Somewhere over the Pacific, Near Wake
March 15 1939, 1458 Local
Lieutenant Matt Wiser was taking a swig of water as he was making his way to the Japanese Fleet. It was already proving to being a long day and he knew they would most likely order him and his squadron on another mission as there was going to be enough sunlight for it. He had already been bumped to the operations officer, as the former job holder was either swimming in the Pacific, dead, or being treated to the hospitality of the Japanese. Matt didn’t know which of those answers it was but he was hoping it was not the latter. Every American naval pilot assigned to the Pacific Fleet had been made to watch a video smuggled out of occupied China of the actions of the Japanese there. It was meant to serve as a warning to all of the pilots in the USN Pacific Fleet, well really the whole the Pacific Fleet. Be ready to expect no mercy from the Japanese if caught by them.
The main difference between the earlier fish expedition and now was their Vindicator were now armed with 1,000 bomb pounds instead of the earlier 500 pound ones. The reasons for this was two fold. First was they now had a general idea where the Japs were. As to the second it was fairly clear, double your explosives, double your fun. Further they weren’t sure what carriers the Japs have brought to play with. No one has gotten a good id on them yet, but between VB-19 and VB-11 they had a damn good idea where they would be.
Looking at his watch Wiser knew they should be coming up on the bastards at any moment now. Basic geometry told them that. They had fixes on screening elements they had and the brief sighting of VB-11 gave them the general location of where the Japanese would be. They just had to hunt the bastards down now. Then his radio came to life, “VT-13 just spotted the Japs, come to heading two-six-eight.” His squadron commander called out over his radio. With the Japanese knowing they were there, they were using the radios a lot more freely now.
Wiser eased his Vindicator to the new heading as he and his squadron made the turn. It took only 11 minutes for Wiser and his squadron to get to the Japanese fleet. He could see the Jap fighters all on the deck dealing with the torpedo bombers. Well Wiser thought, but them than me. But he could see the four Zuikaku class aircraft carriers ahead of him along with the escorting destroyers. All the anti-aircraft guns were focused on the torpedo bombers as well, so at the moment they didn’t have anything trying to stop them. His squadron commander called out over the radio, “Make for the nearest carrier and lets given them a little gift from Uncle Sam!”
At that Wiser started making the last adjustments needed to dive on the Jap flat top. Once he was in position he pushed his Vindicator down and started his attack run. He made is aim point the big fucking meatball on the rear part of the deck. He felt the Gs from the dive kick in as he made his way to the deck. He was using his muscle tricks that all dive bomber pilots were taught about to make sure he didn’t black out on his run as that would be damning. That was no small task as he was having to make adjustments to his aim as the Japs were moving. Thankfully they weren’t firing on him yet as they were rushing to get their guns to the needed elevation to fire back.
Just at over 2,000 feet from the deck Matt pulled the bomb release to drop his bomb on this Jap Carrier. As he felt the 1,000 pound bomb drop from his aircraft he pulled into a 5G pull out move. As he did he heard his gunner called out over the intercom system, “Yes you got the bastards!”
“Save for when he are back on the Big-E.” Wiser said through he was grinning.
But the grin was short lived. “Nakajima fighters, 7 o’clock!” His gunner screamed into his intercom system. Wiser ripped his head around and saw the pair of fighters closing in on, eating up the distance to him quickly. He knew from intelligence reports he wouldn’t out run those bastards. So instead he started throwing his plane around in a series of violent jinx as his gunner open fire with his machine guns. It was more to make the Japs miss him than anything else. Then Matt felt his plane shutter as it was hit by 20 mm shells from the two fighters closing in on him. He then felt something wet on the back of his head. He could see through the side of his eye the windows were red now.
His controls were sluggish now but he was still trying to put distance between himself and the Japanese fleet. He firewall the throttle when to war emergency power as he injected a water-methanol mix into his engine. He boosted the horsepower of his engine by about 40% over what it was rated but it also killed the engine lifespan, but Matt was honestly wondering if his plane would fly again as the controls were that sluggish now. He felt the plane shutter again as it was hit again and it made the controls even worse. He started to lower his aircraft to get closer to the water as he knew he couldn’t jump at this height and live. But every second in the air was that much farer away from the Japanese.
Then engine started bellowing black smoke. It was time he thought, he pulled back on the throttle as he started looking for a place to ditch. His plane was hit again by 20 mm shells and he felt a sharp pain on his right ear as a part of shell nick him. Oil started to spray on the windshield so Matt was totally left to fly with his instruments. He was at 500 feet off the deck and slowing. He was also praying to god to allow his aircraft hold on for a little bit longer. He then dropped the stick a little more as he killed the engine. Maybe it died, he wasn’t sure because it didn’t feel right to him. But he was able to ditch into warm waters of the Pacific. Moving quickly as water filled his aircraft he unbuckled himself from the doomed aircraft. He grabbed the go bag that held a life raft and a few other goodies. He threw the canopy on and got out and got out on to the wing of the aircraft. It was at that point he saw what remained of his gunner. It looked like he took a 20 mm shell to the chest with the bloody aftermath. He pulled his dog tags and placed them in his upper pocket. He then stepped off the wing of the aircraft and started to float in the Pacific as he decided he was going to wait till night fall before pulling the core on the life raft.
Unknown to Wiser the attack on the Japanese left two Japanese carriers burning and the other two damaged to some degree.