Revolutionary Confuciansim
  • Presuming this is aimed at making non-existing ideologies, I have a weird one.

    Essentially, revolutionary confucianism.
    The core idea is that power, to be legitimate (in having the mandate of heaven) and strong, requires consistent and constant challenge.

    How I see this developing is in a "east asia industrialises first" tl as another approach at liberalesque values. The better versions would promote things like democracy as the constant challenge of the mandate, whilst darker versions form a sort of social darwinism.
  • So one of mines : Shepardism. Belief that the human being is part of the nature and has randomly developped a level of consciousness that makes it their duty to protect carbonated life on Earth, and take care of them until the lifespan of the Universe is ended.

    Another from a HoI4 tl idea :
    Travaillisme. Swiss Romandese version of communism, that believes everyone should be able to appreciate their work, to be able to provide the people with all they need without needing to resort on consumerism to hide people's work exhaustion. They tend to value social hobbies and promote house society
  • Neolubaism - ideology born and bred in Sub-Saharan Africa enshrining the right of each constituent people of a country to be represented in the halls of power in a manner directly proportional to their demographic weight within that same country, regardless of form of government and level of authoritarianism. Strange as it may sound, its adherents also stand in direct opposition to the political wing of the Pan-Africanist Movement, often decrying its ultimate goal as the dream of someone blind to how history shaped the relationships among the continent's peoples.
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  • Super fun stuff! I had one for a future history thing I'm working on called Cosmicism. Basically, society is divided between the Precariat (whose unifying characteristic is instability in consistent quality of life) and Kyriarchy (which is not a specific class or group but rather the web of connections that destabilizes the Precariat, and whoever profits off of it based on local context). Because climate shifts and resource scarcity (among other factors) expand the Precariat class by destabilizing existing societies it is the desire of Cosmicism to spread to encompass the entire human race, where the second stage goal becomes two-fold. First, because it considers itself a stabilizing force the entirety of human cultural history must be studied and preserved to serve as part of a universal human toolkit/monument to the human endeavor. Second, Cosmicism strives to expand human society beyond the Earth, both to extract resources (preserving the Earth's environment) and to prevent the total extinction of the human race in the event of a catastrophe.

    While fundamentally a big government ideology (and categorically convinced of individual insignificance on a historical scale), Cosmicism is actually a fairly libertarian ideology, on the basis that anything that doesn't threaten the cultural history/technical progress of the human race, or public order, or long term species survivability more generally is allowed. Human insignificance ironically makes most personal stuff far beneath concern for the state, and makes the cult of personality "Great Man" style of politics verboten.

    Styling itself the "Fourth Position" Cosmicism expands on the Marxist conception of history by swapping Liberalism for Capitalism and including Fascism as a reaction against Marxism. The current age is retroactively described as Nihilist, blending cynical distortions of the preceding stages in a terrible world destroying post-modern death spiral. Despite the fact that Cosmicism is a conscious reaction against it Nihilism is not considered an ideology in the Cosmicist conception of history.

    Cosmicist historiography is divided into two different core concepts. The Four Positions are arranged in a chain called the Leviathan, made up of a series of stages where each next link reacts against all the preceding links. The length of each stage is different and leaves stronger or weaker traces in each subsequent stage.
    1. The first (and chronologically longest) is Feudalism, using an intentionally imprecise definition to cover every hierarchical society between the formation of settled states and the Enlightenment. Feudalism is characterized by mercantilism.
    2. A desire for liberty would give rise to Liberalism during the Enlightenment, which is characterized by general government non-intervention in ordinary human affairs (in theory at least). Liberalism and Socialism rely on different approaches to capitalism.
    3. A desire for equality gave rise to Socialism, which sought to use different degrees of government intervention to improve human affairs.
    4. A desire for fraternity would lead to Fascism, as conceptions of state and nation would be used to focus government intervention toward (or against) specific groups to strengthen social cohesion.
    5. Nihilism would congeal from the remains of the first three positions, relying on distorted history and a retrocultural impulse to try to shape social and governmental affairs. Because it is not grounded in reality Nihilism represents terminal decline, producing a fear of the future.
    Cosmicism divides the future history into three stages of social complexity. The Leviathan is wholly contained in the Volksgeist stage of seperate states competing for dominance across history. A desire for eternity (a stable long-term flowering of human potential) ushers in the creation of Cosmicism and the Zeitgeist, a revolutionary wave. The ultimate success of the Zeitgeist would result in the Weltgeist, a united global humanity reaching out eagerly into the solar system.

