Psychological Onirico-Parliamentarism
  • Psychological Onirico-Parliamentarism


    A political ideology inspired by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung who lived across the second half of the the XIXth century and the first half of the XXth century and worked for a while in collaboration with the more famour Sigmund Freud. The Jungian paradigm shared some commonalities with Freudian psychoanalysis in that it assumed the existence of an influential unconscious, of impulses and drives, of the meaning bearing function of dreams, and of the re-enactment of meaningful past relationships in new meaningful encounters (a.k.a transference). It was also distinct from Freudian theory in assuming the existence of a Collective Unconscious that was common to all humans and contained shared instinctive patterns called Archetypes that could be expressed through acts, words and symbols, and in that sense, focused more on the creative capacity of humans to build new symbols and myths. It also was less interested in sexuality and more in the psychological tenants of religion.

    IOTL, Jung and his paradigm got actually a bit involved in politics during the rise of nazi Germany. On one hand, Jung was quite in awe (and later horrified) with the capacity of Hitler to master symbols and incarnate archetypal figures, on the other, the nazis found in his theory the opportunity to turn the Collective Unconscious into a racial unconscious that would fit will within their doctrine of aryan superiority (and most importantly, he was, unlike Freud, not Jewish). Ensues a whole mess with him accepting a big job by the nazis in the 30s, some will say to have a position where he could protect his Jewish colleagues, others will say to have enough influence to diminish Freud’s influence, whichever way, his appointment didn’t fit that well nazi expectations and he resigned before WWII. After WWII broke out, he was contacted by the OSS (American secret services) and worked as a secret agent for the Allies, providing psychological profiles, including a report predicting that Hitler would end up committing suicide.

    ITTL, the Jungian paradigm catches on in the realms of politics in many democratic countries and relies on a central tenet: to pass laws that benefits the multitude outside them, politicians must tap deep into the multitude within themselves.

    Political System: Ensues the following principles of politics :

    • The Great Dream : Politicians can only take part in an election if they formulate a Great Dream that came to them one night and demonstrates that politics is their True Calling. This Great Dream and its interpretation by the politician are passed under review by a council composed of 50% elected officials to a similar post and 50% randomly picked citizens. Any attempts to plagiarise dreams from other politicians leads to direct unelectability.

    • Archetypal Incarnation : for the highest offices, such as President, the election is done in 4 rounds. For the 1st and 2nd round, think French system (1st round to pick the two main candidates, 2nd round to choose between the two). For the 3rd round all citizens write in the voting booth a single word they associate with the new President, and after a week of national semantic analysis, all associations are organised into lexico-semantic clusters, and the two clusters that are the most popular in number of associations are both summarised into a single world. The two resulting words, or Archetypes, are presented for the 4th round of vote. The winning archetype will be associated with the President. Indeed the President can only be President if they incarnate something that echoes with the psyche of the people.

      If the newly elected President is truly popular, then they may get in office with an archetype such as Robert “the Just” Bronstow or Philippa “the Generous” Kriesling, but if they got elected because they were the least worse choice out of two terrible choices for the major part of the population, then they may end up as President Timothy “the Knobhead” Gavinson.

    • The Challenge of Intuitive Debating : Rationality is a good basis for politics, but to be a worthy representative of the people, politicians must be able to venture beyond their rationality. This is exemplified in the practice of Intuitive Debate, which unfolds in 3 distinct stages (about 1 hour each).
      • The 1st Stage (the Rational Stage) is a classical debate where politicians can use notes, answer to the questions of experts and members of the public and criticise each other’s positions and policies.
      • The 2nd Stage (the Intuitive Stage) is pure improvisation: politicians have no notes, no questions, no themes, they are merely on stage with each other and… whatever must emerge in that moment will emerge (though physical violence is forbidden).
      • The 3rd Stage (the Synthetic Stage) is the opportunity for the experts and the public to ask questions about the 2nd stage, comparing it and contrasting it with the 1st Stage. At the end, the public votes, if the majority of voters is satisfied with the debate, then it is considered concluded, if the majority of voters is not satisfied. Then the debate must resume on the next day for another 3 hours.
    The goal here is to push the politicians away from their well structured rational programmes and force them to tap into their creative depths, which are deemed to provide a necessary counterbalance in order to build a complete picture of their political intentions.

