franz ferdinand

  1. What if Ferdinand Lived?

    What would have happened if the assassination of franz ferdinand still happened, but ferdinand survived? Let's say the gun jammed or he was shot in the shoulder or something. Would his survival change anything? Would ww1 still happen? And if it did, would ww1 play out the same way?
  2. Zisheng_Zhang

    If the July Crisis Never Escalates/Franz Ferdinand Never dies, What is the Fate of the Balkans and Ottoman Empire?

    If WW1 never occurs, what is the fate of the Balkans? Perhaps the tensions will last until a later conflict similar to the Great War, or will the Ottomans find themselves in another Balkans War?
  3. PoD in July of 1914 that averts WW1

    I'm currently working on a alternate history timeline (mostly through drawing it) where the July crisis results in an isolated Austro-Serbian war. After skimming through this forum for a few hours, I've found many good posts about interesting consequences that could come from such a scenario. I...
  4. Unkown00

    Disaster Averted? How a single turn changed the world.
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Disaster Averted? How a single turn changed the world. For the past century, Europe hasn't seen much of a continent-spanning conflict. There have been hiccups here and there but for the most part, the continent was able to avoid another continent-wide war. During this time many European powers...
  5. Sarthak

    My Thoughts on the Reformation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

    So i recently was able to meet an old Czech man in Brno whose father and grandfather lived during the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was pretty enlightening. A-H did have its ethnic problems yes, however it seems their shared ties to the crown did inspire a lot of loyalty to the empire...
  6. Franz Ferdinand became emperor of Austria-Hungary in 1909?

    It shouldn't be too difficult to imagine the aging emperor Franz Joseph I dying around seven years earlier than OTL. He was a very old man by then, already in his late seventies, so it shouldn't be too difficult for him to catch a cold that turns into pneumonia and kills him. This means that...
  7. Archduke

    WWI over the Aegean Crisis

    Historically, before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the July Crisis, there was already another simmering crisis between Greece and the Ottoman Empire. The issue was over the impending arrival of dreadnoughts for the Ottoman Empire's navy, which excited certain elements of the Greek...
  8. For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL
    Threadmarks: The World in 2020

    Hello all, The endeavour for this TL started back in 2013, when after the abandonment of my Ross Perot TL, I searched for the ideas of my fellow members of in redacting a new timeline - Having Archduke Franz Ferdinand survive his fateful trip to Sarajevo on June, 28 1914...
  9. WI: The scale of Serbia's involvement in the Black Hand is revealed just after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

    Let's say that the intelligence division of Austria-Hungary, and specifically their investigations into the Black Hand, is significantly better than OTL. They are able to capture enough Black Hand agents or otherwise investigate the organization thoroughly enough that shortly after Franz...
  10. AltoRegnant

    DBWI Franz Ferdinand Dies?

    Now, as we all know, in 1914, there was hilarious failure of an assassination attempt on then Archduke Franz Ferdinand. None of the would be assassins hit the man, and he was even able to see those injured by the bombs used against him in hospital. He went on to democratize the empire into the...
  11. Old1812

    WI: Franz Ferdinand only wounded in Sarajevo?

    Reading Buttar's Collision of Empires, I learned Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to be the Commander-in-Chief of Austro-Hungarian forces. After his assassination, Conrad von Hötzendorf was left to take his place. Let's say the Archduchess Sophie is killed by Princip, but Franz Ferdinand is only...
  12. The Long Twentieth Century : a Franz Ferdinand Lives TL

    MID-YEAR EXAMINATION 2018-2019 SESSION DARTMOUTH COLLEGE MODERN HISTORY Q&A SUBJECT - EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY Duration : 4 hours 1) THE FIRST GREAT EUROPEAN WAR What was the Megali Idea ? List the reasons behind the neutrality of different European countries during GEWI. “All quiet...
  13. DBWI: What if Franz Ferdinand was killed in 1914?

    On June 28th, 1914 Austro-Hungarian Archiduke Franz Ferdinand very, very narrowly escaped assassination by a Slavic national group. Later, the Archiduke prevented all attempts by the government to declare war on Serbia, realizing that doing so would only end up upsetting the slavs in his empire...
  14. DCPritt


    What if H.M. Emperor Franz Josef I had died of pneumonia in 1913 instead of 1914 and was succeeded to the throne by Emperor Franz Ferdinand? What will the ramifications be of this and how will it affect the world and the empire going forward. This thread will explore that reign and result.
  15. QueenMaud

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Princess Maud get married

    Imagining the following scenario = In 1894 Franz Ferdinand visited the English court. Some time ago I read that Maud was thought to be a suitable candidate for him. If Franz Ferdinand married Maud in 1894, and shortly thereafter inherited the throne (1896?), How would that be good for relations...
  16. Different Austro-Hungarian approach to the July Crisis

    OTL, the leading figures within Austria-Hungary decided rather early on to deal with Serbia once and for all, and declare war on them. Still, the Austro-Hungarians acted quite cautiously and tried to gain the guarantee of German support first. What if the Danubian Monarchy had a different kind...
  17. What if Franz Ferdinand survived?

    What if Franz Ferdinand survived? What if Gavrilo Princip missed Ferdinand and his wife what would happen? A piece by Norman Stone suggested that if he survived it might delay a war in which Russia might build itself up as a formidable opponent. Would this be the case? If so who would win with a...
  18. Archduke

    Different Spark to WWI

    Say that Frank Ferdinand is not shot and that no war erupts in July. Instead war erupts when the Greek-Turkish Naval Crisis flares up and conflict ensues. How exactly would the alliances play out and what strategies would the various powers use, for example would the war breaking out in the...
  19. ETGalaxy

    DBWI: What if Emperor Franz Ferdinand I was assassinated?

    A few days ago I found out that prior to ascending to the throne Emperor Franz Ferdinand I narrowly escaped assassination while traversing Sarajevo at the hands of a Serbian nation. What if he was killed? Would the Kingdom of Yugoslavia still be established? Or would things resemble the book...
  20. Was World War I inevitable?

    When I first studied a very shrunk down and simplified version of this pivotal moment in our history in school, my first thought, as I imagine that of many others, was: "Ah, if only the Archduke had not been killed that summer in Sarajevo..." A few years later, having grown more and more...