The Empire Parnell Built

Congo: Alexander Plan (1948-1950)
  • Alexander Plan.PNG
    Danubian Federation: 1984 Election
  • The 1984 Danubian Federation election took place on 14-17 June 1984. It was the seventh quinquennial parliamentary election to be held since the reformation of the Habsburg Empire into the Danubian Federation in 1953. Results showed parties of the centre-left and radical left and right profiting at the expense of the centre and centre-right. The Social Democratic Party, led by Fred Sinowatz consolidated their position as the biggest group in the House of Deputies. However, they were still many seats short of a majority and so agreed to continue the grand coalition with the People’s Party, with Ladislav Hejdanek agreeing to serve as Chancellor and Sinowatz as Vice Chancellor. The various far-right parties of the Federation's constituent nations formed a temporary grouping called Identity and Tradition, which would last until November 1984 before splitting. Overall turnout dropped to 61%.

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