    Social Organisation
    In Onirico-parliamentarism, society is organised around the capacity to create in ways that carry meaning.
    • Creative Duty : It is part of the duty of every citizen to engage in creative practice, whether it be art, crafts, or anything that carries uniqueness and novelty. Scientific and Artistic discipline are constantly encouraged to cross over.
    • Mixed Education: this crossover is also present in the education system, based around a principle of 50% rationality and 50% irrationality. E.g : a History exam would be 50% Essay on a predefined theme, 50% creating an alternate history timeline. A Physics Exams would be 50% solving thermodynamics equations, 50% creating an addition to Newtonian Laws.
    • Meaning Seeking: the culture celebrates the capacity to seek, create, and find meaning in all endeavours. Individuals who are considered too shallow or too materialistic tend to be patronised. A lack of capacity to interact with one’s inner world is seen as a hurdle towards everyday socialisation : “how can you relate to me if you cannot relate to yourself?”.

    Good and Bad forms

    Individualist good guys: “Be who you were always meant to be”. This is a society that is all about self-actualisation. True harmony is achieved when every citizen excels in a form of art or practice that uses their talents to the fullest. Life is about finding one’s true calling, and then putting one’s energy and skills into forever pushing this calling further. A true great dream is never achieved, but always pursued. State ensures healthy work-life balance, public education until 21, and living wage for artists.

    Collectivist good guys: “ True meaning is shared meaning” . This is a society that is all about culture. True harmony is achieved when every citizen contributes to the national culture with the fruits of their own creation. Life is about finding one’s true calling, and then putting one’s energy and skills into integrating the products of this calling into the national culture. The true measure of a country’s happiness and achievement is the continuity and constant renewal of its culture. State regulates all wages based on a framework of Unconditional Lifelong Salary, public education is free for all, and all citizens must take 1 month off work per year to focus on contributing to the national culture.

    Individualist bad guys: “ True meaning is never granted, it must be earned. “ . This is a society that is all about excellence. True harmony is achieved when the most talented citizens are given free reign to turn their dreams into grandiose symbolic achievements, becoming creative leaders, with immense talents and resources at their disposal. Competition is encouraged from a very early age to ensure that the children with the best intuition and creative skills are quickly identified and provided with the education they deserve in order to achieve their masterpieces, be they in science or art. Citizens with Great Dreams but no resources are scorned and encouraged to be more realistic. State oversees the allocation of resources, education is fully privatised, artists who do not contribute to the economy must either find a job, or work for the creative leaders and get a state subsidy.

    Collectivist bad guys: “ A citizen’s worth is found in his contribution to the culture”. This is a society that is all about gigantic works. True harmony is achieved when all citizens work together towards the building of a Great Work that will shine for the centuries to come. Life is about being given a role in an art, craft, or science, and work alongside many other citizens into building cultural or scientific creations as designed by one of the great cultural leaders of the country. The Grand Leader is the most meaningful of all Archetypes and the dreams of each citizen converge towards the Grand Leader. The true measure of a country’s achievement is the scale of its cultural sites and scientific facilities. State allocates children in specialised education curriculum depending on their assessment, all work is coordinated and paid by the state.
    Prayer-Sustained Gods as an actual religion
  • Unironic belief in prayer-fed deities.

    Implications are that if the religion ever dies out, so does the deity and the afterlife it created for the deceased faithful, so the only way to maintain your own paradisaical reward is to maintain the long-term survival of your community/the religion, and the need to stop foreigners from worshiping foreign deities/make sure there are more of you worshiping your deity than of them worshiping theirs, since if critical mass is reached, their deity will become real and can threaten you and/or your deity won't be strong enough to stop it.

    Also, MAD as an explanation for the lack of obvious divine intervention. The God/s of your religion would like to intervene in the mortal world, but if they did, so would the Gods of rival religions and the resulting reality warper fight would cause humanity's extinction as collateral damage and all the Gods would starve from lack of prayer. Therefore, the only way for paradise* to be created is for your God/s to be the only God/s, to be accomplished by converting or killing off all followers of all other religions.

    And if you've accomplished that and the world isn't immediately reality warped into a paradise, clearly either someone's been faking their faith or humanity isn't the universe's only sophont species and the aliens are heretics.

    * A world with a genuine, provable God fixing all the world's problems as a benevolent reality warper.
    Political Spectrum: Thought the compass was fun? Well this one has physics, not just politics
  • An Interdisciplinary Political Spectrum

    Using idea from physics and mathematics, I made a spectrum that I think the Systematist would incline to come up with, based on the premise that they have big fetish for interdisciplinary in many things.

