List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

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Mumby - 6_Garnet_New_Zealand
War Plan Red


1940-1948: John A. Lee (Labour)
1943 (Majority) def. Gordon Coates ('Reformist' National), Charles Wilkinson (Official 'Loyalist' National)
1948-1952: Peter Fraser (Official 'National' Labour)
1948 (National Government with National Reform) def. Charles Wilkinson (Conservative), John A. Lee ('Democratic' Labour)
1952-1957: Walter Nash (Labour)
1952 (National Government with National Reform) def. Sidney Holland (Conservative)
1957-1969: Keith Holyoake (Conservative)
1957 (Minority) def. Walter Nash (Labour), Jack Watts (National Reform)
1961 (Coalition with National Reform) def. Clarence Skinner (Labour)
1965 (Majority) def. Fred Hackett (Labour)

1969-1975: Bob Muldoon (Labour)
1969 (Majority) def. Keith Holyoake (Conservative), Clifford Emeny ('New' Reform)
1973 (Majority) def. Duncan MacIntyre (Conservative), Clifford Emeny (Liberal Reform)

Lee had become Labour leader and Prime Minister in the wake of his predecessor's death. Lee would go on to distinguish New Zealand as the only Dominion not to follow Britain into war, officially declaring neutrality. New Zealand still endured shortages as a cautious US Navy imposed an embargo. Neutrality split the National Party between those who wanted to remain loyal to London and those who begrudgingly agreed with the policy. This resulted in a Labour landslide against a split right.

Lee was removed from office by a dissatisfied Labour party no longer willing to tolerate his growing authoritarianism. Fraser formed a National Government with National Reform, granting him the majority to officially transform New Zealand into a republic.

National Reform rapidly withered as they became perceived as a Labour puppet. The Conservatives managed to reorganise and went from Official Opposition to New Zealand's second party. In 1957 they became the largest party. In government, they held to a 'One Nation' economic line that avoided recriminations from their allies in Washington.

The Conservatives ascent continued, managing to reunite the right, but it fell apart in 1967 when Holyoake called a referendum on restoring the monarchy. The republicans in the party broke away, ultimately forming the Liberal Reform Party. The Conservatives continue to struggle with that fateful decision especially against a populist Labour leader.


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Oppo - List of Presidents in The Biden Years
List of Presidents in The Biden Years

Walter Mondale/George Washington (DFL/Independent)
1789: Unopposed
Joe Biden/Various (Democrat)
1797-1800: Ronald Reagan/John Jay (Republican/Federalist)

1796: Walter Mondale/George Washington (DFL)
1800: Unopposed
1800-1973: John Jay/Vacant (Federalist)
1804-1968: Unopposed
1969-1973: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew (Republican)
1968: Unopposed
1973-1977: Filthy Frank/Pink Guy (Frank's Clan)
1972: Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew (Republican), George McGovern/Sargent Shriver (replacing Thomas Eagleton) (Democrat)
1975-1977: Jeb Bush/Vacant (Republican)
1977-1985: Joe Biden/Birch Bayh (Democrat)
1976: Filthy Frank/Pink Guy (Frank's Clan), Lloyd Bentsen/Adlai Stevenson III (Democrat)
1980: Lou Albano/Joel Higgins (Independent)
1985-2005: T/Abraham Washington (Independent)
1984: Joe Biden/Birch Bayh (Democrat)
1988-2000: Unopposed
Joe Biden/Blanche Lincoln (Democrat)
2004: Jeb Bush/Dick Cheney (Republican)
2009-2013: Barack Obama/Mitt Romney/Joe Biden (Democrat/Republican/Democrat)
2008: John McCain/Sarah Palin (Republican)
2012: Ron Paul/Gary Johnson (Republican)
Sean Penn/Alan Grayson/Joe Biden (Democrat)
2012: Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (Republican), Barack Obama/Joe Biden (Democrat), Pete King/Allen West (Independent)
2013: Jeb Bush/Vacant (Republican)
2013: Jeb Bush/Paul Ryan (Republican)
2013: Barack Obama/Joe Biden (Democrat)
2013: Joe Biden/Vacant (Democrat)
2013: Barack Obama/Joe Biden (Democrat)
2013: Joe Biden/Vacant (Democrat)