    The Fourth Position views the left-right political spectrum as reductionist, and relies on a complex political spectrum with four different axes. Progressive/Conservative governs social attitudes, Authoritarian/Libertarian deals with levels of personal freedom, Gradual/Radical deals with the pace of Cosmicist reform, and finally Populist/Elite relates where the mechanism for implementing this reform comes from. Rather than reduce figures and nations to points on a line this has the effect of creating a descriptive shape instead.

    Theoretically at the conclusion of the Weltgeist stage a desire for expansion beyond the Solar System and a drive to achieve infinity would produce a Fifth Position capable of absorbing and surpassing Cosmicism in the creation of a constantly transforming human diaspora, not unlike the Scattering in Dune.
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  • Racinisme - basically a 18th century, revolutionary French version of the Soviet policy of Korenizatsiya: its adherents think that, in order to bring the masses closer to revolutionary ideals and push them away from the reactionary hold of altar and throne, the revolution should get closer to them: therefore, the old royal provinces should be preserved as provinces of a democratic, federal France, their local languages should be promoted and used in order to increase literacy and make it easier for the people to learn and use French proper, and local people should be given precedence over non-local people in the day to day administration of the provinces.

    I doubt this concept would go far in France, but I can see it become quite influential in Italy, Spain (where it would be incorporated into the proto-anarchist tendencies of the country's left) and even Switzerland, once Napoleon rolls in.
  • Protestocracy:
    • The form of government resulting in view that if a policy has critics, it does not pursue the common good
    • Those critics are not to go on and gossip and complain at bear. Every man views himself as a perfect prime minister, and the manager of the national representation in sports.
    • The attitude show how it can be done better prevails
    In practice, anyone who calls a demonstration automatically becomes in charge of government... Until a next demonstration is called

    Likely outcomes: early on, many individuals with various different views try to present their ideology. Any imposition of ideology is however challenged ; ultimately either the government stabilizes on a non-ideological stewardship, or you get the military protesting and establish a junta.
  • Pygmalionism
    Based on the ideas of the Irish man George Bernard Shaw in the play Pygmalion.
    Social reform through language.
    All accents and dialects are abolish and everyone is forced to speak a standard version of the language through the use phonetics to prompt social mobility, reduce class division and equal opportunity for all.

    That could have problem in China due to the written language there.
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  • Safavidism

    Safavidism was created as a theocratic ideology by some clergy from Qom in the 1870s, which claimed that the Safavids were Sayyid descendants and thus rightful leaders of the Muslims, the Twelvers in particular. All the Twelvers were obliged to swear loyalty to the Shah of Shahs of Persia as long as it were the Sayyids. Helping in favor of the Shah meant that the Twelver community would become stronger and grow further. It rejects all forms of Republicanism in Persia while supporting it Shia majority regions outside Persia as possibls allies/sattelites of Persia as long as it was in combination with Sharia Law. Communism, Nationalism and Liberalism were seen as devilish creation rejected. The Shahs government would be lead by the clergy and Sayyids in particulars to ensure a pure Islamic society. Private property was respected as long as the people give 25% donation from their income as tax. Industries were to be left for state use only. In theory this would mean that the Shahs power would be reduced just as a constitutional monarchy but instead of MP's with the highest clergy of the country. The Shah was used as a symbolic amir of the Twelvers of the world. Unlike the reactionary or conservatives, these theocrats were in favor of certain modernisation to keep the State free from foreign threats and give aid to supporters.

    The Safavid Shahs saw Safavidism as an undermining movement of radical clergy to turn the Shah into a puppet and persecuted it as late as the 1990s until the ideology died out due to the declining religiosity. Safavidism was replaced by other forms of theocratic ideologies in the 1920s. It never got more suport than 5% of the Shia Clergy in Persia. The largest support base was however among Indian Shias which used it as a "justification of war" against the Europeans and Mughal Emperor in India, with 33%.

