List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

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  • Asami

    List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II
    The go-to place to dump your poorly-written (or masterfully written) presidential, monarchistic, dictatorial or whatever lists-- all lists are welcome and encouraged!
    To go to the original thread: click here
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    shiftygiant - Falklands Never Happened
  • shiftygiant

    Gone Fishin'
    1979-1988: Margret Thatcher (Conservative)
    def. 1979: Jim Callaghan (Labour), David Steel (Liberal)
    def. 1983: Michael Foot (Labour), David Steel (Liberal), Roy Jenkins (Social Democrats)

    1988-1993: Neil Kinnock (Labour)
    def. 1988: Margret Thatcher (Conservative Party), David Steel/David Owen (Liberal/Social Democratic Alliance)
    1993-1995: Norman Tebbit (Conservative)
    def. 1993: Neil Kinnock (Labour), Alex Carlile (Social and Liberal Democrats), David Owen ('Continuity' Social Democratic)
    1995-????: Gordon Brown (Labour)
    def. 1995: Norman Tebbit (Conservative), Alex Carlile (Social and Liberal Democrats), Malcolm Rifkind (Unionist)

    So the idea is that the Falklands never happens, and without the patriotic surge 1983 isn't such a big victory for Thatcher. The Brighton Bomb attack is subsequently butterflied, with the Conservatives winning 1983 without the big increase (instead doing around 30% of the vote and 340 seats). Kinnock subsequently wins the next election, and runs the Country about as well as expected. Tebbit becomes Tory leader, and wins the next election on a 'law and order' campaign, and slips in with a narrow majority. The majority quickly erodes, with Brown coming in and winning a respectably large majority whilst the Scottish wing of the Conservative Party just up and leaves.
    Brundlefly - US-Germany Analogue List
  • After the recent US election, here's a new version of a German-US analogue list (did one in the old thread, but I wasn't that happy with it).

    1948-1952: Ernst Reuter / Kurt Schumacher (SPD)
    def. Jakob Kaiser / Wilhelm Külz (CDU/CSU), Kurt-Georg Kiesinger / Theodor Oberländer (GB/BHE)

    1952-1960: Erwin von Witzleben / Franz-Josef Strauß (CDU/CSU)

    def. Carlo Schmid / Wilhelm Hoegner (SPD)
    1956 def. Carlo Schmid / Erwin Schoettle (SPD)

    1960-1963: Willy Brandt / Gustav Heinemann (SPD)

    def. Franz-Josef Strauß / Eugen Gerstenmaier (CDU/CSU)

    1963-1964: Gustav Heinemann (SPD)

    1964-1968: Gustav Heinemann / Herbert Wehner (SPD)
    def. Ludwig Erhardt / Walter Hallstein (CDU/CSU)

    1968-1973: Franz-Josef Strauß / Karl Carstens (CDU/CSU)

    def. Herbert Wehner / Karl Schiller (SPD), Hans Filbinger / Ulrich de Maizière (NPD)
    1973-1974: Franz-Josef Strauß / Rainer Barzel (CDU/CSU)
    def. Peter von Oertzen / Egon Bahr (SPD)

    1974-1976: Rainer Barzel / Richard von Weizsäcker (CDU/CSU)

    1976-1980: Erhard Eppler / Johannes Rau (SPD)
    def. Rainer Barzel / Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU)

    1980-1988: Lothar Späth / Heribert Hellenbroich (CDU/CSU)

    def. Erhard Eppler / Johannes Rau (SPD), Norbert Blüm / Klaus von Dohnanyi (Free Voters)
    1984 def. Johannes Rau / Ingrid Matthäus-Meyer (SPD)

    1988-1992: Heribert Hellenbroich / Matthias Wissmann (CDU/CSU)

    def. Björn Engholm / Hans-Jochen Vogel (SPD)

    1992-2000: Gerhard Schröder / Joschka Fischer (SPD)
    def. Heribert Hellenbroich / Matthias Wissmann (CDU/CSU), Dietmar Hopp / Dieter Wellershoff (Free Voters)
    1996 def. Helmut Kohl / Gerhard Meyer-Vorfelder (CDU/CSU), Dietmar Hopp / Joachim Starbatty (Pro DM)

    2000-2008: Roland Koch / Steffen Heitmann (CDU/CSU)

    def. Joschka Fischer / Günther Verheugen (SPD), Hans-Christian Ströbele / Freya Klier (Greens)
    2004 def. Franz Müntefering / Matthias Platzeck (SPD)

    2008-2016: Karamba Diaby / Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD)

    def. Manfred Wörner / Kristina Schröder (CDU/CSU)
    2012 def. Dieter Althaus / Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU)

    2016- : Uli Hoeneß / Günther Oettinger (CDU/CSU)

    def. Gesine Schwan / Ralf Stegner (SPD)

    Trump was a bit of a tricky one, as I dabbled with two other options. My first ideas were pop music producer/professional TV nerve-wracker Dieter Bohlen (as he's both more vulgar and sexist than Uli Hoeneß, plus he also oozes Trump's nouveau riche vibe) or developer Jürgen Schneider (similar career like Trump; he's also been involved in quite a few large scandals - unlike Trump, he went to jail, though). But I think Hoeneß fits better, because like Trump he always had connections to the political scene, and he's more of an ultimate "love him or hate him"-figure. And I guess unlike the other two, he'd probably also play the economically populist "man of the people" card during an election campaign.
    Cevolian - A Steady State
  • Ok, my first list of the thread. Hope you all like it! (Major credit to @Uhura's Mazda whose last list this is heavily inspired by and @Comisario who came up with some of the stuff about Elliot in a PM list game we participated in).

