
What we need is for the Republicans to win and Kornilov to be voted president, no more Tsars and "divine" rule.
On the contrary I think a constitutional monarchy is a necessity for any modern Russian state because otherwise it will always trends towards authoritarianism (at best) and totalitarianism at worst

also, I’m drawing a parallel between the stupidity of Kerensky in his delusion that murdering the royal family like thugs in the night will somehow solve the civil unrest instead of pouring gasoline all over it and using a flamethrower to set it alight and the delusion of the Americans when they greenlit the coup against Diem.

This is only going to help the reds because Kerensky was too stupid to not go to the Czarina instead of to Lviv in order to at least attempt to get her approval to remove Lvov in order to calm things down.

(Typed from phone apologies for any mistakes)
I think Russia is probably damned to some elements of autocracy in practice, no matter what. Best outcome is no more Russia. Like, seriously, the Russian people would be better off if Russia cratered into like, several smaller countries. Maybe even *a lot* of smaller countries in some of the more ethnically messy areas.
I too vote for constitutional monarchy!
Not possible I’m afraid. Under Michael the first, yes that would of been the best solution but now with him dead and the Liberals all on the Republican side, the Tzarists are basically the reactionaries and Porto Facists who intend to not just repeal the 1919 constitution but the 1905 one as well....
I think Russia is probably damned to some elements of autocracy in practice, no matter what. Best outcome is no more Russia. Like, seriously, the Russian people would be better off if Russia cratered into like, several smaller countries. Maybe even *a lot* of smaller countries in some of the more ethnically messy areas.
The snag is that Russia doesn't have many ethnic divisions in its heartland. Strip it down to its OTL post-Soviet borders, you can take away Dagestan, the Kuban, obviously Chechnya... maybe tweak the Finnish border a bit... but that still leaves one with a recognisably Russian state.

The best one could do would be for a Japanese-backed Siberia to survive
Probably I'm betting on the wrong horse, but I'm on Alexander's side here. He is fighting to avenge his wife, killed by traitors and oathbreakers. I am a romantic and I sympathize with his grief. Beside I'm a monarchist and I was on Mikhail II side.
The snag is that Russia doesn't have many ethnic divisions in its heartland. Strip it down to its OTL post-Soviet borders, you can take away Dagestan, the Kuban, obviously Chechnya... maybe tweak the Finnish border a bit... but that still leaves one with a recognisably Russian state.

The best one could do would be for a Japanese-backed Siberia to survive
states don't have to be divided by ethnicity. There's absolutely no reason there can't be multiple russian-ethnicity states running around, in more manageable chunks.
states don't have to be divided by ethnicity. There's absolutely no reason there can't be multiple russian-ethnicity states running around, in more manageable chunks.
In the age of nationalism? willing tear apart their own nation fookin doubt. that would require asb's to get involved. the only way it happens is if another country was to force it and i don't believe that there is a strong enough hegemony that would be wiling, capable and able to justify it. the fact is russia isn't going anywhere.
Local loyalty and identity is also a thing. If the government of russia proved incapable of being able to govern the wide area, things could very well break down.

I don't think a deletion of Russia is going to happen in this timeline or RL, but it would be the best outcome for the Russian people.
I ask this as someone ignorant of Kaiserreich: Does Germany intervene in the Russian Civil War in that video-game? I ask because I'm already going quite close to that world in many places-- most obviously in having a Red France/Free France-in-Algiers split, and I don't want to give the impression that I'm simply writing a Kaiserreich TL.

Any answers/advice would be most appreciated.
I ask this as someone ignorant of Kaiserreich: Does Germany intervene in the Russian Civil War in that video-game? I ask because I'm already going quite close to that world in many places-- most obviously in having a Red France/Free France-in-Algiers split, and I don't want to give the impression that I'm simply writing a Kaiserreich TL.

Any answers/advice would be most appreciated.
Yes they do and crush the Soviets in there tracks.
I ask this as someone ignorant of Kaiserreich: Does Germany intervene in the Russian Civil War in that video-game? I ask because I'm already going quite close to that world in many places-- most obviously in having a Red France/Free France-in-Algiers split, and I don't want to give the impression that I'm simply writing a Kaiserreich TL.

Any answers/advice would be most appreciated.

Also in Kaiserreich by the time Germany fully intervened they only had the option of the Republican faction to recognize against the soviets.
It would be fun - in any TL, not just this one - to see a three-sided civil war that actually had three roughly equal sides, in Russia, with the Tsarists, Republicans and Commies.
Thanks-- but I still have a *long* way to go.
You want to see some good Wiki stuff-- check out Our Fair Country and These Fair Shores by @CosmicAsh, and For Want of a Sandwich by @MaskedPickle. They inspire me every single day.
Thanks for the kind words ; I am merely a little artisan compared to the excellency of @CosmicAsh 's works, and your very own works.
As of French, being myself a French native speaker, I would be happy to help you deal with it.