Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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The planet of Gaea was never the most developed one.

Previously but one of the latest habitable planets seized by humanity for colonization, it was settled by peasants, its cities built by architects who appreciated medieval castles. And so, when contact between humanity (of all varieties) and other Terran-born races of all planets and constellations disappeared, Gaea was left to fend for itself. With the lush forests and fields provided by Gaea, the settlers of the planet survived, but fell into a medieval state of existence.

While most of the settlers were baseline humans, some were posthumans with rather... specific features. Some called them draconians. Some called them demons.

Moryne Archimedine Cerzei was one of them.


Moryne VI (18 July 2837 – 4 September 2939) was the queen of the Demon Kingdom of Diagonia, and perhaps one of its most famous monarchs. The only child of Morezia XI and Archimare III, the so-called "Great Teachers", she was among some of the most educated people on the planet at the time. After the death of Morezia XI during a trance, young Moryne became the queen of Diagonia, bearing the burden of rule while being surrounded by hostile humans. As a result, she gained the title "Demon Princess", which was popularized during her reign.

Nonetheless, under Moryne, Diagonia thrived. Moryne brought reform and liberalization of some of the touchier subjects of the Daigonian Law, such as the Law for Vengeance, prevented the "fanatics, abusers and grafters" from ever taking hold in schools and courtrooms and dedicated the people of Diagonia to education. Moryne VI, notably enough, was a great diplomat, and she was able, for the first time in decades, to normalize relations between the demons and the humans of Gaea. She was also able to deal with the issues regarding the historically anti-demonic Knights of the Order of De Buy. Of course, Moryne was also spiteful and a polygamist, surrounding herself with various partners.

On 4 September 2939, the youthful Demon Princess passed away while visiting the city of De Buy, allegedly because of an illness. Moryne VI would be succeeded by her equally popular daughter, Attanacia Mertida Cirzei. She was the third eldest of Moryne's children, and took the throne due to Prince Daimonius's death and Prince Sateriasis (future Sateriasis IV)'s self-imposed exile.

I credit fantasio for the image.
A collaboration between myself and @Bhangbhangduc, in which predictions of a "fifth wave of global terrorism" come terrifyingly true. The wikibox was made by me, the writeup is Bhangbhangduc's.

The Fifth Wave: Surfin' USA

Access: United States Web
Thank you for accessing the USW. The whitelist has been updated since your last visit. Please welcome The Republican Soldier, a Patriotic Web Forum, to the ranks of our American Online Community! Remember: Pornography, idle storytelling, and subversive activities are illegal at all times.


HAVE A NICE DAY"wikipedia"


Thank you for accessing Wikipedia, the curated encyclopedia of the United States. Wikipedia is part of the Department of Defense Digital Library System and the Commission for Public Broadcasting. Wikipedia is made possible by the National Defense Fund and by generous contributions from users like you.

In the News
* US Troops liberate St. Louis from Theocratic Insurgents. Our boys get the job done!
* The US Department of Childbirth reports fertility rates up 0.36% this month! Nice work, ladies!
* Quiverfull movement takes credit for car bombing in New York. It is your patriotic duty to report any instances of terrorism.
* PFC James K. Brown is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the Siege of New Orleans.
* Winning lottery numbers are: 18, 27, 5, 32, 01. Good luck.
* German TBAV announces plans to re-Germanize the Extermination Sector underway. The Consensus Supreme Soviet has not released a statement.

Ongoing: Battle of Algiers
Recent Deaths: Elizabeth II * Newt Gingrich * Jon Bon Jovi * Patrick Stewart

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The United States Government congratulates you on your patriotic curiosity regarding the Enemies of the Republic, noting that it was the Great American Omar Bradley who wrote, "Once I know my enemy, I have destroyed him" in his opus On War. However, the requested topic contains sensitive information that the Department of Defense Digital Library System believes likely to cause psychological distress. In light of this, access to "" has been restricted.

Why not regard something more comforting like "The United States of America"?

Thank you, and have a nice day.

/Search Wikipedia\

"Project Archer"

The United States Government congratulates you on your patriotic curiosity regarding the Enemies of the Republic, noting that it was the Great American Douglas MacArthur who wrote, "Know Thine Enemy" in his opus The Art of War. However, the requested topic contains sensitive information that the Department of Defense Digital Library System believes likely to cause psychological distress. In light of this, access to "" has been restricted.