    The Ottomans, Mughals and the British persecuted the organisation outside Persia.
    Imperialism & Nationalism
  • For my version of a Tory America/FWOAN universe, and a very different French Revolution and Civil War, instead of “left” and “right” ideologies, the best I could come up with are “Imperialism” and “Nationalism.” Basically
    • Imperialism promotes a strong projection of the military abroad, and free trade at home. It supports the supremacy of the Imperial Congress/Diet over the several Parliaments in foreign and interregional affairs, an independent Imperial Navy funded by tariffs and seignorage of the American dollar, jus soli citizenship throughout the Empire, uniform traffic laws, electric standards, university examinations, unannounced global atomic energy inspections and colonization of outer space.
    • Nationalism promotes a local military independent of the Empire and economic protectionism. It supports supremacy of Parliament in all matters, with the Imperial Congress/Diet a mere diplomatic forum, a local navy funded and controlled by Parliament, a freely floating dollar for each Realm, jus sanguinis citizenship, local traffic laws (to the point of left- or right-hand traffic!) and transmission of electricity, independent universities, atomic controls free from international visits and a veto on spaceflights over the country.
    I will be posting more details in the future.
  • Freudism. A political ideology designed by Sigmund Freud saying psychologist should lead a nation on psychological principles and that every other ideology failed becuase it failed to take humans as they are. Religions want people to be more moral, Democracy demands people be more rational, and communism demands they be more selfless.
    Laconophilia, Jombooism & Alternate Historicism
  • Laconophilia
    The guiding philosophy of Militarist France, Laconophiliacs primary ideological goal is the 'resurrection' of Spartan culture and society through universal life long universal male conscription, perpetual military buildup and a brutal eugenics program. Like the original Sparta, Militarist France's obsession with their own military buildup has stunted their society and economy since the end of their Civil War 40 years ago. The massive French army relies on a large army of slaves (mostly comprised of Italians, Germans, Hugenots, and 'Blood Criminals' to support the armed forces). This structure means that France has great success in short engagements (like the Seizure of Northern Italy) but is unable to support itself in drawn out campaigns (Like the English and Spanish Wars).

    The term draws its name from the Mandingian cultural figure Maamajomboo. During the Wars of Resistance against the colonial powers political and military leaders adopted his visage and persona so that they could reintegrate themselves into society should their rebellions fail as well as allowing Maamajomboo to rise from the dead multiple times during the Wars of Resistance greatly boosting the morale of the Madinga while demoralizing their enemies. To this day we do not know everyone who was taken up the identity of Maamajomboo or who currently leads the Mandingian Republic under that moniker. Nor is Mandingia the only nation to embrace Jombooism the collision of folklore and telepolitics has led to similar anti-colonial uprisings lead by King Arthur (England), Hong Gil-dong (Goryeo-Manchu) and Koschei the Deathless (United Slavia).

    Alternate Historicism
    While not the only feature of the current Hawaiian society, Alternate Historicism is one of the most commonly referenced social policies when discussing why Hawaii under the Mahalo Regime is one of the most totalitarian societies on Earth. As stated by the Hawaiian government, the goal of Alternate Historicism is to, "ensure that the hearts of our children will sing with eternal thanks to their ancestors for protecting their beautiful nation" (this theme of eternal thanks is why Hawaii's government is called the Mahalo Regime). In the real world this policy is an attempt to decolonize Hawaiian society in a single generation by teaching children that their nation has been involved in a might struggle to protect themselves from the outside world that only ended shortly after they were born rather than try to teach them the actual history of their country. While children are separated from things that might give them opposing ideas (such as accurate history books, foreign languages, and in some cases their own parents). The first generation to live under Alternate Historicism are currently 15-16 years old, what few soundbites we can get from their classes seems to reveal that they know almost nothing about the outside world and firmly believe that Hawaii has been a rich and feared independent state since their crushing victory in the War of Global Imperialistic Aggression almost 500 years ago, despite that not being true. Despite concerns over the Mahalo Regime, the success of the United Ainu Kingdoms homeschooling program, utopian societies and the rise of telestates means that Alternate Historicism will likely remain a minor political ideology for the foreseeable future.
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    Ultra-Calvinist Nationalism & Fanonism
  • Ultra-Calvinist Nationalism

    The Calvinist notion that those who are saved and those who are dammed have been predetermined by God is taken to a nationalist extreme, in which all those who have been elected by God should be unified under one state, based on the legal and spiritual systems of the Republic of Geneva during the rule of Calvin and his followers. According to Ultra-Calvinist Nationalism, it is the role of this state to export the faith in order to convert others who were determined to be saved. This must come at any cost, whether through peaceful conversion or through military force.


