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The 2009 Procedures and By-Laws Bill

This bill tied up a number of issues that had arisen in the 2009-2010 Parliament. The issue of whether a seat belonged to the party or the MP had been raised by Stalin's Pipe Organs' defection on opening day. The Party Switching Bill and the Seat Control Bill had attempted to solve that question in opposite ways, but both bills had failed. This led to wider discussion on the issues of MP resignation and inactivity. The Imperial Bill had left the presise status of the Empress in question, whether she was truly Head of State or merely a ceremonial figure with an impressive title. The recent Prime Ministerial Crisis of 2009 had made everyone question whether the Prime Minister should be elected or appointed. And the recent lengthy discussion on titles had raised many questions over the status of and relationships between various government offices.

Prime Minister maverick introduced the wide-ranging Procedures and By-Laws Bill on September 13, 2009. It underwent a lengthy process of debate and amendment, and the final product seemed to herald a new era of multipartisanship in what had been a very argumenative and partisan Parliament. The only Nay vote was a tentative one from oakvale, who resigned his seat before debate was over. His replacement, Keenir, voted Aye, so the bill passed without opposition. Acting President Hashasheen signed it into law on September 22.

Text of the Bill

I. On The Prime Minister of

Whereas it has been established that it is indeed the duty of Parliament to elect its Prime Minister, be it enacted that the election of the Prime Minister is done as the first act of a new parliament and that only a simple majority is needed to elect one.

WHEREAS it has been established that it is indeed the duty of Parliament to elect its Prime Minister,

BE IT ENACTED that the election of the Prime Minister is done as the first act of a new parliament.

BE IT ENACTED that a simple majority is needed for the Prime Minister to be elected. Should no candidate receive a majority of votes in the first round of the vote, those two candidates who received the most votes shall enter into a second round, which shall be won by the candidate gaining the most votes.

BE IT ENACTED that a Member of Parliament can introduce a Vote of No Confidence against the sitting Prime Minister under the condition said Vote of No Confidence names an alternative candidate. The Vote of No Confidence shall be considered passed, and its candidate elected Prime Minister, if it receives more votes than the Prime Minister receives votes of support.

BE IT ENACTED that a vote of No-Confidence cannot take place until the motion is supported by two other Honorable Members of Parliament.

II. On Parliamentary Seats

Whereas it has been established that a Parliamentary seat belongs to the Member of Parliament elected by the parties, be it further established that:

1. A Party cannot expell the MP or take the seat should the MP defect from the party for which he was elected;

2. Should an MP resign, his seat de jure returns to the party for which the seat was elected, which shall pick the replacement for the Seat;

3.Should an MP be inactive for a period of time of over a month, an interim MP is appointed by the party authorities to fill the seat until and if the original MP returns.

4. Shall the original MP remain inactive for a period of over six months, his seat is given to the interim MP unless a parliamentary vote rules otherwise;

5. A vote of Censure against an MP as a reprimand needs a simple majority and not a two-thirds majority, as the censure does not include the expulsion of the MP from the precint.

6. An MP might only be expelled from Parliament by a parliamentary vote due to criminal or treacherous activities, with a two-thirds majority.

7. the following actions are criminal offences if they are done by a Member of Parliament in their official capacity as a Member of Parliament, and are therefore grounds for their removal from office:

-Involvement in an open act of rebellion or defiance against the Government (including rebellion, or refusal to accept and adher to laws passed by Parliament, or refusal to recognise lawfully and justly elected or appointed Government officials).

-Participation in an attempt to overthrow the lawfully and justly elected or appointed government or some or one of its members, or to negate and oppose the will of the people, or any other form of a coup d'etat. Particpation in such acts shall always be considered to also be done in their official capacity as a Member of Parliament.

-General assholery, trolling, spamming, douchebaggery unbecoming of an officer and a gentlemen, and other acts of sabotage against Parliament and orderly Parliamentary debate.

On the President of

As a vote of Impeachment would override the popular vote, a two-thirds majority from both houses is needed to Impeach an elected President of the Imperial Republic

On the Empress of

Be it finally acknowledged that the Government of recognizes the Administrator, whose wisdom shall not be doubted nor his patience be tried, as the ultimate authority in in the role of an extra-political figure, whereas the Empress is a ceremonial role with no authority, obligations or similar legal complications;

The Empress is present at ceremonies, publicity, public acts, etc, and her followers might exclaim 'All Hail Empress Sai' on public and private locales, but no member of the political system is forced to do such or pay her homage, only to recognize her ceremonial role and her works for the Imperial Republic.


Voted Aye

maverick (E), Paladin (E), Douglas (E), Keenir (E), Susano (FFF), Jimbrock (FFF), Benkarnell (ESP), Iori (DISPPR), Stalin's Pipe Organs (PRSP) (9)

See also

offtopic/2009_procedures_and_by-laws_bill.1253631230.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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