The Empire Parnell Built

Considering Tukh is the Chiang Kai-Shek equivalent, who would his successor be? Maybe Alexei Kosygin could be the interim leader of Russia until 1978 while his daughter Svetlana (as Tukh didn't have any sons) would be the Chiang Ching-Kuo equivalent?
Great Britain: 1969 election
Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 07.30.21.png
Mexico: Post Porfiriato Presidents (1884-present)
Also, because someone asked me about Mexico a while ago and I didn't answer. The short answer is that Porfirio Diaz retires in 1910 instead of running again, which ultimately leads to a peaceful transition to a leftist-PRI hegemony by mid-century and then a kind of cautious semi-democracy from the 1980s onwards.

Mexico i.PNG
Mexico ii.PNG
Mexico iii.PNG
Have a lot of Europeans been fleeing there from the massive levels of badness?
More a case of the Afrikaner and Anglo population not departing on such a large basis but, yeah, there will have been some European immigration. Also non-South African soldiers who fought in the Civil War and decided to stay for one reason or another.