Revolution, Argentina
Buenos Aires
Casa Rosada
October 20 1939

President Bartolome Pastor was sitting at his desk as he was sipping some fernet as he was reviewing the reports the front. The news was grim. The Chileans, Brazilians, and Paraguayans were all advancing and his generals didn’t think they could stop them. This not withstanding the fact three days ago he ordered men as young as 16 years of age to be conscripted into uniform. Along with that order he gave another to clear out the arsenals and use everything they had to bleed their foes white. However it wasn’t going to be enough and a small and dim part of Pastor’s mind knew it once more.

The problem was Argentina wasn’t as industrized as other nations and it was still depended on imported weapons, notably heavy weapons. With every aircraft shot down or artillery piece destroyed or left behind by retreating troops wasn’t being replaced for the most part. Small arms were not as bad off, but still they could use more than what they had being accepted into service. It was because of this imbalance in equipment that the foes of Argentina were gaining the upper hand. Their British allies were of little help. They simply needed all of their own gear for themselves. So Pastor had ordered the arsenals being opened up and anything that could be used sent to the fronts or given to the new units that were being formed up to replace the units at the front that were being ate live by better artillery and aircraft.

Yet pride wouldn’t allow Pastor to seek terms. He knew that his fellow party members felt the same as he did. Pastor was hated by the Brazilians, who would want to see him hung up by the neck till he was dead. Then again the Brazilians just flat out hated the party and everything it stood for, well that, and the efforts it had made to play with politics within Brazil prior to the war. They had supported a Brazilian version of their own party in Brazil. It never when anywhere and the Brazilians had more than once top leaders in the Brazilian version of their party.

As he put down the latest report he had reading an aid came running in. “Sir Antelmo and his fleet are in the harbor demanding your surrender.” This aid had been chosen to hand the news to Pastor after a game of cards.

“That traitor!” Pastor screamed as he leaped to his feet. “Find his family and they are to be killed!”

“Yes sir.” The aid said. However he had no plans on doing that. With Antelmo and the bulk of the Argentine Fleet in the harbor things were turning quickly against the party as the war wasn’t populate with the masses. The number of casualties were high as the army was being led by fools who had trouble performing flank moves in ranks, never mind in the field. Throw in the fact that the junior officers were brave to the point of being suicidal in their attacks were creating casualties numbers that were impossible for Argentina to keep up with. Together with heavy rationing, the citizens of Buenos Aires had reacted their breaking point. Across the city people were rioting and killing the feared secret police officers as they were found. Party members weren’t much better off. However no one had the balls to tell Pastor this.

With that simple yes sir the aid left. He would soon leave the Casa Rosada to be with his mistress. For Pastor however his worse fears held nothing on what would happen to him.
Cease Fire, Argentina
Palacio Santos
October 22 1939

President Noelia Antelmo felt odd in the suit he was currently wearing. However he knew the key players at this coming meeting would not do well with meeting with a military figure. So yesterday before he had travelled to Montevideo to end this war for Argentina he had resigned his commission in the Argentine Navy then assumed the office of President of Argentina. He didn’t like the idea of leaving Buenos Aires at the moment but he needed to stop the bleeding at the front. The only way to do that was with a cease fire. He was just thankful one of the few remaining neutral nations[1] in the world was a short plane ride away from Buenos Aires.

Antelmo rose as he saw the Uruguayan foreign minister enter the room he was in. The Uruguayan had in tow the Brazilian Foreign Minister and the American Ambassador to Uruguay. The Uruguayan spoke in Spanish, “President Antelmo, this is Foreign Minister Viscount Juan Almeida of Brazil and Ambassador Scott Wilson of the United States of America.”

It took a moment for the introductions to be finished. Once they were finished Viscount Almeida started, “Mister Antelmo we understand you wish to ask for a cease fire. Is this correct?” He was speaking Spanish.

“Yes sir, this is correct.” Antelmo said not taking into the insult of calling him mister. He knew that the Brazilians hated his nation[2].

At that the Brazilian looked at the American. There was a slight nod from the American. At that the Brazilian pulled out a sheet of paper. “For any cease fire to take effect between the Argentine Republic and the Allied Powers the follow terms must be agreed to. These terms are nonnegotiable. Argentine forces must withdraw and allow the occupation of part of Patagonia by Chilean and American forces. In the north areas claimed by Paraguay or taken from Paraguay in the aftermath of the War of the Triple Alliance will be occupied by Paraguayan and Brazilian forces. These occupations will last till a date to be determined.”