    The wonders a firm hand can bring...

    1935-1937: Austen Chamberlain (National Government of Conservatives, National Liberals, National Independents and National Labour)

    When the Abyssinian Crisis forced Stanley Baldwin to resign in 1935, Austen Chamberlain was brought in as the only figure who could command the support of enough in the house to keep the National Government standing. An opponent of appeasement, Chamberlain recommitted Britain to the concept of collective security, using the power of economic sanctions and committing to rearmament to "remind" facist Germany and Italy of the dangers of war. With a "Second Entente" formed between Britain, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia and Germany contained, Chamberlain stepped down as PM in 1937 due to health concerns, dying just a few minutes this later. The only blip in his premiership was the "Abdication Crisis" of 1936, but aside from a few young appeasers breaking away from the Conservative party to sit as "King's Men" little came of it...

    1937-1943: Walter Elliot (National Government of Conservatives, National Liberals, National Independents and National Labour)

    def 1939 - Clement Attlee (Labour), John Simon (National Liberal), Herbert Samuel (Liberal), Phillip Sassoon (King's), Ramsay MacDonald (National Labour)

    The popular First Secretary of State and Home Secretary Walter Elliot took over from Chamberlain as Prime Minister, continuing the government'S policies towards Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy. When Hitler tried to bully and cajole Austria into joining the "Third Reich" in 1938, Elliot out his foot down and said that the cost of any annexation would be war to enforce the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler backed down, and Elliot was widely praised, winning the Nobel Peace Prize that year, along with the French foreign minister. His government's implementation of "New Deal" policies following the 1939 election (which he had campaigned on the concept of a "Doctor's Mandate" in brought Britain on the road to recovery. Before the dissolution of Parliament for an election a number of technocrats were brought into high office, including John Anderson (an "Independent National") as Chancellor and the geographer and geostrategist Halford Mackinder (a Conservative elected on Elliot's urging in 1939) as Foreign Secretary. The ambitious young Anthony Eden was made First Secretary of State and Home Secretary, and was widely seen as the heir presumptive going into 1943.

    1943-1944: Walter Elliot (National Majority)

    def 1943 - Stafford Cripps (Labour-"Left" Liberal-Communist "Popular Front"), Herbert Samuel/Leslie Hore-Belisha (Liberal/"Continuity" National Liberal Alliance), Herbert Morison (Social Democratic)

    The parties of government finally united in 1943 to form the "National Party", although a few National Liberals joined with the Liberal Party to avoid uniting with the increasingly interventionist Tories. Elliot won out against a far-left Popular Front made up of Cripps' Labour, Beveridgite Liberals avoiding alliance with Hoare-Belisha and the deeply unpopular Communists. With another large majority ensured, Elliot handed over to Anthony Eden...

    1944-1948: Anthony Eden (National Majority)

    After over a decade of National rule (either for the government or party) Eden was destined to have a difficult time. Leading the party into the new "European Steel and Coal Community" (designed to prevent war through economic entanglement), Eden received backslash from the left and the extreme right of his own party. Transitioning into a new era which pitted the Capitalist west against the Communist East (following the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Nationalist-Communist United Front brining China into the Soviet orbit), Eden's biggest success was in fact Mackinder's - brining the USA into the Entente. In 1948 Eden was forced to call an election, and went down in a blaze of mediocrity despite a divided left...

    1948-1953: Megan Lloyd-George (Social Democratic-Socialist Labour-Action Coalition)

    def 1948 - Anthony Eden (National), Archibald Sinclair (Liberal), Stafford Cripps (Socialist Labour), Ernest Millington (Action), Various ("Right" Independent Liberals), Various (Anti-ESCC Nationals)

    Coming to office at the end of the period of prosperity following the Depression, Megan Lloyd-George led a disparate coalition... The new Social Democraic Party was roughly the right of Labour and some of the left liberals, the Socialist Labour Party the Crippisite Labour left and a scattered assortment of ILP members Communists and Socialists, and the radically libertarian socialist "Action" Party was formed of a handful of left liberals and dissatisfied former Labour members. Britain's first female premier had genuinely noble intentions, seeking to create a "Fair Society" and modelling herself on a mixture of FDR and her own father. Unable to reach a compromise on anything, the coalition wheeled out a disastrous "National Health Association" and commenced with failed coal and steel nationalisations. The collapse of the "Great Northern Rail" project which it had opposed led the Action Party to pull support from the coalition and bring down the government...

    1953-19---: Noel Skelton (National-Unionist-Liberal Coalition)

    def 1953 - Megan Lloyd-George (Social Democratic), Peter Thornycroft (Unionist), Nye Bevan (Socialist Labour), Clement Davies (Liberal), Richard Acland (Action), Rajani Palme-Dutt ("Continuity" Communist)

    Having suffered a brief Cancer scare in the thirties, Noel Skelton returned to government under Elliot, then served first as President of the Board of Trade and then Chancellor under Eden. Advocating "Industrial Democracy", he was securely to the technocratic left of the National Party. His ascension to the left solidified the split between the right and mainstream of the party, but he was able to form an amicable alliance with the new "Unionist" party (made up of the largely Classical Liberal right wings of the former Conservative and National Liberal parties). Whilst forced to moderate his policies by more laissez-faire coalition partners, Skelton's first months in office nevertheless saw the teasing of Britian's first nuclear bomb and the future of his government looks bright...
    shifygiant - Parkinson Takes Over the Tories
  • shiftygiant