As this is your second attempt to access information believed likely to cause psychological distress, you have been automatically redirected to a more comforting topic.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

US infobox.png

Thank you for accessing the United States of America. The United States of America (USA)commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.), America, or just the Fatherland, is a Socialist Federal Constitutional Presidential Republic under the temporary emergency guidance Social Liberation Party and the Council of the Armed Forces. These patriotic organizations fight every day to defend our constitution, freedom, and way of life. The Fatherland is composed of fifty-four states and two military occupation zones. Forty-nine of the fifty-eight states are contiguous and located between Canada and Mexico. The State of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada in the east and the Consensus of Slavic Nations in the west. The State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The States of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are located in the Caribbean. The States of Guam and the Marianas Islands are located in the West Pacific.

At 4 million square miles and with over 350 million people, the United States is the worlds third-largest country by total area, third largest by land area, and second most populous. It is the world's greatest and most diverse country. The capital is Washington DC, and the largest city is New York.

The United States is an extremely powerful country. Every American serves in the military between the ages of 14 and 20, where they learn valuable skills, forge relationships, and protect our way of life. Many heroically continue to serve in the armed forces after the age of 20. A sense of civic virtue and nobility is instilled in every American soul. How proud must an American be of his or her country! How twisted and profane must an American be to betray his or her country?

This is meant as a hypothetical. Insurgent groups within the United States are almost entirely composed of European foreign agents devoted to the destabilization of our fair Republic. This undeclared war has led the Social Liberation Party to adopt a program of fortification and defense. Despite what enemy propaganda might claim, only a few misbegotten scoundrels have turned their coats and abandoned the Stars and Stripes to fight against the Fatherland.

The United States boasts the worlds highest standard of living and freedom. These are privileges enjoyed by loyalist Americans like yourself, not rights. In the present state of war, certain specific rights and liberties have been temporarily abrogated for your own security and wellbeing. Please refer to the United States New Bill of Rights of 2 Lincoln, 237 for more information on the rights and duties of the citizen.
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A collaboration between myself and @Bhangbhangduc, in which predictions of a "fifth wave of global terrorism" come terrifyingly true. The wikibox was made by me, the writeup is Bhangbhangduc's.

The Fifth Wave: Surfin' USA

Access: United States Web
Thank you for accessing the USW. The whitelist has been updated since your last visit. Please welcome The Republican Soldier, a Patriotic Web Forum, to the ranks of our American Online Community! Remember: Pornography, idle storytelling, and subversive activities are illegal at all times.


HAVE A NICE DAY"wikipedia"


Thank you for accessing Wikipedia, the curated encyclopedia of the United States. Wikipedia is part of the Department of Defense Digital Library System and the Commission for Public Broadcasting. Wikipedia is made possible by the National Defense Fund and by generous contributions from users like you.

In the News
* US Troops liberate St. Louis from Theocratic Insurgents. Our boys get the job done!
* The US Department of Childbirth reports fertility rates up 0.36% this month! Nice work, ladies!
* Quiverfull movement takes credit for car bombing in New York. It is your patriotic duty to report any instances of terrorism.
* PFC James K. Brown is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the Siege of New Orleans.
* Winning lottery numbers are: 18, 27, 5, 32, 01. Good luck.
* German TBAV announces plans to re-Germanize the Extermination Sector underway. The Consensus Supreme Soviet has not released a statement.

Ongoing: Battle of Algiers
Recent Deaths: Elizabeth II * Newt Gingrich * Jon Bon Jovi * Patrick Stewart

/Search Wikipedia\


The United States Government congratulates you on your patriotic curiosity regarding the Enemies of the Republic, noting that it was the Great American Omar Bradley who wrote, "Once I know my enemy, I have destroyed him" in his opus On War. However, the requested topic contains sensitive information that the Department of Defense Digital Library System believes likely to cause psychological distress. In light of this, access to "" has been restricted.

Why not regard something more comforting like "The United States of America"?

Thank you, and have a nice day.

/Search Wikipedia\

"Project Archer"

The United States Government congratulates you on your patriotic curiosity regarding the Enemies of the Republic, noting that it was the Great American Douglas MacArthur who wrote, "Know Thine Enemy" in his opus The Art of War. However, the requested topic contains sensitive information that the Department of Defense Digital Library System believes likely to cause psychological distress. In light of this, access to "" has been restricted.

