
  1. The Mediterranean Union

    A concept which I've kicked around for awhile was the idea of an Italy that remains active, but ultimately neutral in WWII, and goes on to establish stronger economic ties to the other authoritarian regimes in Southern Europe. Portugal, for example, had issues with securing its interests, both...
  2. WI - Ethiopia wins the Abyssinian–Adal war

    What if the Ethiopian Empire (with help from the Portuguese) managed to win against the Adal Sultanate (and Ottoman Empire)? And how would Ethiopian victory effect the Great Oromo migrations?
  3. Brazil's own "Canada"?

    Canada is a funny thing, when you think of it. When a colonizer has a colony, or multiple colonies near each other, it seems it always loses all the colonies together, or close to each other. Yet, the British never lost Canada. They lost the Thirteen Colonies, but they kept Canada, and many...
  4. Incanian

    The Want for a Pineapple (A Brazilian empire timeline)

    During the Napoleonic wars, When Napoleon invaded Iberia, the Portuguese Royal family fled to Brazil. After the Napoleonic wars ended, and Portugal became independent again, the Royal family actually stayed in Brazil for a few more years, until the Portuguese public wanted them to come back to...
  5. JonasResende

    WI/PC: Beauharnais Portugal or/and Belgium

    As it says on the tin: Napoléon's stepson Eugène de Beauharnais had two sons of his own, Auguste and Maximilien. Auguste was at one point in the 1830 Revolution considered for king of the Belgians, and although this didn't happen, four years later, he married the young queen of Portugal, D...
  6. kasumigenx

    O Quinto Imperio – Kasumigenx cut(Portuguese Spain)
    Threadmarks: La Catolica y El Hombre

    O Quinto Imperio – Kasumigenx cut - La Catolica y El Hombre this is based on the timeline with the same name https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/o-quinto-império-a-different-spain-tl.206876/page-5 Alfonso and Isabella of Castile with their mother. La Catolica y El Hombre On...
  7. GauchoBadger

    How can Portugal acquire the Pink Map?

    What sort of variables, precedents, or PoD's would be required for Portugal to gain a set of colonies connecting Angola to Mozambique, during the Scramble for Africa?
  8. GauchoBadger

    AHC: a second Iberian Union

    So, the challenge here is to have Spain and Portugal unite politically, with a PoD after 1640. Bonus points if you manage to create a republican Iberian Union.
  9. Emperor Francisque-Félix

    TL Castilla Protestante

    CASTILLA PROTESTANTE 1369: After years of intense stalemate a treaty was reached where Enrique de Trastamara would become King Enrique de Léon, Galicsua, i Extrematuaré and Pedro el Justo would Become King Pedro de Castilla, Murcia, y La Mancha. With this treaty the Kingdom of Castilla y Léon...
  10. T-Mag 3004

    A different 1914

    Hey again everyone! Time to kick off something I've wanted to try out, which is to have multiple PODs mashed together and see how it goes. Though I still want to be within the realms of probability in choosing my PODs. So firstly, there's a new country in Europe. Norway, who becomes an...
  11. The Shi'ite-Sufi Order of Brazil

    I am new to alternatehistory.com so this is my first thread. This will probably be quite unrealistic so bear with me. So my idea is a Portuguese merchant travels through the Middle East in 1565, including parts of the Safavid Empire. He soon is impressed with the Safavid's Twelver Shi'ite Islam...
  12. WI Horthy-ist putsch in 1956

    So what if the revolution of 1956 in Hungary would have been actually a well-outplanned coup of the Hungarian conservative forces backed by Spain and Portugal? How could things play out? Is there any chance to the coup succeding? If yes, what could be the further consquences? PLease tell me what...
  13. Karolus Rex

    WI: Portuguese-Galician Pact of 1105

    So I recently found about a Succession Pact, that may have been agreed upon in 1105, between Count Raymund of Galicia and his cousin, Count Henry of Portucale. On it they decided on how to deal with the partition of lands after the death of Alfonso VI of Leon. Raymund would become King of...
  14. WI Joao VI of Portugal becomes Emperor of Brazil

    As the title says, let me explain. In 1825 Pedro I of Brazil and his father Joao VI of Portugal signed the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro finally ending the Brazilian Independence War and reestablishing normal relations between the two countries. Today, I was reading it and found the most interesting...
  15. Effects of a unified Iberia (1500s) on rest of Europe/Reformation

    On these forums the idea of an earlier unified Iberia has already been the subject of some discussion - with the POD being Portugal's Miguel da Paz, who died infancy, instead surviving and becoming King of Portugal, Castile and Aragon. Thus the Habsburgs never end up ruling Spain. I'd be...
  16. Zachariah

    WI: NATO backs the Portuguese in the Colonial War?

    The Portuguese Colonial War, also known in Portugal as the Overseas War and in the former colonies as the War of Liberation, was fought between Portugal's military and the emerging nationalist movements in Portugal's African colonies between 1961 and 1974. This war was a decisive ideological...
  17. GauchoBadger

    WI: no Portugal, bigger León instead

    Suppose that Afonso I of Portugal loses the Battle of São Marmede (1128 AD) and, thus, never forms Portugal as an independent country. How could this affect the makeup of the iberian christian kingdoms? Would Castile and León remain separate?
  18. GauchoBadger

    WI: Philip II fails to take the azores

    IOTL, in the 1580s' War of Portuguese Succession, the Battle of Ponta Delgada was an attempt by the french forces loyal to portuguese pretender Antonio, Prior of Crato, to estabilish a foothold on the Azore islands. The battle was a roughly equal fight, with multiple french vessels fighting off...
  19. GauchoBadger

    WI: No Miracles at Cochin (1504)

    The Siege of Cochin (1504) was one of the most detailed sieges of the modern age, mainly due to its astonishing nature -- a thousand portuguese and cochinese managed to defeat tens of thousands of the Zamorin of Calicut's troops, due to a combination of luck, spying on the enemy's command...
  20. CountofDooku

    Threadmarks: Preamble

    It all began in 1086 when Yusuf ibn Tashfin was invited by the Muslim taifa princes of Al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula to defend their territories from the encroachment of Alfonso IV, King of León and Castile. In that year, Yusuf ibn Tashfin crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to Algecias, and...