TIL @Tresckow is named for a real person. Idk how I forgot about this guys existence because I'm pretty sure I've had to come across him in my own studies at some point.
Get a notification that @Zulfurium has posted on this thread and I come sprinting
Ditto man. Ditto XD

Ah, sorry guys. Going to see if I can't get back to my read-through and edit so I can get back to writing updates.

Work has been kinda nuts and I have a ton of other stuff I am trying to keep up with, so my focus has been pretty scattered.
Ah, sorry guys. Going to see if I can't get back to my read-through and edit so I can get back to writing updates.

Work has been kinda nuts and I have a ton of other stuff I am trying to keep up with, so my focus has been pretty scattered.
I meant no pressure, sometimes you just have to go do what life requires and hopefully the writing you intend to get done grows more polished and superior with time provided you can find the time to remember to think about it when you're not doing something else particularly thought intensive. We've all been there as writers :p
@Zulfurium , is the restoration of Poland-Lithuanian union similarly to Hungary-Croatia a viable political prospect ITTL?

In the event of a successful Soviet invasion of the Don, would there be a Ruthenian SSR(comprising both Belorussia and Ukraine) or would both regions simply be ASSRs within a larger Russian soviet federal republic?
@Zulfurium , is the restoration of Poland-Lithuanian union similarly to Hungary-Croatia a viable political prospect ITTL?

In the event of a successful Soviet invasion of the Don, would there be a Ruthenian SSR(comprising both Belorussia and Ukraine) or would both regions simply be ASSRs within a larger Russian soviet federal republic?

Someone asked about the PLC before, so I am going to quote that response below.

However, short answer is no, there is no impetus for a renewed PLC.

In the event of a successful Don invasion I would expect the region to be incorporated into Russia proper, with some efforts at addressing regional and cultural concerns. They would not be established as quasi-independent states, but rather ruled under Moscow’s direct control, as other parts of the Communist Russian state are.

The PLC's reputation and legacy was largely as a moribund hidebound state uncertain of its national identity and victim to the fancies and furies of its neighbours by the end, and I don't know of any actual movement to restore the PLC in any way, shape or form. Poland and Lithuania on the other hand very much had active and vocal nationalist movement who gained German backing ITTL.

What you need to bear in mind is that the Zollverein is very much representative of the German sphere of influence - the region in which Germany rules supreme and exercises its influence directly over governing policy and administration. This works when dealing with the empire Germany has cut out of the east, but is a far more controversial matter when you start drawing in long-time allies. Finland and Bulgaria are allies of the German Empire, but are not its clients - that is why they are not part of the Zollverein. As for Denmark's participation in the ZV, it is a very particular trade treaty which has been signed between the two, with Denmark holding a role reminiscent of that enjoyed by Norway in the modern EU. It has all of the economic benefits and largely complies with the general trade policies of the trade bloc, but it is very much still a force independent of the rest of the ZV.

The Russian Tsars are largely seen as oppressors across Eastern Europe whose overthrow have allowed for the flowering of national movements across the region and the independence of their respective national groupings. While German involvement is considerable, it is important to note that all of the ZV states of the east view themselves as independent by-and-large. As for Khiva, there is some wishing for a return to the pre-Great War years, but that is mostly because a lot of the locals are absolutely pissed at the mass influx of Armenian and Georgian settlers in the region.