    Gone Fishin'
    Anyway, here's something:

    1979-1986: Margret Thatcher (Conservative)
    def. 1979: James Callaghan (Labour), David Steel (Liberal)
    def. 1983: Michael Foot (Labour), David Steel/Roy Jenkins (Liberal/Social Democratic Alliance)

    1986-1989: Cecil Parkinson (Conservative)
    def. 1988 (Social Democratic Supply and Confidence): Neil Kinnock (Labour), David Steel/David Owen (Liberal/Social Democratic Alliance)
    1989-1992: Neil Kinnock (Labour)
    def. 1989: Cecil Parkinson (Conservative), David Steel/Lord Hillhead (Liberal/'anti-Government' Social Democratic Alliance), David Owen ('pro-Government' Social Democratic)
    1992-1994: Gerald Kaufman (Labour)
    1994-199?: Roy Major (Conservative)

    def. 1994 (Social Democratic Coalition): Gerald Kaufman (Labour), Alex Carlile (Liberal Democrats), John Cartwright (Social Democratic)

    Basically, Parkinson never 'dips his wick', and as a result Thatcher steps down in 1986, thinking that he's 'ready' for the top job. He makes a bit of a pigs ear of the next couple of years and a minor recession emerged just as he has to call an election, although the advantageous position the Tories are in by the late 80's lets them hold on as the largest party, though without a majority. Owen breaks with Steel and offers Social Democratic supply and Confidence to Parkinson, resulting immediately in a split between the 'pro-Government' and 'anti-Government' factions of the SDP. Supply and Confidence lasts as long as there are Social Democrats willing to keep it going, and within a few months Parkinson is forced to go to the country once more in a bitter January election, decisively trumped by Kinnock. Kinnock has a decent few years, fairly middle of the road, but is hit by a sever economic crash in 1992, and as a result steps down. John Smith, political poison as the crash happened on his watch, is unable to run, and resultantly former Foreign Secretary Gerald Kaufman steps up, positioning himself as an alternative to the 'Red Tory' Prescott. Kaufman is Kaufman, and as a result a bright young man who made a deal with his more powerful colleagues walks though the door of Number 10 (with some help) on the promise of fiscal responsibility and a morally respectable Government...
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    Catalunya - Cheney Bites The Big One in 2001
  • Presidents of the United States of America

    2001 - 2001: George W. Bush / Richard 'Dick' Cheney (Republican)

    2000: Al Gore / Joe Lieberman (Democratic)

    2001 - 2002: George W. Bush / vacant (Republican)

    2002 - 2009: George W. Bush / Rudy Giuliani (Republican)
    2004: Howard Dean / Tom Vilsack (Democrat)

    2009 - 2011: Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama (Democrat)
    2008: Rudy Giuliani / Tim Pawlently (Republican)

    2011 - 2012: Barack Obama / vacant (Democrat)

    2012 - 2013: Barack Obama / John Kerry (Democrat)

    2013 - 2013: Donald Trump / Tom Tancredo (Republican)
    2012: Barack Obama / John Kerry (Democrat)

    Footnotes coming soon...
    Asami - First Citizens of the Human Federation
  • Asami

    You could have at least started the new one with an actual list...

    :idontcare: You could have at least not been so rude, so there.

    Here is a work in progress; I haven't gotten near the end yet, because I'm still fleshing out ideas in-universe, but hey. I'll post it anyway.

    First Citizen of the Human Federation (1956 - 2170)

    First Citizen
    List of First Ministers

    1956 - 1969: Dwight D. Eisenhower

    1956 - 1964: Nikita Khrushchev (All-Union) [1]
    1964 - 1967: James Nesmith (All-Union) [2]
    1967 - 1969: David Burke (Integrity)

    1969 - 1994: Josip Broz Tito
    1969 - 1975: David Burke (Integrity) [3]
    1975 - 1983: Ziya al-Din Boulos (Populist Democratic) [4]
    1983 - 1991: Greg Himes (Pan-Human Democratic Party) [5]
    1991 - 1994: Sven Horacek (Union) [6]

    1994 - 2010: Gregory Davidson
    1994 - 2001: Eldred Kertész (Peace and Justice) [7]
    2001 - 2010: Sigiward Opeyemi (Populist) [8]

    2010 - 2034: Wayland Lourde
    2010 - 2011: Sigiward Opeyemi (Populist) [9]
    2011 - 2032: Jaakkima Frank (Government of National Security) [10]
    2032 - 2034: Sadie Iulia Kulkarni (Reform) [11]

    [1] Nikita Khrushchev was the last leader of the Soviet Union before Operation Crossroads and the evacuation of humanity to the stars. He, after the transition, as a symbol of unity between Earthlings, became the first head of government for the new monarchy-esque regime of the Human Federation. He was ousted by internal politic in 1964 when he was defeated in a leadership challenge for his party. James Nesmith succeeded him after the All-Union party won the 1964 election.

    [2] James Nesmith was a disaster of a leader. While some of his domestic policies, namely the National Health Service and Combine Union were centerpieces of the 'New Human Age' policies, he suffered numerous set backs--Grand Mesa Famine. During the particularly bitter winter of 1964, the Mormon-majority colony of Grand Mesa, located in the mountainous regions north of Stronghold 'Independence' (the federal capital) was cut-off from major supply lines as heavy snowfall and blocked the Brigham Young Pass, the only way to undertake an ascent of Grand Mesa and reach the Stronghold. Despite attempts by the Air Legion (whose capacity as an arm of the military was largely logistics based) to deliver goods to the settlement, it was a significantly difficult situation to behold. In January 1965, Grand Mesa declared independence from the Human Federation due to the frustrations of the First President of the Latter-Day Saints with the central government's complete failure to respond in a "competent manner".

