pacific war

  1. WI America Strikes First?

    "In a statement to the Congressional Committee on Pearl Harbor in 1946, Secretary [of War] Stimson described in stronger terms this conversation with President Roosevelt. He then said that he had told the President on November 28, 1941, that 'the desirable thing to do from the point of view of...
  2. Year of the Jinx - An AH story/timeline by Geon
    Threadmarks: Prelude, Meeting in Tojo's office

    This TL/story is a conglomeration of my own reading and various discussions on this page. I hope all will enjoy it! Year of the Jinx An AH timeline/story by Geon It seemed like something had it out for us from December 7, 1941 until August of 1943. We just couldn’t seem to catch a...
  3. USA without a Pacific coast

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here, but I´d like to see your thoughts on this scenario, which I think seems more or less pretty feasible. Though the POD is pre 1900, many of the questions I ask are related to post 1900 consequences, so not sure if this is in the right place...
  4. Best British Strategy in the Far East

    As it says on the tin, really. What could the British Commonwealth and Empire have done differently in the Pacific War to minimise defeats and maximise victories (i.e. preventing the loss of Singapore, etc.) against the Japanese?
  5. What Would Japan Look Like Post-WWII Land Invasion?

    Let's operate off of the assumption that not deploying nuclear weapons against Imperial Japan at the end of WWII would have necessitated either an amphibious invasion or a long and costly blockade/conventional bombing campaign to force their surrender, which I understand to be the assumption...
  6. Incanian

    AHC Restore A Coast to Bolivia

    With a POD after the Pacific war, find a way to restore a coastline to Bolivia.
  7. IJN Shinano - What if...

    Just thinking here, What if (a) the watertight compartments are properally tested and rubber supplied for the doors, and then either the IJN Shinano was never intercepted by the USS Archer-Fish or survives after being hit by 4 to 6 fish to makes Kure? I have no doubt that she would survive the...
  8. WI:The first US air strike during Midway had been perfectly coordinated?

    Just this. Every land-based strike aircraft from Midway, combined with every torpedo plane, dive bomber, and (assigned) escort fighter from TF 16 & 17, had arrived over the Kido Butai all at once? Feel free to pick a time. I'd say you have to cancel Fletcher's useless aerial scout missions to...
  9. An Earlier Independence - Saint Louis/San Carlos Class Light Carrier

    (This was keeping me awake last night - so had to write it down) In early 1936 President Roosevelt concerned with the disparity emerging between Japanese Aviation and that of the US Navy sought to improve the situation and along with naval planners this resulted in the USS Wasp a warship that...
  10. Question on Japanese Peace Initiatives during the Pacific War

    Despite the life and death struggle that the Japanese saw themselves engaging in, ultimately the war they embarked on against the United States was viewed as a limited war. After all no one of any consequence in the Japanese leadership thought their nation by itself could destroy and conquer...
  11. A Hard Won Victory: The South Pacific 1942-43 (Eisenhower in the Pacific part 2)

    No one really ever planned to fight in the South Pacific before the war when plans were drawn up in the 1920s and 1930s. Most people had never even heard of the islands there aside from the few Europeans with interests in the islands and the few sailors that visited the region for short visits...
  12. Japan declares war on USA and USSR

    Crazy idea I've been thinking about for some time, but as you know, stranger things have happened, like the Zimmerman telegram, or Hitler's declaration of war on the US. So, after Germany declares war on the US, the war in the Pacific goes as in OTL. In may 1942 after the fall of the...
  13. Flattops and Flyboys: The Carrier War in the Pacific 1942-44

    A new kind of war In the Great War, the Royal Navy invented the aircraft carrier, the first ships to be modified to launch and recover combat aircraft. Although they did not accomplish much during the war, the promise was clearly there. Soon after the war the Japanese and American navies...
  14. Does a western embargo of Japan automatically mean a Japanese grab for Southeast Asia?

    Or, did Japan only strike south because in late 1941 it had reasons to hope its desperate gamble could work? Put another way, which of the factors present in OTL 1941 would we have to take away for the Japanese to have zero hope in their desperate gamble, and thus not do it? Discussion...
  15. Ilúphatar

    Give me all the information and statistics I need to prove that Japan cannot win WWII

    Before I begin, I must make it absolutely clear that I am very, very aware that a stupidly large number of 'How can Japan win' threads have been made in the past. However, this one is not asking whether there is any way in which Japan can defeat the Allies of WWII. Instead, it seeks to compile...
  16. Another Pacific: 1903 year

    Notice Dear colleagues! I'm new, and besides, my English is a non-native language, so I apologize in advance for the old residents for the inconvenience. I tried searching to find a similar topic, but did not find it, so if it was already, please give a link in the thread. -------- Essence: in...
  17. Eisenhower in the Pacific: Part 1 The Shoestring Warriors of Luzon
    Threadmarks: Prologue and Introduction

    Eisenhower in the Pacific Shoe String Warriors of Luzon 1935-1941 “There is one line, and one only, at which the defending force will enjoy a tremendous advantage over any attack by land. The line is the beach.... The enemy must be repulsed at the beach.” Dwight Eisenhower in a strategic...
  18. Nightingale

    WI: France does not fall but...

    What if France didn't fall, but the Germans inadvertently sank a US warship or vessel or whatever, and they join the European War? 1. How would the European War turnout to be? 2. How would the European War progress? Will OTL Cold War borders still be the case? 3. How would a Cold War proceed...
  19. Gukpard

    WI japan discovers napalm in 1938

    What if the unit 731 discovered Napalm in 1938? Could this made Japan defeat china, or would only makes the conflict worse with the same results? What about the war against the allies in pacific?
  20. Peabody-Martini

    Stupid Luck and Happenstance.
    Threadmarks: Part 1 Chapter 1

    Chapter One 28th February, 1916 Verdun Front, France “I thought I told you not to look” The Surgeon told Emil Holz as he was cleaning the gash that ran from his elbow to his shoulder that had been made by a French bayonet. “If this gets infected the man who did this might as well have got you...