2013: John Boehner/Vacant (Republican)
2013: Ted Cruz/Justin Beiber (Canadian Military Dictatorship)
2013: Al Gore/Kanye West (Democrat/Independent)
2013: Joe Biden/Kirsten Gillibrand (Democrat)
2013: Joe Biden/Vacant (Democrat)

2013: Joe Biden/Tim Kaine (Democrat)
2013: Paul Ryan/Vacant (Republican)
2013: Joe Biden/Abraham Washington (Democrat/Independent)
2013: Joe Biden/Vacant (Democrat)
2013: Joe Biden/Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat)
2013: Joe Biden/Jerry Brown (Democrat)
2013-2014: Jerry Brown/Vacant (Democrat)
2014: Barack Obama/Joe Biden (Democrat)

2014: Paul Ryan/Vacant (Republican)
2014-2016: Shrek/Walter Mondale/SpongeBob SquarePants (Green/DFL)
2014: Paul Ryan/Rob Portman (Republican)
2016: Ghost of Donald Trump/Mike Pence (Republican)
2016: Shrek/SpongeBob SquarePants (Green)
2016: Jay Z/Al Franken (Democrat)
2016: Jay Z/Vacant (Democrat)
2016: Jay Z/Gary Busey (Democrat/Gary Busey)
2016: Al Gore/Tim Ryan (Democrat)

2016: Jay Z/Gary Busey (Democrat)
2016: Tim Ryan/Vacant (Democrat)
2016-2017: Harley Brown/Mark Cuban (Republican/Independent)

2017: Mark Cuban/Vacant (Independent)
2017: David Miscavige/Vacant (Independent)
2017: Ghost of Donald Trump/Vacant (Republican)
2017: Donald Trump/Vacant (Republican)
2017: Alex(andria) J. Smith/Vacant (Technocratic-Socialist)

2017: Baphomet/Vacant (Independent)
2017: Baphomet/Lucifer (Independent)
2017: Baphomet/Vacant (Independent)

2017-2018: Dwayne Johnson/Reggie Fils-Aime (Republican/Democrat)
2018-2021: Joe Biden/Vacant (Democrat)

2021: Abraham Washington/Mark Zuckerberg (Independent)
2020: Joe Biden/Mark Warner (Democrat)
2021: Joe Biden/Jeb Bush (Democrat/Republican)
2021-2022: Abraham Washington/Mark Zuckerberg (Independent)
2022-2027: Mark Zuckerberg/Vacant (Independent)

Office of President Abolished, Formation of Office of God-Emperor

List of Kings of America

2012: Barack I (House of Obama)
2012-2017: Malik I (House of Obama)
2017-2018: Barack I (House of Obama)
2018-Present: Lyndon I (House of LaRouche)

2018: Eric Trump (Independent), Ted (Independent), George W. Bush (Independent), Bobby Kennedy (Independent)

List of Presidents of Dinomerica

2018: Baranklyasaurus/Joebidenasaurus (Democrat)
2018: Joebidenasaurus/Vacant (Democrat)
2018: Ryanosaurus/Vacant (Republican)
2018-Present: Larry/Vacant (Independent)

List of God-Emperors of America

2018: Joe I (House of Biden)
2018: Alex I (House of Jones)

2027-2037: Abraham I (House of Washington)
2037: Albert I (House of Gore)

2037: Jay I (House of Z)
2037-2039: Albert I (House of Gore)
2039-2040: Kek I (House of Kek)
2040-2050: Jay I (House of Z)
2050-2053: Jeb I (House of Bush)
2053-2100: Joe I (House of Biden)

2100-21101: Office Vacant
21101-21102: Joe I (House of Biden)
21102-Present: Emmett I (House of Brown)
Mumby - The Butler Did It: When Coups Go Wrong
The Butler Did It: When Coups Go Wrong

1933-1934: Huey Long / vacant (Democratic)
1932 def. Herbert Hoover / Charles Curtis (Republican)
1934-1935: John N. Garner / vacant (Democratic)
1935-1937: John N. Garner / Smedley Butler (Democratic / Independent)
1937-1940: Smedley Butler / Norman Thomas (Independent / Socialist)

1936 def. John N. Garner / Millard Tydings (Democratic), Frederick Steiwer / Hamilton Fish III (Republican)
1940-1941: Norman Thomas (Socialist / vacant)
1941-1945: Wendell Willkie / William B. Bankhead (Democratic)

1940 def. Norman Thomas / Charles Lindbergh (Socialist / America First), Robert A. Taft / Styles Bridges (Republican)

Al Smith and Huey Long win the Democratic nomination, and the Presidency.