    His party would later break up in 1966, leading to his defeat in 1967 by David Burke, one of the men advocating secession from his party.

    [3] ...
    AidanM - Presidents of the United States from 2017 to 2073
  • Future Presidents (2017-2073)
    Donald Trump/Mike Pence (2017)*
    def. 2016: Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
    Mike Pence/Vacant (2017)**
    Paul Ryan/Kelly Ayotte (2017-2021)
    Kamala Harris/Cory Booker (2021-2029)
    def. 2020: Paul Ryan/Kelly Ayotte
    def. 2024: Ted Cruz/Tom Cotton

    Marco Rubio/Nikki Haley (2029-2037)
    def. 2028: Cory Booker/Tulsi Gabbard
    def. 2032: Chris Murphy/Tammy Dukworth

    Tulsi Gabbard/Brian Schatz (2037-2041)
    def. 2036: Rand Paul/Scott Taylor
    Elise Stefanik/Jim Banks (2041-2049)
    def. 2040: Tulsi Gabbard/Brian Schatz
    def. 2044: Ruben Kihuen/Eric Swalwell

    Joe Kennedy III/Aidan Morris (2049-2057)
    def. 2048: Jim Banks/Mike Gallagher
    def. 2052: Barry Goldberg/Nicole Udall

    Ed Rodriguez/Olivia Wald (2057-2061)
    def. 2056: Ashley Mathews/Lucas Waters
    Mary Anderson/Jenna Edwards (2061-2065)
    def. 2060: Ed Rodriguez/Olivia Wald
    Aidan Morris/Sarah Ahmed (2065-2073)
    def. 2064: Mary Anderson/Jenna Edwards
    def. 2068: Janelle Jenkins/Tim Wallace

    *Donald Trump was removed from office three months into his presidency after being found guilty of treason.
    **Mike Pence resigned after two weeks after incriminating information linked him to the treason Trump was impeached for. Having not confirmed a Vice President, the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan ascended to the presidency.

    Mumby - Call To The People
  • i never did finish this tl

    Call To The People

    1918-1926: William Adamson (Labour)
    1918 (Coalition with other Socialists, supply and confidence from Independent Labour) def. Andrew Bonar Law (Conservative and Unionist), Eamon de Valera (Sinn Fein), H.H. Asquith (Liberal), David Lloyd George (Coalition Liberal), none (Independent Labour)
    1922 (Majority) def. David Lloyd George (Reform), Horatio Bottomley (National), Stanley Baldwin (Conservative),
    H.H. Asquith (Liberal)
    1926-1930: Sgt. James Chuter Ede (Labour)
    1926 (Majority) def. David Lloyd George (Reform), Thomas Pilcher (National), John Simon (Liberal), fragmented (Conservative)
    1930-1934: Lt. Oswald Mosley (National)
    1930 (Coalition with Reform, supply and confidence from Christian Democrats) def. Sgt. James Chuter Ede (Labour), David Lloyd George (Reform), G.K. Chesterton (Christian Democrat), Neville Chamberlain (Anti-Lloyd George Reform), John Simon (Liberal)
    Kaiser_Wilhelm - Cruz/Fiorina 2016
  • [43] George W. Bush | Dick Cheney (2001-2005)
    Defeat: Al Gore | Joe Lieberman

    [44] John Kerry | John Edwards (2005-2009)
    Defeat: George W. Bush | Dick Cheney

    [45] George Allen | Rudy Guiliani (2009-2013)
    Defeat: John Kerry | John Edwards

    [46] Martin O'Malley | Tim Kaine (2013-2017)
    Defeat: George Allen | Rudy Guiliani, Rick Santorum | Mike Huckabee

    [47] Ted Cruz | Carly Fiorina (2017-2025)
    Defeat: Martin O'Malley | Tim Kaine, Jeb Bush | Chris Christie, Bernie Sanders | Elizabeth Warren
    Heligabalus - Nixon wins in 1960
  • US Presidents

    1961-1965: Richard Nixon / Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (Republican)

    def. 1960 John F. Kennedy / Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat)
    1965-1969: John F. Kennedy / Hubert Humphrey (D)
    def. 1964 Richard Nixon / Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R)

    1969-1977: Nelson Rockefeller / William Scranton (R)
    def. 1968 John F. Kennedy / Hubert Humphrey (D)
    def. 1972 Hubert Humphrey / Robert Kennedy (D)

    1977-1981: William Scranton / John B. Anderson (R)
    def. 1976 George McGovern / Birch Bayh (D)
    1981-1985: Mo Udall / Edmund Muskie (D)
    def. 1980 William Scranton / John B. Anderson (R)
    1985-1989: Howard Baker / John B. Anderson (R)
    def. 1984 Mo Udall / Jimmy Carter* (D)
    1989-1993: Lee Iacocca / Tip O'Neill (Independent)
    def. 1988 Pat Buchanan / Jack Kemp (R)** and Jesse Jackson / Gary Hart (D)

    1993-2001: Al Gore / Bill Bradley
    def. 1992 Lee Iacocca / Tip O'Neill (I) and Dan Quayle / Christie Todd Whitman (R)
    def. 1996 Ross Perot / Bob Dole (R)