With a slight pause to catch his breath the Viscount when on, “Along with this occupation, Argentine will allow allied forces to be based out of their nation till the end of war in non-occupied areas along with the transit of allied forces through Argentina. This basing will be paid for by the Argentine Republic along with the expansions needed for on going operations against Axis Forces. The Argentine Navy will be interned in Mobile, Alabama with few exceptions[3]. The fate of the Argentine Navy will be decided following the end of the war.” It had been agreed prior to this meeting that neither Rio nor Washington wanted Argentina to have any kind of rights to sit at the peace table with its head held hide. This was also part of a wider agreement between Rio and Washington about spheres of influences in South America in the post war world.

“The list of these exceptions will be handed over at the agreement of these and the other terms. The Argentine Army will surrender all artillery pieces of 100 mm in bore or greater to the allied powers.” The truth was the allies needed artillery and with Argentina sitting out the war from here on out they didn’t needed it anymore where they did. “The Argentine Army and Air Force will surrender other equipment such as armored vehicles and aircraft.” Some of this was for study some of it was to armor minor nations as production was still needed to ramp up more to meet demand. “The whole of the Argentine military will demobilize to levels need to keep the peace in the non-occupied areas.”

“Further the Argentine Republic will allow advisers in their government to make sure all of these agreements are being follow along with making sure that the Argentine Republic is making its best effort to help the allied nations to win the war. Finally, the Argentine Republic will hand over Bartolome Pastor to the allied powers.”

The terms were harsh. But Antelmo expected worse. “I can agree to all terms but one. I can’t agree to it because its simply not possible.”

It was the American Ambassador who spoke, “What term might this be?”

“Former President Bartolome Pastor can’t be turned over because he is dead.” Antelmo said with a slight grin of the thought about how he had died.

After a moment of silence the Brazilian spoke again. “Well can we at least see the body to make sure he is dead.”

“Sadly no.” Following the coup that had overthrown Pastor Antelmo and others in his newly formed government had thrown Pastor in one of the furnaces at a power plant just outside Buenos Aires. For all the pain that man had cause Antelmo and the others in his new government had decided that him being burned alive was the only fitting punishment.

“Assuming you can prove that Pastor is dead, we have an agreement.” The Brazilians said.

“I can prove that Pastor is dead.” Antelmo said. He had the whole thing recorded on film.

[1] Really there aren’t that many neutrals left at this point with Uruguay being one of the most powerful neutrals in the world. Other neutrals are Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Liberia, Ethiopia, Persia/Iran, Siam, and Tibet. Everyone else is in this war or has folded, aka Mexico.

[2] Think OTL France-Germany enmity of the pre-WWI era

[3] Basically enough of the Argentine Navy is going to be left for Coast Guard duties till the end of the war at the very least.
“Sadly no.” Following the coup that had overthrown Pastor Antelmo and others in his newly formed government had thrown Pastor in one of the furnaces at a power plant just outside Buenos Aires. For all the pain that man had cause Antelmo and the others in his new government had decided that him being burned alive was the only fitting punishment.

“Assuming you can prove that Pastor is dead, we have an agreement.” The Brazilians said.

“I can prove that Pastor is dead.” Antelmo said. He had the whole thing recorded on film.

1) How public will that film be? On the one hand it is part of an international treaty, on the other hand it meets the definition of snuff film...
2) With <strike>Brazil<strike>Britain and Argentina on the same side, who will get the Falklands at the end of the war, the Americans?
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1) How public will that film be? On the one hand it is part of an international treaty, on the other hand it meets the definition of snuff film...
2) With Brazil and Argentina on the same side, who will get the Falklands at the end of the war, the Americans?
Probably the US, there was an American settlement on the islands at one point before the POD, US claims are probably at least as good as Argentina's OTL
Royals in Lust or Love?
Hohenzollern Castle
November 6 1939

Queen Elisabeth of Belgium looked across at her lover, King Victor Emmanuel IV of Italy. They had just took, their relationship to another level at this summit which was the first of its kind. With so many different nations fighting on the same side and with the understanding that this would not be like the last war but instead it being a fight to the death meant there needed to be understanding on all sides about working together. This was made harder by the fact every nation had different and completing goals. Making matters worse there were only a dozen or so nations not in this war. So it was making the different goals that much a bigger pain in the ass.