    Based on the works of Franz Fanon, Fanonism concerns itself with violent overthrow of colonialism but also with removing it's remnants (for instance White cultural and social norms) to create a truely post-Colonial society. It emphasizes the nurturing of national and pan-national cultures, political and economic self-sufficiency, indigenous institutional structures, but also the adoption of Western concepts in order to compete in a Western-dominated world in order to push forward with the process of decolonization. Fanonists were the main force behind the creation of the pan-African language, Frato.
    Political Physiocracy/Fundamentalist Georgism & Organicism
  • I've thought about two concepts from OTL that could be exaggerated in their idiosyncrasy and become "political ideologies":

    1) Political Physiocracy or Fundamentalist Georgism - based on the Illuminist idealized version of the agrarian society as the most pure and uncorrupted. From the premise that all the wealth comes from the land and the earth, it would innaugurate some form of rural collectivism, but with a purposeful (and not accidental), albeit gradual, abandonment of the urban civilization. In essence, it would be a State-enforced fugere urbem, and its political organization is usually centered in provincial entities (parishes, counties, pagi, etc). Industrialism would be anathema to this system, but its emphasis in a collectivist economy brings a promise of a proto-utopian and non-conflicted society.

    2) Organicism - it is based on the "Organic Work" concept developed by Polish thinkers, one especially interesting in the Colonial and Imperialist world. The basic gist is to create a policy of conformism by subject minorities, but in exchange, it would ensure the preservation of its cultural individualities; that is, a form to conciliate the premises of nationalism with imperialism. It might gain traction in multi-ethnic empires that had no condition of resisting a strong imperial power, such as those of the Russian and British Empires. It would be an interesting experiment to see it in the British Raj, but also in colonial Africa.
    English Socialism
  • Pan-Anglo-Saxonism: A formal name for the ideology that calls for English speaking peoples to grow closer together and to form a single nation at its most extreme/optimistic. I don't consider this a new ideology, so mcuh as just a name for what already exists in OTL for all those who call for a united Anglosphere.

    English Socialism(EngSoc): An ideology developed in Britain in reaction to the rising power of Germany, as well as a result of the inequality amongst the British masses. It called for Britain to throw off its old Norman influence, in the form of its upper classes and monarchy, and to instead embrace a more explicitly Germanic identity, while also seeing that all English are treated equally. This would also mean removing the non-Germanic influence in the English language,renaming cities, taking more "German" sounding names, and also joining Germany in an alliance. This movement would particularly pick up speed in the aftermath of the Anglo-German War, which would see the UK broken up into its constituent nations, while also not being treated to badly by their German occupiers. It also really helped that the British Government, Royal Family included, had already left Britain a year before and had been leading the nation in a failing war, that they are often blamed for starting, from afar in Canada. In terms of economy, English Socialism is basically the OTL Nordic Model, though it still goes for rather Brutalist aesthetics that one would not find out of place from the OTL Eastern Bloc. In terms of government, English Socialism still calls for a democratic nation, though it to be more accessible to the regular people and to not just those who can afford to campaign elections. When it comes to religion, EngSoc is about as tolerant to religion, in public, as the French in OTL are, though otherwise it doesn't bother much with it.
    National Imperialism
  • Right now I can think of the following:

    National-imperialism (naimper)

    When a people becomes a nation state, its main objective is to become the predominant nation state of its region, in other words, its hegemon, by obtaining its natural borders and preventing its neighbors from doing the same, creating dependent satellite states of the national empire.

    Types of national-imperialism:

    -Ethnic: When national boundaries to be reached only include one ethnic group.