    2001-2005: Christie Todd Whitman/ John McCain
    def. 2000 Ralph Nader / John Kerry (D)
    2005-2013: Nancy Pelosi / Colin Powell (D)
    def. 2004 Christie Todd Whitman
    / John McCain (R)
    def. 2008 Gary Johnson / Larry Lessig (R)
    2013-: Donald Trump / Hillary Rodham (R)
    def. 2012 Martin O'Malley / Ronald Reagan Jr. (D)
    def. 2016 John F. Kennedy Jr. / Barack Obama (D)

    *Muskie opted not to run for re-election
    **Buchanan defeated Baker in the Republican Primaries
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    dw93 - "Country First:"
  • "Country First:"

    John McCain / Sarah Palin (Republican): 2009-2013
    Def. 2008: John Edwards / Evan Bayh (Democratic)
    45. Hillary Clinton / Russ Feingold (Democratic): 2013-2021
    Def. 2012: Sarah Palin / Tim Pawlenty (Republican)
    Def. 2016: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan (Republican) Michele Bachman/Ben Carson (Tea Party Patriot)

    46. Nikki Haley / John Kasich (Republican): 2021-?
    Def. 2020: Russ Feingold / Steve Bullock (Democratic)
    Asami - Backwards Analogues
  • Asami

    35. Berthold H. Ostendorff / James Bradley (Republican; 1961-69)
    1960 def. Michael Rowland / Peter Ross (Democratic)
    1964 def. James Martin / Susan Peterson (Democratic)

    36. Gregory W. Bradley / R. Braxton Charles (Democratic; 1969-77)
    1968 def. Jefferson Kinsley / Jack Ecclestone (Republican)
    1972 def. Arthur Garrett / Jacob Lawniczak (Republican)

    37. William Clarkson / Arthur Garrett (Republican; 1977-1985)
    1976 def. Barry Davis / Josiah Kenworthy (Democratic), Robert Partridge / Peter Caulden (Independent)
    1980 def. Gregory Bradley / Doug Quincy (Democratic), Robert Partridge / John Stevens (Independent)

    38. Gregory Bradley / Doug Quincy (Democratic; 1985-1989)
    1984 def. Millicent Dannel / Leeroy Berk (Republican)
    39. Charles Cassidy / Gregory Bradley (Democratic; 1989-1997)
    1988 def. Wilson Melville / Greta Falwell (Republican)
    1992 def. Jack Connors / Wilson Melville (Republican), Jacqueline B. Applegate / Pauline Latimer (Independent)

    40. Jack Connors / Wilson Melville (Republican; 1997-2001)
    1996 def. Graham Tomlinson / Barry Davis (Democratic)
    41. Graham Tomlinson / Nathan Robertson (Democratic; 2001-2004)
    2000 def. Gerald Martinez / Stanley Scranton (Republican)
    42. Robert Newell / Steven Allison (Democratic; 2004-2009)
    2004 def. Henry H. Hampton / Elizabeth Myrick (Republican), Geraldine Walburg / Carson Langley (Reform)
    43. Lambert B. Jackson / Henry Hampton (Republican; 2009-2011)†
    2008 def. Bridgett Galloway / Wendell E. Mackintosh (Democratic)
    44. James Francis Kendall / L. Brad Jamison (Republican; 2011-present)
    2012 def. Robert Newell / Harry C. Lawson, Jr. (Democratic)
    2016 def. Mr. David Talmadge / Gov. Michelle Parsons (Democratic), Frmr Sec. of Interior Harry Carlyle / Sen. Terri Kent (Progressive), Sen. Barry Smith / Sen. Eric Warburton (Peace)

    There is definitely a theme going on here. An accompanying write up will be coming with this, but if you can spot the trend and theme, I'll give you hugs. It isn't very hard, either. There's something you should look VERY CAREFULLY at. When you see it, everything will make sense.:p
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    natemamate - Rainbow List of Presidents
  • natemamate

    Presidents of America
    1. George Washington (No Party) 1789-1797
    2. John Adams (Federalist) 1797-1798
    3. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) 1798-1805
    4. Charles Pinckney (New Federalist) 1805-1809
    5. John Quincy Adams (Anti-Trap Party) 1809-1821
    6. Andrew Jackson (Democratic) 1821-1829
    7. Martin Van Buren (Democratic) 1829-1833
    8. Henry Clay (Republican Party) 1833-1841
    9. William Henry Harrison (Democratic) 1841-1850
    10. Lewis Crass (Third Federalist) 1850-1853
    11. Winfield Scott (Fourth Federalist) 1853-1857
    12. John C Fremont (Democratic Party) 1857-1861
    13. Abe Lincoln (Second Republican Party) 1861-1869
    14. Ulysses S Grant (Fourth Federalist) 1869-1873
    15. Horace Greeley (Second Republican Party) 1873-1877
    16. Samuel Tilden (5th Federalist) 1877-1879
    17. Thomas Hendricks (5th Federalist) 1879-1881
    18. Winfield Hancock (Democratic) 1881-1885
    19. Grover Cleveland (5th Federalist) 1885-1889
    20. Benjamin Harrison (Second Anti-Trap Party) 1889-1897
    21. Theodore Roosevelt (5th Federalist) 1897-1909
    22. Woodrow Wilson (6th Federalist) 1909-1921
    23. Warren Harding (Republican Party) 1921-1923
    24. Calvin Coolidge (7th Federalist) 1923-1933
    25. John Nance Garner (Anti America Party) 1933-1949
    26. Thomas E Dewey (7th Federalist) 1949-1953
    27. John F Kennedy (Third Anti Trap Party) 1953-1969
    28. Richard Nixon (8th Federalist) 1969-1974
    29. Jimmy Carter (Second Democratic Party) 1974-1985
    30. John B Anderson (8th Federalist) 1985-1989
    31. Walter Mondale (Conservative Party) 1989-2001
    32. George W Bush (Conservative Party) 2001-2004
    33. Al Gore (8th Federalist) 2004-2013
    34. Barack Obama (8th Federalist) 2013-2014
    35. Joe Biden (8th Federalist) 2014-2017
    36. John Kaisch (Conservative Party) 2017-Now
    Augenis - Sajūdis remains political force in Lietuva
  • Minor list of Lithuanian presidents, with the POD being that Sąjūdis remains as a solid political force.

