Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Pretty good, but I don't get why Danny would be the Republican and Jon the Democrat (especially considering Jon's political alignments). Also why Arin is on both tickets.

As I recall, there was an episode where Jon recalled a dream wherein he replaced Obama as the Democratic nominee in 2012, hence the party allegiances.

But isn't JonTron racist?

I think @Kovalenko made this before it was revealed that JonTron is an alt-right shithead.

Ahem. :p
I'm closing this thread a little short of the limit because I see nothing but contemporary politics. Someone can start a new one, and if it goes all contemporary I'll move it to Chat.
Yes, Jon Jafari the half Persian, friend of H3H3 (a Jew), FilthyFrank (Japanese) and Markiplier (half Korean), is definitely an 'alt-right shithead'. The only thing "Alt-Right" about Jon is his middle name.

Lots of racists have friends, and even ancestry, from groups that some racists don't like. That doesn't make them not racists. I don't know what a Johnston is, but I googled it and this was the top result:

That's pretty unambiguously racist and bigoted. I am not going to wade through drama about a YouTube video game person to figure out if this guy is anything more than a racist idiot, but I'm giving you a warning for defending someone who appears to be pretty notorious for saying racist things.
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