Al Smith is shot in December 1932 and dies.

Huey Long is shot in the summer of 1934 and is incapacitated. There may have been shenanigans by shadowy crypto-fascist businessmen.

Speaker of the House Garner becomes President. He is (allegedly) pressured by shadowy crypto-fascist businessmen to appoint Smedley Butler his VP.

In 1936, the best laid plans of mice and shadowy crypto-fascist businessmen go out the window. Butler uses his national platform to make an independent run at the Presidency. His victory is attained by managing to taint Garner with association with an alleged coup d'etat by shadowy crypto-fascist businessmen, and the Republicans have singularly failed to learn the lessons of 1932.

Butler dies in 1940 and America experiences it's first (and only?) Socialist President for a little under a year.

At the 1940 election, the Democrats break through against a divided pacifist/isolationist opposition, in the face of war in Europe and the threat of it's spread to the United States.
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RightTosser - Hands Reversed

Deleted member 83898

Hands Reversed

Incontrovertible evidence of Bush the Elder's involvement in Iran-Contra is leaked, putting him out of the contention for the 1988 election. Dole, the new heir to Reagan's throne, wins the primary easily. Dukakis and the Democrats wage a vigorous campaign criticizing the GOP for the whole Iran-Contra affair, but 'Honest Bob' is able to successfully isolate himself from the controversy and win a surprising landslide victory.

Honest Bob, Honestly Dull
Robert J. Dole (GOP-KS)
Vice President

44. John G. Tower (GOP-TX)

1988 def. Michael S. Dukakis / Lloyd M. Bentsen (DEM-MA/TX)
1992 def. Mario M. Cuomo / Zell B. Miller (DEM-NY/GA)

In his first term, Dole oversees the end of the Cold War and is able to make the argument that his steady hand is necessary to forge a stable post-Cold War order. Nonetheless, Cuomo leads in the polls on Election Day and everyone is surprised when Dole scores a convincing victory. Dole's second term is turbulent, with conflicts in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans. Skyrocketing oil prices bring about a recession which costs the GOP greatly in the 1994 midterms, despite victory abroad. The passage of NAFTA, the recession, continued ethics scandals, and a divide on abortion combine to produce a contentious GOP primary ending in a rebellion of the populist center and right under the banner of the Reform Party. The GOP is defeated in a landslide by Joe Lieberman, a "New" Democrat.

New Democrats, New America

Joseph I. Lieberman (DEM-CT)
Vice Presidents

45. Robert J. Miller (DEM-NV)

46. William H. Frist (GOP-TN)
2001-2003 (res.)

47. E. Gerald Brown (DEM-CA)

1996 def. Robert W. Kasten / Daniel R. Coats (GOP-WI/IN), Lee A. Iacocca / John F. Akers (REF-CA/MA)
2000 def. John E. "Jeb" Bush / William H. Frist (GOP-FL/TN), Lee A. Iacocca / Patrick J. Buchanan (REF-CA/VA)

After achieving over a fifth of the vote in 1996, the Reform Party under Lee Iacocca is ready to strike again in 2000, with an aim at victory. For maximum populist appeal, Iacocca campaigns on a promise to institute a national referendum system if elected. The fall election is close, deadlocked, and sent to the House and Senate for a historic compromise. Lieberman and the Democrats retain the Presidency, Frist and the Republican establishment get the veep slot, a resolution to the abortion question, and the retention of NAFTA, and Reform secures the passage of a Referendum Amendment to the Constitution. Unfortunately for Reform, their movement begins to fade with the passage of the Referendum Amendment. Lieberman's administration is marked by steady economic growth and limited overseas interventions within the scope of humanitarian operations and acting bi- or multi-laterally alongside key US allies.

Not Tom, Just Jerry. Not Two, Just One.
E. Gerald Brown (DEM-CA)
Vice President

48. Theodore Strickland (DEM-OH)

2004 def. Thomas D. DeLay / John R. "Jock" McKernan (GOP-TX/ME)

After two defeats with "compassionate conservatives" at the helm, it's time for the doctrinaire wing of the GOP to take back their party and country. However, with the populist conflicts of the 1990s resolved, a continued split in the GOP over the trade issue, and with New Democratic Liebermanism popular in the country, it seems that America just isn't thinking what DeLay and Jock are thinking. Late into Brown's term, the economy enters a recession caused by a crash in the housing market.

