, @Kanan, I didn't realize that for all the sturm-und-drang over the Tory landslide, they did barely better in the popular vote than they did last election. First past the post is a beaut that way!
Should have been Trudeau.

Yeah honestly who thought it was a good idea to go for Reagan over Trudeau anyway. If Trudeau had run, as aloof as he seems to have been in this timeline, he'd have done better in long island and better in seats (at least above 50).
Yeah honestly who thought it was a good idea to go for Reagan over Trudeau anyway. If Trudeau had run, as aloof as he seems to have been in this timeline, he'd have done better in long island and better in seats (at least above 50).
What were our other Choices? The Guy from Connecticut and the guy from Louisiana. Kennedy needs to salvage Labour now
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