
  1. Delete it.

    Delete it.
  2. In Your Heart, You Know He's Right: Goldwater's America and Beyond

    IN YOUR HEART, YOU KNOW HE'S RIGHT In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts. Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 PROLOGUE Huh, Barry Goldwater 1964. Wait, what? Barry Goldwater? That's not possible. Well, seems like it is, or will be. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but I'm going to figure...
  3. Archduke

    Baltic Blunder: Europe at war in 1727

    Baltic Blunder An expanded Anglo-Spanish War of 1727 TL Preface I find European history from the first half of the 18th century to be incredibly interesting. This period involved three major European wars, the War of the Spanish Succession, the Great Northern War, and the War of the Austrian...
  4. Delete it.

    Delete it.
  5. AstroRangerBeans

    The True Divided Nation: History of the World
    Threadmarks: Main

    FOREWORD In this pursuit of knowledge, historians have long debated among themselves over the interpretations of historical events. This knowledge finds itself in an existing manner and the grand enlightenment would have been thrived more but there's more making their event as a fact while...
  6. AltoRegnant

    The War Down In Dixie-An Escalated American Civil War

    POD- The southern plantations privately modernize much of their agriculture, similar to how the Cotton Gin kick started American industrialization. Thus, the south exports enough cotton that Britain is seriously entertaining the notion of recognizing the Confederate States of America. ---------...
  7. Pressedflowers

    In the Style of the Ancients

    What are some thoughts about how to write a TL? I'm writing a Byzantine one, and am struggling if I should write it in a textbook style, or take the style of Skylitzes or Theophanos? Am I writing a story or a chronicle?
  8. Entrerriano

    Good Winds: A British Invasion of Buenos Aires Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Fall of Buenos Aires

    The Spanish Empire was the largest Empire the world had ever seen. With territories in five continents, it was truly the Empire where the Sun never set. However, it was not destined to last forever. The change from the 18th to the 19th Centuries was a violent one. The French Revolution and the...
  9. Alaska: The United States' Little Russia

    Part 1 - The Alaskan Gold Rush of 1867 For most of the 19th century, the Russian Empire had been in decline. An old-fashioned, conservative absolutist monarchy with a vast colonial empire spanning both Europe and Asia, it suffered from political instability, a harsh, repressive government, and...
  10. BiteNibbleChomp

    The Twin Vipers: A TL of the Berlin-Moscow Axis
    Threadmarks: 7/39-9/39

    World War II has been, for nearly eighty years, characterised not by the efforts of the millions of soldiers who fought in it, or by the sweeping social changes that followed it, but by the infamous, and bizarre, alliance of the two most evil dictators to ever rule: Hitler and Stalin. Two men...
  11. tbguy1992

    The Storm of Normandy: A Failed D-Day Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue, June 19, 1944

    Prologue Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty...
  12. A Collaborative Alternate History Timeline (CAHT)

    POD is Jan 1, 1900 Keep it realistic Feel free to discuss any events people have made You don't have to make it too dissimilar to OTL No ASB Formatting is like this - Date: Event Have fun! I noticed there was a lack of Collaborative Alt-History timelines so I decided to make one.
  13. Collaborative Timeline of the Future: Maps/Graphics Thread

    Hub (rules are also on here)
  14. Sabot Cat

    The Real Deal? A Kerry Wins TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: 2004-2005

    The Real Deal? A Kerry Wins TL Chapter 1: 2004-2005 NYT breaks warrantless wiretaps On Oct. 18, 2004, the New York Times broke that President George W. Bush had authorized a secret warrantless surveillance program. [1] The president defended the program as necessary to save American lives...
  15. AntoniousTheBro

    Timeline proposal: The Beasts of Europe

    The idea is of a Russian, German and Italian alliance. i do know of the twin eagles and lion timeline which i do enjoy however, i have several problems with it so i am taking a shot at my own. though quick gripe i am assuming their title is referring to the 3 nations themselves eagles...
  16. King of the Uzbeks

    Our Blood we will give, for glory we only have

    Our Blood we will give, for glory we only have An Alternate History of Portugal, Brazil, and the World ... "Here, oh Most Excellent King Are the sacred vows That the honoured Lusians Come freely, come freely proclaim Come freely proclaim For thee, for the Fatherland Our Blood we will give...
  17. Rorke

    A Bull Moose in Office

    I am starting a TL about what if Roosevelt won in 1912 and brought the US into WWI early.
  18. TheMiddlePolitical

    Poll for my alternate timeline

    I am writing up ideas for scenarios. For elections I will be using President Inifinity-https://270soft.com/us-election-games/president-election-game-2016-infinity/ This means I really won't be using pre election polls consistently like most timelines on this forum. ( I will do some stuff leading...
  19. The Sultanate of Rumistan: An Alternate Anatolia
    Threadmarks: Part 1: The Battle of Köse Dağ

    The Battle of Köse Dağ It came as quite a surprise, a fearful shock, when those northeastern barbarian Mongols surged through the great fields and steppes of central Asia and conquered the whole of the Empire of Khwarezm, and they were not going anywhere. The empire of these horse-riding nomad...
  20. Zyobot

    Potential Reverse Cold War Timeline w/Pre-1900 PoDs

    If you've kept up with my posts, you'll know that I've started a few Reverse Cold War threads; that is, a global standoff that takes place between a communist America and a capitalist Russia. Most of the approaches on this site, at least to me, seem to rely on rather doubtful post-1900 PODs...