    1990-1992: Chairman of the Supreme Council Vytautas Landsbergis (LPS) (provisional government under the Supreme Council)
    1993-1997: President of the Republic Kazimiera Prunskienė (LPS)

    Prime Ministers: 1993 Romualdas Ozolas (LPS), 1993 Bronislovas Lubys (LDDP), 1993-96 Adolfas Šleževičius (LDDP)
    1997-2003: President of the Republic Česlovas Juršėnas (LDDP)
    Prime Minister: 1996-2004 Algirdas Brazauskas (LDDP)
    2003-2007: President of the Republic Valdas Adamkus (independent)
    Prime Ministers: 2004
    Viktor Uspaskich (LSDP) (impeached due to corruption scandal), 2004-08 Ingrida Šimonytė (LPS)
    2007-2014: President of the Republic Valdas Adamkus (independent)
    Prime Ministers: 2008-10
    Artūras Paulauskas (Naujoji sąjunga) (coalition collapses due to economic crisis), 2010- Andrius Kubilius (LPS)
    2014-: President of the Republic Ingrida Šimonytė (LPS)

    I hope this is refreshing compared to the 9000 American president line-ups ;)
    Bolt451 - 'Guess the Gimmick'
  • Guess the Gimmick
    (probably been done before)

    1970-Feb 1974: Reginald Maudling (Conservative)

    Def: George Brown (Labour) Emlyn Hooson (liberal)
    Feb 1974-1979: Michael Foot (Labour)
    def feb 1974: Reg Maudling (Conservative) Emlyn Hooson (Liberal)
    Def Oct 1974: Reg Maudling (Conservative) Emlyn Hooson (Liberal)
    1979-1989: Ted Heath (conservative)
    Def 1979: Michael Food (Labour) John Pardoe (Liberal)
    Def 1983: Dennis Healy (Labour) John Pardoe (Liberal) David Owen (SDP)
    Def 1987: Roy Hattersley (Labour) John Pardoe (Liberal) David Owen (SDP)
    1989-1990: Anthony Meyer (Conservative)
    1990-1995: Michael Heseltine (Conservative)

    Def 1992: Tony Benn (Labour) Alan Beith (Social and Liberal Democrats)
    1995-1997: John Redwood (Conservative)
    1997-2007: John Prescott (Labour)

    Def 1997: John Redwood (Conservative) Alan Beith (Liberal Democrats)
    Def 2001: Kenneth Clarke (Conservative) Simon Hughes (Lib Dems)
    Def 2005: Michael Howard (Conservative) Simon Hughes (Lib Dems)
    2007-2010: Gordon Brown (Labour)
    2010-2015: David Davis (Conservative-Liberal coalition)
    Def 2010: Gordon Brown (Labour) Chris Huhne (Lib Dem) Caroline Lucas (Green) Gerard Batten (UKIP)
    2015-2016: David Davis (Conservative)
    Def 2015: David Milband (Labour) Chris Huhne (Lib Dem) Tim Congdon (UKIP) Peter Cranie (Green)
    2016-Present Andrea Leadsom (Conservative)
    Turquoise Blue - Unsafe At Any Speed: The Presidency of Ralph Nader
  • @Asami: Naughty. :p
    Anyway, here's the second AH of Third Parties Galore. It's a short one, I know. Sorry. :(

    Unsafe At Any Speed: The Presidency of Ralph Nader
    PoD: What if Jerry Brown lived, and endorsed Nader instead of VP Trump?

    Jerry Brown (Reform) 1997-2005
    President Brown's close brush with death in 2003 caused him to think about his legacy. Vice-President Donald Trump was a shoo-in for the Reform nomination [who else could run? Michael Bloomberg? The guy was too busy being Mayor for that!] and yet he stood for many things that President Brown found deplorable. The Green National Convention in 2004 had a surprise guest, who turned the race upside down. As President Brown uttered every word against Trump and in favour of Nader, the Greens' popularity rose. Brown split Reform between "Brownites" and "Trumpists" in doing so, and energised the Greens. Nader won the election by a 4% margin...

    Ralph Nader (Green, endorsed by "Brownite" Reform) 2005-2009
    2004: def. Rick Santorum (American Independent), Donald Trump (Reform), Gary Johnson (Libertarian), Andrew Cuomo (Socialist)
    With Donald Trump swearing vengeance on "traitor" Jerry Brown and Reform splintering between the more liberal "Brownites" and conservative "Trumpists" [even if many conservative Reformists disliked his bombastic populism], Ralph Nader had an unique opportunity, and took it. Closer co-operation between the Greens and Brownites [which successfully took over control of the Reform Party from the conservatives under Jerry's urging in 2005] led to the "Green/Reform coalition", later mushed together as "Green Reform" in several states, the main "left-liberal" camp in America and rather more coherent than the Reform Party itself was under Brown.

