Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Eternal New-Deal-punk
Adolf Hitler, Eternal Fuhrer of the German Nation (1934-present)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States (1933-1961)

Basic Law for the United States of America
Fleet Admiral John Kennedy, 1st Watchman of the Celadon Hyperchain (1943-1990)
Goodfellow's Corporation

Hans Karl Scheiderhan, Reichsfuhrer-SS und Generalkommisar des GPO (2040-present)


Hans Karl Schiederhan
is the latest poster of the Nazi movement. Born on April 29th, 1999 to Karl and Hanna Schiederhan, the boy from youth was in the service of the Reich. While the rest of the Heimatland had been lost to anti-Nazi rebels in the 1980s, Karl and Hanna had taken up residence in Hans-Frank-Stadt (frmr. Warschau; Warszawa), the capital of the Generalgouvernate, one of the largest 'western' states of the Greater Germanic Reich. Serving in the local Hitler Youth corps as a child, and later becoming a member of the SS, he ascended through the ranks very quickly.

In November 2028, Rupprecht Beck was arrested and found to be 'one-eighth untermensch' and was quickly stripped of his title as General Secretary of the Nationaler Verteidigungsausschuss (National Defense Committee). In his place, Hans was appointed. Hans held this position for 12 years, before the death of Reichsfuhrer-SS Ludwig Arischenblut. He has ruled the collapsing and largely agrarian Greater Germanic Reich since.

Hans is the 'big bad' man, and many believe that Nazi Germany has gotten even worse under his tight-fisted rule. The now-purely SS state has gone even more crazy than it did under the technocrats before the 1980s rebellions.
Fifteen For [John] Fitzgerald [Kennedy]
As Adlai Stevenson Jr. clinched the nomination for a second time at the 1956 Democratic National Convention, the party rank and file expected John Sparkman to once again play second banana to the egghead. Yet with Sparkman reluctant, and a palpable drabness associated with running the old war horses, Stevenson fired up the convention by allowing the delegates to choose a new running mate for him. With only a single day to make a case before the convention, the vice presidential hopefuls rushed to secure their backers.

Among the ambitious was Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachusetts, a spry thirty-nine year old that brought catholic flair to the competition. Kennedy's main opponent was Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, runner up in the presidential primaries and a corruption fighter to boot. When the dust settled it was the young New Englander that came out on top, earning himself the second spot in that year's Democratic duo.

The new vice presidential nominee was skillfully able to win over Lutherans and Southern Baptists who briefly agonized over the prospect of backdoor Rome Rule, but was less successful in covering up the skeletons that lay in his rosary bead laden closet. Addison's disease, coupled with whispers of martial infidelity, caused the ticket more headache than charisma or personal charm could salve. With peace aboard and prosperity at home, the election never threatened to leave President Eisenhower's court. This would, no doubt, have been the case if the Stevenson/Kennedy ticket had run a flawless campaign. And thus it came to pass that John Kennedy's much vaunted flair was unable to dislodge the Pennsylvanian from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...


As President Eisenhower's second term came winding down, the old general had much to boast about. The Eisenhower Doctrine successfully defused any 'Arabian Korea' kerfuffle with the aid of allies like the American-installed Shah, and the Civil Rights Act of 1957, passed over the day-long filibuster by Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, won him praise from his erstwhile ideological enemies. Alas, the honeymoon could not last, and three tragedies would soon strike the Eisenhower Administration.

First was Sputnik, launched as the first of its kind by the Soviet Union, the 'Baby Moon' had catastrophically "exposed" the terrestrial movements of the entire free world with its supposed reconnaissance capabilities. Second, there was the particularly nasty recession that struck ahead of the 1958 midterm elections. A staggering fifteen seats were lost by the Senate Republicans, with even greater hemorrhaging in the House of Representatives. Thirdly, there came the downing of the U2 observation plane of American Pilot Gary Powers in the Soviet Union. Though Powers would live, and return to the United States after a brief spell in captivity, valuable information was lost to the Red Menace. While Powers himself would be commended, remaining a respected political commentator into the next millennium, the president's popularity took a hit at the time.

But Eisenhower, a near septuagenarian with an ailing heart, was about to withdrawal from public life. It was up to Vice President Richard Nixon to carry the party standard into the next election. With only Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York seriously contesting the primaries, Nixon was lavishly crowned at the Republican National Convention.

