The Empire Parnell Built

United States: 1984 elections
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    Sport: Most valuable men's cricket leagues
  • Because it wouldn't be one of my timelines without random diversions into sport, right? Politics service will resume shortly - I've got planned updates on Britain, Italy and Argentina which should really give shape to this world - but I think this list is interesting in giving hints as to the wider world. I'm holding off on a world map just yet but that should come soon(ish).

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    Sport: Most valuable women's cricket leagues
  • It occurred to me that I ought to clarify (for those of you who wonder about this) what I mean by 'cricket' TTL. Technically, the sports are slightly different between the men's and women's games. The men's game is 20 overs a side but played with an OTL first class ball (red or pink, depending on if it's a day or a day-night game), OTL first class fielding restrictions but OTL T20 bowling restrictions. The women's game, however, is exactly the same as OTL T20 (i.e. with power plays and a white ball). When I get to the women's leagues for soccer and rugby in the coming weeks, assume the rules are the same across the men's and women's game.

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    Sport: Most valuable men's rugby leagues
  • The final update on my series on the biggest leagues in men's sport. In the future, I will move on to stats for minority sports and for the main women's leagues. A politics update will come this weekend, as usual. Hopefully, this table will go some way to answering the questions I've been getting like "What's up with Italy?" and "No seriously, what's up with Italy?"

    As an explanation, the rugby league/union split doesn't take place due to the RFU accepting professionalism in the 1890s. The sport then takes over from gridiron football in North America during the 1910s and '20s due to continued British cultural hegemony and even more European immigration to the States.

    Any other questions, please feel free to ask.

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    Random Sneak Peak
  • For no reason other than I've just been drafting this wikibox and am kind of proud of it. Anyway, here's a hint of where the TL is going...

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