Map Thread XVII

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The more you look at it, the more you begin to see things similar to earth. The image I see not mine, but I just wanted to point out areas for possible improvement. New Zealand down south, The Great Lakes, A Hudson Bay and related islands, and Greenland. Otherwise, it's fine.
You know, that's from Ace Combat? (with several fanon countries; also, Islam is never mentioned)

and Ace Combat has only focused on analogues of Western countries, there has never been any mention of a solely Asian-based country (probably because they want to avoid making allusions to real political tensions between Japan and its immediate neighbors) (and Verusa has never been featured in a game, so we don't know what it's based off of), although there is a Kei Nagase in Osea in Ace Combat 5, and Usea in Ace Combat 3 (Usea, before a retcon, used to stand for the United States of Euro Asia) had someone named Rena Hirose.
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Welp, here's my present attempt at making a map of Planetos during the reign of King Aerys the IInd. With a great deal of the boundaries and some entities being entirely my own head-canon or drawn from those used by the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 2. I may eventually get down to annotating this, but the fact I'd need more than a few insets to cover all of the parts of the map in adequate detail leaves me more than a little intimidated by the mess I've made for myself.
Newport, Vermont cession of 1926 as a result of the Anglo-Nazi-Japanese American World War of 1923.
Post by reddit user u/Digital_Kahn


A small border cession as a result of a small bar fight between some foreign exchange students that got drunk off their ass in Montreal, went south, removed some of the border markings and replanted them, giving Canada control of part of Orleans county. They then wandered into Newport and declared it the new capital of British North America.

The Mayor at the time was so annoyed at the drunken antics, that he drew up a document acknowledging their claims to get them to go home.

No one is sure if there was an actual Nazi in the group. It is assumed that was a miss-translation.

The territory remains in limbo as of 2016.
Submission for the SV November Map Contest:

A short background: New France after the Six Years' War sought to maintain its grip on its hard-won colonial possessions. As part of this effort, the French improved upon many existing forts and built several new ones. These forts served as meeting grounds with local Native American tribes. Over the 1760s, the French and the trans-Appalachian tribes grew increasingly close through trade and military alliance against the English. Over time, the French fort construction effort took on the character of a border control operation as more and more squatters crossed the mountains to settle in French territory. Settlements like McConnell, French Lick, and Vergennes proved an irritant to the French and often a mortal threat to local tribes. This map shows the most important forts and settlements in French territory as of 1780, just prior to an extensive French campaign to evict many of the more recent English, Irish, and German arrivals in OTL Kentucky and Tennessee. This campaign would rachet up tensions with the British to unhappy results.

The full image is too large to upload (1.2MB), and AH compresses the picture above, so you can look at it in all its detail here.

I'm not very happy with it -- due to my schedule, I've only had today and yesterday to work on it, and I wouldn't have any more free time until after the contest deadline, so this is the best I'm going to do under those constraints. Still, I suppose it could be worse.
Submission for the SV November Map Contest:

The full image is too large to upload (1.2MB), and AH compresses the picture above, so you can look at it in all its detail here.

I'm not very happy with it -- due to my schedule, I've only had today and yesterday to work on it, and I wouldn't have any more free time until after the contest deadline, so this is the best I'm going to do under those constraints. Still, I suppose it could be worse.
Is this an OTL map?
Welp, here's my present attempt at making a map of Planetos during the reign of King Aerys the IInd. With a great deal of the boundaries and some entities being entirely my own head-canon or drawn from those used by the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 2. I may eventually get down to annotating this, but the fact I'd need more than a few insets to cover all of the parts of the map in adequate detail leaves me more than a little intimidated by the mess I've made for myself.
On,y one thing I can say about this, really. Ooooooh. Aaaaaaah.

Pretty cool; I like the pop density there.
There's no way the north coast could support that population though.
Not without some hefty technological investment.
The Partition of the Republic of Texas, 1858​

In this timeline, the American cession of 1812 led to a smaller amount of free states, upsetting the free-slave balance. There were a few previous attempts to solve this in this timeline, but every time a solution appeared, a problem did. This time the issue was the Meso-American Wars.

These wars took place between 1835 and 1850, with all relating to the recently born Mexico in some way. The earliest of these being the Texan Revolution and the Final being the Mexican-American War. With Andrew Jackson having been killed at the Battle of New Orleans, America was less eager to challenge Mexico by annexing the republic at her request. While Texas' discussions with Britain worried the United States, they were fairly confident that the UK's aim to have good relations with Mexico would prevent a British annexation.

When the Republic of Texas did eventually become annexed in the mid 1850's, it was quickly partitioned into two states and Territory; Bexar, Leon [After Martin De Leon] and Texas. However, Texas was the real powerhouse of the two, and it was a slave state. So in a feudal attempt to re balance the Union, each state was partitioned; From Texas came the Free State of Adelsverein, named for the massive settlement of Germans west of the Mississippi.

As a side note, this is my first map using, so here's hoping I get better at it.
Now, why would Texas *let* themselves be partitioned? Surely setting up a free state in the heart of Dixie would ruffle some feathers?
The Partition of the Republic of Texas, 1858​


Considering it's your first map made with, it's a good effort. I do find the notion of naming a US state after the colloquial name of an aristocratic organisation to be hilarious. Something more sensible New Rhineland, New Hesse, or New Nassau would've been better (and of course none of the lands which were actually bought by the Adelsverein are included in that area; I think they'd all be in Leon).
Considering it's your first map made with, it's a good effort. I do find the notion of naming a US state after the colloquial name of an aristocratic organisation to be hilarious. Something more sensible New Rhineland, New Hesse, or New Nassau would've been better (and of course none of the lands which were actually bought by the Adelsverein are included in that area; I think they'd all be in Leon).

Ooh, I like New Rhineland, it makes sense with a heightened German population and matches the appearance of the region. Since Adelsverein is out for a name due to geographical reasons, any ideas for a different name?
Now, why would Texas *let* themselves be partitioned? Surely setting up a free state in the heart of Dixie would ruffle some feathers?

In this timeline, the ethnic and political landscape was in such a different state that North Texas and South Texas are quite different from each other. Also, Texas doesn't really see it that way, most Texan leaders saw the admission of Texas as multiple states as being just a way for Texas to have more representation [Whether or not that was true is up for debate]


Here is a map from a new TL to be posted in After 1900 forum sometime in early in 2018. Working on this TL with Paulo based on progressive Portuguese "Estado Novo" he had started in 2016.

The map below is from 1979

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