Having taken note of the Stevenson/Kennedy ticket's shockingly thin margin of victory in the so-called solid south, Nixon sought to implement a southern election 'pivot' by selecting of Senator Thruston Morton of Kentucky as his running mate. Morton, a moderate who had backed Eisenhower's Civil Rights Act of 1957, was a strong orator that could appeal to the southern voting bloc without being a straight sop man.

The Democratic primary was, by contrast, a complete trainwreck. There was Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts, vice presidential nominee of the preceding cycle, who bore the double edged sword of being a seasoned national politician and the co-face of his party's landslide defeat in 1956. Though lacking the support necessary to win the nomination, Kennedy did manage to scoop up an impressive number of delegates over the course of the contests.

Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, dynamo of the working class, had what his Massachusan opponent lacked. An abiding enthusiasm surrounding his campaign. Unfortunately for Humphrey, some of that enthusiasm was directly levied against him. The 'Happy Warrior' had been reviled by the southern wing of the party since his outspoken support for civil rights at the 1948 Democratic Convention.

As for the southern wing itself, the final big contender for the nomination came from Senator Lyndon Johnson of Texas. Johnson, titan of the party establishment, was so sure of his victory that he didn't even bother to campaign. Though supportive of civil rights himself, the Texan wasn't about to open his mouth on the trail and antagonize his segregationist allies in the smoke filled back room. Afterall, ol' Landslide Lyndon was on track to win on the first ballot, right? Well, that's where train spun off the rails.

Kennedy, Humphrey, and Johnson split the delegates, with minnows like Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri and Senator George Smathers of Florida bringing up the rear. Adlai Stevenson tried to win the nomination as a compromise dark horse candidate, but was hobbled by his two consecutive landslide defeats. Kennedy and Johnson essentially cancelled each other out, a mutual hatred preventing either from securing the other's delegates. Thus it fell to Humphrey. In large part due to the surprising amount of pressure levied on his behalf by Johnson, Humphrey would be nominated over the high-pitched screeching of the southern delegations as President Truman had been in 1948. This would, of course, have a lasting impact in the general election.

Allowing his former adversaries to choose his running mate for him, the vice presidential contest came down to Smathers and Symington. The former was a favorite of Johnson while the latter was on the top of Kennedy's personal list. Both men proved to be unworkable, as neither Kennedy nor Johnson could acquiesce to each other's first choice and thus Senator Henry M. Jackson of Washington was selected as a compromise. Jackson had countless connections to the defense industry and would preempt Nixon's inevitable attacks on the Democratic ticket as being soft on communism.

With both tickets settled, the campaign truly began. Nixon, for his part, ran a campaign that emphasized the good the Eisenhower Administration had done. With Humphrey at the top of the opposing ticket, 'Tricky Dick' barely barely had to duck around the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The southern pivot seemed to be working.

But for every upbeat message, Dick Nixon had a bag of dirty tricks. Unfortunately for him, these harsh and slimy tactics proved ineffective outside the south. Nixon was also mocked as being wooden and stiff, something which was multiplied tenfold in the televised debates. For their parts, Jackson and Morton chatted to a draw. Both men were more interested in checking under the mic stands for the creeping influence of communism than with actually disagreeing with one another. As October rolled around, with no surprises to speak of, Nixon and Humphrey's polling hung steady and even. But when election day approached, few accurately predicted how close the outcome would be...