As this is your second attempt to access information believed likely to cause psychological distress, you have been automatically redirected to a more comforting topic.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

View attachment 313711

Thank you for accessing the United States of America. The United States of America (USA)commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.), America, or just the Fatherland, is a Socialist Federal Constitutional Presidential Republic under the temporary emergency guidance Social Liberation Party and the Council of the Armed Forces. These patriotic organizations fight every day to defend our constitution, freedom, and way of life. The Fatherland is composed of fifty-four states and two military occupation zones. Forty-nine of the fifty-eight states are contiguous and located between Canada and Mexico. The State of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada in the east and the Consensus of Slavic Nations in the west. The State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The States of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are located in the Caribbean. The States of Guam and the Marianas Islands are located in the West Pacific.

At 4 million square miles and with over 350 million people, the United States is the worlds third-largest country by total area, third largest by land area, and second most populous. It is the world's greatest and most diverse country. The capital is Washington DC, and the largest city is New York.

The United States is an extremely powerful country. Every American serves in the military between the ages of 14 and 20, where they learn valuable skills, forge relationships, and protect our way of life. Many heroically continue to serve in the armed forces after the age of 20. A sense of civic virtue and nobility is instilled in every American soul. How proud must an American be of his or her country! How twisted and profane must an American be to betray his or her country?

This is meant as a hypothetical. Insurgent groups within the United States are almost entirely composed of European foreign agents devoted to the destabilization of our fair Republic. This undeclared war has led the Social Liberation Party to adopt a program of fortification and defense. Despite what enemy propaganda might claim, only a few misbegotten scoundrels have turned their coats and abandoned the Stars and Stripes to fight against the Fatherland.

The United States boasts the worlds highest standard of living and freedom. These are privileges enjoyed by loyalist Americans like yourself, not rights. In the present state of war, certain specific rights and liberties have been temporarily abrogated for your own security and wellbeing. Please refer to the United States New Bill of Rights of 2 Lincoln, 237 for more information on the rights and duties of the citizen.


The United States boasts the worlds highest standard of living and freedom. These are privileges enjoyed by loyalist Americans like yourself, not rights. In the present state of war, certain specific rights and liberties have been temporarily abrogated for your own security and wellbeing. Please refer to the United States New Bill of Rights of 2 Lincoln, 237 for more information on the rights and duties of the citizen.

EX ALOGIA: because titles have a way of making things all official


The bottom of the ocean is a strange, terrifying place.

We were always aware, but we never truly understood.

But, well, we fucked up.

We fucked up so bad.


The nightmares will stop after five to ten years offworld, usually.


Execution of the Bloodmouth GangSca Crian Space FleetUnited Workers of MarybelleMutegard SouthHouse Atlantic'97 (Sprague County Impact)King William VII CeladonGeorge Bush4233 BC in spaceflightJohn LockwoodSylvestrian feverStar swordStyan Prairie Bush WarPeace Obelisk of AvalonCAP Trade UnitThe Trial of Dª Miranda Sofia Martin, lately of Porto Victoria
Short stories:
Five DressesThe AmbassadorConference Room Three
Six For Fitz: Completed
The 2004 Illinois Senate election featured a re-match between incumbent Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald and former Democratic Senator Carol Moseley Braun. Despite the state-at-large being won by Democratic nominee John Kerry, Fitzgerald held on with a slim margin of victory. With a hold in Illinois, the GOP enjoyed a six seat majority in the United States Senate...

With Illinois' senate delegation occupied by popular incumbents, State Senator Barack Obama set his sights on the Governor's Mansion. Elected to replace Representative Phil Crane in 2004, Mr. Obama wove together a coalition of voters that successfully stymied Pat Quinn's re-election ambitions in 2010. Governor Quinn, former lieutenant to the disgraced Rod Blagojevich, proved ineffectual in the primaries and lost a four-way race to Representative Obama. As Governor, Obama was lauded for expanding the state's medicare program, among other accomplishments, and won a landslide re-election in 2014...

Though the Democrats gained five seats in the 2004 midterm elections, they were short of a majority with Vice President Cheney breaking all 50-50 ties. The 110th United States Congress has, in hindsight, been ridiculed for its head-in-the-sand attitude toward the looming economic crisis. This was typified by the bailout of Lehman Brothers. Senate Republicans had effectively sidelined regulatory concerns for a quick, dirty, and temporary fix to the economy that served only to boost their electoral prospects in 08'...