    Nader, unlike Jerry Brown, wasn't strongly committed to balancing the budget, and the deficit grew as he authorised expansion of the welfare state. This caused the AIP to attack him for being a spendthrift and "wasting the people's money". The Greens and Reform got a hit in the 2006 midterms and under a folksy Hoosier governor often attacked for being "stupid", the AIP returned to government handily. The Libertarians and the state Conservative parties were under a period of transition, and a weaker-than-OTL Libertarians [Trump in "OTL" led to a surge. In ATL, that surge doesn't happen] were unable to prevent a Conservative candidate, George Pataki of New York, from winning the nomination. Unfortunately, Bloomberg saw Pataki as a puppet of the Libertarians and decided to run a "true Reform" candidacy, decrying radicalism from the left and right. In a world where he had the Reform nomination, he would have won. That isn't this world.

    Dan Quayle (American Independent) 2009-2017
    2008: def. Ralph Nader (Green/Reform), Michael Bloomberg (Ind. Reform), George Pataki (Conservative), Howard Dean (Socialist)
    2012: def. Mary Landrieu (Green/Reform), Mitt Romney (Conservative), Joe Manchin (Socialist)
    President Quayle vowed a "new Moral Society for a new century", and the AIP majority in the House [in the Senate they had to work with Conservatives and Libertarians] helped him reach closer to his aim. Reversing many of Nader's "socialistic" reforms in his first term, he found that the Moral Society itself still divided the AIP into neoconservatives [in favour] and paleoconservatives [against], so he framed his reforms as instead "returning morality to government". Nevertheless, this created discontent from his left and right. On foreign trade, Quayle proved a small-c conservative, much to Canada and Mexico's frustation.

    Winning re-election barely over Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana thanks to a very aggressive campaign in which the countercultural side of the Greens [Ms. Landrieu was from the Reform half, but this did not matter in political perception] was exploited in order to portray Landrieu as a weed-smoking hippy who hated America and traditional values. One part of why Quayle only scraped by is Mitt Romney. The right-wing in America can be understood as a division between the "progressives", the "populists" and the "libertarians". Mitt Romney choosing a young up-and-coming Libertarian from Wisconsin, a traditionally-left state, united two factions of the American right. His moderate reputation plus his popularity with Mormons elevated his result from Pataki's 8% to a very respectable 19%, especially after a strong presence at the debates calling for "a constitutional conservatism, not the radical reactionarism that the President peddles to you."

    Quayle's second term was eventual. The Indian Summer led to a humanitarian intervention by the Assembly of Nations to prevent a genocide from happening. Coming under criticism by the paleoconservatives for sending American troops, he declared "this is not an American intervention, it is a compassionate intervention". Nevertheless, the AIP fell to second place in the midterms as the Greens, Reformists and Socialists formed a coalition.

    Martin O'Malley (Green/Reform) 2017-20??
    2016: def. John Kasich (Conservative), Tom Tancredo (American Independent), Francis Lee (Socialist)
    Come the 2016 election, the AIP was in dire strides. The paleoconservatives and neoconservatives were sniping at each other, and the President was in the middle of it. The Conservatives [Libertarians are now pretty much the junior partner to a now-fully-national-and-party-organised Conservatives] are taking advantage of this by nominating Governor John Kasich of Ohio, who was hoped to cut into the AIP's support with neoconservatives given that they nominated Senator Tom Tancredo of Colorado, a prominent
    paleoconservative who got the neoconservatives' hackles up.

    With the Socialists nominating far-left Governor of Vermont Francis Lee, the Green-Reformists hoped they had a strong chance of victory. After all, the right was hopelessly split and the Socialists were turkeys who voted for Christmas. Nominating former Governor Martin O'Malley [a Reformist], they set forth a clear plan of municipal reform, social liberalism and bringing America together. Surely this will lead to a landslide?


    The 2016 election night was one of the most memorable in American history. With Francis Lee's past prominence as a television pundit, he reached to many disappointed Leftists who turned off politics after Swamp Pot, or more likely, just never tapped in. His movement led to Socialists doing far better than before despite Governor Lee's many extreme beliefs ["We should support the proletarist government in India" for one]. The split between the Conservatives and AIP proved true, but O'Malley and his team underestimated right-wing strategic voting. Many Am-Inders voted for Kasich instead of Tancredo upon realising that Kasich had more of a chance to defeat the "socialists". Kasich's vague feel-good campaign helped massively with this.

    But still, the right was split more than in 2012, and thus O'Malley eked out a victory. With Conservatives and Libertarians gaining massively in Congressional elections at the expense of the AIP and in suburbs the Green-Reformists, it seemed that O'Malley would be an one-term president. Will he prove everybody wrong?
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    Kaiser_Wilhelm - America Redux (Ross Perot '88)
  • America Redux

    Ross Perot | Jerry Brown (1989-1997)
    1988 Defeat: Unopposed
    1992 Defeat: Unopposed

    Jerry Brown | Elizabeth Dole (1997-2001)
    1996 Defeat: Elizabeth Dole | Jack Kemp

    Elizabeth Dole | Jack Kemp (2001-2009)
    2000 Defeat: Jerry Brown | Al Gore
    2004 Defeat: Al Gore | John Kerry

    Rudy Giuliani | Mitt Romney (2009-2017)
    2008 Defeat: Hillary Clinton | Bill Richardson
    2012 Defeat: Joe Biden | Brian Schweitzer

    Marco Rubio | John Kasich (2017-2025)
    2016 Defeat: Elizabeth Warren | Julian Castro
    2020 Defeat: Unopposed

    (Note: This is a list attempting to create parallels between the 1988-2020 elections and the 1788-1720 election. I understand that while this has a potential of happening, it is definitely not a plausible scenario)

    TPL99 - Sunshine of a New Republic?
  • Sunshine of a New Republic?