Only once before, during the controversial election of 1876, was the presidency won by a single vote. The election might've been upset by a single faithless elector. However, by successfully weathering all attempts to throw the election to the House of Representatives, Hubert Horatio Humphrey was officially slated to be sworn in as the 35th President of the United States. As the 'Happy Warrior' prepared his inaugural address, the people wondered what the future had in store...
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Donald Trump, Jr. (December 31, 1977 – July 29, 2059) was an American businessman, reality TV personality, and politician who was the 110th Mayor of New York City from 2018 to 2024. Trump was the son of Donald Trump and the brother of Barron Trump, two Presidents of the United States. Trump became Mayor of New York City after defeating incumbent Mayor Bill de Blasio in the 2017 mayoral election. After a very rocky transition period marred by protests and violence, Trump took office on January 1. The first months after he took office saw some of the largest snowstorms in the history of the Northeast. Trump was criticized for failing to provide adequate emergency services during and after the storms. Additionally, his decision to end city support for the extension of the Second Avenue Subway was highly criticized. Trump was narrowly re-elected to a second term thanks to a bitter split in the Democratic Party caused by former Mayor de Blasio seeking to return to office. Trump's second term as Mayor was even less successful than the first, thanks to ongoing investigations into The Trump Organizations and other Trump-related business which Trump had been involved in. After leaving office in 2025, Trump was targeted by President Kennedy's Justice Department. Despite this, he intended to challenge incumbent New York Governor Eric Ulrich in the Republican primary until he was served with arrest warrants for corruption and various ethics breaches. Trump fled the country in early 2026 and was not seen for 30 years until he was located in India in 2056. Outgoing President Marshall sent US forces to arrest him but he continued to evade justice until he was finally located in Singapore in 2059. However, Trump was not brought back to the United States, as he was shot and killed attempting to flee.

Federal Broadcasting Service (Dept of Media)Cabinet of Barron TrumpUS-Canada UnificationDonald TrumpFuneral of Donald Trump, People v CordrayCedric Richmond2024 DNCUS Senate election in NY, 2028Dreams from My Father (film)Democrats of the 90s

How does his brother end up becoming President, then? Seems like Barron's dad having a rocky Presidency and Junior fleeing, it seems like people would stay away from another Trump running for office.
Cross-post from the core OFS thread, but I thought that y'all might want to see it if you're not watching that thread:
State of the TL, 3/15/17

So, after a busy weekend of new wikiboxes, I've decided to take a breather and discuss what updates are in the pipeline, and the near future for the TL.

Political Party Wikiboxes: Currently, I have a couple countries that I have footholds in that I'd like to expand, and some that I'd like to gain a foothold. In no particular order:
  • Expansion: Italy, Korea, Canada.
  • Foothold: Indonesia, Brazil, Scotland, Tanzania.
Other Wikiboxes: I'd like to start doing character infoboxes for the Liberation and Municipal party candidates for U.S. President.

Maps: Right now, I have two 2068 maps in the pipeline. One is an internal map of the Russian Peoples' State, showing the spheres of influence of the New Bolshevik Party and the military districts. The other is still in the conceptual phase, and would be a special commemorative map for passing the 1,000 favorites and 10,000 pageview milestones on DA. Some options that I've presented:
  • Current (2067) regional map of either Central and South America or East Asia.
  • World map detailing notable conflicts from 2021-2066, with an accompanying timeline discussing world political events.
  • World map detailing the end/restoration of democratic systems during the Long Crisis (2029 to ~2059).
  • World map detailing the popularity of music genres per country, with annotations (Various forms of pop, soft folk, hard folk, various types of dance music, etc...)
By the Light of the Dawn: This has been in a bit of a backlog. However, I believe that I will be ready to post the first update by the last week of March, and then post weekly updates thereafter. That story will be in a separate thread, for easier reading.

Indexing: One common complaint that I've been hearing is that the TL is hard to get into, since it's so sprawling at this point. I'm open for suggestions, but I do have a plan to start dealing with the issue:
  1. Go through every post that I've ever made on OFS, including Q&A, saving the link and annotating the post to see where there are discrepancies.
  2. Using this information, compile a detailed timeline graphic with every major canon event that has happened since the TL diverged from OTL in 2016.
  3. Start a wiki, where I can post articles relating to different topics.
Other Projects: So, I have my logo request thread started, and I am also working on a project with Toixstory that should be interesting. At this point, until I can get to the point where I have a few chapters in advance for By the Light of the Dawn, I don't plan to start any more one shot projects.

"You were easier to get along with before the murders."
"You'll be easier to get along with after one more."
-Scene 55, lines 34-35

Machiequa is the largest power on the planet best known to terrestrial humans as Guerra, and indeed the only substantial state on that planet. While Machiequan colonies sprouted early and often, and eventually produced one of the only interstellar currency regions- one that still exists, and arguably rivals the CAP Trade Unit in scope- the home planet struggled with economic failures that tanked whole regions and an increasingly corrupt government that was increasingly out of touch with the general populace.

As often happens, there was a bit of a kerfuffle.

And as occasionally happens with kerfuffles, it grew into something that was a bit more than just a kerfuffle.

