Map Thread XVII

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Do you think this is a wank?!
Look at this, dude!

One more WIP
PoD- Alexander II lived 80 years.
Reminds me the book Back In USSA.
Please don't generalize an entire ethnic group, especially considering the fact that many of us left Russia specifically to escape the nationalism you mention.

My apologies, but my impression was that Serafim was living _in_ Russia, the place where the nationalism people leave due to is. :oops: I was just saying a Russian in Russia is less likely to be embarassed about posting a big ol' own-nation wank than an American, not that either Serafim or Russians in general are bad people.

And saying Russians in Russia "trend" nationalist is not saying all Russians are nationalistic. But perhaps I am just going on shaky impressions here: do polls show that most Russians aren't very nationalistic and all the aggressive, obnoxious nationalist movements just represent a minority?

But I guess I should drop the subject lest it becomes incendiary.
Do Ameriwanks tend to get a lot of criticism? I feel like I've seen a lot of Ameriwanks and people don't seem to feel bad about posting them. Nor should they. Nor should Serafim posting a Russia-wank necessarily say anything about his politics (Serafim's made a good deal of Russia-screws as well). Map-making is largely about aesthetics and world building, is it not?

Btw, great maps @Serafim, as usual!
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