New York Senator Hillary Clinton seemed poised to win the Democratic Primaries with ease, her only 'credible' competition being former vice presidential contender John Edwards. Once Edwards was forced out in the wake of a marital scandal, it seemed unlikely that anyone could challenge the former First Lady. At least that was the prevailing wisdom until Representative Dennis Kucinich gave the party a collective heart attack by winning over a dozen contests and millions of votes before being forced out of the race. Kucinich, running on an outsider message reminiscent of Bill Bradley's 2000 campaign, managed to stay relevant until it became a mathematical impossibility for him to clinch the nomination...

Clinton's general election strategy stressed her husband's record of economic growth, opposition to President Bush's stance on LGBT rights, and the unpopular Iraq War. Though effective lines of attack in theory, both Defense of Marriage and Don't Ask Don't Tell were signed by former President Bill Clinton. Not to mention the fact that Hillary Clinton herself voted in favor of the Iraq War. As such, much like in 04' the GOP painted their opponent as a 'serial flip-flopper'. In contrast, Senator John McCain of Arizona was a 'reliable maverick' who 'stuck to his guns' even if it meant (conveniently) breaking with the unpopular Bush Administration.

McCain narrowed his shortlist down to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Illinois Senator Peter Fitzgerald before choosing the later once Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination. As primaries gave way to the general, palpable displeasure arose around the chosen nominees. While Kucinich stumped furiously for Clinton, liberals were just as much disgusted with their candidate's hawkishness as evangelical were with McCain's moderation. For his part, McCain stressed 'proven leadership at home and abroad', an allusion to the (then perceived) stability of the economy and the 'success' of the troop surge in Iraq. Clinton, meanwhile, stumbled over her close ties to the business world and interventionist record. Nevertheless, polls going into election day had Clinton up by two percentage points...

President McCain's inept response to the 2009 stock market crash presaged electoral devastation in the 2010 midterm elections. Even the stabilizing situation in Iraq and Afghanistan were small potatoes in the face of total economic collapse. Democratic governors were swept into power throughout the midwest and northeast while both the House of Representatives and Senate turned a deep blue come November...

In the run-up to 2012, former Senator Evan Bayh was touted as the Democratic frontrunner. But after granting the Democrats majorities in the House and Senate, and having little to show for it aside from a bi-partisan invasion of Libya and a half-heated stimulus package, Democratic primary voters had little patience for more of the same. With Bayh loosing Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to Tom Vilsack, Bernie Sanders, and Mary Landrieu respectively, Bayh's backers moved to Vilsak. Unfortunately for the Iowa Governor, Vilsak proved ineffective outside his home state and suspended his campaign following a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday. Surprisingly, the race boiled down to Senators Landrieu, Sanders, and Crist.

The success of Crist, a former Republican, and Sanders, an independent, typified the dissatisfaction most voters had with 'traditional' politicians. While Crist courted southern conservatives and Sanders poached Kucinich supporters, Landrieu's campaign suffered due to her support for the Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, and Syrian Wars. While a three-way race prevailed for a time, Crist bled support even after his shock in Florida. With Crist's exiting endorsement, Sanders was able to take the lead and, after a long, tough primary, clinch the nomination. The Vermont Senator would choose long-time Ohio Congresswoman, and early supporter, Marcy Kaptur as his running mate in order to appeal to disaffected Landrieu supporters and blue collar voters...

Congressman Ron Paul, a perennial McCain critic, shocked the political punditry with a bid to unseat the president from within his own party. With McCain's poll numbers plummeting, Paul put up the stiffest fight against an incumbent president since Kennedy in 1980. McCain predictably rebounded, stopping Paul's momentum and breaking his fragile path to the nomination with a slew of victories on Super Tuesday. But Paul's supporters on the ground out paced McCain's apparatus, scoring several more victories over the coming months. While the insurgent was stopped, the perception that the race was stacked in favor of McCain would convince Paul to mount an independent campaign on the Libertarian ticket...

Sanders and Paul were markedly successful in recruiting new and disaffected voters, the latter being comprised of those who dropped out of politics following the financial crash. With Paul's positions on youth issues and advocacy for a 'mind your own business' foreign policy, there did seem to be crossover appeal. Jesse Ventura certainly helped in the vice presidential debates when he ran left of Kaptur on several issues, notably calling for the outright legalization of Marijuana rather than decriminalization. With registration among Sanders and Paul leaning voters at a record high, predictions of quixotic electoral maps abounded. As it happened, Sanders took the lion's share of the undecided vote while Paul brought in double-digit returns in rural white areas that were once regarded as safe Republican...


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Shouldn't Biden start being Chair of Foreign relations in 2009 with the Republican majority in 2006? Great boxes, you are one of the best at these.
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