Now, forty years and between thirty and eighty million deaths later, depending on how you count, the kerfuffle is generally called the Machiequan Civil War.

The Morenos hail from Tiris, the third capital of Machiequa, but because of the war refuged to the fourth capital Ashal, and eventually relocated offworld to the colony-world Neshesh where in the city of Anagary they finally finished the poem that had been their life's work. (Pieces and notes of original drafts were lost during both relocations, and fraudulent 'original versions' appear every now and then on the black markets.)

The Trial of Dª Miranda Sofia Martin, lately of Porto Victoria is somewhere between a novel, an epic poem, a play, and an audience engagement. Widely regarded as not just a, but the epic of the Machiequan Civil War, and astoundingly popular amongst people on both sides of the still-ongoing conflict, it's amongst the most popular Machi-language books ever written.

The Martin estate, so the book goes, lies on one of the front lines of the War. Routinely, Guerran Patriot and Distributional forces passed across the estate- but the widowed Martin and her rifle took from each. Eventually, both sides grew tired of her activities, and established a temporary truce.

They established a tribunal, and a jury- six each of Patriots and Distributionals- was chosen. (In live performances, members of the audience occasionally join actors in the jury booth.) A traveler who knew Martin and be of neither side was chosen as a judge, and the trial began.

The advocates for both sides traded facts, opinions, witticisms, and arguments, initially limited to the case itself, but eventually appeal to the fundamental arguments of their own ideologies. (Dozens of literature and political science theses have been written about the reactions of crowds in various regions, and a certain level of audience participation is expected and encouraged by many troupes, though many of the best puns are, as usual, lost in the translations.) Martin herself is no slouch, arguing her own side and against both others (and, indeed, many additional theses have been written attempting to determine what her side is).

Eventually, the poem ends with the jury's decision which side to hand Martin over to. Performances of the play often use audience members and crowd reactions to decide how the final scenes play out, but some troupes alternate, or opt for a third ending, where Martin is let free- but, in the final scene, the judge's relation to her is revealed, with the famous lines above- he is, indeed, the man who murdered the late D. Martin, and was released due to the general anarchy of the war.

Execution of the Bloodmouth GangSca Crian Space FleetUnited Workers of MarybelleMutegard SouthHouse Atlantic'97 (Sprague County Impact)King William VII CeladonGeorge Bush4233 BC in spaceflightJohn LockwoodSylvestrian feverStar swordStyan Prairie Bush WarPeace Obelisk of AvalonCAP Trade Unit
Short stories:
Five DressesThe Ambassador • (more to come)
"You were easier to get along with before the murders."
"You'll be easier to get along with after one more."

-Scene 55, lines 34-35
Ah, well, that's an interestingly little quip, it's-
Performances of the play often use audience members and crowd reactions to decide how the final scenes play out, but some troupes alternate, or opt for a third ending, where Martin is let free- but, in the final scene, the judge's relation to her is revealed, with the famous lines above- he is, indeed, the man who murdered the late D. Martin, and was released due to the general anarchy of the war.

I like the idea of a play/poem/work of this kind having multiple canonical endings as a byproduct of coming about in a society so sharply politically divided. It's a bit like two versions of "The Battlecry of Freedom" from the Civil War, but obviously both more extreme than that, and also more oddly conciliatory.
What was the Lodge administration like?
Lodge had a lot harder administration than Johnson, due to his lack of support from Congress. Lyndon B. Johnson is still Senate Majority Leader in this TL.

Bobby letting Sarge be in the Cabinet?
I have no recollection of any bad blood between these two men?
In this universe, Sargent Shriver, takes on a bigger role within the businesses own by the Kennedy family, making links with foreign relations


Reposting because End-of-Page syndrome, and I feel a little PO'd getting one-upped by a shitpost. :p

Eternal New-Deal-punk

Adolf Hitler, Eternal Fuhrer of the German Nation (1934-present)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States (1933-1961)

Basic Law for the United States of America
Fleet Admiral John Kennedy, 1st Watchman of the Celadon Hyperchain (1943-1990)
Goodfellow's Corporation
Hans Karl Scheiderhan, Reichsfuhrer-SS und Generalkommisar des GPO (2040-present)

Major parties involved with American federal elections, 2078


While it is only March 2077, there is always a buzz when the Americans go hit the polls, every four years since the ratification of the Basic Law for the United States of America in 1990. In the 2077 elections, there are seven major parties that are constantly in and out of the Federal Assembly (2,799 seats; 1400 needed for majority).