Exit Now
Mark S. Kirk (GOP-IL)
2009-2015 (res.)
Vice Presidents

49. Paul D. Ryan (GOP-WI)
2009-2015 (res.)

50. Susan M. Collins (GOP-ME)

2008 def. E. Gerald Brown / Theodore Strickland (DEM-CA/OH)
2012 def. Barack H. Obama / Joaquín Castro (DEM-IL/TX)

2011 Electoral College referendum: 51% RETAIN
2014 Puerto Rican statehood referendum: 72% STATEHOOD
2015 NAFTA referendum: 52% LEAVE

A combination of incumbency fatigue and the recession would lead to a GOP victory, however narrow. Upon taking office, Kirk initiated entitlement reform in the hopes of achieving a balanced budget and scaling back the welfare state, all while overseeing the national legalization of same-sex marriage. Referendums on the Electoral College and Puerto Rican statehood produced results favorable to the administration, (to retain and for statehood, respectively) while the trade issue loomed in the background. Despite protests from the left stemming from his austerity measures and entitlement reform, Kirk was able to secure re-election by guaranteeing a referendum on NAFTA membership if re-elected. That move would prove to be his undoing. In the wake of the NAFTA referendum, VP Ryan would resign in order to allow Congress to choose Kirk's successor. Kirk would resign shortly thereafter.

Merkel of Maine
Susan M. Collins (GOP-ME)
Vice President

51. Patrick J. Toomey (GOP-PA)

2016 def. Bernie Sanders / Alan M. Grayson (DEM-VT/FL)

Initial expectations for the Vice Presidential vote in Congress placed New York Senator and former NYC Mayor Boris Johnson as the likely winner, but the entry of key Johnson ally Chris Christie into the race shocked observers and precluded Johnson's candidacy. Other candidates included Kelly Ayotte, Dan Coats, and Marco Rubio, who promised to make Tim Scott his VP if elected. In the end, the contest came down to Ayotte and Collins, of whom the latter prevailed. Collins' administration has mostly been concerned with exiting from NAFTA and negotiating a replacement bilateral trade agreement with Canada. In the 2016 election, Collins/Toomey was able to score a landslide victory over an unprecedentedly liberal and staunchly redistributionist Sanders/Grayson ticket representing a crumpled Democratic Party.

I'm glad to have gotten this off of my chest. If you didn't notice, this is a US-as-UK analogue list, with some deviations. I was going to do a UK-as-US list but found that my knowledge of British politics was wanting greatly. Also, AFAIK, British politics/society lacks a figure who is distinctly Trump.

Some musings:

I'm not sure how good Bob Dole is at being John Major. For one, he does have the dullness, but on the other hand he is significantly older and was substantially more well known in American politics than Major was in British politics during the same timeframe. However, he was the runner up in 1988, so he is probably the most realistic choice. Also, Donald Rumsfeld is totally Michael Heseltine. Pretty sure you can draw parallels between the 1988 GOP primary (Rummy briefly ran and would have been the front runner if Reagan would have remembered his phone number back in '80) and the 1990 Conservative leadership contest (Heseltine the runner-up). I can also see the case for Heseltine being Bush the Elder, though.

I'm rather proud of myself for casting Susan Collins as Theresa May. Good ideological fit, methinks. They are both in the same age neighborhood and both entered their first political offices in 1997.

Yes, the 2001 GE was a Labour landslide, but I needed the 2000 election to be deadlocked so that referendums could be a thing. Also, Bill Frist resigned so that he could return to the Senate. If he was vacating his seat in 2000, Bob Corker (or someone else) would have run then instead of in 2002, and Frist would have had a wide-open primary when Fred Thompson retired in '02.

I'm also rather proud of "Not Tom, Just Jerry" as the analogue for "Not Flash, Just Gordon". It's even more fitting when you consider that Brown's '04 election opponent was TOM DeLay. I swear to you that I pretty much randomly chose DeLay as the '04 GOP nominee, and that the slogan came later.