    2017-2021: Donald Trump (R-NY) / Mike Pence (R-IN)

    2016: Hillary Clinton (D-NY) / Tim Kaine (D-VA); Bernie Sanders (I-VT) / Keith Ellison (I-MN); Gary Johnson (L-NM) / William Weld (L-MA)
    2021-2021: Donald Trump‡ (R-NY) / Jim Webb (R-VA)
    2021-2025: Jim Webb (R-VA) / [vacant]
    2020: Bob Menendez (D-NJ) / Tim Ryan (D-OH)
    2025-: Bruce Rauner (R-IL) / Paul Ryan (R-WI)
    2024: Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) / Jason Kander (D-MO)

    PoD: After a tumultuous convention in Philadelphia, Bernie Sanders and his supporters walk out in one of most shameful moments of Democratic Party recently history. In August 1st, Sanders announced his run as Independent, but only contributted for Trump's victory in a landslide with >400 EV. USA was in shock that moment, but President Trump promised in his inaugural speech who really would lead every American citizen with respect. In 2017, first riots had begun in California about secession, and by unanimously decision, Oregon seceded from Union four days after Trump's signature of Security Border Act of 2017, in late-December. In January 2018, California and Hawaii joined Oregon and formed the Federal Republic of America (FRA), installing Jerry Brown as his president. With this, and the Siege of Carson City in February, had begun the Second Civil War. By all year of 2018, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona and Utah joined FRA. The great sieges of battle was now in Montana and Colorado. The first victory of Union was in Denver in late-2019, and with many defeats along 2020, President Trump was reelected in a historical landslide but hadn't saw the Treaty of Dallas (who finished the war), because he was killed by an Federalist guy in February 3, 2021. Vice President Webb take off in White House, but was deeply impopular than Trump, and almost faced an impeachment trial in early-2024, declining reelection run. Talking about 2024, Governor Rauner, one of most important heads on first step of reconstruction of former FRA, was elected in a landslide against Governor Cuomo. And now will take office in January 20, 2025 with people's hope on reconstruction of national unity.
    AlfieJ - Lazy Analogues Which Works Surprisingly Well
  • Lazy Analogues Which Works Surprisingly Well

    1990 - 1993: Cecil Parkinson (Conservative Majority)
    1993 - 1994: Sir John Smith (Labour Minority)

    1994 - 1996: Sir John Smith (Labour)
    1994 (Majority) def. Cecil Parkinson (Conservative), Alex Salmond (SNP), Paddy Ashdown (Social and Liberal Democrats)
    1996 - 1998: Gordon Brown (Labour Majority)
    1998 - 2003: Gordon Brown (Labour)
    (Jan) 1998 (Minority with SNP, Liberal Supply and Confidence) def. Cecil Parkinson (Conservative), Alex Salmond (SNP), Simon Hughes (Liberal)
    (Dec) 1998 (Minority with SNP, Liberal Supply and Confidence) def. Cecil Parkinson (Conservative), Alex Salmond (SNP), Alan Beith (Liberal)
    2003 - 2004: Gordon Brown (Labour leading War Ministry with Conservative, Liberal)
    2004 - 2006: Tony Blair (Coalition Labour leading Second War Ministry with Conservative, Liberal)

    2006 - 2010: Tony Blair (Coalition Labour)
    2006 (Coalition with Conservative, National Democratic) def. Michael Howard (Conservative), George Galloway (Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta), Menzies Campbell (Liberal), Gordon Brown (Labour), Alan Beith (National Democratic)
    2010 - 2011: Michael Howard (Conservative)
    2010 (Majority) def. Charles Kennedy (Liberal), Gordon Brown (Labour), Tony Blair (Coalition Labour)
    2011 - 2011: John Bercow (Conservative Majority)
    2011 - 2012: John Bercow (Conservative)
    2011 (Minority) def. David Laws (Liberal), Gordon Brown (Labour)
    2012 - 2012: David Laws (Liberal Minority)
    2012 - 2017: John Bercow (Conservative)
    2012 (Majority) def. David Laws (Liberal), Gordon Brown (Labour)

    2017 - 2020: David Laws (Liberal)
    2017 (Majority) def. John Bercow (Conservative), Tony Blair (Labour)
    2020 - 2020: David Laws (National Liberal leading National Government with Conservative, Labour)
    2020 - 2021: David Laws (National Liberal)

    2020 (National Government with Conservative, Nat. Labour, Labour) def. John Bercow (Conservative), Simon Hughes (Liberal) John Woodcock (Nat. Labour), Owen Smith (Labour), Tony Blair (Independent Labour)
    2021 - 2024: David Laws (National Liberal leading National Government with Conservative, Nat. Labour)

    2024 - 2024: John Bercow (Conservative leading National Government with National Liberal, Nat. Labour)
    2024 - 2026: John Bercow (Conservative)
    2024 (National Government with National Liberal, Nat. Labour) def. Clive Lewis (Liberal), John Woodcock (Nat. Labour), Owen Smith (Labour), David Laws (Nat. Liberal), Tim Farron (Ind. Liberal)
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