    Classical: this is somewhat equivalent to rightism, but it is more about describing how likely a government is towards keeping “classical and traditional” institutions. Measured by using complicated mathematics (very appealing to Systematist ideals of science) to deduce the probability for any government to keep traditional institutions for any year, and how uncorrelated are between the needs of people and governmental policies.

    Quantum: somewhat equivalent to leftism, but is distinguished by different ways to evaluate how “progressive” a government is. The dichotomy Classical/Quantum is directly imported from Physics, but modified so that it is more focused on tendency/probability towards changes. Also, a feature of quantum physics is correlation, and so government on farther quantum spectrum tends to have stronger correlation between its people and policy makers.

    Stochastic: somewhat equivalent to libertarian or anarchy. Calculations on degree of stochastic is based on how large the concerned government is, and their ability to mobilize their population. Instead of probability theory, the mathematics used here comes from statistics on how many projects are completed, and how organized the people are. Say, OTL Somali will score really high on degree of Stochastic, or, very anarchy.

    Ordered: somewhat equivalent to authoritarian, and is the opposite of Stochastic. To score high on ordered scale, the government of concerned is usually big, and its population highly mobilized or ready to follow the government’s lead. OTL Nazi Germany will score high on degree of Ordered.

    View attachment 571038
    A visualization of what this political spectrum could look like. To the hotter color side, is Classical, and to the cooler color side, is Quantum, since classical physics is prominent at high temperature and quantum physics dominates colder temperature. The upper half is Ordered, and the lower half is Stochastic.
    Meritocratic Monarchy
  • Perhaps not quite grand enough to be titled an 'ideology' but:
    Meritocratic Monarchy:
    The state is led by a Monarch, however, they're not decided by inheritance but an analysis of every eligible citizen's traits to decide the most competent candidate.
    Intelligence; empathy; honesty; strategic thinking; decision-making under pressure; ability to delegate; knowledge of governance, law and economics; and charisma are all tested for. The first rounds are via examinations and subsequently it becomes a competition between the brightest few.
    With the advance of women's rights the monarchy may become a Duarchy, with a separate office for King and Queen.
    Monarchs serve fixed terms of twenty years. In the fifteenth year of their reign the new selection process begins, it takes roughly a year and the final four years of their reign are spent mentoring the heir-apparent.
    In the event of premature death, a regency council will reign for five years in their stead as a new Monarch is decided and mentored.
  • Plethonism

    Based on the ideas and writing of the Late Byzantine philosopher Pletho. Could be applied in a surviving ERE or maybe a through Hellenist fervour in Modern Greece or the West.

    More moderately it it an ideology that encourage a common culture and language among people and a government based on Neoplatonist ideals, so a monarch advised by 'aristocrats' though the latter are learned men of merit rather than of noble blood. Not massively different from the Byzantine system of meritocracy from its golden age.

    Under Plethonism the army is composed of volunteers and funded collectively by society. In a modern context this applies to other public services including a welfare state. Slavery and serfdom is effectively abolished. Capital punishment is still legal though but not mutilation. Society is sexually modest.

    I forgot to add, it is anti-Christian. Instead it favours a moral foundation based on Hellenistic region and/or philosophy.