    -Civic: When the national borders to be reached include different ethnic groups united by a common destiny.
    Restorationism & Divisionism
  • Restorationism: A movement developing in North America after the Panic of 1873 advocating for the "restoration" of the Great Experiment, reunification in some form between the United States and the Confederate States that ultimately bares fruit. Compare to Divisionism, an ideology present in both north, but especially south adamantly opposing Restoration in ANY form.
    Six Schools/Neolegalism
  • So something I've been wondering for the past couple of days: what sort of scenario could see one or more of the Chinese Six Schools (Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, Mohism, Yin-Yang, and Logicians) mature/evolve into competitive political ideologies (in the modern sense) in the wider East Asian region and eventually beyond? Maybe a different Warlord Period at the latest, or perhaps an earlier fall of the Qing? Of course the ultimate accomplishment of such an ideology would essentially be a reverse PRC scenario, namely a western nation reorganizing along the lines of an eastern ideology. I'd say some strain of Neo-Legalism would be the most likely to achieve such a result.
    Amazing Alternate Political Compass!
  • The only political compass you'll ever need:

    Let me know if you'd like to learn more about any of these.
    Incanidad (a sort of Inca/Peruvian Nationalism)
  • Incanidad

    During the Peruvian Revolution (1925-1936) a new attitude began to emerge, first in the countryside in revolutionary circles, that rejected the prevalent admiration for European society and dismissive attitudes towards Peru's indigenous heritage. As the revolution drew to a close in its final years, this new movement was embraced and utilized to create a new, populist, nationalism by the Partido Revolucionario Político y Social (PRPS) who emerged victorious from the war. Coined by President Fernando Huancahari Garcia, Incanidad stressed the importance of Peru's Incan heritage in the creation of the Peruvian nation. According to Garcia, an undeniable Incan spirit has always remained with the nation and its people, but had been supressed by the Peruvian elite, and by foreign powers. It meant Peru not only was unique compared to the West and much of South America, its people were superior. PRPS saw it's neighbours in Ecuador, Colombia, Chile and Bolivia as nations with peoples with that same Incan blood, or at least with some regions that shared Incan heritage, and it drove policies of supporting Incanidad movements in those countries, or attempts to take land by force. In Peru it saw a generation of Peruvian artists inspired by indigenous art, indigenous languages were spoken more regularly and indigenous names became highly popular.
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  • How does this one sound...

    The philosophy of theoliberalism aims to combine theocracy with liberalism. On the theocratic side, religion is at the heart of theoliberal society and government. All state ceremonies are religious in nature, involving prayer, worship, sacrifices to the Gods, healing rituals, and countless other ways of integrating the spiritual into the political. Believers in theoliberalism, generally speaking, maintain that the scriptures of their religion are completely true, when correctly interpreted, and that Gods and other spiritual entities play an active role in earthly affairs. Typically, but not always, theoliberals also believe that while there are strong and benevolent Gods watching over us, there are also powerful evil Gods or spirits seeking to enslave the world to their will. Since the beginning of time, the forces of good and evil have been locked in a great struggle in which the fate of the whole universe is at stake. In theoliberalism, the good Gods, despite their immense fortitude, cannot win the battle against evil on their own, so they need the help of their children - the human race. An in order for humanity to most effectively help the good Gods triumph over evil, each individual must be able to fulfill their true potential.

    This brings us to the liberal side of theoliberalism. Since all people have a role to play in winning the war against the Evil Ones, it naturally follows that people must not be held back by selfish tyrants and oligarchs who wish to treat the people like property. Therefore, all tyrants and their enforcers, whatever ideology they claim to subscribe to, must be swiftly deposed and punished. Even in cases when authoritarian governments are effective at raising the general standard of living, they are too prone to corruption to be trusted with power. Theoliberals are thus strong advocates of the right to vote, the right to a fair trial, the right to go on strike and peacefully protest, and other policies that they see as safeguards against overreach by governments, corporations, or demagogues. When it comes to religion, the theoliberals are somewhat more authoritarian, as they make it quite clear that their religion is the one that is most pleasing to the Gods, and their policies reflect this. In their eyes, all other faiths are somewhat further removed from the truth, but they still exist for a reason. That reason is usually to provide some element that can be incorporated into the dominant faith. In line with this view of other faiths as inferior but necessary, legislatures and government agencies in theoliberal states tend to set aside some seats for non-dominant religions, so that their members can feel included in the policies of the state, despite being unable to legally challenge the hegemony of the dominant religion.