Basically the fate of the free world was being decided here and now, with for one queen and one king of different nations all they cared for was the pleasures of the flesh. Neither cared about what their ministers thought, they both wanted a chance at love and they believed that it could be had between their two hearts. Yet as the glow of their love making started to fade questions about the future came to the surface for both royals. These questions weren’t about the love for each other but about what the future held for them as a couple and what it meant for their nations.

It was Elisabeth who finally spoke after gazed into the eyes of her lover for what seemed like for ever but in truth was only a few minutes. “When will your nation become a constitutional nation again?” Italy was somewhat unique in the Great Powers that made up the Allies. It was the only Great Power that was a Fascist Dictatorship. Granted it was a different brand of fascism from British Fascism but Italian Fascism was still a dictatorship.

Victor close his eyes and moved his head into the neck of his lover as he thought about to answer that question. This was topic he had brought up with Lucciano only days ago. Lucciano surprised his monarch by the fact he admitted he was thinking of slowly returning to being a constitutional monarchy again as he believed that the Italian people wouldn’t accept his rule forever in the event of victory. The Statuto Albertino was currently suspended by royal degree since 1922 following the rise of power of Lucciano and the PNF. Yet Lucciano in this conversation made it clear he wasn’t about to allow the Statuto Albertino return believing that it was at the root of a lot of the problems the Italian Kingdom faced when he took power.

Yet there was another reason that Lucciano was thinking about slowly returning to constitutional rule again. Lucciano had done wonders to rebuild the broken Italian Kingdom since taking power and now during the war he was expanding the Italian Kingdom. He had annexed the lost province of Vento along with land up to Isonzo and even a bit beyond that cursed river[1]. Further he had also brought a small part of Carniola[2] with Trieste and Istria which was directly linked with Italy. Fiume however became the German port on the Adriatic. Even Dalmatia had been annexed. The problem however was in the north over Tyrol. German had allowed the Italians to annex Trentino, but they wanted to annex up to the Brenner Pass. Currently this southern part of Tyrol hadn’t been officially annexed by anyone but the Germans were making it clear they wanted that part of Tyrol. Work was underway to find a compromise on the subject however.

Lucciano however was already looking post-war. He already had his doubts about the Italian people accepting his rule post war without challenge if they won. Yet he didn’t want Italy to be firmly stuck in German orbit post war. Berlin to some degree was already acting like the masters of Europe which stuck Lucciano the wrong way. He saw only one power that could stand up to Berlin, the Americans. Yet he knew the Americans would never accept a single party dictatorship like Italy currently was.

Victor pulled back and looked Elisabeth in the eye, “Sooner rather than later my dear.”

At that the two royals kissed again. Before they could speak again someone opened the door and screamed at what they saw. Both royals brushed but were thankful they had the sheets up to their shoulders.

[1] OTL Italian border with Slovenia for the most part.

[2] Coastal-Karst
Action of 11/18/39 Part I
USS Yorktown, CC-16[1]
Near the Azores Islands
November 18 1939

The USS Yorktown was one of a new school thought on the old battlecruiser ideas. She was a different breed than the battlecruisers that ran the seas during the great war. It was basically a heavy cruiser on steroids. Not designed to be a scout for the battlefleet anymore as the newest battleships could travel nearly as fast as the Yorktown and the other members of the Bonhomme Richard Class. They were designed to act as fast raiders and outfight anything below them and out run anything bigger than then. Given they were bigger than the first Colossus type battleships, there was some fear of using them with the growing threat of air power. But with the British not actively giving their convoys capital ship cover like the United States was, the call had been made to unleash the latest version of the Battlecruiser on British merchant traffic.

Captain Frank Manning was standing in his CIC as he was on the hunt of a British convoy and he was getting reports in from his spotting aircraft which was 70 miles to the south-southeast of his current position. It was spotting the British convoy as he had his other float plane out scouting for other possible British naval units in the area. However the scouting aircraft that was over the convoy was feeding back the make up of the convoy that was believed to be an inbound convoy for the British Isles from the British control colonies in Africa.