Is Pat Toomey a good analogue for Phillip Hammond? Likewise for Paul Ryan as George Osborne and Mark Kirk as David Cameron.

Jerry Brown just had to be Gordon Brown because, well, Brown.

I made Lieberman be Blair because both stood out to me as being monumental hawks (and also moderates/centrists in general) in comparison to the rest of their party. I thought of having the Brits start a dubious war with Argentina so that Lieberman could controversially intervene, but that just sounded kooky. Not as kooky as the Troubles flaring back up and the US getting involved, though.

Speaking of wars, the Gulf War is delayed so that the recession doesn't come until after the 1992 election, such that Dole is able to win re-election and Reform doesn't emerge as an electoral force until the '96 election.

The '08 housing crash happened more or less as OTL because I figured that banking policy would be largely the same as OTL under a moderate/centrist Democratic admin. (See: Bill Clinton)

Is Ameri-pol Boris Johnson possible/feasible with a POD in the mid-'80s?

I didn't have analogues for the Liberal Democrats, SNP, or UKIP because I feel that in the US political system they'd just be factions of either of the major parties. It's simpler that way, too.

I apologize if this list or any portion thereof, including the above 'musings', are carcinogenic in nature.​
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spookyscaryskeletons - r/unitedkingdom banter
Based on a really stupid comment I once saw on r/unitedkingdom about how the SNP should just become a national party and stand in the North of England 'because that's how Labour got started'. I'm in Poland for the mo so a writeup won't come for a bit.

2010-2015: David Cameron (Conservative)
2010 (Coalition with Liberal Democrats) def. Gordon Brown (Labour), Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats)
2011 AV Referendum: 68% NO Victory
2014 Independence Referendum: 55% NO Victory

2015-2016: Ed Miliband (Labour)
2015 (Minority with SNP supply and confidence) def. David Cameron (Conservative), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Nigel Farage (UKIP)
2016-2020: David Cameron (Conservative)
2016 (Majority) def. Ed Miliband (Labour), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), Norman Lamb (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Nigel Farage (UKIP)
2017 EU Referendum: 53% STAY Victory
2019 Independence Referendum: 54% NO Victory

2020-2026: Sajid Javid (Conservative)
2021 (Majority) def. Owen Smith (Labour), Tommy Sheppard (National - Fair Deal), Tom Brake (Liberal Democrats), Suzanne Evans (UKIP), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Chris McElny (Continuity SNP)
2026: Nicky Morgan (Conservative)
2026-: Alyn Smith (Fair Deal)

2026 (Coalition with Labour and Liberal Democrats) def. Nicky Morgan (Conservative), Max Shanly (Labour), Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Raheem Kassam (UKIP), Chris McElny (Workers for a New Scotland), Jon Bartley / Clare Phipps (Green)
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Based on a really stupid comment I once saw on r/unitedkingdom about how the SNP should just become a national party and stand in the North of England 'because that's how Labour got started'. I'm in Poland for the mo so a writeup won't come for a bit.

2010-2015: David Cameron (Conservative)
2010 (Coalition with Liberal Democrats) def. Gordon Brown (Labour), Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats)
2011 AV Referendum: 68% NO Victory
2014 Independence Referendum: 55% NO Victory

2015-2016: Ed Miliband (Labour)
2015 (Minority with SNP supply and confidence) def. David Cameron (Conservative), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Nigel Farage (UKIP)
2016-2020: David Cameron (Conservative)
2016 (Majority) def. Ed Miliband (Labour), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), Norman Lamb (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Nigel Farage (UKIP)
2017 EU Referendum: 53% STAY Victory
2019 Independence Referendum: 54% NO Victory

2020-2026: Sajid Javid (Conservative)
2021 (Majority) def. Owen Smith (Labour), Tommy Sheppard (National - Fair Deal), Tom Brake (Liberal Democrats), Suzanne Evans (UKIP), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Chris McElny (Continuity SNP)
2026: Nicky Morgan (Conservative)
2026-: Alyn Smith (Fair Deal)

2026 (Coalition with Labour and Liberal Democrats) def. Nicky Morgan (Conservative), Max Shanly (Labour), Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Raheem Kassam (UKIP), Chris McElny (Workers for a New Scotland), Jon Bartley / Clare Phipps (Green)

Tfw Uhura's Memeby still hasn't finished Greenshirt Town :(

Who couldn't like the nice KKK?

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