imperial japan

  1. A nonaggression treaty between Britain and Japan in 1934 — how does this affect later conflict?

    Reading Clement Leibovitz’ In Our Time: The Chamberlain–Hitler Collusion, I noticed that there could very easily have been a nonaggression treaty between Britain and Japan as early as 1934: How would a Britain–Japan nonaggression pact have affected future developments in the Pacific and Asia...
  2. Japan invades a Russian Manchuria instead of a Chinese one

    Recently, reading some threads around East Asia in the 19th century, I've came across several points I find interesting, and now I would like to organize these multiple PODs to elaborate a more specific discussion Overall, the main idea is that the Japanese Invade Manchuria as usual during ww2...
  3. How does US not taking over Philippines effect the Eastern front?

    IOTL the decision to take over Philippines essentially came down to one man McKinley. However lets say he instead listens to the anti imperialist faction instead and US recognizes the first Filipino government. Now fast forward to WW2, what will be the effects of such a decision?
  4. Ana Luciana II

    AHC: Allied Japan, Axis China

    Your mission is simple with a POD after 1918 give us an Allied Japan and an Axis China in an alt-WW2.
  5. Sino-Japanese Relations in a Pacific-Oriented Japan Timeline..?

    So, I'm currently working on a project about an earlier iteration of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (in a sense) headed by an Empire of Japan seeking the expansion of its sphere of influence through the integration of local elites into an expanded Japanese aristocracy instead of...
  6. WI: Go-Daigo becomes shogun instead of crown prince

    In the later Kamakura period, there was a tendency for the shogun to be members of one of two lineages in the Imperial Court. Let us say that the alternating lines of succession, through death, agreements, etc. ends up with the Daikakuji line providing the shogun sometime around 1301 (perhaps...
  7. WI: The Wedding of Araya Abeba & Kuroda Masako Took Place
    Threadmarks: Starting Premise

    So, to provide some context to this what if, pre WW2, Ethiopia and Japan were rather close, all things consider. With Japan having sold a good amount of munitions to them in the past and there being extensive talks of Japan aiding Ethiopia in modernizing in exchange for cotton and land for...
  8. 継続戦争 (The Continuation War)

    "They say the sun never sets on the British Empire. They will soon learn a lesson that Icarus knows all too well." -Tomoyuki Yamashita Buildup Following their successes in China, the IJA decided to temporarily rest and upsize their military rather than continue a rapid expansion. Military...
  9. 中国支配戦争 (War of Chinese Domination)

    "Do you know how a Komodo Dragon hunts, gentlemen? They say the animal strikes the poor prey from its spot, and if it escapes the first attack the creature then trail it for days or weeks until the bacteria injected by the bite kills the animal. When I review our recent military history, I say...
  10. How could Japan keep the Army and Navy under Control

    Pretty much the title. I've read a fair bit about how the Army and Navy in Imperial Japan circumvent the civilian government and act independently. That causes some issues for Japan both internally and externally so it seems like a pretty big issue that would have to be solved in order to have a...
  11. Gillan1220

    What other allied countries, territories, or dominions would have taken part in Operation Downfall?

    Most Operation Downfall scenarios either have the U.S. invade from the south while the USSR invades Hokkaido even with the lack of sealift. My guess is Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other British/Commonwealth territories or Dominions such as the Raj, Malaya, and Rhodesia would...
  12. Simeon

    After The Red's Decisive Darkness, or, the Aftermath of Operation Downfall

    Spoilers for this particular paragraph: After reading Paul Hyne's/The Red's Decisive Darkness, I can't help but shudder at the effects of such wholesale destruction that it has brought. Alongside the loss of Modern Japan as we knew it - at least when concerning ourselves with that specific...
  13. The_Russian

    AHC: America enters the European Theatre without Pearl Harbor

    Sorry if this has been done before, I haven’t been able to find anything with this situation, but is there a way America could enter the European front without without Germany declaring war on them after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? What would be the effects of America being at war with Germany...
  14. PC:Axis Victory-Nazi economic miracle

    If Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and IJA puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. Could Nazis pull a miracle on the rhine along with reviving soviet economy?
  15. Could Japan have joined the Allies in World War II?

    While Japan was officially allied with Germany and Italy, in practice it was more of a co-belligerent. It generally didn't try to coordinate with its European Axis counterparts, and the two countries were known to work at cross purposes even after they officially became allied. For example...
  16. Operation Downfall Japanese casualties?

    I've seen many estimates proposing casualty estimates for Allied forces in a hypothetical Operation Downfall, but I haven't seen many for the Japanese side (other than that they would have been much higher). So, if Operation Downfall had gone through, what would the casualty numbers have been...
  17. Gillan1220

    U.S.-Japan Pacific Cold War in the 1940s and when will it erupt into a war?

    This is scenario that's been in my head for a couple of times now. One thing I learned is that Japan wanted the United States to abandon the Asia-Pacific in order to respect its imperial ambitions. Of course, the Japanese messed up at Pearl Harbor and learned the hard way not to awake the...
  18. FernandoPerla

    Japanese invasion of Latin America (WWII)

    I've read there's a Japanese document found by the Allies of WWII, in which a plan for an invasion of Latin America is detailed; specifically, a perimeter around the Panama Canal comprising Central America, parts of Colombia, parts of Venezeula, Ecuador, and Peru. I think it's called Tanaka...
  19. Duke Andrew of Dank

    DBWI: Italy-China Fascist Alliance Doesn't Happen in WWII, What Then?

    As we all know, Mussolini's Italy and Chiang Kai-sek's China forged a major alliance in their efforts to protect their respective interests in Western Asia, as well as to ostensibly prevent Communist take-overs of allies and neighboring countries. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance was re-forged for...
  20. Effects of Operation Ichi-Go failing/not being launched?

    Operation Ichi-Go was a massive Japanese offensive in China, one whose objective was to create a land connection between the occupied territories of Indochina in the south and northern China/Manchuria in the north. While it was a success for the IJA on paper, in reality it was an extremely...