Africa was the main focus for the British at the moment. They had already forced a number of French, German, and Italian colonial outpost either into the bush or to surrender. The British were also pumping Africa dry in an effort to feed its war machine. Captured colonies were getting the worse end of the stick than their own colonies, but basically they were putting anything of value on ships to bring it to the British Isles to use in their efforts to win this war.

Manning looking at his plot table as he marketed the British convoy was looking at how to attack it. Even through no capital ships had been spotted as of yet, it was well guarded. It had a Exeter Class[2] heavy cruiser as part of the screen. There was only one of those so Manning believed that it was the convoy command ship. With the Exeter was two Crown Class[3] light cruisers and six destroyers of different classes. They were the shepherd of over 30 merchant ships. They were travelling to the north and right to him. Perfect, because behind him there was a whole squadron of US submarines ready to jump on lone merchants once Manning and the Yorktown opened this convoy up like a tin can.

[1] 39,000 tons displacement, turbo-electric, 33 knots, 8 x 12/50* in Twin Superfiring Turrets, 12 x 5/38s in Twin Turrets, 16 x 1.1 AA Guns in Quad Mounts

*Modern 12/50s, akin to what was used on the OTL Alaska Class Large Cruisers.

[2] 14,350 tons displacement, oil fired boilers, turbine driven, 32.5 knots, 9 x 9.2/50s* in Triple Turrets, Superfiring Forward, 8 x 4/45s in Twin Turrets,

*Again these are modern 9.2/50s not reused guns that date from WWI or before.

[3] 9,100 tons displacement, oil fired boilers, turbine driven, 32 knots, 9 x 6/50s in Triple Turrets, Superfiring Forward, 8 x 4/45s in Twin Turrets
Action of 11/18/39 Part II
USS Yorktown, CC-16
Near the Azores Islands
November 18 1939

Captain Manning was looking at his plotting table. His pray was still over the horizon, but not by much at this point. He was within 25 miles of his target which was just out of the range of his 12/50s. However only 4 miles closer would fix that problem. The problem through was the limeys have shot down his float plane that he had feeding information into his CIC over 20 minutes ago. So he was being guided in by radar as he didn’t have visuals on his targets. He knew that the British were well out of their range for their 9.2/50s but he didn’t have a clear enough picture to know where the British warships were.

And that was vexing Manning. The plan was for him to open up the convoy like a can of sardines taking out the bulk of the warships and all the submarines that were waiting for him about 70 miles north of here to have a field day with the unguarded merchants. The problem however was ammo, he only had 170 rounds per each of his main guns. That would be enough to deal with the British warships here, but there was a lot of open ocean between here and the nearest friendly base. And the US was still looking to take control of this part of the Atlantic. So he couldn’t afford to waste his shells on the merchants by mistake as he needed to save about half of his ammo to get back home.

The distance was closing but slowly. The British were running at 32 knots, where the Yorktown was doing 33 knots. It was slowly eating the distance up, but taking time. Then his radarman spoke up, “Sir contacts are changing course. Wait one!”

With that everyone was now looking at the 2nd class with eyes that could burn a whole through steel. Three sweeps later, “Five contacts are turning to a new heading, most likely to us!”

Something with this didn’t sit right with Manning. “Switch Radar to air search.” It was one of the problems with the radar systems the USN was using at the moment. They could only do surface or air searches by themselves not at the same time. What was bugging Manning was why now? They have been chasing them for a good ways now and they were slowly eating up the distance and it was still a good 15 minutes before they could open up. So why turn around now to engage him.

“Contact! Squadron size formation coming from bearing one-niner-two, speed two-three-three. Currently at Angles 11, distance 24 miles and closing!”

Guys these past few updates have felt forced to me, and I have hit something of a wall with this. I have plans on how this war ends, but its getting from point a to b that is giving me problems. Not helping matters my muze has been hijacked by my latest TL. So I taking a break from this just to recharge and come back at a latter date and hit hard again.
Guys these past few updates have felt forced to me, and I have hit something of a wall with this. I have plans on how this war ends, but its getting from point a to b that is giving me problems. Not helping matters my muze has been hijacked by my latest TL. So I taking a break from this just to recharge and come back at a latter date and hit hard again.
Bummer this was really getting good.