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I lied! They're done tonight! (I had a sudden burst of inspiration and decided to finish them all.)

Caledonia flag 1.png

Caledonia! Simple, direct, to the point. There's land, it has water on both sides of it, and that land is ruled by a king, who wears a crown. (Yes, I know the Isthmus of Panama runs east-west, but the symbolism works better for Panama being the "gateway between oceans" with the green stripe running vertically.)

Hesperia flag.png

Hesperia! This one's a bit more modern aesthetically than one might expect, but it incorporates the ancient symbol of the laurel wreath, signifying victory. A nice blend of the old and the new. I also have a "vertical stripes" version of it where the side triangles are rectangles instead.

Quebec flag.png

Quebec! This one's a little busy, but I wanted to do something interesting with it other than just slapping some fleurs-de-lis on a blue and white background (and I didn't want to duplicate the OTL Quebec flag either).

Hudsonia flag.png

Hudsonia! The green stripes represent the Aurora Borealis; the star is Polaris, the North Star. A little more sci-fi than one might expect for an eighteenth-century ex-colony, admittedly. I let myself go a little off the rails for the design on this one.
Okay, to offer something different and cheerier... Crossposting my entry from the recent Weekly Flag Challenge:


Historical background
At the dawn of the 19th century, Moldavia was entering an era of growing opposition to Ottoman overlordship. The Russian Empire was contemplating taking the region from the Ottomans, in order to further expand its borders in a southwest direction. However, a tougher situation during the Napoleonic Wars forced Russia to focus its military westward. The government of Wallachia, sensing a grand opportunity in Russia being too preoccupied, decided to act quicker. Though it took a fair amount of expense and military commitment, Wallachia led a successful rebellion against the Ottomans in the early years of the new century. Aside from their own territory, they gradually ejected the Ottomans out of southern Moldavia as well, then mopped up the rest in the north or allowed them safe passage back to Ottoman territory.

By that point, Russia had regained its footing, but was forced to compensate for missing a window of opportunity. On the surface, it came in support of Wallachia at the signing of an armistice treaty with the Ottomans in Bucurest. But beneath that veneer of support, it wanted something in return. It threatened Wallachia with invasion if they'd attempt a direct annexation of Moldavia, and the creation of a larger monarchical union between the two lands. After careful consideration, the Wallachian government and Moldavian provisional government agreed. Nevertheless, being the clever clogs that they were, they decided to instead grant Moldavia independence and keep it closely allied with Wallachia. Just so Russia wouldn't get any ideas.

The Principality of Moldavia was reborn ! Now completely independent, rather than an Ottoman vassal, for the first time in centuries. The good news was only exacerbated with a discovery that occured during that momentous time. The House of Drăculești was thought to have gone largely extinct in the 17th century, but a descendant of their's resurfaced in an aristocratic family from abroad. Moving to Moldavia after being cordially invited to be crowned prince of the principality, the newcomer quickly became well-liked by his new subjects.

However, these optimistic times were short-lived. By the early 1820s, a progressive-minded grouping of Moldavian intelligentsia, townsmen and young aristocrats took an interest in the social and political changes that had swept Europe and the world in recent times. The principality needed modernisation, and not just in terms of commerce and industry. A form of slavery was still being practiced in this corner of the world, an unpleasant remnant of past times. Something the progressives in both Wallachia and Moldavia wanted to end, once and for all. Surprisingly, Moldavia's eagerness was even greater than Wallachia's. Unfortunately, political disagreements between the traditional monarchists, backing the prince and his road map for abolition, and the enlightenment-and-nationalism influenced aristocrats, intelligentsia and townsmen, would soon drive a wedge between both groups. The long and arduous process of getting the shameful practice abolished exacerbated the amount of time in which more radical ideas could spread against the more outspoken abolitionist faction. They now also maintained that the abolishment of serfdom needs to be carried out at the same time. While the disputes over the exact details were slight at first, they grew pettier with time. Finally, a more radical wing of the progressives faction formed, and they were in support of far deeper reforms to Moldavia than just abolitionism...

In the late 1820s, spontaneous clashes broke out between important members of the various factions. Before one could really make heads or tails of the situation, street fighting broke out, several army regiments rebelled against the principality's government, joining the more radical abolitionists or the outright radicals and things got more complicated from there... Many of the radical-minded members of the aristocracy joined in, sensing career opportunities if this revolution goes the right way. To cut a long story short, after two weeks of fighting, the radicals took control of much of the south (including the capital), and shortly afterward proclaimed the Popular Republic of Moldavia. The prince was already gone for a week and a half, having hidden in the north of the country until things calm down. But, contrary to his expectations, things would not calm down anytime soon - the Moldavian Civil War would last for three more years...

Now it is some fifty years later and the principality of Moldavia, refounded in the 1800s/1810s, is no more. In its place stand the Popular Republic of Moldavia in the south (a democratic, but quite oligarchical/aristocratic republic) and the Sovereign Principality of Moldavia in the north (a rump remnant of the principality, still claiming its entire former territory, but now more pragmatic about it). The Principality of Wallachia, Moldavia's natural ally and once potential annexer, is in a somewhat unenviable position. For the time being, it is forced to walk a tight rope, courting both of the successor states to the Principality of Moldavia. It cannot risk losing their favour, due to crucial strategic interests in the future. Either way, unification efforts have become stuck. Most Wallachian leaders would already liked to have seen Moldavia uniting with Wallachia and forming a stronger-together Romania, that could potentially face both the Ottomans and Russia, if need be. The emergence of a Moldavian republic has thrown a spanner in the works of this bold plan. How could the Wallachian monarchy comfortably reabsorb their now-republican Moldavian brethren, short of conquest ? The government does not want to harm and alienate a very close ally. At the same time, the Sovereign Principality of Moldavia, while getting the same guarantees and support from Wallachia as their southern rivals, is furious over the situation. For now, there is clear deadlock. Both the republic and the rump principality insist they are the rightful successor of the original principality. Could a solution be found one day ? Will this timeline see the emergence of a united Romania, whether monarchical or republican ? Only time will tell...

Flag situation
Because the radicals that founded the Popular Republic kept the principality's traditional charge - an aurochs head - on their flag, the Sovereign Principality was forced to modify their flag to exclude the aurochs, in order to prevent potential confusion. The founders of the republic removed several smaller charges that traditionally accompany the aurochs charge, these smaller ones being borrowed from the coat of arms of the House of Drăculești. Instead, they emphasised the floral charges surrounding the head, and added a Phrygian cap to their flag, a symbol of republican revolution. Outraged over this, the refounded princely family retalliated by giving extra focus to these omitted charges on the new flag for their unfortunate, rump principality. They included them as part of a newer version of their House's original coat of arms, this newer version being clearly visible at the centre of the flag.
fascist korea flag.png

Flag of an alternate South Korea that went fascist after the Korean War went nuclear and MacArthur launched a military coup against the government with Rhee's help; my entry for this week's Flag Contest.



Proposed flag for the United States of America.

As per D.L. Moody: the black represents sin, the red represents atonement, the white represents righteousness, and the gold represents the bounty of Heaven.
Proposed flag for the United States of America.

As per D.L. Moody: the black represents sin, the red represents atonement, the white represents righteousness, and the gold represents the bounty of Heaven.
Why "agriculture"?
That sounds a bit confusing. It's like writing "COMMUNISM" in english over a red background for the flag of a socialist state.
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