The first party is the Eco-Republican Party. A descendant of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Liberal Party, The ERP is the leading force in environmentalist causes in the United States, and champions the classical Roosevelt (both Teddy and Franklin)-styled 'Liberal conservative progressivism'. They are the body and soul of the New Deal State, and champion the concept of Android and Synth rights, and Extraterrestrial colonization.

They are currently lead by Christine J. Kennedy, Member of the Assembly representing the Celadon Hyperchain, one of the largest man-made structures in space. She is the great-great-granddaughter of famed Watchman John Kennedy. (She is his great-great-granddaughter through his son John, Jr) -- She was elected Chancellor with a majority in 2073, and has governed since with minimal issues. She will be celebrating her 27th birthday on May 18th, 2077.


The second party is the Free Democratic Party, who were largely shaped by the influences of the Unionist Party and the anti-progressive Liberals. Their 'neo-liberal' democratic thoughts often make them a second-or-third place runner in most polls, and that translates to the Federal Assembly's chambers. They are against the concept of Synth Rights, and believe that synths are hampering the American economy and giving 'advantages' to the Japanese and extra-terrestrial states such as the Union of Soviets and the Empire of Avalon. The leader of the party is Gregory Powell, who represents his hometown of Bristol, in the State of England. He is the great-grandson of Enoch Powell, formerly a member of the British government during the 20th century.


The third party is the New America Party, whom have been shaped by the influences of communism and socialism in it's natural evolution. They are democratic socialists, left-wing populists, pan-American advocates, and 'abstractionists' (believing that the concept of race, ethnicity and religion is all irrelevant and simply a distraction to the achievement of the 'New American Being'.)--they are quite popular amongst youths and people from parts of the United States that were annexed after the Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt (namely Latin and South America). Their current party leader is Sarah Nixon, great-great-granddaughter of former Vice President Richard Nixon. She represents Greater Los Angeles as a constituency.


The fourth party is The Singularity and is most popular off-planet, on Android or Synth-majority worlds. They are heavy advocates for Android and synth rights, Bioconservationism (halt reduction of off-planet and on-planet resource supplies and come up with synthetic alternatives), Universalization (some factions believe that all races must abolish gender, sexual identification and concepts of race and ethnicity to achieve peace), Liberal conservatism (many androids and synths can be rigid sometimes), Devo-federalism (devolution of power from Washington to the planetary systems as much as can be done). They are represented currently by Eleanor Rigby, a 930 YFLOPS supercomputer located on the Moon. She is sentient, but is unable to offload her vast computing power to a Synth. As a result, she runs the political party from behind the closed doors of the Lunar Scientific Combine, where she is employed.


The fifth party is the National Union and they're the poster child for 'anti-progress'. The abolition of synth and android rights (despite the obvious fact that it would cause a revolution), and the imposition of "Godly values over America", but not those sick Catholic ones. The Catholic Church is 'un-American and fascist', as it has been under the heel of Italy for the last century and a half. They poll abysmally, along with their kin the Democratic Alternative. They're both represented by men whom have been 'Self-Preservation Act'ed several times for their own safety, and the safety of others. Josiah Hyatt is a fundamentalist preacher on Pluto, and Paul R. Douglass is a member of the Silver-Shirts on Pelley, founded by former members of the the Silver Shirts on Earth in the 1930s.


The Constitutional Party wants the restoration of the previous constitution, and is 'Terrestrial nationalist', meaning that they think that Earth should be the first and only focus of the United States government. They are considerably less insane, and Tom J. Linde is a well-respected political figure on his homeplanet, and is a doctor of medicine to boot. The party polls well amongst agrarian and anti-Basic Law communities, but is destroyed on a typical planet's capital city.
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Fifteen For [John] Fitzgerald [Kennedy]
1960 was the second election cycle, after the election of 1876, to feature a victor with exact change in the electoral college. But he had done it, if only by a hair, successfully weathering all attempts by the Southern Democrats to throw the election to the House. As Hubert Horatio Humphrey was sworn in as the 35th President of the United States, the people wondered what the 'Happy Warrior' had in store for them...

That Wikibox is a blessed image. I require more of this ASAP!
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