    Think of Plethonism as Enlightened Monarchy with personal freedoms and public services guaranteed on a foundation of classical philosophy. The Emperor is the Head of State and de jure Head of Government while his council are Ministers who were appointed from an Order of Merit. To ensure the consent of the people plebiscites are held to gauge the public attitude towards policy and the Office of Tribune is elected directly by the people but only forms part of the legislature with veto powers.
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    I don't even know what to call this. Willingness to risk your life = your vote counting for more.
  • Start with the whole 'service guarantees citizenship' Starship Troopers system. The novel version, specifically. The whole point of the system is to filter out people willing to suffer discomfort and possibly death for the sake of their convictions, under the assumption that only they can be trusted with political enfranchisement. Thing is, this makes the entire military regime an unnecessary expenditure of resources, the same effect could be achieved by having potential citizens play a round of russian roulette. Possibly also weigh the risk and voting rights together, have it so survivor-citizens who played with two rounds have their votes count for more, etc, with anyone with enough conviction to use all six rounds and die for their beliefs having an absolutely massive boost to their vote (which they'd write down beforehand, obviously).
    Militant Egoism
  • Militant-Egoism: An Ideology that gained popularity in the late 1880's as a counter to the momentum of Marxism. Egoism is the belief that man is ultimately a creature that places self-interest above anything else. Proponents of Egoism argue that it is not only Moral, but Natural to place self above all things. Anything that brings self gratification is ultimately right. Militant- Egoism rose from the chaos of WW1. Spread through the trenches by simply by conversing among each other, the ideology Spread through Europe like a tidal wave. Militant-Egoism seeks to topple every government across the globe, stating that a state of pure Anarchy is mankind's natural state of existence. As such, until such a moment that is accomplished, the ideology is thus spread at the end of a gun.
  • Nihilistic-Primitivism: Originating from the technology induced horrors of the first world war, Nihilistic-Primitivism teaches that life does not in of itself have any meaning, all our actions are based solely in artificially warped expressions of natural instincts. As such meaning or fulfillment can only be found by freeing oneself from man-made interests and desires, turning toward a more stone age or nomadic lifestyle, possessing the absolute minimum possessions. In doing so one can bring yourself closer to our ancestor's who only desired that which was necessary to live into the next day.
    Social Monarchism
  • (This is an actual ideology I have on a TL of mine)
    Social Monarchism
    Developed in the late 19th century by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, the Baron Lenin, a professor in the Saint Petersburg Imperial University, government official and journalist (as well as close friend and protegé of Empress Eudoxia Antonova of Russia, being a main enforcer of her personal branch of the Okrana), Social Monarch is, for the lack of a better explanation, a branch of Communism with the undisputable flavoring of Russian Despotism.

    First expressed by Lenin on his 1899 manifesto "The Monarchy and the People", in which he explained the ideology, Social-Monarchims believes that the only person capable of protecting the "proletariat" from the "Bourgeoisie" is the Monarch, a belief created by both his experiences in the Imperial Court, the Russian belief on "Papa Tsar" and Russian Autocracy, and even Inca Economy (who lacked a substantial market economy), and that for that reason all power should lies on his hands, as he is also the one most trained to "bear the burden of ruling and protecting"

    Critics of the ideology say that it is basically absolute monarchy but in an even greater level (as it also is not keen on a powerful nobility, believing that is better to have a bureaucracy centered on the monarch and that all wealth in the state should be on the hands of the state, not on the hands of nobles or bourgeois), and most socialists, communists and anarchists consider it to be a utter and vile twisting of Marx's works.

    Religion is considered to not be nescessary in Social Monarchism, but also is not shunned (as the Russian Tsars and most of other monarchies who practice it, like the Brazilian Emperors, tend to be a pious, if not extremist, bunch)
    Dark Forest Doxing: An Inversion Of Posadism
  • What would be the capitalist counterpart to posadism?
    For an inversion of 'we need to attract aliens because they'll be good communists like us', 'we need to not draw the attentions of aliens because they'll be imperialistic exploiters like us'...

    Dark Forest Doxing

    Imagine if instead of nuclear missiles, the North Koreans spent their money on building a radio telescope array to dwarf arecibo, gotten Kim Jong-un to record a message warning that this planet had an exponentially expanding, unstoppable-to-them faction of imperialistic capitalist americans bent on universal domination who must be RKKVed now in self-defense, while they're still only inhabiting a single planet so that remains an option and sol's location relative to multiple neighboring stars to allow the signal to be tracked, then threatened to broadcast it indiscriminately into space if attacked as a MAD deterrence.

    Bonus, this whole stupid idea is a semi-real ideology as demonstrated in a /sci/ thread where a bunch of /pol/acks showed up to request some /sci/ anons do the math for 'sol's location relative to multiple neighboring stars to allow the signal to be tracked' so they could blackmail (((society))) into giving them an ethnostate in exchange for not SWATing (((them))) with an alien invasion. The response consisted mostly of variations on 'you've been reading too much Liu Cixin', 'you couldn't get your hands on a transmitter powerful enough for the signal to not degrade into incomprehensible static before reaching another star' and 'no'.
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  • Brutism: Inspired by the Assassination of Julius Casear, the ideology teaches that it is the right and duty of the people to dispose of tyrants and despots, regardless of how they have used their power. It also places emphasis on limiting the overall power of the military, maintaining only the bare minimum necessary to defend the borders of the nation and its people, from both armies and foreign occupation. This ideology was formed in Germany in the years following the defeat of the Nazi regime, and placed emphasis on the idea of freeing the German people from the "military tyranny" of the west, and the despotism of the east.