Table of Contents

Guild of Vexillologists and Iconographers

Much like the Mappist Cabal brings together the big name alternate map creators and cartography experts of the board, the Guild of Vexillologists and Iconographers (GOVAI) unites AH.commers with a passion for creating all manner of allohistorical flags, banners, ensigns, coats of arms, emblems, air force roundels…

List of Guild Members

Common GOVAI Venues and Meeting Places

The "Alternate National Symbols" Section of the "Alternate History Media" Page - A collection of links to major artwork threads that contain the various works of the GOVAI members.

Weekly Flag Challenge - A regularly running and regularly updated contest involving the creaton of allohistorical flags and related insignia, based on a certain theme. The theme for each round of the contest is chosen by the winner of the previous round.

GOVAI holidays

Flag Day - Minor holiday in honour of AH flags and AH flag-making contests. Observed on the 4th of October, its date being identical with the date of the Weekly Flag Challenge's inception in 2009.

In Fiction

An eponymous faction based on them is planned to be introduced in Enterprise. Among other characters, its main cast will consist of the crew of the multiverse ship Texture.

See Also

Mappist Cabal - The mapmaker equivalent of The Guild.

Heraldry Resources - A resource page.

Flag and Vexillological Resources - A resource page.

Tools for Creating Illustrated AH Content - A resource and tutorial page. Societies