red army

  1. WHAT IF : US-USSR Joint Invasion of the Empire of Japan Between 1941-1944 ? (Maybe with the help of KMT in China?)

    What if the United States and the Soviet Union agreed and managed to invade Japan between 1941-1944 ?
  2. Ryker of Terra

    AHC: better behaved Red Army

    This morning I saw a thread on the AskHistorians subreddit about soldiers refusing to engage in rape during war, which made me think about the Red Army. Historically, the Red Army during WW2 was awful with the civilian populations of regions they'd liberated or "liberated", with Germany...
  3. Omnicide: World War III In 1953
    Threadmarks: Opening

    "1941 was not the worst, oh no. And 1945 was not the end. All we went through together was meaningless. Those desperate, brutal battles against the fascists in the long first summer of the war, the bitter cold outside Moscow and Stalingrad, and our heroic march to Berlin- none of it mattered...
  4. Ryker of Terra

    Non-purged Red Army vs Wehrmacht?

    So the way I understand it, Soviet armed forces were seeing some serious innovation as regards military theory during the 1920s-30s. Not only was the Red Army rapidly modernizing, Soviet commanders were also theorizing how to best make use of it, and they came up with Deep Operation/Deep Battle...
  5. Ryker of Terra

    WI: Unified Warsaw Pact military (and secret police)?

    I'm not sure if there's a specific name for this phenomenon, but since time immemorial, militaries have tended to 'mix' their soldiers, meaning that you generally won't see a unit comprised solely of people from Region X or Town Y or Village Z, and you sure as hell won't see a unit like that...
  6. Friedrich der Große

    White and Central Powers win?

    I’m currently working on a Central Powers Victory scenario in WW1, in which the Central Powers focused on Russia first, defeated Russia in 1916 and after that focusing and defeating France. But my question is: in this scenario, what would have happened to Russia? Would the Russian Revolution...
  7. Sarthak

    The Bear and the Eagle: a Cold War Wikibox + Graphics TL
    Threadmarks: OP + Political Map

    Map of the World 2021 The basic premise of the timeline is the survival of the USSR into the modern era and the repercussions of it. The basic PoD is the bomber that nearly killed Stalin in OTL in 1942 does kill him ittl, which sees a vastly different Soviet War Effort in WW2 here, which leads...
  8. AHQ: Is a Soviet occupation of all of Germany in WW2 possible?

    Could the Soviets have realistically liberated all of Germany (or at least the German territories east of the river Rhine) during the closing days of WW2? And if so, could the USSR have occupied all of Germany in the aftermath of the war, similiar to how the US singlehandedly occupied all of...
  9. ETGalaxy

    AHC: Anarchist victory in the Russian Civil War

    A conflict that has always fascinating me is the Russian Civil War, and this is in no small part due to the diverse array of factions and ideologies that existed alongside the larger Red and White armies. Among these smaller factions that interest me the most were the short-lived anarchist...
  10. Speculative What-if Fight: Poland v. Soviet Union 1937

    Hello all. This is a bit of a poll. I am penning an alternate history series that begins in the Crimean War and centers around the World Wars. The question I am asking of you is this: Between Poland and the Soviet Union in 1937, which is most likely to win? Will the war be long or short? Let me...
  11. Talus I of Dixie

    Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons - An Anarchist Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    December 12, 1918 - Kiev Koni versty rvuť nametom, Nam svoboda doroha, Čerez proriz kulemeta Ja šukaju v stepu voroha. Anarchija-mama syniv svojich ljubiť, Anarchija-mama ne prodasť, Svincevym doščem voroha priholubyť, Anarchija-mama za nas! Zustričaly vohnem kindžaľnym, Jak bližče pidpušču...
  12. Japan's nuclear ace

    This might need to go in ASB, so let me know if you think that's the case. What if the Japanese had a much more organized, well-funded, and successful atomic weapons program, and it was headquartered in Manchuria rather than Japan proper. Let's also say that the program progresses enough to...
  13. Soviet Union without WW2

    How would the Soviet Union develop politicially and militarily, if no WW2 happens? The (geo-)political situation: - Central Europe is ruled by a heavily armed militarist German state. This could be a military dictatorship that resulted from a Reichswehr coup. A Nazi state where Hitler died...
  14. What kind of government would Russia have if the Whites won the Civil War

    What if the White Army had won the civil war instead of the Red Army? What kind of Russian government would it be? Democratic or Authoritarianism? How would it go through 1920's and 1930's period? Will the Great Depression still happens and affect Russia? Will Hitler still rise to power and what...
  15. RedTerra

    German Military Under A Communist Germany?

    I was wondering what a German military under an earlier (No 1945-1989 East Germany) Communist German government would be like? Uniforms, leadership, performance, equipment, tactics, doctrines, etc. The big question too though is what kind of Communist Germany is it? I see a several possible...
  16. Sir Omega

    Could have Barbarossa been beaten back?

    Presuming same conditions as IOTL: the Red Army purge still happened same plan of attack from the German side same military strength for both the Soviets and the Axis same numbers and type of tanks / airplanes same logistic capacity no special preparations etc. Could have the Red Army stopped...
  17. The Phoenix - a story of revolution

    THE PHOENIX A STORY OF REVOLUTION “[F]rom the grey, scattered ashes, on trembling wings unspeakably beautiful and solitary, rose a bird with jeweled feathers. It uttered a mournful cry. No bird which ever lived could have mourned so agonizingly. It hovered above the ashes of the completely...
  18. Was Negotiated Peace Possible after Kiev Encirclment?

    The Red Army lost 700,544 men after the encirclment at Kiev; a disaster that saw the complete collapse of the entire Southwestern Front. So given those facts, along with the political realities on the ground, was it possible, that a neogtiated peace could have occured after the battle ended...